Some might recall the last time I had to replace a service. Namely JSFIDDLE*, which suddenly decided to unlist all my fiddles. (as of end2024 they made "seeing ppls lists of fiddles a premium features. Good luck staying organized hah)
My solution ? Code a simple php and js to list my code like this. Also keeping a (roughly a few months old) backup on github too, just incase)
--------And today ?----------
Well. Bowlroll blatantly deleted /all/ of my 30 models I had uploaded.
No questions asked.
Had I not kept backups. I'd have lost the work of the past 4 months.
forever ...
I quickly whipped [src ] up an alternative solution that renders a preview image and allows zip download. (Just like bowlroll. Minus the rules, toxicity, japanese exlusivity and hard-to-migrate stucture. And the stupid UI. I hate it.)
Eitherhow. I suppose you could say I was "let of with a warning".
I also backup my images drawn, my youtube videos uploded any my cod programmed on my own servers and places.
Don't. Trust. The. Internet. to keep your stuff safe.
The adage "if it's on the internet just once..."
Is false for your own data.
- alcea.
*(I also have a codepen... can't be sure that will be around forever either huh ?. Replit also disabled all rendering for repls. Unless you pay up. lovely.)