Full notes: https://alcea-wisteria.de/PHP/xnotes/notes/load.php
---(need to reenable save.php, for it to work !)---
Doc @ NU
Full notes: https://alcea-wisteria.de/PHP/xnotes/notes/load.php (src)

15:18 https://ry3yr.github.io/backupGLRouter.zip 
(GL Mifi (eStone) OpoenWRT backup file
Flash via )

11:10 R.wing ouch on wakeup

Sturz auf den ausgestreckten Arm, Auffangen eines Sturzes https://www.apotheken.de/symptome/12674-arm-und-ellenbogenbeschwerden-nach-gewalteinwirkung
22:02 Grrreat.. Vroid hub broke CaiusQualls ComPletly
Had to reexport him pmx via pmx2vrm (unity failed) and then reenable the face textures via VRM Texture tool. 
Trucy Wright's cloak is broken too..
Why do they keep changing stuff ?!!
7:32 r.hand numb on wakeup. Bloodflow 

20:43 Can't fully extend r.arm 180° anymore after drop.
Only like 174°. Stupid elbow
18:43 Mizar M can be convinced to print "okay" after:
* rescrew and tightenninternal gear screw of e0 filament feeder
* Use Gradient Module
=>> Seperate Feeder is an utter failure, keeps blocking. prolly broken
6:45 OFF Course !... S6aLite usbc charge disconnexted -> powered off.
=>> SteamDeck autoconnected to TPLink and esxhausted all of the remaining 25gigb of mobile Data .. Nice

20:10 Poo lookin normal. Ate tuna w rice yesterday

22:22 Mizar M is TRASH. Stops filament feed on either side when it feels like. if feed, feeds too little.. not. one. successful print. even kobra2 was better. Fck 3d printers. 150€ for nothing.Hasn't even gotten  Klippeer config
5:30 if belly no hurty fontanelle heady does.
Wish for a hug of xyz en.. Sadly not around as usual..

23:16 left side bottom teeth pocket swollen (still). Floss. More !
9:10 Let off @ Allgair (via clssca => jobless)
App allgr quit 20 ppl.. Oh well. Fools

(Cortison salbe f. R. Arm)
18:17 r. Bottom belly ouchy
12:06 I shall visit dermatologist cause redness @ r. arm 12:08 Can decide whether start work again nxt week 12:00 Acc to Dox ä. LeaveOff dur sickness "is possible"
8:11 Head bettah (snc switch (mold? White) cushion to red deko one.
- pseudo siarrea n belly pain remain 4 now. But less drrea

13:13 Blood-y taste in mouth... But no blood in sputum

12:39 CDBurnerXP csn burn Audio CDs !
11:15 At Rinse - led blink, refill waterfill starts washing again
11:23 the new washmachine can drain by itself !
11:02 Costway wash!achine: fill with showerhead, waterlevel:LOW, start

15:45 Found extra printer carts. in. the. cupboard
14:34 3DPrinter extruder noztze clogged => packaged up kobra2
=> ordered 150€ multiextruder printer

10:54 Eye midl thing is good after warmshower
10:02 Holy F@#€ ?! The Birthday filment colored I got are all ABS !!
W TF ? Thank goodness my printer refused em !!!
Had I printed with em I'd be done for !!!! (Stashed em outside !!! On the lil shelf infront toilet)
9:52 r.elbow pulsed at end of 40min warmmshower
9:25 strng dsrkblob @cnter bothvision when open eyes.
Slept 6:00*-8:56,at 17°~C

21.1 [STOP 3D Printing]
11:23 Unload filament - nothing more to print atm. (Also PLA gasing heaslth risks are uncleaar..
Even *with* enclosure and active filter: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nofn_MHrxrs&t=682s
10:00 Attempting to print https://3axis.co/foldablecollapsable-cd-standrack-3d-printer-model/0rkygdq5kn/ was a Failure.
Re-Printes bnottom part 4 times, even with rafts: Sucks
Top Part keeps layer shifting.
Nomore 3d Printing aside special parts.

23:45 ds4 pairs to 8bitdo adapter, but connection instable.. Forget it
14:23 dad said "heat in fh appartment" -> lüft more often ?!
7:40 Mold near bead again.SIIIGH (thats why my eyes burnt ystrday)

10:35 Fredl AdMitted internet in FH is terrible lol
10:34 Cylinder for FH door will take up2 3weeks (Schlüsselfritz - Augsburg)
10:33 Light in FH (m y) wc goes on "Allgemeinstrom" huh

20:56 home from bg to bg trainstation - i feel light.
Sure r arm is battered, but all good, no need 2 work at fckng allgair yaay
Freetime is metime
17:00 Dad helped assemble ds4 lefthand adapter
10:05 Huh ?! Scale showed 60,3kg ?!!! Rrweighted, now 64,1
W T F was that misscaleee l

14:53 dads bday multicolor 1,75mm filament wont print even at 22°C/85°C...
The white one I ordered works despite being +0.03
(Set printer to 80% (stable printrate)
10:36 Moni said "m shirt / hoodie stanks"
Oh well wash em.
10:23 Gotten used to doing everything w left

14:23 uters vs Gonads
https://cdn.lecturio.de/wp-content/uploads/Gross-anatomy-of-the-female-reproductive-system.jpg https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/51/72/66/360_F_151726609_AR0Zidyn74YyLB8oW601ESsDk8S3KI8K.jpg
9:14 soonest eyedoc app: march ?! https://www.doctolib.de/augenheilkunde/gunzburg
9:13 3d printer filament: empty

9:45 Showerin w left arm 

#Nintendo :
#PS4 :
13:56 moni said "not drinking & eating @ work" might be the cause for tummy ache at work
13:22 guess ppl ask ab. "Sick calls" often.
Doc assistant seemed annoyed.
- Perhaps arm itself (lower) is broken
13:06 R.arm, no fracture.
But swelling confuses doxs @ gz krankenhaus
(Asked me about tetanus cause hand wound)
9:27 Guess Moni doesn't consider Sis&me "children". Never did probably.
Telling me " can still walk to Klinik wizth battered arm, if hold it w. left arm"
Insane innanity

12:40 Drra n headache .. Flu ?
Kinda dont wanna work, but snow on street has melted off, its late shift (14:00-23:00) do I have a reason to complain ??

1:56 #dream sleep nxt to someone xlosely in bed (yv)
They are always there, sometimes even snore hihi.
I can even lay my arm around em.

11:16 NK Abrech for 2024: 170€
(Gave Fredi the battered cylinder and informed of closed wash rooms in cellar.
Have him vodafone nr. (of my router) and @protonmail.com adress (he sent mail, it worked)
(# App I'm supposed to "clean the loo", why does this landlord be so annuing)
Good thing I locked the Showerroom.. Thwt nosyness is a nuisance)
(I and chris are "supposed to clean the stairways ?" .. Man. Y ?)

13:42 Did the floaters in ny l.eye get more ?

(TWICE OCT N DEC. AND both times a rash.
1. collarbone 4 weeks
2. arm inside)
=> If ever asked again, /or/ see written in as nightshift:
Say. No.

23:50 Loool ? Wakup at 23:50 ?????
K. Nightshift would begin @ 21:30..
Nxt train to GZ @ 0:26 
Guess I'll stay at home from work today (wtf??)
How did I I over sleeeep this ?!?
(Late shift (14:00-23:00) nxt monday !!!

In addition to yemolde belly hurtzin at times..
My legs feel weak if stsndup from layin down too long
What sup ? Low bp ?

22:51 Chris askd about anti throath pain bonbons. I had none
(Acd to him things are goin around covid n flu.
Cancom curr has no work.
App ppl wait for their "lay offs" at times ?)
Accto chris ppl are "calling in sick" until they are "let off" huh.
21:28 Flippin drra.. ugh
11:56 #dream .. Not happy, slemdering along street, but "at least I'm in Würzburg"..
Buying 2 orange " Durstlöscher" n 2 choc crossaint at street vendor

5:50;John&Serrat werent there this night. It was peaceful
2:16 Left palm ouchy (drive to work was very Colditz!)
16:12 Snickers tasting.. Awful ?? Yuck.
Me throwing choco away... Augh
14:00 Feeling very wonky n tired

22:56 Dark-ish patches on poo ? (Like standart brown, then extra bit darker).
Choco ? Or the reason for my bellypain sincd November ?
Mais / Corn still unprocessed.

11:00 foldable ebike arrived... Accu is busted. Rest of bike is in good shape (right brske br0ken)
2:52 red eye irritates.. Warm house air ?!
1:45 Katrielle Layton Switch game is charming !

22:01 #dream 1) bowlroll deleted all my stuff.. Again ?! 2) giganto version of kkj bluray & soundtrack...?
12:05 left throath side ouchy shile swallow food. Stood out in cold ystrdy too long...

16:05 r.leg collapsed as walked outta bed (slept in ???), fell on floor ugh

23:01phillip said "will leave allgair in 2025"
22:00 the flippers removed AlL ThrEe Cupboards ???
Belly Pain is less pronounced if eat b4 day end and day beginning.
Stomach wants to be filled ?
(Also drink 0.5 l at work !!)
(Orrr was me drinking tap waterinstead of pfanner icetea a good idea ?)

23:40 ali said "faldely bound propellor at his other firm" was covered by insurabce
22:12 Jenny said "b" gibo (upon ne asking y wrong) and c gibo are always wrong.
18:54 Wrote mail to ZA firm about leaving Allgaier and being sent elsewhere !!!
18:56 Prepped (worstcase) kündigung for ZA firm
18:34 Loss of weight now at 62 kg
1 hour to work
1) nightshift
2) bad coordination
3) belly pinch snc 4 weeks
4) "shiftleaders" know everything. Better
=> time to quit
6:23 Drive home w.o. doing "Übergabe" today.
feel free ! yay

18:23 let's drink water for the forseeable future ice tea is meh.
Also fck sugar. Not gaining weight either...
14:17 Stupid redness in armbend still persists.. Beh !
6:48 Poopin lotta lately (+belly pain) sity flun??? 
19:34 Boring. Listless
• Games: Switch, SteamDeck, csn play what I wish: uninterested
• MMDing/Modelling: Figured out nhow2 bonemorph2blendshape. Can model ANYTHING: disinterested
•Drawing: Even Yusaao I only barely draw. Too tired
•Music: only listening. Sad songs. Calm songs. No energy left
15:45 bottom row gums bleeding af.
brushed teeth, used interental brush. bled.
Wat. Brush 3 times a day/night ?
15:43 63,1 kg. I ate half a banana split cake yesterday b4 sleep. W.T.F.
Fuck nightshift. Fuck allgaier. fck being a teamleader. Fck everything

Gesicht entspannen: Schließt die Augen und konzentrieren euch darauf, Stirn, Wangen und Kiefer zu lockern. Schultern und Arme lösen: Senkt die Schultern und lasst die Arme entspannt neben dem Körper ruhen. Oberkörper beruhigen: Atmet tief ein und aus, um Brust und Bauch zu entspannen. Hüften und Beine lockern: Richtet eure Aufmerksamkeit darauf, die untere Körperhälfte zu entspannen. Gedanken klären: Verbringt 10 Sekunden damit, den Geist zu leeren, und stellt euch vor, wie ihr in einem Kanu auf einem ruhigen See liegt oder in einer Hängematte in einem dunklen Raum ruht. https://www.antenne.de/experten-tipps/gesundheit/in-2-minuten-einschlafen-mit-diesem-militaer-trick
17:40 Belly pain d.t. MOLD ?!!
(Mold was in burnable trash d.t. baguett from weeks ago. OOOPPS ????
Nowonder I feel like TRASH !)

22:12 Zfold inner screen broke in middle (black) upon unfold.
21:12 "gibis are not propre by lateshuft" towards earlyshift
==put into=> why didnt nightshift correct em.
fck. em.
20:52 Rest vacation days have to be taken b4 year end !!
(otherwise will expire @ allgaier)
#ppl who dont hand in by then expire automatically!!
=> if handed in but "impossible":
==>> transact till next year

22:45 Rainer said "ppl wont report broken parts" as they "fear for their job"
lol. yeah. the same ppl that ignore his orders, or sit around doing nothing ?!
21:45 stood outside leitstand1...
Asked to "come in" by other teamleader n shiftleader..
"Don't you belong with us" they ask
(Actually.  I feel more at home with common workers..
Delegation, hubris and being part of the silly decision squad bores me.
Lemme do my job.
I'm not others babysitter, not do I want to listen to complaints of superiors)
7:12 Did I forget to turn down the tapwater in the wc this morning (19:56) ?!
23:55 Cute. The timekeeper (stechuhr) at allgair runs windows (hung up on me retracting my vacation offer then switching view)
21:12 Scratchy throath
20:59 Eva was app wuit (acc to Thomas) as she disliked new blue OME
20:54 Ulping alot lately... ugh

21:40 They quit eva after 3 weeks of sick leave
19:45 Worst part of being tired\sick\exhausted: Ppl look at you so stupidly.
Cashiers, passerbys etc.
If you had to endure thos sh#-€% looks all your lyfe it'd be a real burden.
F#€% ppl.
19:05 Stupid belly pain.. Or is it high BP ?
Too lil sleep, thsts for sure. Maybe a lil flu extra too snc weeks.
Nightshift since last week didn't help either...
8:33 Blendshape morphs in mmd (from bone model)
Ok. How to "convert" bone morphs to regular morphs: 
1. have a model with bones and save it as "non bone" version: This one has "0" bones. 
2. The same one, but WITH bones: (you can remove the bones by selecting "b" and then "delete" on the keyboa -> now just save-as new (boneless-default.pmx) Take special note: the models MUST be exactly the same size. So don't apply any modifiers on save <%

13:52 https://www.007b.com/breast_gallery.php

13:02 https://web.archive.org/web/20240902183845/https://onlinebetaalplatform.nl/de/public/support/tkt_9d31e27e66dc/de2ebfdda7f931a8f75787669834f5db71d17d57
13:00 Was folgte, war nach seinem Erleben, eine Zitterpartie: Der Verkäufer erhielt laut Chat lediglich den Hinweis, dass die Zahlung aussteht, nicht aber, dass dies am Zahlungsdienstleister von kleinanzeigen.de liegt. Die Abbuchung des Betrages von über 250 Euro vom Konto des Lesers erfolgte auch prompt. Doch danach passierte erstmal nichts mehr. Erst auf den Hilfeseiten fand sich dann ein Hinweis, dass "es vereinzelt zu Verzögerungen bei der Verarbeitung von Bezahlungen mittels Sofortüberweisung" kommen könnte. Dies sei einer Überprüfung geschuldet und dauere bis zu fünf Werktage. Kleinanzeigen-Sprecher Pierre Du Bois meldete sich sofort, als heise online in der Angelegenheit nachfragte. Das Unternehmen begründet die Wartezeit mit einer systembedingten Eigenheit bei der Sofortüberweisung, die von Betrügern in jüngster Zeit ausgenutzt wurde. In diesen Fällen machten Verkäufer und Käufer gemeinsame Sache und unterschlugen mithilfe eines Tricks Geld. Der Zahlungsdienstleister Online Payment Platform (opp) blieb auf den Kosten sitzen. Um das zu verhindern, wurden manuelle stichprobenartige Überprüfungen eingeführt, die jeden treffen können, der die Sofortüberweisung nutzt. https://www.heise.de/news/kleinanzeigen-de-Warum-eine-Sofortueberweisung-manchmal-sehr-lange-dauert-9581597.html

23:13 7:33 Almost send out a toot on animx mstdn thst had a ref to email in it (tab closed) message
.. Why cant I use an email bridge ? And why does pm relay names in the TITLE ???
Maybe use an alias ??
22:12 Wü storage solutions are quite difficult...
Aux ? Impossible !
18:09 Bit sad cuZ I just remembered Würzburg.
* selfcheckout * city gallerie * nature * yusaao (@Dec/2021) *mhmmm chilly * good air
Is this what people call "homesickness" ?
14:19 K
After installing the #MigSwitch 1.13 update.s2
Format microSD to exFat, copy update to ity insert into migy insert into switch, blinks bluje till stop)
=> MigDumpTool-v0.0.2.nro  ed games work
Turrican and Bloodstained show up
And the lil switcher button is good for well - #Switch ing ..
Used on my ooold Switch lite to test,
removed all wifi networks prior test
#StuffAlcea #NintendoSwitch

0:04 So I went through all that trouble finding out how to get a #fbx (without using #Blender or #CATS plugin - despite how good it may be) to realize: #Sketchfab has: * limited uploads * displays #static models (not sure if I could embed an #animation * sigh Srsly ? My own #webrender split off can do more than that https://alceawis.de/mmdlatest.html What a waste of time

12:02 Meh https://oculus-twilight.de.uptodown.com/android/download
This better work offline later on !

2:45 vrm2pmx via unity, have no eyebrowmovement (sim 2 misorahibiki beta in vrm0.5 export)
Hmmm odd. Maybe edit vrm via textureedit and use vrm0.5 
--> Raetsel is last one with proper eyebrowmovement
Chiaki, Iris n ShiroganeLuna dont
(With 2.0.16 vrm2pmx they do, but looks weird)
9:48 Slept much better snc removing third matress yesterday !

2024-08-24 vrm2pmx
*(dssc) = perfect conversion - works in vroidhub (but huuge size)
*(unity) univem 0.5.3+mechanim = leaves out iris, shoegLue. TRASH
*(modelconv) = seems great, but shoeglue
TDA models tend to have issues if you use MMD4Mecanim. This is because TDA models have IK bones and the D and EX bones, use Cats Blender tools to automatically remove those bones and correct the structure or manually fix the model in PMX Editor (This is a weight paint issue and incorrect structure). Also you can freeze transformations and have a custom T pose (Usually not recommended unless there is a tracking issue like thumb direction) when you export as FBX and select the option for Apply Transformations on the bottom right of the export screen. https://github.com/vrm-c/UniVRM/issues/908

ShoeGlueDToGround Fix
-> Turn ON IK Bones of feet/toes!
12:00 Moni n Dad never change..
Told em bout "went to professional teeth clean"
-- how much ?
95 €
-- wat diz much ? Doc xy eouldve done jt 4 60!!
(Asif saying "good thing you look after urself" was hard...)
Thing that cost me the most time
FOS 13 3,0 Rule 2015
Got till res only in 2021 w. bk...

Kinect SDK 2.0 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44561
10:43 FINALLY ! the best VRM 2 PMX exporter out there.
Fck unity, fck vroid2pmx fck blender: VroidPlayParkhttps://booth.pm/ja/items/3303215( If you encounter skin texture transparency issues, switch the skintexture to its first entry in "vrm texture replacer" then export to pmx again https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kNd7-Qz-WBo )=> https://media.yusaao.com/media/6e664c5c9ec70d2a78a6bd9dde262e793d3dfef83e4329bca8200ca16e6d92fe.jpgTurn all settings except "GPU" off for export. Maybe use VRM Texture replacer and save for good measure.
Export from Vroid Studio 1.0 highly recommended for best results.!
8:30 Met Moni @ hbf bg on way home.
Thomas (her bro) died now age 61.
Old enough. And it was a struggle.
She n her siblings went to visit him o e last time.
Also tomd her about revoking LudoPack..
.. She said "Right Decision"
6:13 #Dream YuNAoi close floor hug drawing

6:28 24°C

7:05 https://www.gutefrage.net/frage/lager-oder-produktion
Es ist relativ selten, dass man bereits im VG eine Zusage bekommt, entweder gehört man zu den letzten Bewerbern oder der Arbeitgeber hat keine (weiteren) geeigneten Bewerber https://www.wiwi-treff.de/Berufseinstieg-Wo-and-Wie/Re-Wie-aeussert-man-Bedenkzeit-nach-Zusage/Diskussion-17536
Sie haben die Unterschrift unter Ihren Arbeitsvertrag gesetzt, obwohl Sie nicht hundertprozentig von der Stelle überzeugt sind? Dieses Phänomen nennt der Karriere-Coach Dr. Bernd Slaghuis auf der eigenen Webseite „Blind Signing“ https://www.merkur.de/leben/karriere/job-arbeitsvertrag-personaler-arbeitnehmer-bewerbung-jobsuche-unterschrift-zr-92025754.html
21:55 Cool !
Was able to make:
* HollyAngle Aoi pmx
* Ruri Aoi pmx (her face works better than the vrm2pmx one. It has a huuge mouth)
Via pmxdressup (keep bones, etc remove all material escept head.
Then apply dress or a hollowed out holly angel.
Very cool! And it fixes all Quaterniation errors !!!
14:50 He didnt nitpick my cv at all.
just "many stations you got there"
to which I said "lots todo, give everything a chance"
then he explained the company instead of dwelling
he is here since 16 months
14:39 He said "they got bo workers from ZA,
they have none available atm.. wtf ?"
14:30 A work contract 14€/std
~2400€ brutto.. right of bat..
(what happened to the "other applicants" he mentioned at beginning?!)
meh better pay than cancom
Gotta sign on Friday and start on Monday
i just cant say no
12:45 Shifts:
6:00-14:45 early shift
14:xx - 23:00
=> New IT
12:00 ThorstenSchiffer Bewerbungsgespräch
(from köln originally, moved to Bavaria for hus Auxer gf)
11:56 First time wearing safety shoes snc june
They feel heavy
9:27 https://www.lung.org/blog/asthma-heat-triggers

Preview #vrm Online
(Alt: https://virtual-cast.github.io/babylon-vrm-loader/
https://pixiv.github.io/three-vrm/packages/three-vrm/examples/webgpu-dnd.html )
Convert PMX2VRM
https://github.com/Ry3yr/ry3yr.github.io/blob/main/vrm-pmx-modelconv.rar https://github.com/binzume/modelconv
Works really well for #pmx #vrm #conversion !
14:54 trainz always departing from trk2 in burgau now WTF
_> lost train
12:24 Cleaning Robobby beeped weird . Let it clean.
Now its happily charging again
11:47 LudoPack called
=> Tomorrow 13:00 Termin

14:43 Apple Keynote 2024 thoughts https://yusaao.com/notice/Akp1mSqEO0x1PwmW7E
Having #ipad (#ios #apple) again, for #vroid reasons..
10:34 Bttm right tummy feelin numy ??
10:22 #dream Mkdelling misorahibiki or ciel in pxme .. 
Suddenly only a few vertixes ?!

1:23 Blender 3.6 *actually* can export from vrm to pmx (kinda)
So.. you MUST use an old version for it to work..
(unity sucks btw. these unitypackages for vrm and pmx export are hot garbage.
=> Figure out how to get the pmx out fully.
10:02 Leaving window ooen ystrday hlpd lower roomtemp to 22,4°C
=> less lung burn
10:00 peeing feels a bit burny in gens ? Or constrictd ?

20:51 It’s possible to mistake the symptoms of heartburn for a heart attack. Both can cause a moderate to severe burning sensation in your chest. https://www.healthline.com/health/chest-burning#causes
20:42 Eant s.o. to take me away from everything...
(Employed: 9to5 prisoner
Unemployed: States prisoner)
19:46 vkatsu is.. Ok ? https://archive.org/details/v-katsu#https://www.mediafire.com/file/w39x6glmh2anwa1/PmxExport.zip/file?dkey=pln6brqosv2&r=1067
=> Arms in pmx export are not correctly rigged. And textures are improperly colored 
10:22 whn modelling yu (haven)  in vroid ystrday I noticed she has xa real rbf going on yuck
10:16 set up atrt rq yesterday (ry3yr.github.io/artrequest)
Kinda dont feel likje drawing any..
Maybe the dms n notes on DA stop then
10:17 Sternum lung burning agn..
Back pain (middle) when wakeup
(Set the headrest bed part up yesterday)
9:19 #dream drawing yusaao on couch while looking for "new nswitch pkmn rom"...
NiNe (BK) comes bynlooks at s6 lite " watchadoing ??!"

22:51 Attemplted vroid "Yu" from "HAVEN" DI-SASTER !
15:12 RyuuseriNoRockman subbed https://archive.org/search?query=creator%3A"Studio+XEBEC"#https://archive.org/details/ryuusei-no-rockman-part-1
13:34 R.Wing Ouch

6:54 huh. Admins cant delete s.o's !td posts w.o. it being reported first ?
4:46.Changed acws /todon.de mtd pass to gh& px one => I should *NOT* poist there anymore !!!
1:34 Kinda feel /nothing/ Subaru x MisoraGeo x Sonia Dreams of an Absolution.avi.
23:56 #VRM Texture replacer
is #amazing #vroid (if I apply a white png for eyes it fixes all eye transparency issues !!!)
17:20 Weird . the bts-bestofme "piroutte to ground" disables the eyeshine/higlight on models exported from vroid2pmx hmmm

Seems like VRoidStudio 1.29.1 (together with) Vroid2Pmx_2.01.06.exe - fixes most if not all bone errors ? Groove bone (bts-bestofme) seems to work now !
8:42 r liung ouch (new mattress hard ?)

15:11 Who needs Vive Trackers when you have Joycons? #vr #virtualreality #fullbodytracking via SlimeVR and SlimeVR Wrangler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVO6K-AuNuc
14:54 They wont do it anywys
23:38 strrnum ouchy

21:56 Yes. https://bowlroll.net/file/191067 converted vmr to pmx perfectl :)
19:52 First ever proper model. 3hours in vroid n paint.net
8:54 R.Side neck upper hurty ! Tender a bit
(1st time sleeping in normal bed side agan)

10:14 NOMORE WHITE TSHIRTS  Printing on em was cute n all..
But both with normal washing machine and the current one: THEY LOOK GRIKMEY SOON
8:45 Put bed back to its regular place.
Sleeping on wallside opposite (on floor / bedbunk under it) made my lungs hurt

23:54 Webcam2vmd https://github.com/ButzYung/SystemAnimatorOnline/releases
<=> https://sao.animetheme.com/XR_Animator.html
23:19 Kinect x MMD: FAIL https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wFE_d-G1Z5Y
=> https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK4C8g4vpj7WfT3z0037RzrEMwor007EV
23:18 TTS Voice Clone https://huggingface.co/datasets/4eJIoBek/PAIT-Downloads/blob/main/XTTS2-webui-portable-win.7z
Works very well using Aoi (vrns ep6) voice.
Not quite as original for dub voice.
Not even my own voice is tge same as orig yet.
11:40 Blck trouser I ordered ystrday js ALREADY THERE ?? WTF !
11:29 r.wing still hurts

Updated AI Voice Cloning with RVC Inference - Tortoise with RVC Local Installation https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7tpWH8_S8es
# Navigate to your desired directory (optional)
cd "C:\path\to\your\directory"
# Clone the Real-Time Voice Cloning repository
git clone https://github.com/CorentinJ/Real-Time-Voice-Cloning.git
# Navigate to the cloned directory
cd Real-Time-Voice-Cloning
# Set up a virtual environment for Python (make sure you have Python installed)
python -m venv venv
# Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Download the pretrained models
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://github.com/link/to/pretrained/model.zip" -OutFile "pretrained.zip"
Expand-Archive -Path "pretrained.zip" -DestinationPath "pretrained"
# To run the toolbox (this launches the GUI where you can use the AI)
python toolbox.py

14:10 [deleted] @̶r̶y̶e̶d̶a̶i̶1̶@̶m̶a̶s̶t̶o̶d̶o̶n̶.s̶o̶c̶i̶a̶l̶. => @alcea@mastodon.social
7:08 R Wing STILL hurts (snc 24.7)
Muscle or Lung ?!

8:13 #dream yu in front of car flirting w. ao min back of car ?!

1:00 FINALLY got IshizuIshtar and SetoKaiba MMD Models ! (Cracking Ishizu's zip with JohnTheRipper was an adventure)
[OK] SetoKaiba aomoti式_海馬瀬人&緑の海馬くん https://bowlroll.net/file/105991 Pass:1025青眼の白龍
[OK] Ishizu Ishtar https://bowlroll.net/file/80990  Pass: スピリア - zip pass: tAUK[zip?] Seto Kaiba 66式DSODセットver1.0 https://bowlroll.net/file/78743 Pass: TO BELIEVE IN SOMETHING zip-pass:
16:53 Aufgrund der globalen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung sind auch wir mit immer stärker steigenden Kosten konfrontiert, die wir leider nicht mehr vollständig für Sie auffangen können. Hierzu gehören neben höheren Aufwänden für die Hardwarebeschaffung insbesondere die schnell steigenden Energiekosten für den Betrieb unserer beiden Rechenzentren in Deutschland.
Daher erhöht sich der monatliche Betrag für Ihr bestehendes Paket HiDrive 250 GB (Auftragsnummer: 7692776) zum Beginn der nächsten Vertragslaufzeit am 07.09.2024. * Bisheriger Preis / Monat: EUR 3,00 * Neuer Preis / Monat: EUR 3,50 Vertragslaufzeit: 12 Monate
12:41 Cancom last payment: 329€
11:18 Cannot add FX Effects to SampleMMDWebrender  it seems...
    main.js:428 Error loading resource: Error: THREE.MMDLoader: Unknown model file extension .fx.
    at MMDLoader.load (MMDLoader.js:136:29)
    at main.js:80:12
    at MMDLoader.js:144:5
    at Object.onLoad (MMDLoader.js:248:6)
    at XMLHttpRequest. (three.js:34856:40)

25.07 ===BYE MASTODON ==
(Better off w.o. fediverse.. Nomore "did I post stgh stupid?" check b4 sleep.
14:34 Changed alceawisteria@bsky to "only viewable logged in"
=> disabled rss feed and api calls too !
13:37 You /cannot/ change exiting toots to "private" after they already were made in the past
https://codepen.io/ryedai1/pen/KKjgRaqYou can only batch delete them via api...
[deleted] https://urusai.social/@alcea
[deleted] https://phpc.social/@alcea
(I accidentally send my cv from acws@proton.me to abagentur.
Looks like I need to purge all offending accounts now..

11:34 R.Wing pain. Ouch

23:56 I see..
VrBank sent notice in bankin: "new Password needs to be 8 characters at least" hmmm

3:42 many small skin candida on back .. Grrreat...
=> Sleep with tshirt from now on !!!
0:53 F#*k #o2 and their prepaid sim
=> ask *not only* for photo of perso front&back, but also video ident ?
https://ibb.co/QFtXQrj https://i.ibb.co/4Z3JtPg/Download-1.png
php zip extension https://pb.todon.de/@alcea/112823560063665113 https://mastodonapp.uk/@gozzy/112823854328998071 (check before assuking deprecation!)
The #php used to backup my #website broke with #php 8.3
Some other phps also broke. (setlistfetch ygo)
The error_log isnt even telling you
"Hayyy alcea, we remove features, kthxbyeeeee https://alcea-wisteria.de/z_files/emoji/magicseries_wee.gif "

19:01Guess I won't need  (+)  /  /  4g :

Supports File-System-Api

https://alfanla.com/palapa-web-server/(And is always running ?!
The app says no, bit still is on ?!:?)

18:02 Riight.. Muama Ryoko always serves files as blob on worthless
17:45 TP M7350 has only ftp/smb https://www.tp-link.com/ae/support/faq/1652/
(Archer routers from tplink have https access ! https://www.tp-link.com/us/support/faq/1714/)
17:12 Abag payed 500€ .. Aaand I have a temin @ 25.7 @ 8:40 sigh
17:00 Gib auf deiner Handy-Tastatur *103*, plus den 16-stelligen Aufladecode deines Guthabenbelegs und die Taste # ein. Drücke anschließend die grüne Taste bzw. Senden auf deinem Handy. Warte die Buchungsbestätigung per SMS ab. https://www.o2online.de/service/guthaben-aufladen/#:~:text=Gib%20auf%20deiner%20Handy-Tastatur,die%20Buchungsbestätigung%20per%20SMS%20ab
16:58 O2 Prepaid card arrived
No reception. AGAIN

reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International" /v sDecimal /t REG_SZ /d , /f
=> Breaks decimal display on #windows (and file transfers will look wonky af
reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International" /v sDecimal /t REG_SZ /d . /f
Fixes the issue.

9:15 Fr berg abagentur gz called 
(Asked y I quit: Told her "too disorgsnized at cancom")
- they are working on new bgantr.
(Altho as I canceled, no bg for now - but kraka should shaddup 4now)
She said she " wont invite me nowy i shall look for job myswlf 4 now"

1:34 SampleWebMMD Renderer finally done https://ry3yr.github.io/SampleWebMMD/
(now even 100% in sync with the music due to Three.Clock)

15:47 https://www.fosbos.neu-ulm.de/aktivitaeten/50jahrefosbos

10:04 Bemuehungen _ key auf egesukarte
__ daten in cloud
(lol "googledrive")
9:?? Ultrasonic w. Ren. keine aufdaeligk
9:30 ekg, oberkörper frei
9:25 Blood taken 
9:25 Trouble reading gesukarte ?!
9:22 130/80
8:45 Smell swz brei / griess ?
7:42-8:18 (0:36 ) NU Hbf 《-》 OffbStr55

23:54 App skateboard package never arrived at BG ??!
Moni n Dad said no DHL arrived .
23:40 usbotg left @ bg for p30 restore
19:45 https://androidhost.ru/1lsM
19:01 https://en.flash-file.net/huawei-p30-pro-vog-l29/%20https://www.mediafire.com/file/c575ml17o785erq/Huawei_P30_Pro_VOG-L29_10.0.0.206_C185E8R5P1_Firmware_EMUI10.0.0_05016EUP_Dload.zip/file
17:54 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTnTxkrsX-o
3:23 Forget Burgau & Jahnstraße 10 for package sendings.
I told dad "skateboard still arriving" and they still did neither
• take it and inform me
• let it be delivered to BG Poststation and have me fetch it from there.

16:40 card controller man asked for"first letter of forename"
16:12 I'l an Extremist .. just like @2016 ...
Good that Dr.Renaud looked so unimpressed.. I .. needed that

9:10 12.7 Besprechung
__ 9:30 11.7.24 _ offenbach 55
=> labor, abd sono, ekg
15:20 leisten band @ right
(asked bout night fever too)
#he was a bit unhappy
## asked if had pain when pressing stomach
prax offstr55 @ neuulm
15:00 was asked if maybe have blasenentzuend (?)
15:00 Offenbachstraße 55 89231 Neu-Ulm
Montag, 8. Juli15:00
Simon von Renouard
Hausarzt / Allgemeinmediziner
14:30 @prax simon v renou. arrival (walked long way round)
13:30 Feel like throwing up.
nxt station nu..
13:19 in train to NU.. kinda happy. Been 9 years
●Goodbye Holiday - Writing Life
○ Boy - Uchuu
8:17 Legsburning - inner calves . not fun

16:34 (I haven't eaten *Dönerbox *Currywursr or Tortelloni fatfood alongtime...)
13:23 Lamacun from Netto is yum !

11:20 Nevr used tpiletpaper tomlay oit WC in FHD...Do it again ?
9:06 Guy (limegreen tshirt) away frm trainstation asked me for 4,50€ for ticket..
gave 5. (he spoke english w. french accent)
9:04 thnk god, only in jett schepp for shopping
8:54 Mirror swap room, rmv table, rmv bed
matress now on room right.
Left  mildy side, empty.
8:52 #dream "zfold screen cracked" ohno

12:34 #Til if you disable #Microphone access in #OS (#LineageOS / #Android ) it will break #USBCamera (i.o. Error)
(Also: steamdeck works with switch dock. And will still function as controller !)
8:14 Got Appoint in  Offenbachstraße 55 89231 Neu-Ulm
Montag, 8. Juli15:00
Simon von Renouard
Hausarzt / Allgemeinmediziner


=>Take No new patients.....
Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in red and processed meats. https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/diseases-conditions/colon-cancer
Swollen lymph nodes in the groin can be caused by an injury or skin infection anywhere in the leg, such as athlete's foot. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and cancer can also cause swollen lymph nodes in the groin. https://www.healthline.com/health/swollen-lymph-nodes-in-groin

This is why modern #hardware sucks:
Turn on #SteamDeck - #DeckyRecorder works !
Records to mp4 fine
Connected to wifi .. SteamDeck updates OS (wtf?)
Reload OS:
DeckyRecorder gone *poof*
Aaand.. Recording now does.. *nothing*
16:58 Purchase of "SandLand" failed TWICE on steam shop via sepa giropay
=> used mspoints to buy 40€ steam voucher to avoid locking it (thirds the charm)
16:35 Maybe I'm too soft for this world..
Depends on their reason for avoiding it. Some people see through the cracks in society, see that the majority of people who are working hard, get paid a fraction of what would be fair, while their top executives or shady scammers get the lion’s share of the profits. They see that the system is flawed and see how many other people willingly go along with it to do their part in society. They find it absurdly foolish. Now, they aren’t going to become the Joker, but they will find the entire experience of working as a wage slave extremely distasteful. Because they find it distasteful they will avoid it, which in turn leads normal working class people to see the one avoiding work as a loser/slacker/whatever word makes them feel superior. Negativity breeds negativity, the very real lack of income and the negative social pressure often leads that person to exploit social systems, crime, or alternative income sources both to survive and to spite everyone that thinks ill of them. They are not necessarily lazy, some genuinely are due to being spoiled as children, but many simply have personalities that don’t mesh well with being treated the way employees so typically are. Often times they are the same type of people that become top executives, or scammers since they see just how many people are willing to be wage slaves, and so push through the fires of the workplace or seek funding with the aim of take up the mantle of boss so that they might shepherd and fleece their own flock. https://www.quora.com/What-do-you-call-someone-who-habitually-quits-their-jobs
12:05 Excess sedentary time is linked to a 147% increase in cardiovascular events. It also induces fat deposit around blood vessels and vital organs even in non-obese people, leading to arterial stiffness and heart disease. Achieving moderate activity of 150 minutes per week aids heart health https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/the-dangers-of-sitting https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/dangers-of-sedentary-lifestyle-8-ways-sitting-for-too-long-is-killing-you-101709540626780.html
11:35 "Chillin is killin" "Wer rastet der rostet"
11:27 Make Appoint @ https://www.arzt-auskunft.de/arzt/allgemeinmedizin/burgau/dr-adriana-terezia-desliu-4980245
11:22 Sedentary Lifestyle/Inactivity: People who are not physically active are more at risk of developing colorectal cancer. You can decrease your risk by engaging in more activity on a regular basis. https://aboutibs.org/what-is-ibs/ibs-and-other-disorders/overlapping-condition-with-irritable-bowel-syndrome/ https://www.drhartman.ca/blog/the-cancer-that-is-mistaken-for-ibs/

9:54 #dream A yter woman reacting to yusaku n aoi -him approaching her-
"His clumsy attempt to get a gf"
=> 🤣 Yeah right

6:57 dream: stgh ab "kidney pelvis infect" ?

prolonged bed rest can also lead to complications such as muscle atrophy, reduced lung capacity, and decreased blood circulation https://amerisleep.com/blog/is-it-bad-to-stay-in-bed-all-day/
9:53 Wait...
Maybe sitting upwards in bed like this is bad for pelvis n tummy ?
Get a chair ?

12:34 https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/humans-are-the-only-animals-that-cry-and-we-dont-know-why
9:30 Locked door to washroom ? My laundry stand outside in the cold floor.
(Well chris way to be a little girl... Buying my own washing machine...)
((Thank goodness I have my own •postbox •wifi •shower •toilet.
If you rely on this one you are f2#€%%. Perhaps he is a psychopath..
Moni got issues too)
9:01 A couple carrying a wheelchair.. disabled child ?
8:54 Snake at bg hbf

18:23 Lol dad said "habemus!" is doing saturday work now cause they dont have enuff money income lol
17:23 moni being trsh as usually"y you no ship matress to self?"and not even trying.(Her being this azzy, makes mom look good by comp -never thought id say this)Flip BG8:45at somw ygo tourney
.. 2 cyberpods, (a vanilla shin megumi. coming out?)Opponents has some.. Beatdown. GoblinAttack force
wifi of my hotspot down..Drew a card: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/120044586

6:50 Cancom final payment 1.702,59 € => 3900€ now.

27€ @ bg netto
2 × tuna
2× schnitzelfriz
1× insta curey
1x pizza gebaeckauslage
2x vanilkebreze gebaeckazslage
6:12 Bronchial cough

24.6 Bye Cancom. Immediately n forever
12:03 ftp.hidrive.strato.com works with FXFikleExplorer still
11:51 I can access https://webdav.hidrive.strato.com/ via webbrowser no problem !
Huh !? (But fails on FXFileExplorer and WinSCP ?!!! )
SMB Linux/Unix
SMB macOS / iOS / iPadOS
rsync (SSH)
rsync -rltDv -e ssh . pasc91@rsync.hidrive.strato.com:/users/pasc91/

rsync -rltDv . pasc91@rsync.hidrive.strato.com:/users/pasc91/
9:24 Standing @ Autostore for 8hrs/day was faaar too much.
The ppl here are derpy and I dont like em.
And I nolonger need to listen to the trash gangsta-rap™ of the ppl booking wares (cem, alles, etc) thk god
9:18 handed in stamp chip. Got ten bucks back in coins.(Last impressioin as walking towards hsnding in stamp chip: "Alessio exhausted at gate unloading truck")
9:17 bye -33 std.
9:15 Simon told me "Freigestellt for nxt 2 weeks" freee !
=> get confirm via post)
6:45 Cem, Kevin etc just standin around talin for 30 min. suute
Der Schwitzpilz liebt warme und feuchte Haut. Er fühlt sich daher besonders wohl an Hautstellen, an denen Schweiß entsteht oder sich ansammelt. Am häufigsten treten die fleckigen Hautveränderungen an Brust und Rücken auf. Vor allem in Hautfalten, an die kaum Luft gelangt, kann er sich umso besser vermehren. https://dermanostic.com/blog/schwitzpilz-wusstest-du-dass-durch-schwitzen-eine-pilzinfektion-entstehen-kann
4:04 I fuggin didnt manage to showeer ystrday agaaain ?

15:11 A "#shared #diary" for a #couple ??
Sounds interesting.
You only need to write what you want anyways
5:50 Removed og "fat foam medic matress" from freihaldn app
=> sleep on small one like in wü
(Uhhh ? I hasd the room open whil rming the matress.. For airflow ,sure,
but airhumidity dropped from 78% to 67% in that short amount ???!
Also I hit my head atop (fontanell) when exiting out from understairs when stashsing matress)
5:40 R.Pelvis hurts after sleep.. (Add cushion to r.side of bed ?)

19:04 Shaved belly hair, so I can see candina patch at groin better
Beim Nachwachsen stoßen die scharfen Schnittkanten von unten in die Haut und führen zu roten Pusteln. Die Haare wachsen in die Haut, statt nach außen. Ein weiterer Nachteil: Das Ergebnis ist beim Rasieren nicht von langer Dauer. https://www.t-online.de/leben/mode-beauty/id_67105738/haare-am-bauch-entfernen-was-frau-beachten-sollte.html https://www.vital.de/gesundheit/haare-auf-dem-bauch-so-werden-frauen-sie-wieder-los-8197.html
13:57 Started talking to people in 3rd perso
aloud (hypoteh) instead of in my head
13:22 Fuggin legs n shin.. Hard logistics floor...
/buy new super soft matress to sleep on?/
6:27 Lifetime online file storage
Koofr - 1tb / 159$ (PayPal/Sepa)https://www.stacksocial.com/sales/koofr-cloud-storage-plans-lifetime-subscription-1tb?rid=638027 https://www.reddit.com/r/cloudstorage/comments/17vvz4d/lifetime_cloud_storage_for_backups/?rdt=46384 https://koofr.eu/help/koofr_with_webdav/how-do-i-connect-a-service-to-koofr-through-webdav/pCloud 500gb /199€ (PayPal/Creditcard)

0:44 Strato wants extra 5€ for webdav access ???
14:21 Im free !
14:16 "can you forward this"? to schuh
15:18 Big candina (hautpilz) @ crotch region !
no sap user sata after ~2 months
No. Clear. job !!
× ppl here suck at their job
× 4-6 hrs is enough
× stupid juvenike gangsta slang
× leg n colon probs
× -33 hrs after just one month
__ wanna be free
× ppl here are depressed
(When I start a new job, I have an illusion:
"everyone is fine here"
masking their flaws.
That veil disappears when I quit
14:×× Handed on cncm resig
5:24 Wenn Sie eine Kündigung erhalten und diese nicht akzeptieren wollen, müssen Sie eine so genannte Notfrist einhalten. Diese kann nicht verlängert werden. Eine Kündigung – so unwirksam wie auch sein mag – wird wirksam, wenn der Arbeitnehmer nicht innerhalb von drei Wochen ab Zugang der Kündigung Kündigungsschutzklage beim zuständigen Arbeitsgericht einreicht https://www.anwalt.de/rechtstipps/arbeitsrecht-kuendigung-nur-mit-handschriftlicher-unterschrift_071746.html

16:41 strato spazzin on ftp, samba n webdav https://ibb.co/0y8kFgY
15:42 ygos0 movie ost https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=po-XhFvE2iE&list=PLLXss1cYfxA0fgknT11XDwIkLhC7J5mYT&index=12
12:23 LOL "-33" hrs @ cancom
•8 hours that one day were trains fell out
5*20min*x for 20 min late each day.
(I bet they also subtract the 30 min break each day -DESPITE burhan telling me 
"no stamp is ok for break if you keep times consistent"
12:23 Left front tooth side
(my view) is pushed further forwRd
- than the right ?
(+ brush teeth better to prevent
toithflesh decay!!) 
5:25 Covid at cancom ???
(Mybe thats where my r.pelvis pain &lymphnode...)
#dream blue angel wakup n srch for phone, btwn cushion etc)

19.619:04 Logistic job => ↓ Oxygen==> Joint pain / burn, colon probs etc. Quit cancom. Immediatelly(Roland (wickel guy) is gonna quit soon too. Thomas is gone after this week aswell)16:53 TELEKOM INTERNET IS BAAACK !!1112:11 Cancom work is so boring*work *break *homerins_n_repeatSoooo tired(and i dont wanna buy anything righgnow...)
ü6:10 is the "new" floater, the old one relocatdd ?6:03 I feel much bettahheadache gone(but hurt pelvs whn walk r.floater left rmns) 5:43 MYbe standjn arnd is pitting oressure on my pelvis => hurt & lymph nd right swell ?

18.6 ~Final NintendoSwitch Direct~
12:09 Check NintendoNews @ work break.. 
Nintendo Direct is ToDaY ??!!
6:14 New smol floater in l.eye..

15:34 Telekom (25 gb sim) suddenly "no reception @ Freihalden
- worked fine in JettSchepp hbf..
=> Cancle immediately
(-- it still worked in break at 12:00 am ... aswell as 14:54 @ jettschepp hbf)

16.6 21:42Y do I always feel super wonky after cutting #hair short (Over shoulder => pixie)
I always think "that went well like 20 min after the haircut, and then *bam* nauseaous.#StuffAo
15:37 Copiwd timos ps4 saves to his ps5
15:34 Burgau jahnstr 10 stinks moldy...
Buy blk jbs *2
(okd one is very old !)

17:23 Memmet took me from Cancom to Hbf (has a Basketball in his smol_reddish_car, plays by himself in the hoop infront his house when weather is good)

20:48 TPLink router refused to list microSD after copying some stuff to it (300 gig free)
reboot and microSD reinsert helped. works again

22:16 Added emergency open to my room door...
(Lock is awfully weird lately. Turns around itself)
21:07 https://alceawis.de/About.html?instance=sapphic.engineer&userid=peng can ALREADY handle Akkoma.Awesome !!!! 
17:13-17:25 cancom parkplatz exit => jettschepp hbf
Home frm cncm @ 17:13 today
13:23 vr Bank will enforce PIN CHANGE
till 25.September .. w t f !?
put a lot of our energy into one or two really close friends. Inevitably, the intensity of some of these bonds can cause them to sour. The closer you are to someone, the easier it is for you to fight and/or fall out with them. When you get screwed over, hurt or otherwise damaged by friendships, you eventually give up on them completely
https://www.reddit.com/r/infp/comments/2qmeg5/any_other_infps_feel_no_motivation_to_start_dating/?rdt=54885 https://www.reddit.com/r/infp/comments/ga2sun/too_tired_lazy_to_maintain_friendships/
7:29 #dream Girl getting teased by a boy.. Liking it ?
Boy has glasses (she stasrts drawing glasses on pictures of her fsv charas at one point)

7:04 https://www.experteer.de/magazin/mittags-quickies-erhoehen-die-produktivitaet-im-job/
6:46 Strange "halo" around usb light ?
(Rather not take nyststin anymore .. Just jordinPiltkur4now...)

13:01 Whn working w. Aless I never need to visit wc that day.
maybe convo distracts from it till 17:30 ?
6:13 RWing hurts bit

17:28 Artstation acc was -deleted- https://www.artstation.com/ryedai1
Ohwell.... https://help.artstation.com/s/article/360056657792-Why-was-my-account-disabled?language=en_US

14:30 NYSTATIN STADA 500.000 I.E. überzogene Tab. 008923695:22 2016 was ALSO A MYCOSA (Mold in room corner !!)5:02 burning pharynx, lymphn belly => mycose !!5:00 Candida sind Hefepilze, die sich besonders auf unseren Schleimhäuten im Genitalbereich, im Mund-Rachen-Raum oder auch im Darm ansiedeln können. Oft kann sich Candida, ohne dass wir es merken, bereits auf unserem Körper befinden, was nicht weiter schlimm sein muss, solange sich der Pilz nicht übermässig ausbreitet Die Folgen einer Candida Infektion können vielseitig sein und von Blähungen über Durchfall und Sodbrennen bis hin zu Müdigkeit, Kopfschmerzen, Nierenschäden oder Nasennebenhöhlenentzündungen reichen. Diese Erscheinungen werden oft nicht mit einer Pilzerkrankung in Verbindung gebracht. https://www.zentrum-der-gesundheit.de/krankheiten/infektionskrankheiten/pilzinfektionen-uebersicht/candida-infektion4:45Ein ständiger Heißhunger auf Süßes kann aber auch ein Zeichen für eine zu starke Besiedelung des Darms mit bestimmten Hefepilzen sein. Auch Selen- und Magnesiummangel stehen im Verdacht, Süßhunger auszulösen. Außerdem tritt Heißhunger auf Süßes in einer frühen Phase einer Diabetes-Erkrankung auf. https://www.bunte.de/health/gesundheit/heisshunger-du-hast-staendig-lust-auf-suesses-das-ist-der-grund-dafuer.html https://vitamoment.de/blogs/magazin/heisshunger-mangel

7.614:42 Look for TZ job...8 hrs is2much14:12 That "sissy" woman _that used to have blonde hair_ made a pained expression tday.Same yv made 10 yrs ago.Strange turnon808€ payed my finanzamt foir ekst 2023
17:34https://www.iu-fernstudium.de/bachelor/soziale-arbeit/https://www.iu-fernstudium.de/bachelor/psychologie/(Kraka is STILL required even for remote study !)https://www.knappschaft.de/DE/VersicherungBeitraege/MeineKVPV/Studenten/Studenten.html12:00 Making it to break was very exhausting today !!

6.615:06 met danielkrause on way jettschepp~bg _ (hes doing vacation in greta) in train.He said "good call on quitting habemus"13:03 karton hit agnst bottom  jaw
11:53 MouseJiggler (@work) refused service..Reconnrcted to other free usb port.now it werks
5:12 hrny wkup ?!!

5.6 helping @ bg
18:43 Timo app gd mgn darm
17:45 Timo bought ps5
13:14 Lidl closed. Vmarkt closed
13:00 2 brg (shopping groceries & helping moni&dad)
Ungefährliche Kleintiere, die in einem Käfig gehalten werden, wie zum Beispiel Ziervögel (Kleinvögel), Hamster, Meerschweinchen und Zwergkaninchen (Käfigkleintiere - der Verfasser -) darf der Mieter immer halten (siehe grundsätzlich Bundesgerichtshof - BGH - Aktenzeichen: VIII ZR 10/92). So etwas gehört zum vertragsmäßigen Wohnungsgebrauch. Dies gilt auch für die Haltung von Zierfischen. Ein mietvertragliches Tierhaltungsverbot gilt somit weder für Käfigkleintiere noch für Zierfische (Aufstellung eines Aquariums). https://www.rab-friedrich-ramm.de/beitrag14.html
7:29 Chris suggested "temporary vacation day" for today (as he came home from nighshift)
.. Called buhan about it (mailbox as always)
7:00 Phonecall w. Moni (Festnetz was off) (@89331 Burgau - Jahnstr10)
* They were hit pretty hard w. Waterdmg
* All neigbors evacuated
* Cellars full
* No elec snc days (emergency generator)
(App. Chris & Sis called early on.
Sis helped w. washing clothes)
3:42 R,arm cold n numb.. Slept on it

5:34 Lately have gag reflex when using tongue scraper
(Might be relatex to the "bhrny throat on wakeup"
5:11 2nd day of no trains drivin

15:45 REWE wont ship to Freihaldn
Canr buy festtagstorte online

• No more playing PS5
• No more internet (cell tower off!)
• Special pets (snakes, terrarium) r flipped
4:58 I think.  I dont wanna get tied down.
No car. No S.O. Not even a pet.
I hate obligations

16:23 Memhet told me to "nicht so chillig arbeiten" called Anrej n Alx "Zigeuner"

22:00 https://www.stylight.de/Magazine/Lifestyle/Gruende-Fuer-Schlechten-Schlaf/
15:27 Really really REALLLY crave that nut/haslenut 13€ cake from vmarkt.
(Train fell out when leaving for home, so couldnt buy one on wed.. Nghhh)
10:56 very very sleep. Like-Natsuo-in-ShiKi-Kind-of-sleepy.
7:05 37yo man n 53 old woman https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WyfgvK8EFsA&noapp=1
6:26 https://www.helios-gesundheit.de/magazin/news/02/chronisch-entzuendliche-darmerkrankung/
6:13 Geschädigte Darmbarriere https://fachmagazin-apotheke.net/top-oder-flop-hilft-kijimea-pro-wirklich/

18:58 Hyouka artist that I often ref'd for Yu N Aoi base:

21:10 "Orange" Anime basically is Yv, not making a choice DESPITE having a good idea..
Pointless. How things went eas perfect. ISFJ s suck
19:40 Neovascularization is a process that can occur in your body when new blood vessels grow. There are many places this can happen in your eye, including the retina and cornea. These new vessels may leak and cause vision loss https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24131-neovascularization-of-the-eye
17:32 Cancom payed 1591€ (for 1.5.24-31.5.24 with 4 state holidays and one we workday)
17:29 Common causes of pelvic pain It might be caused by an infection or a condition affecting one of the organs in the pelvic area, such as the bowel or bladder. Common causes include: constipation or irritable bowel syndrome. urinary tract infections (UTIs) nhs.uk/conditions/pelvic-pain
mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/irritable-bowel-syndrome/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20360064 nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/stomach-liver-and-gastrointestinal-tract/irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs
14:12 Wow cancoms floors are dirty !
I put on my new "" Safety shoes on today and.. Wow. If I push a carton with the foot it leaves a dirty foot print ! 

1:38 https://yemachu.github.io/cardmaker/
20:04 Now that I think about it.. I *did* find <3 in Wü.. For Yu n Aoi @16\Jan\2022 !
19:20 Draw YU&AOI again enuff 7s. I. NEED. VRAINS.
18:09 WTF Rush Duel
* my regular deck picks apart any rush duel deck..
* no main phase 2 (?)
* weak af monsters.
* https://www.watchmojo.com/suggest/Top+10+Reasons+Why+Yu-Gi-Oh%21+Sevens+Sucks%21
16:35 Limb lymph node response to bone fracture

21:34 TripMate Nano nolonger mounts 3TB HDD..
Y-cable is delivering power fine. And the hdd works on windows...
Even the webinterface wont recognice the hdd anymore...
=> Buy new hdd ???
=>>Y-cable was not seated properly. NOW IT WORKS 😸
15:45 Autism has long been considered a condition of extreme egocentrism. The word 'autism' comes from the Greek word 'autos', meaning 'self'. However, recent research shows that individuals with autism are also impaired in thinking about themselves. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/12/091213214104.htm
15:41 https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/the-top-10-causes-of-death https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/am-i-right/202211/accepting-death-is-harder-than-ever
15:30 Welp. I had a roof over thge head all my life, was allowed to pursue what I wanted and only the past 10 years
(2014-2024) were really stressful. I was able to finish what I wanted and am ok with 33 years (40 was max id endure)
Never got along with people or had friends past 2010.
Dont get ppl either..
Drawing, programming music reconstruction. I'm not good cat any much,
but finished what I wanted to and am satisfied with the results.
All good.
Life seems to be repetition past 30 eitherhow.
And 30+ ppl have only baggage and spite. Nothx. Cant relate
14:54 https://drdhrymes.com/humans-are-not-meant-to-be-alone/
14:52 up to 50% of cancers can be prevented through healthy lifestyle choices https://www.mdanderson.org/publications/focused-on-health/can-you-prevent-cancer--a-conversation-with-ernest-hawk--m-d-.h10-1593780.html
Plant foods are rich in fiber and phytochemicals, which have cancer-fighting properties
. This doesn’t mean you should avoid meat entirely, but it should play more of a side role.
NonHodkinLymph = Most curable C
14:53 https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003097.htm
14:52 https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/age
14:48 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of several autoimmune conditions that can cause swollen lymph nodes. RA occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the lining of the joints, causing stiffness, pain, and warmth. A 2019 review article states that RA affects the lymph nodes, reducing their capacity to drain fluid from nearby inflamed joints. This impairment may lead to local lymph node enlargement.https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/swollen-lymph-nodes-in-armpit#other-causes
14:40 In general, the traditional model deals with the body one organ at a time. For example, if someone has symptoms of sinus infection due to inhalation of mold mycotoxins, physicians trained in this model will address only the sinuses. The typical remedies will be ineffective and possibly hazardous. Focusing too much on individual organs causes practitioners to overlook the interaction of each organ system on the others. https://www.drlamcoaching.com/blog/an-in-depth-guide-to-mold-exposure-symptoms-part-2/
14:32 https://time.com/6208115/quiet-quitting-companies-response/


• ΨAnchors: •[🎶(&walking)] •[Tinkering]
*[Know who I *am*][Know what I am capable of (&limitations)][Know what I want]
      • Need:[Music][Art][HTML/JS/CSS] •DrawYuAoiFanArt]

5:50 Removed og "fat foam medic matress" from freihaldn app
=> sleep on small one like in wü
(Uhhh ? I hasd the room open whil rming the matress.. For airflow ,sure,
but airhumidity dropped from 78% to 67% in that short amount ???!
Also I hit my head atop (fontanell) when exiting out from understairs when stashsing matress)
5:40 R.Pelvis hurts after sleep.. (Add cushion to r.side of bed ?)

19:04 Shaved belly hair, so I can see candina patch at groin better
Beim Nachwachsen stoßen die scharfen Schnittkanten von unten in die Haut und führen zu roten Pusteln. Die Haare wachsen in die Haut, statt nach außen. Ein weiterer Nachteil: Das Ergebnis ist beim Rasieren nicht von langer Dauer. https://www.t-online.de/leben/mode-beauty/id_67105738/haare-am-bauch-entfernen-was-frau-beachten-sollte.html https://www.vital.de/gesundheit/haare-auf-dem-bauch-so-werden-frauen-sie-wieder-los-8197.html
13:57 Started talking to people in 3rd perso
aloud (hypoteh) instead of in my head
13:22 Fuggin legs n shin.. Hard logistics floor...
/buy new super soft matress to sleep on?/
6:27 Lifetime online file storage
Koofr - 1tb / 159$ (PayPal/Sepa)https://www.stacksocial.com/sales/koofr-cloud-storage-plans-lifetime-subscription-1tb?rid=638027 https://www.reddit.com/r/cloudstorage/comments/17vvz4d/lifetime_cloud_storage_for_backups/?rdt=46384 https://koofr.eu/help/koofr_with_webdav/how-do-i-connect-a-service-to-koofr-through-webdav/pCloud 500gb /199€ (PayPal/Creditcard)

0:44 Strato wants extra 5€ for webdav access ???
15:18 Big candina (hautpilz) @ crotch region !
no sap user sata after ~2 months
No. Clear. job !!
× ppl here suck at their job
× 4-6 hrs is enough
× stupid juvenike gangsta slang
× leg n colon probs
× -33 hrs after just one month
__ wanna be free
× ppl here are depressed
(When I start a new job, I have an illusion:
"everyone is fine here"
masking their flaws.
That veil disappears when I quit
14:×× Handed on cncm resig
5:24 Wenn Sie eine Kündigung erhalten und diese nicht akzeptieren wollen, müssen Sie eine so genannte Notfrist einhalten. Diese kann nicht verlängert werden. Eine Kündigung – so unwirksam wie auch sein mag – wird wirksam, wenn der Arbeitnehmer nicht innerhalb von drei Wochen ab Zugang der Kündigung Kündigungsschutzklage beim zuständigen Arbeitsgericht einreicht https://www.anwalt.de/rechtstipps/arbeitsrecht-kuendigung-nur-mit-handschriftlicher-unterschrift_071746.html

16:41 strato spazzin on ftp, samba n webdav https://ibb.co/0y8kFgY
15:42 ygos0 movie ost https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=po-XhFvE2iE&list=PLLXss1cYfxA0fgknT11XDwIkLhC7J5mYT&index=12
12:23 LOL "-33" hrs @ cancom
•8 hours that one day were trains fell out
5*20min*x for 20 min late each day.
(I bet they also subtract the 30 min break each day -DESPITE burhan telling me 
"no stamp is ok for break if you keep times consistent"
12:23 Left front tooth side
(my view) is pushed further forwRd
- than the right ?
(+ brush teeth better to prevent
toithflesh decay!!) 
5:25 Covid at cancom ???
(Mybe thats where my r.pelvis pain &lymphnode...)
#dream blue angel wakup n srch for phone, btwn cushion etc)

19.619:04 Logistic job => ↓ Oxygen==> Joint pain / burn, colon probs etc. Quit cancom. Immediatelly(Roland (wickel guy) is gonna quit soon too. Thomas is gone after this week aswell)16:53 TELEKOM INTERNET IS BAAACK !!1112:11 Cancom work is so boring*work *break *homerins_n_repeatSoooo tired(and i dont wanna buy anything righgnow...)
ü6:10 is the "new" floater, the old one relocatdd ?6:03 I feel much bettahheadache gone(but hurt pelvs whn walk r.floater left rmns) 5:43 MYbe standjn arnd is pitting oressure on my pelvis => hurt & lymph nd right swell ?

18.6 ~Final NintendoSwitch Direct~
12:09 Check NintendoNews @ work break.. 
Nintendo Direct is ToDaY ??!!
6:14 New smol floater in l.eye..

15:34 Telekom (25 gb sim) suddenly "no reception @ Freihalden
- worked fine in JettSchepp hbf..
=> Cancle immediately
(-- it still worked in break at 12:00 am ... aswell as 14:54 @ jettschepp hbf)

16.6 21:42Y do I always feel super wonky after cutting #hair short (Over shoulder => pixie)
I always think "that went well like 20 min after the haircut, and then *bam* nauseaous.#StuffAo
15:37 Copiwd timos ps4 saves to his ps5
15:34 Burgau jahnstr 10 stinks moldy...
Buy blk jbs *2
(okd one is very old !)
17:23 Memmet took me from Cancom to Hbf (has a Basketball in his smol_reddish_car, plays by himself in the hoop infront his house when weather is good)

20:48 TPLink router refused to list microSD after copying some stuff to it (300 gig free)
reboot and microSD reinsert helped. works again
22:16 Added emergency open to my room door...
(Lock is awfully weird lately. Turns around itself)
21:07 https://alceawis.de/About.html?instance=sapphic.engineer&userid=peng can ALREADY handle Akkoma.Awesome !!!! 
17:13-17:25 cancom parkplatz exit => jettschepp hbf
Home frm cncm @ 17:13 today
13:23 vr Bank will enforce PIN CHANGE
till 25.September .. w t f !?
put a lot of our energy into one or two really close friends. Inevitably, the intensity of some of these bonds can cause them to sour. The closer you are to someone, the easier it is for you to fight and/or fall out with them. When you get screwed over, hurt or otherwise damaged by friendships, you eventually give up on them completely
https://www.reddit.com/r/infp/comments/2qmeg5/any_other_infps_feel_no_motivation_to_start_dating/?rdt=54885 https://www.reddit.com/r/infp/comments/ga2sun/too_tired_lazy_to_maintain_friendships/
7:29 #dream Girl getting teased by a boy.. Liking it ?
Boy has glasses (she stasrts drawing glasses on pictures of her fsv charas at one point)

7:04 https://www.experteer.de/magazin/mittags-quickies-erhoehen-die-produktivitaet-im-job/
6:46 Strange "halo" around usb light ?
(Rather not take nyststin anymore .. Just jordinPiltkur4now...)

13:01 Whn working w. Aless I never need to visit wc that day.
maybe convo distracts from it till 17:30 ?
6:13 RWing hurts bit

17:28 Artstation acc was -deleted- https://www.artstation.com/ryedai1
Ohwell.... https://help.artstation.com/s/article/360056657792-Why-was-my-account-disabled?language=en_US

14:30 NYSTATIN STADA 500.000 I.E. überzogene Tab. 008923695:22 2016 was ALSO A MYCOSA (Mold in room corner !!)5:02 burning pharynx, lymphn belly => mycose !!5:00 Candida sind Hefepilze, die sich besonders auf unseren Schleimhäuten im Genitalbereich, im Mund-Rachen-Raum oder auch im Darm ansiedeln können. Oft kann sich Candida, ohne dass wir es merken, bereits auf unserem Körper befinden, was nicht weiter schlimm sein muss, solange sich der Pilz nicht übermässig ausbreitet Die Folgen einer Candida Infektion können vielseitig sein und von Blähungen über Durchfall und Sodbrennen bis hin zu Müdigkeit, Kopfschmerzen, Nierenschäden oder Nasennebenhöhlenentzündungen reichen. Diese Erscheinungen werden oft nicht mit einer Pilzerkrankung in Verbindung gebracht. https://www.zentrum-der-gesundheit.de/krankheiten/infektionskrankheiten/pilzinfektionen-uebersicht/candida-infektion4:45Ein ständiger Heißhunger auf Süßes kann aber auch ein Zeichen für eine zu starke Besiedelung des Darms mit bestimmten Hefepilzen sein. Auch Selen- und Magnesiummangel stehen im Verdacht, Süßhunger auszulösen. Außerdem tritt Heißhunger auf Süßes in einer frühen Phase einer Diabetes-Erkrankung auf. https://www.bunte.de/health/gesundheit/heisshunger-du-hast-staendig-lust-auf-suesses-das-ist-der-grund-dafuer.html https://vitamoment.de/blogs/magazin/heisshunger-mangel

7.614:42 Look for TZ job...8 hrs is2much14:12 That "sissy" woman _that used to have blonde hair_ made a pained expression tday.Same yv made 10 yrs ago.Strange turnon808€ payed my finanzamt foir ekst 2023
17:34https://www.iu-fernstudium.de/bachelor/soziale-arbeit/https://www.iu-fernstudium.de/bachelor/psychologie/(Kraka is STILL required even for remote study !)https://www.knappschaft.de/DE/VersicherungBeitraege/MeineKVPV/Studenten/Studenten.html12:00 Making it to break was very exhausting today !!

6.615:06 met danielkrause on way jettschepp~bg _ (hes doing vacation in greta) in train.He said "good call on quitting habemus"13:03 karton hit agnst bottom  jaw
11:53 MouseJiggler (@work) refused service..Reconnrcted to other free usb port.now it werks
5:12 hrny wkup ?!!
5.6 helping @ bg
18:43 Timo app gd mgn darm
17:45 Timo bought ps5
13:14 Lidl closed. Vmarkt closed
13:00 2 brg (shopping groceries & helping moni&dad)
Ungefährliche Kleintiere, die in einem Käfig gehalten werden, wie zum Beispiel Ziervögel (Kleinvögel), Hamster, Meerschweinchen und Zwergkaninchen (Käfigkleintiere - der Verfasser -) darf der Mieter immer halten (siehe grundsätzlich Bundesgerichtshof - BGH - Aktenzeichen: VIII ZR 10/92). So etwas gehört zum vertragsmäßigen Wohnungsgebrauch. Dies gilt auch für die Haltung von Zierfischen. Ein mietvertragliches Tierhaltungsverbot gilt somit weder für Käfigkleintiere noch für Zierfische (Aufstellung eines Aquariums). https://www.rab-friedrich-ramm.de/beitrag14.html
7:29 Chris suggested "temporary vacation day" for today (as he came home from nighshift)
.. Called buhan about it (mailbox as always)
7:00 Phonecall w. Moni (Festnetz was off) (@89331 Burgau - Jahnstr10)
* They were hit pretty hard w. Waterdmg
* All neigbors evacuated
* Cellars full
* No elec snc days (emergency generator)
(App. Chris & Sis called early on.
Sis helped w. washing clothes)
3:42 R,arm cold n numb.. Slept on it
5:34 Lately have gag reflex when using tongue scraper
(Might be relatex to the "bhrny throat on wakeup"
5:11 2nd day of no trains drivin
15:45 REWE wont ship to Freihaldn
Canr buy festtagstorte online
• No more playing PS5
• No more internet (cell tower off!)
• Special pets (snakes, terrarium) r flipped
4:58 I think.  I dont wanna get tied down.
No car. No S.O. Not even a pet.
I hate obligations
16:23 Memhet told me to "nicht so chillig arbeiten" called Anrej n Alx "Zigeuner"
22:00 https://www.stylight.de/Magazine/Lifestyle/Gruende-Fuer-Schlechten-Schlaf/
15:27 Really really REALLLY crave that nut/haslenut 13€ cake from vmarkt.
(Train fell out when leaving for home, so couldnt buy one on wed.. Nghhh)
10:56 very very sleep. Like-Natsuo-in-ShiKi-Kind-of-sleepy.
7:05 37yo man n 53 old woman https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WyfgvK8EFsA&noapp=1
6:26 https://www.helios-gesundheit.de/magazin/news/02/chronisch-entzuendliche-darmerkrankung/
6:13 Geschädigte Darmbarriere https://fachmagazin-apotheke.net/top-oder-flop-hilft-kijimea-pro-wirklich/

18:58 Hyouka artist that I often ref'd for Yu N Aoi base:

21:10 "Orange" Anime basically is Yv, not making a choice DESPITE having a good idea..
Pointless. How things went eas perfect. ISFJ s suck
19:40 Neovascularization is a process that can occur in your body when new blood vessels grow. There are many places this can happen in your eye, including the retina and cornea. These new vessels may leak and cause vision loss https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24131-neovascularization-of-the-eye
17:32 Cancom payed 1591€ (for 1.5.24-31.5.24 with 4 state holidays and one we workday)
17:29 Common causes of pelvic pain It might be caused by an infection or a condition affecting one of the organs in the pelvic area, such as the bowel or bladder. Common causes include: constipation or irritable bowel syndrome. urinary tract infections (UTIs) nhs.uk/conditions/pelvic-pain
mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/irritable-bowel-syndrome/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20360064 nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/stomach-liver-and-gastrointestinal-tract/irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs
14:12 Wow cancoms floors are dirty !
I put on my new "" Safety shoes on today and.. Wow. If I push a carton with the foot it leaves a dirty foot print ! 
1:38 https://yemachu.github.io/cardmaker/
20:04 Now that I think about it.. I *did* find <3 in Wü.. For Yu n Aoi @16\Jan\2022 !
19:20 Draw YU&AOI again enuff 7s. I. NEED. VRAINS.
18:09 WTF Rush Duel
* my regular deck picks apart any rush duel deck..
* no main phase 2 (?)
* weak af monsters.
* https://www.watchmojo.com/suggest/Top+10+Reasons+Why+Yu-Gi-Oh%21+Sevens+Sucks%21
16:35 Limb lymph node response to bone fracture
21:34 TripMate Nano nolonger mounts 3TB HDD..
Y-cable is delivering power fine. And the hdd works on windows...
Even the webinterface wont recognice the hdd anymore...
=> Buy new hdd ???
=>>Y-cable was not seated properly. NOW IT WORKS 😸
15:45 Autism has long been considered a condition of extreme egocentrism. The word 'autism' comes from the Greek word 'autos', meaning 'self'. However, recent research shows that individuals with autism are also impaired in thinking about themselves. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/12/091213214104.htm
15:41 https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/the-top-10-causes-of-death https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/am-i-right/202211/accepting-death-is-harder-than-ever
15:30 Welp. I had a roof over thge head all my life, was allowed to pursue what I wanted and only the past 10 years
(2014-2024) were really stressful. I was able to finish what I wanted and am ok with 33 years (40 was max id endure)
Never got along with people or had friends past 2010.
Dont get ppl either..
Drawing, programming music reconstruction. I'm not good cat any much,
but finished what I wanted to and am satisfied with the results.
All good.
Life seems to be repetition past 30 eitherhow.
And 30+ ppl have only baggage and spite. Nothx. Cant relate
14:54 https://drdhrymes.com/humans-are-not-meant-to-be-alone/
14:52 up to 50% of cancers can be prevented through healthy lifestyle choices https://www.mdanderson.org/publications/focused-on-health/can-you-prevent-cancer--a-conversation-with-ernest-hawk--m-d-.h10-1593780.html
Plant foods are rich in fiber and phytochemicals, which have cancer-fighting properties
. This doesn’t mean you should avoid meat entirely, but it should play more of a side role.
NonHodkinLymph = Most curable C
14:53 https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003097.htm
14:52 https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/age
14:48 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of several autoimmune conditions that can cause swollen lymph nodes. RA occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the lining of the joints, causing stiffness, pain, and warmth. A 2019 review article states that RA affects the lymph nodes, reducing their capacity to drain fluid from nearby inflamed joints. This impairment may lead to local lymph node enlargement.https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/swollen-lymph-nodes-in-armpit#other-causes
14:40 In general, the traditional model deals with the body one organ at a time. For example, if someone has symptoms of sinus infection due to inhalation of mold mycotoxins, physicians trained in this model will address only the sinuses. The typical remedies will be ineffective and possibly hazardous. Focusing too much on individual organs causes practitioners to overlook the interaction of each organ system on the others. https://www.drlamcoaching.com/blog/an-in-depth-guide-to-mold-exposure-symptoms-part-2/
14:32 https://time.com/6208115/quiet-quitting-companies-response/
14:26 inguinal hernia which occurs when internal tissues in stomach push through a weak groin muscles. https://www.facebook.com/prommrteam/photos/a.1615287291896518/5850315795060292/?type=3
14:17Most peopleTrusted Source have localized lymphadenopathy, in which only the lymph nodes in one particular area of the body swell up. When more than one region swells, this is called generalized lymphadenopathy, and it usually signifies a systemic, or body-wide, disease that may require medical attention.*Undetectable types and more https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-long-can-you-have-cancer-without-knowing#symptomatic-vs-asymptomatic-cancer https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324105#definition14:07 Kinda always felt misplaced with people.
Never any1 to get alomg with after childhood and fun&play® was over.
Also feel ppl are alienated and/or uneasy in my presence.
9:25 Working #BSRoformer for #UVR5
Requires use with this version of UVR: https://github.com/TRvlvr/model_repo/releases/download/uvr_update_patches/UVR_Patch_3_29_24_5_11_BETA_full_roformer.exe
(if your uvr patch *.exe is newer, just download the ckpt and copy it to the models/mdx folder)
8:42 Diarrea esque poo. Swzwaelder kirsch torte ?
17:12 Shown SAP booking again today..
They "guess" how manby pcs fit in Autostore Bin ?!
Uhhh I dont wanna book. Better stay at Autostore.
Is easier
(They roast e.o. based on how many errors they "make"
21:05 "300.000¥ in cash" from ygo sevens ep7 still cracks me up 🤣🤣
5:56 Chris told me I have "middleshift" (9:00-17:30) this week ..ohhkay ?
Whyd none tell meeee ??
4:50 super boring weekend. Good think i can go to work.
Home is boring

22:02 IPS_2024-05- 
@ https://my.hidrive.com/share/xds400sbkc#$/NSwitch/ACR
Will not upload to Youtube, processing fail ..
https://i.ibb.co/3m2ndKG/Screenshot-20240520-213942-Brave.png )
Ohwell fu thge ACR remake anyways !
18:24 "Want home" thoughts
7:32 poo light. Tresor kellogs ? Sandwich ?
Work at Saturday !?!! Oh boy I accidentaly said yes ...
15:15 https://www.reddit.com/r/aromantic/comments/zu5265/romantic_relationship_are_like_optional_choices/?rdt=33153
12:12 Patrick Pihlar is birthyear 1996 ?! (Showed me his perso). Loool
15:15 Bohans Bro confirmed "6:02 trains is ok" !  Good !!
15:14 Patrick has a few screws loose.
"Dont use \must\ infront of your superior, respectless"
-> He MUST bring the bin back. Ofc. He MUST. WTF
5:42 Working at lan-cablecom longer than one or a few months is prolly not feasible.
They hire noob ppl who dont take their job srsly.
Patrck is annoying ( "yes\no-answers only pls", "r u even doin it rite" ? Bla bla. Letting me re count what had been count alrdy...)
Or everyone complaining that I "walk too much".
Asif that makes things sooo much more efficient.
His colleagues kinda suck and overrely on him for computor comish auslgr prog.
80% smokers. Unhappy apprentices.
Kinda boring company.
Each break I now need to find a secluded spot.
Chair near pcs at wareintake is now taken.
So need to 5 minute walk to secluded balcony #2.
(As #1 has smokers on it).
Even chris doesnt take his job seriously.
* Misscounts to 37 when i onlky need 36
* Shoves 220 cbls into system "just assuming theyll fit" when 150 is most that fit.
(Asking why won't use the irl model bin yields "you think i always check it" ??)
- good job.. Slacker
Clowns that work here. Derpy clowns
Still rmbr how Buhan said "we are looking for ppl who are motivated to work"
Yep. They Have almost nil of those.
5:31 Poo still darker-ish.
Milk / coffee at work (?) or the (canned)noodle-tuna-salad I ate ?
(Kinda weird .. B4 fasting, poo was consistently light colored. Now darker)
16:02 64,4 kg ! Target weight reached ! => Nomore processed & red meat (salami, bifi) from now on !!
5:34 Eyelids bottom are MiSsIng eyelashes towards nose on both sides ??
(Top too ?!)
(At least less lashes will fall into my eyes now. Good)
14.5 ====STOP. MEAT INTAKE ====
2:22 Intense "Tortelloni in Käse Sahne Sauce" cravings nghhh
Red Meat:
* BifiRolls
* Lasagna
Processed Meat:
* Hamburgers
* Pizza
21:14 BAD: Processed meats (bacon, ham, deli meat, jerky, hot dogs, salami, other cured meat products). https://www.mdvip.com/about-mdvip/blog/what-causes-you-die-early
T just want to say that it upsets me when people say go to the doctor. Dont they realize how many people dont have medical insurence and can't do that. I don't like to eat anymore eather, i force myself. I eat soup in the winter and salad in the summer. And I make sure they are all nutritious enough so i don't get sick. This has been going on for years and the few times i was able to see a doctor they never found a reason. I don't think doctors are the answer for most peoplehttps://www.quora.com/Is-it-bad-that-Im-not-eating-anymore
19:45 Most anal fissures get better with simple treatments, such as increased fiber intake or soaking in a warm-water bath. Some people with anal fissures may need medicine or, occasionally, surgery. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/anal-fissure/symptoms-causes/syc-20351424
19:09 Poo Color
https://health.clevelandclinic.org/how-your-diet-can-affect-your-poop-color(Black gray red are an issue)
18:53 Poo is kimda dark-ish (choco color) but I only ate TUC yesterday (and TUC n fish today)
.. They days before I started fasting it usually was light brown ish (aside from when ate choco, then it was brown)
5:26 Having booba s caressed n checked by s.o. aswell as armpits .. Mhmm
5:14 65,6 kg (ate only TUC ystrday)
13.5 ----FASTING - start----
Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) = Deaths / Cases = 23,430 / 1,694,781 = 1.4% (1.4% of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have a fatal outcome, while 98.6% recover). https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-death-rate/ https://www.thinkglobalhealth.org/article/just-how-do-deaths-due-covid-19-stack
*benefits-and-risks map to show how the number of deaths caused by mRNA vaccines is grossly underestimated and why claimed benefits like 95% effectiveness rate and 90% death rate reduction are meaningless and misleading. I found that latent side effects are always concealed by the massive organ reserves 15, 16, 17, 18 and thus symptom-based research models are clearly unworkable. A healthy person only needs 30-40% of maximum functional capacity to feel well 15, 16, 17, 18, but a drug, vaccine or treatment could consume organ functional reserves without causing any symptoms. Due to the small size, mRNA is much smaller and could more easily penetrate into any types of cells. The whole SARS-Cov-2 virus is much bigger and can enter only a few types of cells. This explains why the number of adverse effects of mRNA vaccines is actually far more than the number of well recognized symptoms of the COVID-19 disease. Based on all evidence, I thus conclude that chances of finding vaccine defectiveness is very high or nearly unity, and the chance of seeing them as harmless products is nearly zero. I urge everyone reading this article to think deeply and do not trade your health and life for $100 or a job.
https://openaccesspub.org/international-journal-of-coronaviruses/article/1784 https://fortune.com/well/2024/02/19/how-dangerous-covid-vaccines-health-risk-blood-clot-heart-neurological/
15:24 - 65.4 kg (yay !)
15:23 There is some weird greenspish haematom thingy near thenswollen stuff right belly...
From the fall last week ??
15:04 Insane "Pfanner Icetea cravings" ... Only drink today. No eating 
(Xcept fish, cammberty apples, babana maybe ?)
15:01 not that hungry, but rhirsty !!
•••Loose Weight•••
* Sleep 7-8 hours at least (f.e. 21:00 -4:30)
* Lower calory intake (fish, noodles, fruit, veggies)
* NO FASTFOOD !! (Lasagna,izza, baguette, hamburger)
* move at least 30-40 minutes a day
[* consider working out, pullups, pushups, etc,)
* Drink ONLY WATER (No flavored crap, energy drink etc)
* No SWEETS ! No snickers, twix lion, etc. Avoid avoid avoid !
=> You will feel far better with less visceral fat etc.
Also sharper mind, more motility, less disease risk.
While people can develop visceral fat as the result of a sedentary lifestyle, the fat itself is quite active. Abdominal fat secretes large amounts of toxic substances. These substances increase your blood pressure by tightening your blood vessels, cause inflammation throughout your body and make it difficult for your body to handle blood glucose.
Nomore PFANNER-Eistee!! => Drink water again instead (slimdown, back to 64 kg)
18:24 Want s.o. to bellyrub me (slightly chubby belly @68 kg)
R.side (my view) has a fat-y thng. (Only visible if hold breath n pull belly in.
Slim down ?
18:01 Getting Up at 4:30 A.M. Makes You Fat, Sick, and Ineffective, Say Top Geneticists https://www.inc.com/geoffrey-james/rising-too-early-makes-you-fat-according-to-new-genetic-research.html
17:51 Have nothing.Be Nothing. Know knowing.
And noone. Thats me.
A failure of a human being.
Who cares..
(And that huggy and k$$y thghts ?
Worthless. Not possible with the egoistical. Selfcentered way ppl are.
Wrong planet.
You tried.
13:52 The Netto Baguettes are kinda bland lately (ate 1 ystrday (ketchuip) n one today (curry)
Welp..? The burgers american style are still amazing tho !
And the cabanossi too
9:10 Bored bored booored !
I'm glad I can work on monday ... Nothing 2do at home
12:04 BlondemTicket Controller Lady
Washington ppl a "nice we"
7:53 LGG3 won't read in ir keycode(s).
Guess Tuya (blergh) and Silvercrest Remote the way to go..?
15:35 Nomore PanicButton for ApexLegends (NSwitch) ?
5:45 So to coddle
5:03 Kopfhaut pulls
19:45 Chickenburrito (frm lidl) was baddd ? Feel queasy.. 
=> Do NOT buy brrto from lidl anymore !!!
14:54 just layin in bed bored
22:45 Being jobless (arbeitslos) from 8.Jan till 30.4.24 made me fat.
64.5 -> 66.9 kg bah !
21:56 Stmch plls
16:43 https://www.zeit.de/zeit-verbrechen/2024/25/lokfuehrer-schienensuizid-trauma-psychotherapie
17;19 Forehead ouch (dehydration& stressuuu)
14:40 Basecap Friend of Chris
(who was his classmate) said
"©m-takes anyone"
(Not for ServicefCtho app.)

12:04 L.Side hurts agn.
Feetsoles too.
=> Get new safety shoes !!
22:23 RemotePlay PS5 <=> Android eats thru my datavolume ??!
15:10 incrdbly side n stomch pain.bsubsided at home
(6.5. must be the "safety shoes". Used winter shoes @work today. N0pain)
12:15 Got Stempelchip
12:20 Acc to Jem (smol azubi) his Stempelchip wont work for opening frontdoor
==> Burhan said "security is being redone" --> His Chip Malfunctions in similar manner at times
6:28 8 azubis @ lagerlogistic @ cancom in total
6:26 glasses azubi n chubby boi fetchd "kevin".
Salman not here yet.
4:03 Stupid thrt/phrx I shoujlrd leave air into room mkreoften
12:25 https://git.sr.ht/~thestr4ng3r/chiaki/refs/v2.2.0
6:25 Learn IR codes with android smartphone
20:56 https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000174717/vom-hartnaeckigen-gefuehl-nicht-schoen-genug-zu-sein https://www.fr.de/panorama/nicht-schoen-genug-ihn-11287982.html
20:29 Kuss: Hirnregionen für depressive Stimmungen werden deaktiviert. Wir atmen flacher, unser Herz schlägt schneller.https://www.geo.de/magazine/geo-kompakt/6154-rtkl-geheime-botschaften-was-wir-beim-kuessen-ueber-uns-verraten
WSA for Windows (Android #apk on windows ) pacman

13:11 lok s6lite away again & use old cushion.. Maybe im stressed, thats wshy throatburn ?

13:50 wakup. Burni pharynx throat lil bit sigh.

23.1215:23 Flippin scratchy throat10:00 Heating blanket arrived (all otherones: br0ken => do not use on same outlet divider as oven is on !)
21.3.202316:15 After almoist no sleep and 13+ hrs nof tinkering:ANIMATED STAG SUPPORT !! https://web.archive.org/web/20240321151613/https://ry3yr.github.io/SampleWebMMD-master.zip(Added it to codeberg also :D )
9:05 MMD Loader: DONE!
The mmmd px loader is now as good as can be.
* add custom vmd loading aside the already exising one ??
=> Pointless (see v5), will resultin hover physics etc.
==> Leave existing and use code for PointerEvent to generate seconds via MotionArray
* Add CameraVMD 
=> Camera is ALWAYS interrupted as soon as you load a motion for the character
==> Documentation is too poor. Not worth it
* OuterEffect Lines /Cell Shading
=> Fails with "OuterEffect" not defined no matter how you import (even on alcea-wisteria server)
=>> Leave it be.
>>> For as terrible as the documentation is, be glad it:
*allows camera control
*loads a stage
*loads a pmx + vmd.
and allows switching all on the fly.
More. Than.Enough
=> https://ry3yr.github.io/SampleWebMMD-master.zip

22:22 PMX MMD web-renderer: DONE !
https://web.archive.org/web/20240318211909/https://alcea-wisteria.de/PHP/SampleWebMMD-master/(Backup: https://ry3yr.github.io/SampleWebMMD-master.zip )

14;24 #dream At table w. dad n ppl.
red switch2 cardboardboxes.
even has embed playbk cntrs for mp3 

5:39 https://ry3yr.github.io/mmd-viewer-js-master.zip 
=> has converted Yusaku PMD and WORKS !
4:00 PMD (MikuMikuDance) inbrowser viewer :) (now with texture fix html !)
PMX Editor
00:27 Unterbett Heizdeck ALSO BROKEN.
21:45 Yuck ichy throat
18:45 A3 Printer works :D
15:56 Headskin/ pulls weirdly after middaynap
waking up at 8 am was a mistake

18:45 5min sprint n alrsy outta breath ?!
4:51 Bayernkolleg SW was the best time of my life.
4 years of peace.
No money worry, a place to be, purpose
People with similar goals.
I miss it so much

12:45 https://cms.bs5-augsburg.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1029:2017-02-05-22-08-20&catid=36:neuigkeiten
3:04 The transporters in NieRAutomata kinda remind me of vending machines.
Imagine having your own snack vending machine in your home.

16:56 Slight brn whn pee,
just like a few months ago

21:27 Holzstifte / Woodenpencils SUCK for coloring. NEVER AGAIN.
Use gouche or copic markers if any ..
Or arinaTanemuras pens
Faber Castell Polychromos
Polychromos Verblenden - Farbübergänge Zeichnen mit Buntstiften  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1eN0KtSJWw
23:34 Since getting the wire plugin in NieRAutomata.. I constantly try to "riggt stick adjust weapon wheel" like in Apex..
Guess wireplugin confuses me that NieR is an FPS now ?

1:02 Ouch. R. elbow nerve hurttts
15:21 ~Final~ GameTheory Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgxPlUgIqSA
12:54 Projectortrace = worse than tracd from tablet
•line wobble d.t. uneven wall

1:34 REAPER https://drive.google.com/file/d/1arc4cklPxbcL9-yvp6YAwXxyMGTj3pfn/view?pli=1
(Pass: 123456) (keygen = virus ?)
=> https://audiosex.pro/threads/question-about-methods-used-for-sfx-removal.74536/ (mine)
MAGIX Samplitude Pro X8 Suite v19.0.1.23115 Win64.rar https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rfgoz7G-JxwSumhAXUzqSTpqWaU9l1WH/view?pli=1https://getalink.net/129-magix-samplitude-pro-full-version.html (Pass: www.4download.net )

4:07 Got NieRAutomata Wire plugin yess
2:35 Access SMB share (TPLink) via windows explorer only
(smb win readonly https://poe.com/s/qomAKiHwkiHZTaeOCm4I)
1) #Tinywall => Special Exceptions => File and Printer share (allow) check
ibb.co/QPv5ck0 /i.ibb.co/rx2Wt39/Screenshot-2024-03-08-04-38-41.jpg
2) Windows Explorer into bar: \\
15:03 Switched to BRAVE webbrowser on desktop too.
This is ridiculous. Opera changes the page source and tacks on spam.
Bye Opera. For real this time.
11:11 Didn't sleep much better on floor (w. mini matress).
just gave me backpain

13:16 Batteries in Clock made no difference, mandated poweroutage (13:00-14:00) still shut it down
3'45 wakup w. Hurty throat lately
22:50 burn n leg n crotch region starts mostly in bed / room
=> Something in this room ? Vent air more often ?

23:59 AnotherCodeR vs Remake https://pb.todon.de/@alcea/112034603497014648
https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/426391-another-code-recollection/80712873 https://archive.ph/BaztS
20:55 Scale displays lowbatt
15:32 No.1 Neuroscientist: Stress Leaks Through Skin, Is Contagious & Gives You Belly Fat!- Dr. Tara Swart
14:02 Stop being passive. 2023 was an entirely passive year.
Time to take matters into your own hand again
Listening to my Fam = BAD idea:
1) Work @ hbms
2) Take flat in FH (cause moni n da dpressured me to move out after living in BG after only 4 months)
3) (stupidest mkstake !!) quit my 99€ Appartment in Wü .. That. was. so. stupid.
(had cost me 600€ more, bit I could be back there right now *sigh*)
13:04 The SHOES I bought months ago.. Are they at fault ?
12:50 The lil walks i did in aux nu sw and wü ..
I nolonger do in FH .. Not et al.
No bank to walk to, no store. Nothing. Makes me rust I bet, but there s no point
in Japan, voice actors are usually never replaced outside of instances where the voice actor dies or is removed from the role due to a scandal https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemonanime/comments/148m2p2/i_understand_that_may_wasnt_able_to_reappear_in/?rdt=34522
23:56 Kinda miss BK ... That view.
I spend so much time there *sob*
23:14 Guess I can kindau derstand Dr House MD now..
Being in pain makes you bitchy, ppl around you cant relate, but will avoid you n ur bitchyness
22:12 pit bedsheet n cushionsheet in wash too
(Incase mold sppres set on) (+ turned matrese 180° around)
20:01 Visible blueveins at hands => ↓ oygen
  =>> open blinds n windows at night =>>> airflow dur sleep
15:54 pimple at inner right arm ? Huh
13:32 Filled out n sent in (post) Buergergeldantrag
* 5 Bewerbugsbemühungen *Vermieterbescheinigung (??)
=> Last ALGII Antrag in 2022 in Wü needed neizher those things ??
(hand in rest via mail)
#dream 12:30 baked good in Bakery paperbag. Cornsemmel. Semel. Prezel mhmm
10:54 Pee smelling weird snc ystrday ? All thatcoffee ??

Pixiv&Github new pass (Using AES Crypt & "standartpass2encrypt"):
21:00 Using Brave on android, cause masto.social and urusai.social compose box is broken on opera ..
now mtd redirect bookmark works :D
18;56 go shopping @ evening so i dont need to see left eye floaters
14:03 518€ last hbms payment. Yes !!
12:05 Can a frozen mtd user still in ite ppl to thr instance ?

3:54 https://ry3yr.github.io/OSTR/Diarykeepers_Homepage/extrafiles/site/effects/NierAutomataSFX.zip
11:45 ouchy neck

6:34 Writing a "Replacement Navbar" => WasteOfTime
• vanishes on index html as you scroll
•[-] pseudo hamburger button vanishes whn clicked, but only when inpage,noit if used in navbar html
• submenu goes UNDER the contact.html img.. W.T.F ?!!!
Flip it. Stick with nicepage, Beedn usin it for years.
21:03 Straight shot is a actually a good apex mode. Maybe as good as arenas
12:43 I misd walking mira (dog) with dad
=> Avoid 3.5mm cinch in Switch when recording hdmi gameplay .. => will no record audio !!!
12:40 nomore use shoppingcarts ?
What if I were to ram in a car on way over parkinglos ?
I don't have that kinda #insurance , nor do I wanna
10:14 Restore PHP Server File from JetBackup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_2IP39X42M&feature=youtu.be
8:13 Good I take keys with me when going to toilet
.. Doir fell closed behind me

15:56 Disappointing partner nintendodirect.. GirlWhoStealsTime & a new supermonkeyball
No SquareEnix
13:05 What weekday is today ? No idea, but a nintendodirect mini is today !

10:44 PHP: add weight (kg) +(date) + (dressed/nondressed) => into json
=> render with chart js
20:52 Mayyybe the mood in Aux caused the diarrea ..
Just like this time in FH
(And time I threw up after "eating pizza n watching ghost in the shell" same cause")
19:55 Barely use SteamDeck. Only have it for KingdomHeartsIII and NieRReplicant, both which I barely play.
Other PCGames (FinalFantasyXIII, TalesOfBerseria, )
A few Homebrew (Stepmania, RPGMaker)
=> It's cool, buf lacks the hybrid factor of NintendoSwitch.
Also Switch has most games that matter already, without trashy DRM or AlwaysOn.
12:27 Expectations are the enemy of reality, but the enabler of hopes an dreams
18:14 peeing less today (right eing pain)
17:04 NO WONDER I'm so effed up... the apple from june left some more spores, and the entire walls around the bet had MOLD !
=> Set off bed a bit so I can see.
==> cleaned off mold.
Floater in eye and bad mood from this ? (we are talking 7 + months mold exposure.., no wonder hygrometer was not happy, my sneezing might be from it too !)
10:14 HoshiNoSamidare Soundtrack Released!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frNKcZcplu4&t=2600s

22:00 Take break from Mastodon / Social Media:
• changed alceawis.de/about to use a "details" spoiler arouns the entire MTD section
• Removed all bookmarks (pc, s6lite, Realme5pro pointing to mtd)
=> I worked enough on mtd tools.
==>> MTD is stressful, ppl can diss me, I wonder how my stuff is received.
Stick to:
• [Programming] Codepen.io / Website
• [Drawing] Pixiv / Deviantart
• [SplicingMusic] Youtube
• [Writeups] alceawis.de/Blog 
The ppl on social media.. Maybe they are unhappy.
Let itg be.
Social Mediatime:

15:10 My neurologist could, however. He told me I was suffering from a syndrom called visual snow. Basically it is a form of hightned senses and it makes me perceive everything to extremes. It sounds like a super power, but rather sooner than later I'd get rid of it. https://www.reddit.com/r/EyeFloaters/comments/ec2r1t/i_got_my_life_back_suffering_from_floaters_daily/?rdt=38219
Pupillengröße auch ein Indikator für die (seelische) Belastung eines Menschen sein. https://www.glaukom-forum.net/wbb3forum/index.php?thread/5596-symptome-wie-dringend-untersuchen-lassen/&postID=57688#post57688 
<=> atropine they use for examination is a lot higher than the 0.01% he prescribed me. I should be able to read everything and still have my floaters dissapear.
•What does it do? It relexes the nerves of the iris and as a result, your pupil widens. As I said, I am using 0.01% atropine drops
https://www.atropinsulfat-augentropfen.de/bestellung/( https://www.verywellhealth.com/visual-snow-syndrome-1719607 https://www.eyeonvision.org/donate.html https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/vw6hkr/any_of_yall_got_visual_snow_its_a_neurological/ https://www.reddit.com/r/visualsnow/comments/k6dlfn/visual_snow_and_anxiety/?rdt=34367 http://www.neurologie.insel.ch/de/aktuelles/details/news/visual-snow-syndrom-und-migraene )

20:38 Diarrea asif peeing ? It was almost better this morning.. Hbms still seeping..
Waiting a few more weeks n chillin
7:34 64.2 kg
19:50 Stop relying on koyu
https://urusai.social/@koyu@kopimi.space/111930998283149452She said it "is annoying to get mentioned multiple times in a row". Fine.
Gotta find someoneelse for tech questions........
6:35 https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2024/02/nintendo-to-stop-repairing-2ds-new-3ds-and-3ds-xl-in-japan

leider gibt es kein anderes Zeit-/Vertragsmodell, das Deinen Erwartungen und unseren Anforderungen entspricht..
Wir haben uns vor einigen Jahren dazu entschlossen nur noch Vollzeitstellen in der Produktion zu vergeben, da die Produktionsplanung so sehr viel runder läuft.
Noch dazu gehen wir von einer Schichtbereitschaft in der Produktion aus – der fairnesshalber will und kann ich bei Dir keine Ausnahme machen.
Es tut mir sehr leid, dass wir hier nicht zusammenkommen.
Für die Zukunft wünsche ich Dir alles Gute! Wir haben die Zusammenarbeit mit Dir als sehr angenehm empfunden.
Viele Grüße:
23:56 Drew 4 images today (meme js,php,python family, rq, pfp, and a arcvxvrain yuaoi crossover. I missed drawing this much :) is fun !)
14:00 PfannerIceTea causes leg shin burn ?
=> Stop drinking ice tea, time for "water only again" (12€ for ice tea per week is too much)
6:11 "We cant start like this - I dont understand your query" Nanna @ hbms hah. 3 day week. Too difficult ? Thank goodness. Imagine she'd have said yes. Good Riddance habemus
6:00 #dream Talking w. FabianSupra bout Vrains & YusakuFujiki. Himfocusing on Season 1.
 Both accepting: "Yep. Yu is the coolest ☺️"

20:00 Keep website asis. Jquery is best to load Navbar ! https://urusai.social/@alcea/111920036600732160
11:34 LegsBurnin better. Diarrea still there tho.
(Burgau tax visit was good for me ?)
5:45 Children names:
•Daughter: Maron (<-> KKJ, KamikazeKaitouJeanne)
•Son: Geo(rg) (<-> RnR, Ryuusei noRockmam)

22:23 Dad has all data for Steuerklär. Lessee if it works out
20:08 Dad said "It's astounding to see you up like thisy considering how bad off you were at birth" Hmm... Maybe
Maybs he has a point.. I'm flipped up rn. But managed quige a bit huh
13:08 back left side burnin, feets n legs too, as since weeks
12:12 Alceawis.de.zip detected as html virus lol
7:48 yunaoi isometric happy hug
6:56 Humans yearn for connection.
But all they'll find is, sexy pseudo love shared hardships and shared interests. 
Easily confused with "a connection"
6:35 hbms made me realize ..
ppl can stop talking to s.o. / be cold when it suiuts em.
Just. Like. That. - Talked2e.o. regularly, then bam. Stopped suddenly.
6:33 legs dont burn on wakeup

14:56 Bürgergeld
https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/arbeitslos-arbeit-finden/buergergeld/buergergeld-beantragen https://web.arbeitsagentur.de/sgb2ha/sgb2ha-ui/pd?reglevel=email
<=> https://ibb.co/Q94p8P2
14:40 Figure out a way back to cheap rent Wü ?
893?? region is a waste of time.
Dads company sucks.
The companies here all suck.
And this "family" ? They dont care.
Want to do their thing. No visitors etc.
Flip em. Everything -nomatter how little is too much for em.. So done.
10:43 NSO Membership ran out...
5:22 #dream YuNAoi Doggy style sx
7:27 R.Eye Much better today. Bleeding subsided.pain better

20:44 Record HDMI from Android /S6Lite YES

17:34 Pressure on L.Eye too
17:16 R.Eye bleedin still there . Hurts a bit .. Took a photo.
13:13 Weird capillarzy bleed in on r.eye for a change (usually its left one ...)
I do look reeally tired..
7:43 #Dream table parser for. Google entries ?
Cant figure out the way to tread the final value ngh

14:12 Aand someone uploaded the kkj Soundtrack to youtube
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xxe9yiJqDs8 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0P3e4IvFo7M

16:15 New Elster (2024) cert: Dropbox/Public/2Diaric/Z_Steuer/Elster _cert.rar
15:25 Left Stempelchip in top Spind compartment.
=> Call in Sick tomorrow & day after
=>> ByeBye Habemus
15:22 101 BlueLog's konfig'd. 9 left for Walter
13:45 Spind clened up

18:00 Truth is..
If dad was smart. He'd say "boy. Fck habemus. Here is 6k from the inheritance. I still have mkre than enough 10ks !eft.
I earn. Go study ! Study now ! Quickly.
(Instead ? Wants me to stay at a company that breaks me. Just so he doesnt have to endure kt alone. Despicable.
These 11 months taught me. He is.. Unreliable. Ynd flipflops ALOT.
(Told me so often " maybe theyll extend and give you new contract.
I dont wanna. And also. They are liars. Ignored my rq to "cancle me n rehire me" and now it will def be the same.
Cause today is thr last work day.. I'll make sure)
17:29 So ppl started uploading kkj's / KamikazeKaitouJeanne ost at End of last year
<=>下载地址:https://url17.ctfile.com/f/10338817-996127186-49dffc?p=347297 (访问密码: 347297)
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1WioxAll_iD9p8thR8jX89Q?pwd=suvq 提取码: suvqInteresting !
03.02Istp = https://www.personalitycafe.com/threads/why-people-find-us-boring.1021497/13:16 Blood in sputum (lil bit): BRUSH. TEETH. REFULARLY. STOP FALLING ASLEEP !!3:17 ArbeitsLOS meldung r'qs:• Online IdentOr • InPerson Termin(How do thes think this is possible if you are still employed ?!?!)2:00 FOSBOS NEUULM•ImageFilm FosBos 2014: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFavW-jvSYQhttps://web.archive.org/web/20240119212510/https://www.fosbos.neu-ulm.de/fileadmin/inhalte/pdfs/jahresberichte/JB_18_OnlineVersion.pdfhttps://www.fosbos.neu-ulm.de/fileadmin/inhalte/pdfs/jahresberichte/JB_2021-2022_OnlineVersion.pdf(Hr.Boller: https://miografie.de/2015/04/15/bluspendeaktion-fosbos-neu-ulm-meins-deinseins/ )
02.0215:28 JS being all "are still here also" in high pitched voice..(I was the only one at BlueLogKonfig... She could've just turned around..
There is no reason for her to talk to me anymore. fck her. She can piss off)She's a waste of time and a waste of space. Don't give her the time of day  https://www.quora.com/What-does-it-mean-if-a-girl-is-in-a-relationship-but-lies-to-you-and-says-that-she-is-single15:22 I wanted js to "look after me" a bit.. the ppl here are cold n indifferent.No exceptions.(She used to ask "if I was staying" .. She no longer does.And she def. Got the "apprenticeship terminated mail too.. Wtf)

01.02 Angry day... Clif3 Adapter dies. Ek50ml pruefplz suckd.
23:45 Worst part ab habemus: Need to stick each day till end (cause Fahrgemeinschaft w. Dad)22:55 Dad and his fckng Tangutschein BS
22:45 "must go home" thgt ugh15:29 Jürgen saying "He doesnt understand how a 20 Millionen Umsatz Company can havs such shoddy logistics as hbms"15:23 Karlheinz asking me if I'd do #Maschinenführer Ausbildung nxt year ..And saying "leaving \now\ was the worst thing you couldve done" (referring to ndxt stopp app. being his)((I'll miss him a bit))
15:15 Talking to js -even if it was just the dmgd pckg - was calming. I like listening to her.
But thats it.
We talked 1 last time. (I tapped her shld again)
I'm done ~peace~
I dont feel as crazy ab her anymore(Her examples suck as usual..Comparing "taking in n signing pckg for company" with "taking package at home".. She is insane...)
Dhe DOES talk 2 anyone.
All good :D
Was my work illusion.
Finally its done
11:53 *Upon me looking at Bluelogs*: Juergen
"Nur schauen, nicht anfassen"? haha
11:23 Ppl.who seek conversation w. others merly to reenforce their ego, "sap off good mood" are the worst....
5:29 ppl don't allow "you to care for em (cddl. hug)" nor do they "care ab you". Pointless.
Ppl only care about their ego. Impossible to relaste. Can't strike a chord.
They seek immediaste solutions, no matter how bad
19:04 EyePressure. NoseSniffle.
16:45" Fucky standing behind prefpltz3 just like 11 mnths ago. She is insane. 5 more days. Thn I'm free.
6:08 64.2kg drssd
5:32 Working at a new place is needed, as I nolonger know the ppl there. 0 xpectations. 0 worries

19:36 YT RSS Feeds BROKEN
While most eye floaters will never truly disappear, they do generally decrease in size and severity daily – becoming less and less irritating as time passes.
This is encouraging to many people. All things considered, eye floaters can take anywhere from a couple weeks to six months to ‘disappear.
15:17 https://www.augen-scherer.de/
12:34 Are the floater more ?
6:13 I think "l.eye feeling weak" was alwwys thiis floater.. Strange how it only bothers me now...

11:12 L.bottom belly pulls
10:03 Feet ankle burnin (then again. left eye floater pisses me off far more)
Eye strain — especially from staring at a computer screen for long hours — can also make floaters more noticeable.
Taking frequent breaks and limiting screen time can reduce your risk of digital eye strain, a condition that may increase your awareness of floaters
https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/detached-retina-retinal-detachment/ https://www.allaboutvision.com/treatments/remedies/reduce-floaters-naturally/
4:25 Want home thgts
2:24 R.Side Pain

14:50 TobiasPfeiffer was right: JS talks. alotAnd loves hearing herself talk.
Derpy fool.
(habemd ppl are back were when I came:
I dislike em all.. They kerp playing the game from b4 I came here
Xcept Laura. Shes nice :) )
12:32 flo student: @ fh aux
11:54 Laura is fun 2 talk to (if I'm in a good mood)
Might make a good friend
9;45 always thnk of yv whn lonely
8:35 Susi is cute and I like her smile. mhmm
6:28 63.6kg (no suppr ystrday n today)
6:08 Until Heininga realised that she’d rather have a drink with her co-worker than with her friends that she started asking herself what was going on.
6:05 I once persued a girl for months and finally got her to go on a double date. She was gorgeous, smart, funny and greatly sought after by other guys. We ate, we danced, we parked, we kissed. I won't go into details but I could not stand the way she kissed https://www.quora.com/My-colleague-and-I-kissed-Why-is-he-now-keeping-distant-I-feel-like-I-m-entitled-to-an-explanation-from-a-guy-for-his-behavior

5:17Because with your mouth you can control and go faster than your pussy. Also the mouth is more sensitive than your pussy. https://www.quora.com/Why-does-it-seem-that-my-boyfriend-likes-my-mouth-more-than-my-pussy-His-penis-is-always-rock-hard-in-my-mouth-but-when-he-pulls-it-out-to-have-sex-with-me-it-s-half-hard-and-half-soft-till-the-end https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/bsdyj3/boyfriend_prefers_receiving_head_to_actual/ https://www.justanswer.com/relationship/5e5e8-boyfriend-prefers-oral-sex-vaginal-sex-says.html5:02 Handbestuecken = issue, cause cant extrapolate into the future3:56Experts say that not only can you use a nickname at work, you should, since doing so could boost your career.  https://finance.yahoo.com/news/people-nickname-earn-bigger-paychecks-172120583.htmlTalented people look at the idiot, then look at the management/owners that hired the idiot and decide their management/owners are idiots too and go find better jobs. https://www.quora.com/Is-it-a-sign-of-narcissism-or-other-mental-issue-when-a-person-makes-up-nicknames-for-other-people-e-g-coworkers-and-continues-to-use-them-even-when-others-indicate-they-do-not-want-the-nickname-to-be-used0:01 I lovebroken ppl. N ppl who show /me/ their broken sidewanna kiss em till fixed .. mhmmm

16:00 3 days snc it is known. JS hasnt lost a *single word* and came talking to me about me quitting => Selfish bbb who only cares ab. Self. Good I got that now.(And whats with that stupid nickname ? jASSI ? Well. If the shoe fits)15:26 ppl here are max EGO ..noone talks to me today.I wanna leave asap...Nothing todo here...13:45 Fucky dissed me behind my back, telling dad I was "unfit" for checking cargo. (No worries. I hate this job anyways.Your logic is as stupendous as always (specially as you fool sat me to the bestück, despoite knowing full well i hate it))6:50 Only now do I realize how good yv was* silent, listens* nonsmoker* liked meI hope she is well.5:39 #dream TransactionRolback being a hq print on. paper ?!

24.1 23:14 https://9anime.se/watch/the-angel-next-door-spoils-me-rotten-18249?ep=97939 is prolly close to "perfect" relshp11:23 JS gers angry at work=> most ppl only get angry arnd thos they trust==>> She really views work as her family.Fool. (I did like stsring at her big beautiful eyes tho. Mhmmm. So pretty)
4:45 JS truly *was* workplace hot. STARE s.o. in the eyes for days n days. You will find em hot..  (She smells bad. Her fingernails are badly kept)
18:50 Poor communication can erode the connection people have https://www.verywellmind.com/what-to-do-when-you-no-longer-have-romantic-feelings-for-your-partner-5191479
16:56 JS "Bingo" (she sucks at smalltalk)
*When are you going home"
* Did you (insert thing she forgot she already asked you about)
* How old are you - if I may ask?
15:54 Adrian Bafoeg story -pay 7000 (as asked by bafoegamt)- even tho got 10000 dm ... payed.
Lucky !
15:32 Js seemingly views hbms as "family". Mentioned steffen to s.o. else, and how she was sad he was nolonger around.
(I dont understand ppl who need somuch xtra attention aside their s.o. who alrdy luvs em .. mystery to me)
6:56 Azr lookon away n sad whn seeing me.. poor thing. thinks i quit
6:45 self realiz: ppl who talk 2 me justabit, make me fall a bit alrdy
(even if they talk. to. anyoneelse, and are a nuisance)
6:38 Xnotes pass: f####
21:43 Tongue is a bit battrd
15:47 I wanna,see Yv ... (kinda wish I hadnt ignored her).. 
Current me would've talked to get the last chance I had....
15:45 Juergen stories bla
9:34 js mentioned "her friend".. She is given. Yes ! i can stop pretend caring.
(Her constant " smartphonetyping@smokingbreak" was. This!)
5:54 Throat ouchy. Nose sniffle
5:05 https://tutorial.calitime.ch/article/regel-blockzeit/
4:00 Truth2BTold .. she was not very honest.
(+++) Extremly easy to read. Pissed, sad, overworked, happy. I knew every state at a glance...
(probably cause ppl never bothered with her. She thinks everyone kinda dislikes her. And she is right.)
(++) Consoling and crssng her would be very fun I bet (altho it could be she hates pda. In which case she'd be a waste of time)
(+) • Giant Bdroom "fck me" eyes when looking at me always... (I should've never looked at her pupils.. big. mistake...)
(0) Reacts bad to touch if stressed (touched her right shoulder the day she had to work off that giant commission bulk. she looked at my hand....)
(0) Talking to her is easy.. (She repeats herself ALOT... asif her life has no interesting points)
(-)• Talks to everyone(way more than me), only talks to me when "on theway"
(-) • Said sthgh about "vacation in summer sucks, d.t. families, but she wants to wait till have own kids (?)"(If she was given AND still being such ahole. she is a total bust... Then she was a glutton)
(-) • Never clearly stated if given or not. Askd me q's, but never gave me info herself. A---le
(-) • Disses ppl w.o. logic. Is an ahole tbh.
(-) • I touched hr all I could.. Barely any effect. (Other grls would've made out w. me by now)Frigid person.
(-) • She has given up.. Talked about "everything at hbms sucks" till Nov. Nowshe is silent
(-) Has fake a laughing fits every so often. (Gone since January. Maybe she is completly broken now)
(-) Is the company's doorstep. Will do as told, even if it breaks her. She won't last
(She is too intertwined with Flippy. She won't doubt her and belives most BS ppl tell her.
Despite her "dominant" fake demeanour, she has no pushback
(--) her "are you quitting" q's were selfish. It was about "her"
(---) Smoker.
(----) The "evil eyes" she gave me when I told her "I struck a deal, quit apprntcship, back into production" was the worst.
(Having to deal with a person who can look at you like this is inacceptable. I pity the fool having to deal with her,
That look was even worse than the one Yv gave me back then whn I "askd her out")
(----)Dealing with her while still employed would be a big mistake. She would talk about it to everyone, cause she has no life
(----) Might have abandonment issues/tantrums. Can lash out easily (I could easily take it... But doubt it'd be worth it. Leave it)
(-----) Asking her out is impossible. I don't feel like it. And she lives far away anyways. Pointless
Seemed like a nice idea. But hundred of years could pass. Nothing'd change.
=> Pointless. She was a diversion to survive this (snc June'23). (She was the only one at this company I *actually* liked. Despite all her flaws. I'm still glad she was there. She is a bit cute tbh.

22.1.218:18 KKJ is nice.. But I just need YuNAoi. More.They are everything. Give me stength15:23 Acv to Juergen, Meteoctrl has "similar fluctuation as hbms" oh my .. stressy14:30 JSs talked to Jrgn about the food at kickoff..how boring must ones life be.. she. sucks.14:27 JS talked 2 Jrgn. But not me... She only talked to me .. cause [nooneelse was around..? oh..].. Who needs her...=> YuAoi for this reason.. They only talk to e.o.9:05 JS didnt come talk to me..I made /all/ the right choices. ppl here suck6:10 l.eye feels very unsharp. stupoid floater...(l.eye worse near &far ?! .. wear glasses !! .. 6:24 or not. near s better)

21.1.2414:50 Think I dont wanna ks js ... And anyways. Its not like she needs "another coworker" to talk to...Honestly ? Even she is not that important... Her dil. pupils are cute, but thats it.(Her asking me thrice "If I'll finish apprenticeship" is noisy . Shes not my wife.. She can save that kinda talk for ppl she knows well,not. me.)7:30 Things started going dwnhll w.getting cls to JS.. Maybe she kept infecting me ?Welcome back in "cant sleep thru more thn 1 hr" land

20.0122:34 intermitt sleep. feel stupid and unresting (if women feel like this. oh i ffeel sorry for em. 0 mental clarity)19:22 Cute.. Slight blood in sputum...(Tongue feels tickly a bit snc ystrday... pharynx hurty a bit.. prolly where blood comes from)14:34 https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mouches_volantes14:23 Leaking blood vessels, swelling after an injury, inflation, and macular degeneration can all potentially cause this type of detachment.  https://www.quora.com/Can-minor-damage-to-the-retina-be-healed https://www.ecvaeyecare.com/blog/2022/07/21/does-a-retinal-detachment-heal-on-its-own/ https://floridaeye.org/eye-health/repairing-a-detached-retina/14:05 Floater in left field of vision..moves w. eye movement (Shape of capillary ?)12:33 Img with "Ai-human form" (vrains) - DaiFin (kkj)7:30 ~2 hrs after wakeup, legs start getting burny. Right after wakeup its fine=> Its a bloodpressure thing

19.01[6:34 What I njoy most bout JS: I could touch her.. Shoulder. Belly. Hand. Hair... And I (and she) liked it.. I enjoy touching someone....]22:00 Always the same... "luv s.o." (yv, js).. but have 0 connection to em outside work&school... and it wont change 100% either.=> Enjoy seeing em. But can't see em otherwise. FruStRaTing19:51 KKJ Ep6 has superbly pretty animation !16:32 Saying "naja" an awful lot when referring to hbms end14:54 Laying legs upwards12:14 Burnin shins.. flippin circulatory...~kkjgerdub~ ep4 6:10 - inneren Frieden = das Wichtigste5:34 Stay home from hbmus for third day in row.Pelvis n legs are busted ...

18.016:15 Not seeing JS for 2days => forget her quite a bit.. she only matters at work5:04 Pfanner LemonTea tastes kinda lame... (+arm pain left n righto)

17.0119:43 mzmi-de038 Transaktion widerrufen is 70 !!! wtf18:10 r.upper arm muscle feels SO sore...17:45 Drawing fro 1:30 .. w.o. glasses. suddenly my eyes feel unsharp. see lineart supli.. urgh13:43Other similar studies have shown that feelings of passion and love became prevalent after just two minutes of mutual gaze “Maintaining eye contact creates a calming, connected state of being that, after 30 to 60 seconds, triggers oxytocin”. that couples who remained passionately in love, even after years together, maintained eye contact 75% of the time when they spoke (a considerable amount more than the average 30-60% of the time).https://thevessel.io/how-a-man-looks-at-a-woman-he-loves/

16.100:35 •has expressed feeling an emptiness not being able to work with me, and I have offered similar sentiments • Sometimes you get really lucky and meet your best friend at work, and although I miss working with him - I am blessed to know him.https://www.reddit.com/r/self/comments/zyqkma/is_it_normal_to_miss_a_former_coworker_this_much/ https://www.quora.com/Why-do-I-miss-a-former-co-worker-so-much-when-we-were-just-friendly-acquaintanceshttps://www.buecher.de/shop/ratgeber--lebenshilfe/how-to-be-an-adult-in-relationships/richo-david/products_products/detail/prod_id/60899554/https://www.brides.com/whats-the-difference-between-being-in-love-and-love-397673920:02 rm trouser and fck js against wall @summerfest thought. (She looked SO cute :D )16:50 "Tide began to rise -DemonHunter" Earworm7;02 juergen comes as he gets outta bed6:02 [[You need 2 ask me out, cause every time I did, it was a disaster. Furhermore it signals that you are worth my time. all of it. One question. Thats fair]]5:33 Poo loking formed again. Excellent5:32 [[At this age (33) women should ask me out... If they are not given yet, I cannot know. And /they'd/ have everything to gain...5:30 Asmuch as I enjoy JS .. she'd have to straight up ask me out...Everything js in her favor and I'd loose too much (despite having cancled already). She already asked me lots of q's (age, what I did b4, whether I'll stay). "" I love JS"" is etched into my mind.... I cant get it out. But thats ok. She was what let me survive this. Thx JSI touch her whenever I can. This is the most "greenlit" a woman has ever been.. She might aswell crash at my place...5:28 Dont feel much like working lately.. glad its over soon...

15.1.24damenrochade - netflix18:24Someone who loves too much will usually have an attachment style called insecure-anxious attachment. They are always worried that their loved ones will reject or abandon them https://www.lovepanky.com/flirting-flings/wild-secrets/5-reasons-why-loving-someone-too-much-kills-the-love18:15Being reminded that men you think are cute may also think that you’re cute yourself is a pretty nice feeling. Those feelings may make part of your brain – the part of our brains that crave novelty and increases production of oxytocin and dopamine when we’re with a new partner – sit up and take notice. Being reminded that men you think are cute may also think that you’re cute yourself is a pretty nice feeling. Those feelings may make part of your brain – the part of our brains that crave novelty and increases production of  oxytocin and dopamine when we’re with a new partner – sit up and take notice.  https://www.doctornerdlove.com/i-love-my-boyfriend-so-why-do-i-have-feelings-for-my-co-worker/16:56 forehead burnin

11:11 JS talking to me -asking if i wanna finish apprntcshp- almost felt as if "my wife" was berating me...
7:24 fckng tirdd
5:39 R.arm still hurts.. (maybe carrying that coffee machines at hbms last thursday ??!)
17:04 Imlove the "idea" of luvin s.o. .. wishnI could try it for rl
14:05 There is no point in loving from afa, you are just talking to yourself 
if you cant hug, caress and speak to em, its a waste
17:05 Strange slfhrm thghts ....
16:58 R upper arm hurts 
14:11 FINALLY ! An adequat NimbusNotes replacement (php based) https://alcea-wisteria.de/PHP/xnotes/
13:11 After oral, my girlfriend is always so damn nice to me—and I don’t mean just because she reciprocates the sexual favor. She’ll get up out of bed and ask me, smiling, if I want anything else to eat, and she’s suddenly willing to compromise and watch whatever I want on Netflix. It’s awesome. I think that’s what I look forward to the most. Her clit’s like some kind of be-nice switch https://thoughtcatalog.com/melanie-berliet/2015/10/12-men-describe-what-they-love-most-about-going-down-on-their-girlfriends/
13:00 When a woman absorbs semen via her pussy or by swallowing cum she tends to be marked by it and actually forms a chemical bond to the man who gave it to her. This is clinically proven.https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-if-someone-eats-your-pussy-that-person-loves-you-so-much 
12:45 MMSF US ANIME OST: https://www.thorlaewe.com/music
12:11 https://www.parkplatzsex.dating/region/deutschland/bayern/guenzburg/
10:11 Hvn sx w js could be easy.. Like talking to her,, with extra movement
I would be wary of seeking an easy friendship, which does not exist, especially as everyone ages, gets old, and gets sick. 
If your friend comes through for you in all ways except her illness - that is amazing and rare.
[17:34 If "love" is a learned emotion, I "taught myself" to luv JS snc June ... ohwell.
gotta unlearn it. I'll miss it
14:56 Had a good laugh with Js about gender bs and other nonsense
11:58 Talk w. jassi about "things xept smoking to relief stress"
She "DURING work, otr than smokin?" Me: yup "other
11:56 JS knows ab dangers of smoking, still smokes (acc2herself)
11:00 rmvd some dirt from js hair.. (She said " uiii" :p)
[6:35 JS was a diversive illusion to help me daydream my day thru work...]
6:32 js only ever talks w. me if i work at meteoctrl place..
.. so ultimatively things dont matter. she was nver around.
we talk too little...
6:30 today is the last day js does meteoctrl and i can tal to her.
And soon hbms is over. thkgoodness
3:51 Forgot to properly close faucet again...
03:05 I kinda think.. JS is the kinda person who'd stop me if I'd overtly kss her.
Lead me to bed open her legs and ask me to fck her...
21:13 Aand blood in sputum agn (lil bit) ..High bp? Jackie screaming at me today stupidly ?
i dunno...
•To put is straight and simple, he 100% likes you. Especially if he does it kinda sneakily so others don't notice
*According to research, purple and turquoise are generally liked among most women 
15:33 Poor js. has 2do 80 comisd s...
(she has a swimring arnd waist... lil obesy)
(I wasnt too impressed w. her today.. If she is sick I dont care ?)
- when tipping her right shoulder she looked at my finger ..
(usually she enjoys it when I prod her .. )
14:09 (Sami xyz doesnt drink latte mach)
14:00 ctrl freak gtrfrd
* too many sickdays (+2%)
* need new users for meteoctrl plac (rq by bruno)
11:54 only ppl wholl prevail at hbms:
* free of chaos (shelteted, high paying)
* ARE the chaos
10:5 Earlobes burning
8:45 Paul +praktikant) is on fosbos kru, cause ~unfallbedingt~ gymi fell flat
7:17 franz has a heart (stainl.steel) on his rucksaxjlk - frm his wife
6:06 Slight blood (very lil) in sputum (gut activity => sphinkter limit => acid reflux => burns pharynx => slight blood ?)
5:44 "(Learn to) Love the one who loves you most" ?
5:02 dream: disney recess episode cwhere gang gets jailed, w extremly cool music
17:16 https://www.quora.com/I-fell-for-this-guy-after-a-month-of-talking-is-it-ideal-to-tell-him-how-I-feel-already-or-is-it-too-quick?redirect_to_mweb=1#https://www.quora.com/unanswered/Is-it-love-to-want-to-talk-with-a-particular-person-all-the-time
11:01 Js seemed glad after we talked
(I .. lv her sm .. -because- she was there from start to finish. The only one I can talk to)
10:56 js asked me if "everythgs alright" ... :)
10:33 js has a sis who sews her clothes smaller so they fit her (smol cutsey) body
15:04 werner wrkd at tectronic b5
Women feel their breasts are a sexual structure; like the way men feel about their dicks.
They don't feel comfortable exposing them to people of the opposite sex
for the same reasons men don't like having their dicks shown off https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/3xr2rn/eli5_why_are_nipples_censored_for_women_and_not
20:45 21°C \ 33% humidity ?! man no wonder I feel like trash
18:56 anemia from iron deficiency   https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325989#causes-and-risk-factors
14:56 for as long as I avoid looking at Js's face (and her immense "pls do me") eyes things are good
11:52 Arms n legs burning. eyes a bit too (even during work - sat a bit today whn soldering)
8:54 Gertrud plays citar n guitar (talk bout l.hand arthrise -gegendruck at string instrument)
8.1.24 Quit hbms
19:05 2024-01-08 Mastodon Post visibility
--acc to carla, i need todo coffee machine TOMORROW
15:25 handed in resignation: "can you process this?
- sure can do
15:13 whiteish part on fskn / to phead => Use vasln & jrk w. left hand2reduce pressure !
12:00 goddy shaking me hand 4 newyear.
adked him "how things are"
he returned the questiin"
.. and was uninterested in me telling bout meteo ctrl server err
5:56 Dad opinion is invalid. He already said he wanted to quit himself, but couldn't
(and if my quitting could help him see hbms for what it is.. that'd help!!)
5:55 I wanna be alone with myself again. no disturebance. Just draw YuNAoi.
5:45 Feel like "my YuAoi Art could be alot better" get better !!!
reasons for quit:
* important ppl (nana, stfn, etc) are NeVeR around or /very busy/ when you woupd need em.
  simple forms etc tske fkrever to get filled
** 670€/ mont for all that BS, reliability and 8 hours a day. Ontop, I can't finish this apprenticeship. Too much.TooLittle.
=> Quit. I'm not obliged to do this. They don't need me. (I earned 1500€ in production for. far. less. work)
(3months in Reparatur'd be hell anyways, they are boooring.
* wohngeld didn't work out either ...
*6 in st at that stupid teacheresd
[* snc two days: burning legs. tired. physically imposs 2 keep going]
* terribad work environment
* inability to comprehend topics (electronic)
* terrible bsschool
js doesnt need me. i dont need js. ('d want me to quit if wanted my best)
* BS: 10 sickdays ..
* Last schoolweek: 3 sick days. Last workweek: 3sickdays
5:18 Fewling mentally numb.. Most ppl at hbms xpected me to quit last year months ago
... so it shouldn't come as much of a surprise if I do..
4:@3 Havin 2 frt ehile peeing interrupts pee ?!
23:05 If ppl feel as apathetic as I do right now, but they always do: oh wtf
(https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HV4XYwwUuNU evokes *no* reaction .. usually I feel warm)
17:34 tingly sensat at feet ehn jk'n
12:31 https://http.cat/
9:32 If whats ailing me today (^ yesterday) IS bad circulatory, maybe even a heart issue
(which causes: v digestion, worse vision, v prickly arms n legs. THEN I'm done for I suppose. Might be a heart thing.)
=> Quit hbms 100% tomorrow...
9:30 64.9 kg
14:34 Circultory probs <=> Longer Showers to cope ?
14:34 Legz burnin upper (from sport @2023 school ?!l
people with diabetes and circulatory conditions.. people with diabetes and circulatory conditions. https://www.brownbarron.com/blog/2021/march/the-7-sensations-in-your-legs-feet-you-should-ne/ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326371#causes
11:34 Earworm: linked-1586953319-v8FLkcjqgO.mp3
Linked (KimYosefnAnnaYvette)
22:56 45° Scrolling animated background
< style>body {background-image: url("other/images/bg/chocoomnomnom.gif");background-repeat: repeat;background-size: 90px; animation: scroll45deg 4s linear infinite;}@keyframes scroll45deg {0% {background-position: 0 0;}100% {background-position: 90px 90px;}}
21:20 legs ankles n shin burn-ey ...
14:55 CPTSD = Limerence: https://crappychildhoodfairy.com/2023/09/22/limerence/ https://medium.com/@girlmeetslife/the-pitfalls-of-limerence-why-my-brain-needs-to-chill-out-with-the-infatuation-junk-5f3d269f0ce0
12:42 Poo still relatively unnconnected (snc novmbr) at least notvalwys diarrea)
12:28 https://bit.ly/kkjofficial
12:04 Main thing is, I haven't been for myself much the past 12 months, hbms is xsduffocastzing me. QUIT !
7:50 65.1 kg nkd
Actual IBAN is the same one on my mietvertrag
17:55 Got nk abrech april-dez-2023 -100€
The iban was actually ChrisMueschke's... sigh.
Chris gave it back ti me in cash
(But the babktransfer was addressed to "FerdinandGlogger".. How did that EvEr go thru ???!)
The best advice I can give you (since I had similar feelings before leaving) is to remind yourself that you aren't the one screwing them 
There is only one way that things change for The Guy Who Has Just Fully Quit At This Point, 
and that’s to find himself squarely in the sights of The Girl Who Relentlessly Pursues.  
Until then things are nkt his problem.
9:11 Can nolonger fetch newest yt comments https://ry3yr.github.io/ytstudio
16:07 Emoji issues: https://urusai.social/@alcea/111692608621072466
11:26 #dream Fast6191 locking a "switch2 prediction" thread I made and ppl roasting me...
19:05 I havent written BErichtsheft @ Habemus for last three workdays. Also I was missing last three days @  school => QUIT QUIT QUIT
18:45 64.8kg naked
17:34 not very hungry lately. That + diarrea .. flu Bs ?
22:01 TomScott quitting Youtube ..https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=7DKv5H5Frt0
21:08 Nimbus Note 100 mb limit reached ?! (Been a while)
=> collect diaric in diaric.txt on hidrive then write twice a week.

21:45 L.Shin burning...
17:22 Fuggin pelvis
12:45 ↑ Quit habemus thoughts
=> Quit ! (Even if they promise to "improve" things .. Ignore. They are lying !)
12:45 Stressd & overreact. Bladder
3:45 diarrea
9:42 Me leaving hbms is kinda like Xion leaving OrgXIII.. Then JS'd be Rxs ... Oh well
Main hbms quit reason:
* freedom of dad again
* IE & ST are isoluble subjects
* 1.5 hr train drive to BerufsschuleLauingen is a joke
* 675€ is too little to make a month properly
Zwischenprüf would be 31.03.2024 imPossible ! (scr)
00:45 Woke up thinking I'd have to work at hbmy tmorrow => insane panic
=>> Quit. Quit. Quitt !
3:23 pretttty web.archive.org/web/20231224022903if_/https://alceawis.de/cbbb7e6bdfe267f4.png#https://alceawis.de/cbbb7e6bdfe267f4.png
8:10 Feeling very much baetter n at peace snc habemus departure is now affixed
(Throath pain gone. Can sleep thru till 7 am etc)
If JS was important she'd want me to leave too.
* Terrible location.. Cant reach with train.. Wtf
* 675€ for 4 weeks .... (Production payed 12,5€ brutto .. Also minimum wage, I'll get that anywhere with less work, stress etc)
* I dont like the ppl here. 80% smokers, head insand ppl. Ignore issues like their company
* full time worker with full responsibility (bluelog, shirly-chassis, 
* ppl Do not xommunicate sufficently ("itll probably be ok, no need to ask)
hope that "problems evaporate" (Asked for "letting let off then back into production- ignored)
 <=> fire ppl as see fit, without prior warning. 
* they lie if need be. False promises
* negotiating wage is impossble after contract has been signed.. They are deaf
* LabView progs are terribly outdated
* 2 hours waittime @ trainstation each day
* return home ~ 18:30(Mo) ~ 18:00(Tue+Sport) ~16:30(Wed) etc (+ huuge hour gaps in midayday with *nothing to fill em*
* teachers write tests in the same week just a blockweek apart => 5,6s en masse
* ST is a terrible subject, so is IE. No help from company, teachers shrug and move on.. Teachers are kinda aholes.. (Rwp in company is no help)
" If you dont keept up you are sool)
* Feel angry when come home, dread next day.
* Already have 11 "sickdays", 4 of em for the first week the school sent me home
(Legally the school is allowed to toss me after warning me twice from now on.. Then I will have no school and the apprentice ship ends automatically)
=> Finishing this apprenticeship is ImPossible
  =>> Going back into production is impossible
ibb.co/kQMscrJ i.ibb.co/Tmrxhn1/Titelloses-151-20231222103205.png
18:12 #Transfering #saves via Switch2Switch feature  ..
#doesnt work with my tplink router and #vodafone ..
 Via my #realme5 as #hotspot and #telekom it #works
20.:12 MSchu .  well not a bad girl. Fuck this job, andall the ppl here. 
18:34 (JS will certainly not come "talk to me" not like we trust e.o...)
15:27 Eine Kündigung ist nicht zustimmungspflichtig. Sie entscheiden ob Sie kündigen wollen und tun es dann einfach. Juristisch heißt die Kündigung nämlich „einseitige empfangsbedürftige Willenserklärung“
13:45 if js *honesrly* cared ab me.. Shed want me to leave.. She knows how bad the cmpny is
Money/Hour (Industrieelektriker 1LJ @ Habemus) 845€/4/5/8 = 5.28€/Std (Netto: 675€ 4,21€/Std)
6:24 Ausschulung, (miss days at Berufsschule)
2.    durch schriftlichen Bescheid des Schulleiters, wenn der Schüler trotz zweifacher schriftlicher Mahnung und Androhung der Beendigung des Schulverhältnisses in Vollzeitbildungsgängen an mindestens zehn, in Teilzeitbildungsgängen an mindestens fünf Unterrichtstagen im Schuljahr den gesamten Unterricht oder einzelne Unterrichtsstunden, jedoch bei Vollzeitbildungsgängen mindestens 20 Unterrichtsstunden und bei Teilzeitbildungsgängen mindestens zehn Unterrichtsstunden, ohne ausreichende Entschuldigung versäumt hat.https://www.haufe.de/recht/weitere-rechtsgebiete/strafrecht-oeffentl-recht/ausschulung-eines-berufsschuelers-wegen-unentschuldigten-fehlens_204_509158.html
Berufsschule 29 Tage unentschuldigt gefehlt, hhh habe trotzdem die Prüfung geschafft finanzfrage.net/g/frage/wie-viele-unentschuldigte-fehltage-in-der-berufsschule-darf-man-in-3-jahren-haben-ich-habe-schon-18-im-ersten-lehrjahr-
Wenn es Dich so richtig erwischt hat und Du länger als drei Tage krank bist, musst Du spätestens am vierten Tag eine Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung von Deinem Arzt oder Deiner Ärztin vorlegen. Es kann aber auch sein, dass Du und Dein Betrieb eine andere Regelung getroffen haben und Du die Krankschreibung schon früher brauchst. Dafür schaust Du am besten in Deinem Ausbildungsvertrag nach. Eine korrekte Krankmeldung gewährleistet auch, dass Du bei einer langwierigen Erkrankung sechs Wochen lang weiter Deine Ausbildungsvergütung bekommst. Voraussetzung hierfür ist allerdings, dass Du bereits vier Wo praktisch-unschlagbar.de/praktischunschlagbar/de/aktuelles/undduso/krank-in-der-ausbildung/krank-in-der-ausbildung.html ausbildung.info/ausbildung/pflichten-in-der-ausbildung/krankmeldunghttps://www.gutefrage.net/frage/1-tag-krank-berufsschule
6:18 Sudd thought: *Stay home rest of week*
6:03 Truth is.. I haven't had peace of mind or a moment to think for 11 months since I started at habemus... #cutinevent
5:34 JS is a) given or b) unavailable.. Better to look elsewhere, other job etx
Even *if* id have to take her bad mood each day. I cant help her...
(And she made no attempts at xonnection.mshe just wants a "work cushion" extra to her homemstuff. Despicable)
3:48 #dream guiding  a small wodden Block outa windpipe upwards and then outta right nose.. Feeling asif choking, asphyx..
- then realize, money -675€- for this month is there still in time
(Habemus feeling asif im dying ?? Boxed in ?
23:58 Recalling "JS" or "YV" name intrusively each day = "applied ADHD" (same goes for my music addiction...)
14:00 wirtschaftswissen.de/personalmanagement/ausbildung/wenn-azubis-die-berufsschule-schwaenzen-so-verhalten-sie-sich-richtig
7:55 PHPuppeteer also requires NodeJS.. urk ! web.archive.org/web/20231220065126/https://alcea-wisteria.de/Puppeteer.rar
7:00 Install Composer on Win (then copy folder to php served) m.youtube.com/watch?v=j8kpwzE6ju0
Call in Sick @ school via webuntis TODAY (fckng feet !)
4Wochen Kündigungsfrist
=> need2quit 2.1.2024 !!! azubiyo.de/azubi-wissen/kuendigung

16:07 sport is fun whn you actually do it...
15:53 Sport Basketball&Badminton in rotation (14:30-15:53) Exhausting!
×.Feb.2024 *would* be IE SchA => QUIT IN JANUARY !!
• 9.2.24 *would* be Betriebssystem IT Speech => quit in january
• Friday *would* be IE Ex=> skip day!/stay, write 5-6
(-) Staying home from BS us always a huge act.. 
(-) 675€ a month is way too little to get by (Wohngeld will most likely not work out...)
Nach der Probezeit können Sie als Azubi mit einer Frist von 4 Wochen ordentlich kündigen (§ 22 Abs. 2 Nr. 2 BBiG) allianz.de/recht-und-eigentum/rechtsschutzversicherung/arbeitsrecht/kuendigung-ausbildung
10:27 4 Weeks Time after quitting azubiyo.de/azubi-wissen/kuendigung
7:28 hbms is a company thatll try to screw you over for miniature issues.. even months after the fact. theyre vindictive
7:07 JS is technically yv. same haircut, same round face. same dilated pupils
6:30 Js.. wasnt intmt w. her anyways. WasteOfTime
(and she only talked to me when I "was on the way".. nvr sook me out...)

18.12.23 => Quit End of January
19:30 @ Home ... fuck this apprenticeship
[[Applying for Buergergeld is easier than for Wohngeld]
16:54 Apply4newjob: only after quitting habemus 
(If I quit and they wont suggest -staying in productiin-: Bye hbmus)
--15:45 january quit, THEN apply for helper job in aux/nu
15:34 IE - SchA in Feb about drawing stuff, we only had ONCE ?!
14:41 ST-EX (6) (Max 9/21 BE via Schütz descript.)
 => Quit in January !
 (JS and m was never gonna work eiher. TooFarAway, SheSmokes, ShesBiPolar, SgeNeverTried)
13:49 Three Strikes = Out
1. Company doesn't care ("cheap worker")
2. School doesnt care (ST & IE wtf?)
3. "I" dont care (fuck electric)
=> earn more elsewhere
10:01 Clean r.ear EARWAX !!
7:10 Left eye feels unsharp again ... guess 5 days at home w.o. glasses take their toll
6:53 Yup. Latest doodle is not in the respective hashtag: pixiv.net/en/artworks/114331889
6:11 Pixiv sucking urusai.social/@alcea/111599671243333395
=> 9.Dec.2023 are the last images that still show in their public tag...
18:00 Schütz/Contactor m.youtube.com/watch?v=FCsgUXPRew8
15:04 BackedUp "PokémonScarlet" and "ModernCombat" SwitchSaves to Dropbox
Also made a savegame url: alceawis.de/saves.html?savegames
11:35 Stop breaking noodles with right hand into bowl..(hurt right palm... Bleeds)
11:16 55€ Buying AnotherCodeRecoll @ netgames as "Vorkasse" (used "ordernr" 1023496 as verwndzweck)
7:05 pkmn scarlet: urusai.social/@alcea/111594224874140032 archive.ph/obvcE
9:07 Moni opened the door with their spare key
9:00 Accidentally locked self kout whn going to toilet
- called moni from chriss smartphone
(App chris only earns ~2500.  externals working at Cancom earn 2300 ...wtf)
(He was at berufsschule neuulm) chris said many ppl at cancom get in via Zeitarbeit...
6:23 #dream JS giving me a HJ and I came all over her smll tits .. Mhmm cute
6:12 headache .. Feel weak generally
20:32 Chest & Throath pain ... Ouch..
16:45 Jasi proves to me why I never look any girl in the eyes: Her pupils when looking at me are intoxicating
June was a bad month therefore... Wish I still cared bout noone...
675€ -270€ rent.(Freihalden - habemus)
600€ - 99€ rent (Würzburg - jobless)
8:03 urusai.social = best instance archive.ph/rQgwn
9:55 Told Dd I wont come tmorrow. He cancled the Meteo meeting.
hah. fck habemus. They can't do anything by emself.
I really wanna go away from thgere soon ...
7:45 2nd day away from hbms. - I feel fantastic..
fck em
21:02 "I can't anymore.." thoughts
(and tzst despite being home today...)
Done. And very neccessary.
Fck hbms
17:45 Tired of hbms. Apathy. Incongruence. NooneIlike .... Broken ppl. Nothx. 
(Dad doesn't understand that I'm no electrician... Shame)
16:50 upper cheekbones burn after shower (Rash)
(16:01 noone talks ab. Js being sick.. Makes me sick. Those hypocrits)
15:53 call in sick and day after.. jasi not being here pisses me off
"I don't care if she is given, she can evn hate me, be annoyed, cold.. I just want her back working here..
Even if only so things are in order again. She needs to be here..."
11:45 Jasi sick 2nd dAy
"If she quits I dont wanna work here anymore" thoughts ..
6:28 Considering how rumours work @ hbms: 
Nvr. Evr. deal w. any1 from there out(side) of work.!!!

13:48 4+ different prefixes for *preview_cards urusai.social/@alcea/111578818277102509
10:12 ByeBye Acws: archive.ph/DslxN
16:04 Wohngeldantrag reply arrived. Still need to send some stuff in.
15:47 JuliaFischer saying "but you'll stick around" to me lol
15:43 Habemus Wiki is broken
15:12 daniella quit her old job, cause s.o. insulted her bros dying wife after her death (at her old job)
12:32 Acc to dad there were ppl asking him if "i quit hbms" .. tanja talks stuff about y are u working here lol
10:45 KRelais Software
9:34 Talking about "teachers" at hbms is worthles.. ppl here are silly
7:40 Teacher having COVID (Y.Christl.. Oh. Joy)
12:12 Paul Wagner (ElecColleague@BSLauingen) went thru three study attempts at uni b4 deciding to do apprenticeship
•A definite hint is if they refer to a "we" when talking about past or future plans and events.  
•Are they constantly on their phone, texting and smiling? Are they always busy or running off to meeting other people? wikihow.com/Find-Out-if-a-Person-You're-Interested-in-is-Already-Taken
13:47 could be that people perceive you as someone who is approachable and willing to help. Additionally, it could be that you are in a location where people are frequently lost or trying to find their way around. helping.https://www.quora.com/Why-are-people-always-asking-me-for-directions?top_ans=17182495
13:00 Ulm ZABFirma
11:15 -Berufsschule(?)-  bring xcuse for sport - (5.12.23) tuesday (14:30) (signed by company)
10:16 Christl as ill prepared as ever. Both ST teachers suck...
10:00 Gerstmayer:
 *Transformator: AC
*StepUp/Down: DC
6:56 STAY FOCUSED. If they fail to give yinfo nxt week: Quit
No miracles happen there !
6:17 Buy red ridng hood hoodie
10:12 ByeBye Acws: archive.ph/DslxN
(-) Mastodon:
* Servers csn die
* no more wayback archive ability snc 4.2.0
* deleting a comment in a thread will orphan evrything after it
16:04 Wohngeldantrag reply arrived. Still need to send some stuff in.
15:47 JuliaFischer saying "but you'll stick around" (du bleibst uns erhalten) to me lol
15:43 Habemus Wiki is broken
15:12 daniella quit her old job, cause s.o. insulted her bros dying wife after her death (at her old job)
12:32 Acc to dad there were ppl asking him if "i quit hbms" .. tanja talks stuff about y are u working here lol
10:45 KRelais Software
9:34 Talking about "teachers" at hbms is worthles.. ppl here are silly
7:40 Teacher having COVID (Y.Christl.. Oh. Joy)
12:12 Paul Wagner (ElecColleague@BSLauingen) went thru three study attempts at uni b4 deciding to do apprenticeship
•A definite hint is if they refer to a "we" when talking about past or future plans and events.  
•Are they constantly on their phone, texting and smiling? Are they always busy or running off to meeting other people? wikihow.com/Find-Out-if-a-Person-You're-Interested-in-is-Already-Taken
13:47 could be that people perceive you as someone who is approachable and willing to help. Additionally, it could be that you are in a location where people are frequently lost or trying to find their way around. helping.https://www.quora.com/Why-are-people-always-asking-me-for-directions?top_ans=17182495
13:00 Ulm ZABFirma
11:15 -Berufsschule(?)-  bring xcuse for sport - (5.12.23) tuesday (14:30) (signed by company)
10:16 Christl as ill prepared as ever. Both ST teachers suck...
10:00 Gerstmayer:
 *Transformator: AC
*StepUp/Down: DC
6:56 STAY FOCUSED. If they fail to give yinfo nxt week: Quit
No miracles happen there !
6:17 Buy red ridng hood hoodie

16:24 went home eqrly a d skipped sport (bus ro sport ? 14:30 ? fu !)
14:34 "OpenAI Chaptgpt" is only v 3.5. also.. No need to give away phonenumber...
7:03 Maybe knowing Js is "given" would be best..
I don't know I ...
"Move to gz" = centeral hub to get anywhere, no umstieg. ever !

Normal Tshirt tomorrow (no print!!)
=>> Sport
* 15:22 SteckEx: 5 "just chillin in berufsschule is not enough".. the teacher says, only showing it once
7:58 habemus = " if you fck up, well kick your a$$. if we fuck up. its ok"
7:32 I dont need her and she doesnt need me. She has enough ppl to talk to.
7:12 Jsi just talks to me if it suits her (1x every 1-2 months) she is fine like she is. I could go if I wanted. I'm not responsible. (Shes a smoker anywas)
hbms sucks. fin
6:12 "but going away from hbms..." thoughts are back hah
13:04 Emrah will leave hbms soon too. other company pays more
12:04 quora.com/Talking-to-her-feels-like-a-drug-I-get-happy-talking-to-her-but-feel-sad-and-empty-when-we-don-t-talk-What-does-this-mean
11:58 I win
• hbms quits me: Good
• hbms puts me back into production: Good
• hbms helps me figure out apprenticeship: Good
8:24 Flippin Scratchy throath
22:34 Steam deck failed to launch Stepmania after reboot-to-desktop. Reboot fixed it.
(if she *were* available, she'd prob. play the "hihihi im singl, how are u?" game, which she isnt. So I can stop caring)
15:31 jasnmn lowkey roasted bogtan ("doesnt understand german very well. cant understand dialect")
15:29 Jasmin asked me "if I'd finished apprenticeship"... Told her about " deal"
(I think..... I might actually really like her.. not sure why. I like seeing her smile. Sad jasi is sad)
13:42 Jackies answer to "I'm not very good at applying nailpolish"?:
=> "Nomatter, you work here, everyone has to be able to do the same equally well"
(Ah. Yes. Perfect logic)
7:01 Werner said "soldering course still unclear" heh
5:50 "Going2WorkWithDad" !is how I frame habemus now.
Apprenticeship will end 15.12.23 at latest.
If dad quits I'll quit too
4:13 Waking up a lil sweaty.. happened the last days too

30.11.23 Time2"quit
16:20 Dad talking about "going back to elbit" hah
15:34 Laura said "closed shoes" help with esd tester (!)
7:55 Stefan: "not sure if can quit me, needs to ask nana & gottfried"
15:28 Laura can be kinda charming if she wants. Told be bout "closed shoes" being better for esd tester
(Maybe she is the only person who will always smile at me. I .. Like that)
7:45 Told Stefan "I want em 2 cancle and to go back into production"
They can't "decide that yet".. gotta wait till december 
6:34 Main reason: I feel terrible snc weeks. throath hurts, flu came from hmbs. + solderfume makes me bleed
(Also, apprenticeship cant get the info as BS I'd. need => hopeless)
6:14 Dead squirrle on the way...
6:04 Dad only wants me to stay at hbms cause he doesnt wanna deal w. the insanity there alone anymore...
(Franz can be unsteady)
5:27 Throath still ouch. fck the ppl at hbms. Solderfumes.
5:326 63.1 kg nekkid
15:45 Glad that things WILL end tomorrow. so glad ! (ppl here are so bad mooded. and the badder the mood the more toxic the environment !)
7:54 walking to trainstation, but not to work at habemus. chill !
7:04 technical.city/en/video/Radeon-RX-Vega-11-vs-Quadro-M2000M
1:10 If teachers were payed for the grades of their students, thing'd look a whole lot better
Ask habemus to QUIT me. (It makes no difference for me)
28.11 Call in sick day (throath ouch)
4:53 Sternum/Lung is burning
1:28 Drink ONLY water from now on
a) save money (icetea is xpensive)
b) scratchy throath
17:32 Bleeding from throath !!!!! => probably from soldering fumes in addition to my already scratchy throath
 => Calling in sick tomorrow
16:30 jobs.meinestadt.de/augsburg/azl/0-79092-92776?page=2#order=search(stelle,false)&jobsSearch={"d":null,"minijob":false,"filters":[]}
6:05 63.8kg nkkd 
14:43 dogado.de/vps/vserver-anwendungsfaelle/soziales-netzwerk-mastodon-hosten
12:12 fernsehserien.de/wetten-dass/episodenguide#Staffel-22
3:23 I don't wanna work at hbms anymore ...
seen enough sone enough.
the Berufsschule is a waste of time (not learning any about eldc diagrams et al)
they dont need me at work, can easily hire someone else.
i dont like the pplcthere too much.
they keep firing ppl.
they can and will easily replace me.
I give em one week max, then I'm out of everyones mind.
no duty to fulfill either anymore.
that covd/flu thing a week ago broke me.
i wanna go...
5:39 too weak for apprenticeship. toolong to wait at trainstation. teachers dont give a fck. "are we writing a test today ??"
=> leave it immediately !
5:31 Even Ersin is skimping on BS with lame "drive to it is too expensive" xcuses ...
5:23 dont wanna go to BS. it suuucks !
Im not a electrician ...
23.11.23 Time to quit Industrieelektriker apprenticeship ! 
14:20 Going to BS Lauingen w.o. Ersin or Timo is peak boring. I won't take this another week ...
11:24 Going home early from BS: Walking thru Lauingen instd of waiting 90 min for 1 class: good call
7:42 Orange screwdriver w. replacable bits
5:38 62.2kg nekkid
6:16 slept in at 21-00 .. & slept thru
16:14 Schaltplaene etc piss me off "connect this to that" "complete the plan to be a sternschaltung" wtf.
time to quit. this job @habemus sucks anyways
9:32 Throat hurts
7:42 Bootup
SD: 45 sec
HP7510: 32 sec
Switch: 15 sec 
7:30 64,6kg dressed (61.6 kg w.o. jacket)
6:34 I do forget brushing teet b4 bed awfully often as of late..just fall asleep
21:56 artisan.chat defunct sunny.garden/@Shosaka/111437151248470399
16:25 62.9kg payamas
22:55 ep 32 deathnot. dont feel like watching further
12:12 r.pelvis ouch
10:05 lately i talk to myself loudly...
#Dream: girl hated by her coworkers at fastfood. let her live w. me ?
15:33 JasminS. really only talks about work/complains.. has she got nothing else in her life ?
10:50 Jasi saying "we have no befugnis" towards streamlining "white label availability" with meteoctrl. wtf
Juergen asked 3 times to add to stueckliste. no chg. Mtctrl refuses (email w. Michaela)
7:30 Asked Steffen about the violet tint in the first pcs screen of the smt. He says "no idea"
7:20 KarheinZ said "things are negatively 4 him lately"
6:03 Explosiv diarrea + cocyx hurts
5:55 pressure at fountanelle and head back on wakeup.
but better as last week
18:52 KHIII Steam Deck: Working =>
Kh fix WINEPREFIX="/run/media/mmcblk0p1/prefixes/khiii/pfx" PROTON="/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/GE-Proton7-20" ./mf-install.sh -proton
See: pb.todon.de/@alcea/111376191661336740 and pastebin.com/raw/VBTuhc8B
6:01 21°C @ 57% -> head feels muuch better
15:42 Talking to Js. She,calms me,down.
I still enjoy talking to her somehow . ngh
(i chckd out her t*ts and a** as she walked away n I had a b#%er...)
13:53 Juergen called RobertS (MeteoCtrl) about the "Report pdf prints nonsense)
7:38 KarheinZ now has 150€ extrac drive cost each month (w. sami gone)
20:53 NieR:Replicant works A+ on Steam Deck.
KHIII just sucks on it :pb.todon.de/@alcea/111365323584462850 
(Guess lets keep it on PC)
15:34 Stamped "out" at 12:30, but forgot to stsmp in again (ersin fetched me to midday today, so I forgot)
11:01 Juergen said his MRT app is "soonest" in may
12:15 Remote for the (old) heatingblanket () suddenly no longer works (smells a bit burnt ?) 
ohwell. then I'll use the replacement klarstein one. sucks still
7:32 #dream : walk to bg in nothin but socks n underwear... cold
10:14 cheek skin "slightly burnt" from heating cushion ?
 => Stop using it ""
8:24 juergen has rot gruen schwaeche
7:34 Diarrea
7:04 jackie pink highl at hairs
6:34 Neck middle ouch
5:32 Instead of BifiRolls@Vmarkt, buy premade sandwiches.. => better value/money & less red meat !
5:17 headache over top!n back... (v sun => v vitamin-d => ^ headache ?)
  => buy infrared lightbulb ?
5:22 19°C @ 67%

22:53 r.cheekbone skin feels asif cut w. razor => big rash \ allergy instead.. why ??
Mieter damit eine Mindesttemperatur zwischen 20 und 22 Grad Celsius in eurer Wohnung erreichen könnt. netzwelt.de/news/223832-ab-muss-heizen-deutscher-mieterbund-nennt-klare-mindesttemperaturen.html
5:43 The regular mattress is far too hard. good thing I added the foldable!ontop
(pelvis hurts just minutes after trying to sleep directly on the stock one this bed has)
Day off from habemus (Urlaub)

19:56 Remove Toastmessages / notification-bar:
.notification-bar {display: none !important;}
5:23 elefacts.de/test-windows_11_auf_dem_steam_deck_installieren_sd_karte 
18:45 Elk.zone tells you if you've been blocked by an account (Mastodon just tells you: "profile unavailable")
15:45 Juergen said "german have a 'perso' instead a 'pass' cause tgeir still technically besetzt => personal)
9:43 Took day off @ 2.Nov (If walter is here I cant do Bluelogs, and there is nothing else to do...)
8:36 Worst -habemus!-: part:
 => You f#€% up, and they remeber it 4ever-
5:54 L.eye capilarry much better today. good
5:31 17°C are the headache cause.
is a bit better today (heating cushing is IMPERATIVE !)
The Radiator does... nothing...
13:37 Fckng Migraine all day. ugh
12:30 Werner decided "Azubi cant work @ Dehn - Spannungsfuehren" cool => Bogdan needs to do DEHN now lol
(I left pruefplatz on during break. it stopped at a err.message.
fugging laura also left the pruefplatz at a err.message often. wtf)
7:09 dehn brkn again -di2- err
7:08 jackie told us not to "chill till 15:30 workend" lol
7:01 Feeling /scared/ cause my jeans feels *weird*/wrong at work ?! (wtf. im wearing the esd tho!)
6:23 l.eye feels weird. flippin cold !
6:05 "les go home" thought .. but.. I AM still home ..
6:93 Capilary burst at l. eyes.
Asif had read w.o. glasses 4 long
11:04 Oversensitive to light ? (afterimages stay in rtna easier ?)
4:30 is 4am when Gargron is most active ?! pb.todon.de/@alcea/111316140313117230
3:56 Moved fridge itself next to door.
that should help with the noise !
16:30 wasnt able to quit today. stefan left at 1pm
.(Not sure about kraka if I quit...)
15:12 Biggest habemus issue: Wrong conclusions drawn in face of "now profit"
•Dehn Pruefplatz takes 4ever to set up:
--correct--> rework comm between fw devs /&/ pruefplatz dev to ensure seamless tests in future
--[false]--habemus-> let ppl work weekend to "make up for lost time"
13:00 Talking Infront of coffee machine:
* Jasi Pupils: Maximally dilateed whn talking to me (uwu!)
* azrahs pupils : constricted. (still seeable, despite her dark eyes)
13:00 jasi doesnt drink coffee acc to herself
9:43 Fabian admits he "has no certainty he is doing his job -Bluelog reconf- right"
=> Gottfried "lauggs if "too much time spent on one Bluelog" ?
7:05 Can't help the people here. or even do anything useful
6:05 Quitting is an act of freedom for me. Getting away of ppl
6:00 No more thinking& saying what sucks, riles you up => Minds made up. Time to quit

26.10.23 Time to quit habemus!
16:12 I think Dad is fine if I quit habemus! now... He said RegioDB is looking for Quereinsteiger
=> Nomore reason to stay at habemus:
• no work (Shirla done, Bluelogs boring [=> get roasted by Juergen if do error], DEHN impossible [they cant get the Pruefplatz running)
• ppl look mega depressed
• I don't wanna go to Berufsschule Lauingen anymore
• Münsterhausen sucks as Standort (have to drive with dad each day)
• They kick out ppl as they please... (Kerstin, Istvan, Martina) - or they quit (Max, Aaron, Patrick, Alexandra, JuliaWehrmann)
• 670€/ month ? wtf !
• The ppl here only blame, don't think and aren't open to suggestions (Bauer Mentalität)
• There is not a single person here which I truly like.  And I don't want to be liked by anyone here
=> Time to quit this sorry story. I'm *not* a Industrial Elictrician
• The realityDistortion & Bargaining (it's not as bad bla. They had it coming bla) here is incredible. In a ridiculous way.
15:23 Juergen said "talk ohne punkt n komma" when I went on a tangent about portable browser installations, google surveillance etc
(he was recherching printer settings for edge...) => ppl want to talk, but not listen to what you have to say
11:45 showed juergen "dance w. the dead" (get out) when he asked me ab..my music taste again
7:18 test "android etcher" with SD Card + reader" @ home
8:04 Jackie says "ripped jeans rip more w. time"
15:05 Jackie asking me "if I still have holidays" as we "have no work at habemus atm" wtf ?
6:34 dad admitted "laura has some strange expressions sometimes & is odd"
6:13 looking at starry sky, realize how nothing matters. solarsys will be gone one day
15:23 Weissfingerfleckenkrankheit - from old motorsaws (acc to juergen)
18:00 Chris gave a a pizza (infront my door) Huh!
17;13 Pu$$! to f##€ regularly => doesnt matter if you like em. R xchngable
13:23 Belly/Bladder region pulls
6:11 taste bl00d after brushing teeth.. forgot to brush ystrday
#dream nana asks to reduce my wage to 565€ aaaahh
5:28 Put hea;ing on III (15°C / 68%)
16:03 Istvan n Martina let off 'immediately' @ habemus

5:53 #dream Black bleeding pus thingy near hairline ?!
20:36 Don't trust Google
5:49 #dream : DanielEckhardt tells me "he likes modicum better than mastodon"
12:34 middle belly pain
1:34 Dream My purse wherenis it ????
,,=> wakeup my smartphone is my purse ...
 =>>> enable securego to stop being f***ed if loose my on bankcard ???
23:13Whats Left of twitter @ryedai1https://twitter.com/search?q=ryedai1&src=typed_query&f=top
22:19 Sudden probs swallowing ... ugh feels constricted
6:05 r.leg upper calf feeling kinda numb (had that as I exited trsin to gz ystrday too)
7:03 cant walk straight as i want. asif drunk. stupid head. flu ?
6:24 Don't program / dwaddle with smartphone in train
 => might make you miss the trainstation you need
4:30 Only f€%& girls whose name you dont know. 
7:34 Kerstin was fired by habemus (4 being sick too often)
8:45 Tummy rumbles while walking
8:35 almost left for bs w.o. backpack :P
6:12 Diarrea . liquid even. Like ystrday evening..
2:04 Rejoin torn card m.youtube.com/watch?v=T4ZxHwif3QQ&t=54s
1:55 The 4 years @ SW & 1 at Wü were the best of my life.
peaceful. could do what I want. freedom
(Wü had a bit money trouble from Sept22-Feb23. Bit as soon as ALG was there it was chill.
SW was super chill. Secluded. Mhmm. Abi was unimportant in hindsight.
I got to try everything I wanted :)
1:30 Kinda dont wanna work at habemus anymore. repetetice. boring. Way 2 high expectastion w. 0 return
work out there, with no trwin connection (need to rely on dad)
Berufsschule is boring too.
i wouldn't mind things ending.
feels trapped
8:10 alceawis.de -> done! 

18:00 eLazzy is total trash. Went home. Not buying it, or any 45km/h car (phew. Im safe from drivers license!!)
17:52 dad gives the 45kmh 4300€ car seller a elektrotech chem battery lecture...
16:55 500€ AM License (acc. to Dad)
14:08 jasi kinda uninteresting
.. talking2her is ok. but She is not as interesting
(I think.. I'd like her as a friend.. she'd be fun watching movies n stuff.not a bad gjrl)
5:45 #dream "poop" stuck to rectm.. => nothing there on wakeup

15:53 I never had 2 write Patrixk an email...
Just went to hm and he fixed any LABView problem.
now I shall always write mails at AV? FlipIT.
6:12 l.ear hurts
13:45 "Women who can hug, are worth it" ->  Azra hugged former ("new") Coworker woman
(And Selin at BK hugged Eva) => good. predictive trait
7;01 Dad wants to nolonger bring me to FH, but BG trainstation from today on (lazy)
6:17 left calf bit on inside while walking 2 hbf
1:28 Strange taste in mouth after floss & clean teeth
6:54 rmvd head blanked => r.earlob &hand fdel numb ish => KEEP EM (^ BLOOD FLOW)
15:32 Fabian Supra did his apprentuceshipmat Bundeswehr (~400€ 1st LJ )
15:02 Lra is an ESFP.. no wonder I hate her blabbering and unsatisfactionary BS exclamation.
14:03 - 62.5kg nekkid
13:56 Explosive diarrea. ugh.
6:15 Archive Github Repo m.youtube.com/watch?v=-GLFw87n-Mg
3:45 O2 UnlimitedBasic - 12.99€ freenet-mobilfunk.de/onlineservice/vertragsverlaengerung/tarif-waehlen?recoid=default
5:33 (21:22 - 5:30) I .. slept thru ?? !!!
5:20 left eye darker on bottom things (seen ?)
13:11 Whenever I'm with a person I dislike or find extremly boring, and wish to escape the social situation ..
... I wish Yv was here.. then I miss her. I miss her. when I'm in crowds of ppl I don't like

6:24 -move- fridge&backingoven combo next to door ( v noise => ^ sleep thru)
19:45 KateaChan Kakao gallery kakao-karten.de/benutzer/7815/galerie
16:50 (1st Azubi Money @ Habemus!: 675€ Netto - Ausbildn (Brutto: 845€) (1500 was Produktionsmitarb Netto)
5:45 Changed Fridge cool down trigger (d) to "9.0°C"
15:43 Asked Andreas.b. (ext labview programmer): about "a tool to quickly determine if a part is "good"/"bad"/"untested"
15:11 Juergen said "normally logistic ppl should lock everythg down! and take out stuff on demand EMSELVES"
7:11 Normal urinflow @ work
22:34 urine flow sprewds v pattern ?!
20:34 #dream schaumkuss swmmel yamm
=>> New Website: alceawis.de

24.9.23 #cutinevent
21:32 Changed main NINTENDO eShop acc back to p.b@protonmail F#@€ Gmail !!!
19:23 Youtube & ry3yr github io are over: pb.todon.de/@alcea/111121255630277854
=> changing "submitostrcase" to ry3yr instead gg.gg
=>=> triggered yt's link spam system
>>> ry3yr github io now flagged GLOBALLY via google -> and all webbrowsers worldwide
<=> paper.wf/alcea/bye-bye-website-byebye-youtube
-- i.ibb.co/LQyxDPK/Screenshot-20230924-213442-Opera.png
16:45 Disable YT thumbnails with host file:
-------------------------- i.ytimg.com yt3.ggpht.com
14:34 Talked into a abo at VMarkt bg while shopping "14 days test - digital via app"
abonnieren.augsburger-allgemeine.de abo.augsburger-allgemeine.de/produkt/e-paper-probe-jetzt-14-tage-digitale-zeitung-testen.html

4:54 sleep w.o. inner decke fooder => no belly pain.better sleep ?
21:05 MuamaRyoken throws "write / upload failed" error when trying to upload 2023-09-21-YuNAoiCozyClose.7z to (Workprocs).. use TPLinkRouter's ftp instead
A2.09 - 2.Stock (class)
7:07 it informatiker unverguetet
=> anwendungsentwick & sysintegrat (beides)
4:00 ^ bloodpressure => bellypain
3:56 Bird esque swiss knife:
- turned to left: darkblue bird (head) eats thru anything thst is nkt metral
- right: flamethrower
=> useful but dangerous
12:34 trouble recalling coworker names today tanja?? r??
6:05 Slept from 1:23 - 5:34 => less belly pain n better sleep ?
5:40 Much air in belly => floating poo & constipat
5:34 if my bellypain (constipat) is what a woman has every period..ugh..
5:34 #dream ext hdd formatted ?! (write prot was off) urk
4::53 Wrists ouch
18:10 bellypain persists.. habemus erratic trsh is bad 4 me
20:15 WTF ?!! Put Mobilcom 02 unlim SIM into Ryoko and suddenly.. it has Internet .???
16:43 Sick ! TP-link m7350 alllws FX to connect vis ftp just like that ! Amazing !
2:34 strange #dream. jrkd off n sputtered it ALL over the floor
15:34 dtink coffe @ habemus (4 liver ?)
7:04 sebastian s prev workplace: Scheppach @ Ichenhausen
6:00 coxyc ouch again in morning (like ystrday...)
17:34 Applied matress (190*80*10) over normal matress, against pelvis pain etc
15:28 BenniC is 183 @Q ~71 kg app.
15:23 Risen Switch (recommend by Benni@habemus)
11:16 Werner " If we had a workshop, we'dhave a koerner"
.. wtf
15:34 Dad: "Leg mal ne andere Platte auf"

15:06 Jasmin S. & Christian W smoking together at garage near dads parking spot => They r n item ?
11:03 Jasmin S. saying to Jacky "That was a stupid question".. is she daft ?
4:27 Good Android Poser app: gamedva.com/easy-pose-434
1:14 "uncontrollable giggling fits can be a symptom of chronic anxiety or a brain disorder."
16:32 s.o. whos here w. me. need noone whos not
6:20 lefthander @ habemus: Adrian, Elena, Franz, Ilonella
14:46 solid stool. had 2 force it out..
 => trim a.hair !!
6:24 dream 9:00 oversleept ?
6:23 #dream fun arpg gameplay w 2b
22:15 Backing up OSTR-main ~255mb with ( alcea-wisteria.de/PHP//0demo/2023-09-04-GithubMasterDownloader/githubmasterdownloader.php  ) takes ~6min (Browser claims "Request timeout, but it's fine !)
15:52 Flippin throath hurts, n head too. flu after all ?
10:0 working with BenjaminC. is okay
18:15 Tossed the shitty moldy trashcan under the cellar staircase. It can stay there >:(
16:23 nose clogged, asif have flu
1.9.23 " 1st apprntcshp day@habemus"
14:42 Acc to nikolai, habemus forced my email relay ( hbms -> protonmail to be deactivated)
•Krankmeld: personal@habemus.com
sicl call
1lj lauingen (18.9.23 1st day)
2lj memmingen
1:45 Want 2go  home thoughts
1:30 throath hurt a bit
13:11 C.Bauerle said "Wanzl LED Stripe Alu profiles = Vertriebssache"
(He thinks it is not related to him / Einkauf)
15:11 Fabian Supra had LabView @ "Technikerschule"
8:45 15 days were my vacation contingent (mar-august),
as 6 feb. makes february ineligible for vacation 
=> 2.5 days / month
Disable images in #Firefox (Android):
about:config -> browser.image_blocking (0)
17:45 androidpolice.com/windows-11-apk-install-guide
15:22 Fabian Supra has a 3d printer @ home
14:53 Throath & EustachTube sudd hurt (Did I catch stgh from talking to Fabian ?!)
13:52 packaged 10 230v & 10 24v DEHN "freigabemuster" back into their orig pckg
5:35 Lesgo to work.. Got nothing better todo rn..
August was slow.. with week 1,2 & 4 being holiday
23:13 Coold esque symptoms (runny/stuffy nkse, sneeze alot
(cleaning out the moldy trahcsn in the shower, barefeet, was a stupid idea eh ?)
8:13 pain is there now ( maybe the metress is at fault ??)
3:00 no back pain / pelvis pain wakeup
7:34 Waking up w. belly pain in the morning is unfun
17:5 rlships: Doesn't matter "who", but "How"
9:11 Boring. No music2splice. Nothing to draw. Dont need to program anything
8:05 Left ear clogged after shower (I *did* have the inear hps in YESTERDAY .... hmmm)
7:30 pee in intervall instd of a continuous stream ?! (ystrday it was normal)
23:54 nsck pulls a bit (stress ?)
21:28 Vox Clone:
20:49 github.com/BenAAndrew/Voice-Cloning-App sourceforge.net/projects/voice-cloning-app.mirror
10:33 64.5 kg dressed (63.8 nekkid)
9:34 Cancled m-app.volders.de/comdirect-bank-kuendigen DE94200411440866589500  (9,99€)
=> Still need to pay in 75€...
9:00 r.side hurst asif at work. 27°C / 69% air humidity
4:00 Fast internet again *yaaay* (Hope the changes to Cool_Stuff and Art.html help to stay inside the volume means
1:17 Finally ! MDX23C for UVR 5
(Use "model_2_stem_061321", after installing the exe and dropping the ckpt into the "models"/mdx-b" folder.
Else UVR5 will just. die) pb.todon.de/@alcea/110930066065557497
16:56 Maron (#KamikazeKaitouJeanne ) and Lovushka (#Phibrain ) have the same #Voiceactress 
What a #time to be #alive !

11:11 63,1 kg nekkid
9:11 Water is off ?!
12:19 Evsn throttled to 64kbps.. the Vodafone is *still* faster than O2.. w.t.f.
12:17 Even the far ends of Freihalden have "Edge" with O2..
(Full Bars, and still just 26kbips.. wtf hopeless)
10:45 IconOnewheel: 13,8 kg (acc to scale)
             DellPrecision7510: 2.7kg
             Switch OLED: (not weighable)
8:54 poo'd a lil (but left side hurt a lil)
8:45 Maybe drink more than eat ? (too warm. 25°C indoor)
8:34 belly pressure (but need not poo atm. only ate chixksn mc nuggets ystrday)
18:23 belly ouch
11:34 Sudd presdure on r.ear ugh
11:00 at bg. printed wohngeldantrag. dld apex. dld rest of phjbrain s3 epy
12:30 karh talks 2 much
"analyze for yourself"
laughs when i label depth coordinate as "Z"..
(cant go into break as i wish "youll wait till the machine *beeps)
9:34 The jasmin w. bf @ habemus summerfest.. was THE OTHER ONE )pansen) !
8:48 Freihalden hbf has no "zug fährt durch" Ansage !
7:56 Falsely assumed Gleis1 Train was to Ulm (was to aux)
=> was thrown out for trail crosding (good. as it was the wrong train direction)
6:33 r upper back hurts..
leftside is ok. rightside hurts a lil
hope this day ends soon ugh
16.02 Andrew said "Stempeluhr only starts booking @ 6:00 am. Arriving earlier is pointless.
15:01 Fabian Supra did Taekwondo for years in the past
15:00 2000pcs wanz led strips done
14:42 l.side hurts agn (like last time when I worked on wanzl led strips)
6:03 Federnd Turnschuhe 4 work

17:45 Can't book volume via O2-Smartphone SIM => 25GB is all I get...
17:38 freenet-mobilfunk.de/onlineservice/digitale-produkte-kuendigen (T@keAway cancle !)
14:33 Stefan W. said "how he curr runs "main job"/produktionleiter (temp" is a "himmelsfahrtkommando, non of it properly anymore (half half)
9:23 belly hurts
7:45 Gave stefan wiedemann vacation ask 4 nxt week: Result: 
6:13 slept in again.. 1hr late 4 work...
17:03 burned thru 8b of data in just three days ? fml...
16:34 Build php jsfiddle clone (they set all my fiddles to "unlisted" fck em)
14:09 Wednesday still  "n.a." for me. Oh. Joy.
(Bluelogs, Walter@
13:30 "sauber schaffen" (small errors cause snowball"
11:20 if farbband from blog cartonlabel prints worse => tension v => empty ribbon soon
10:56 Juergen needs both barcodes (Ordernr & Backsidecode) for commissioning Bluelogs ! (need to be readable)
8:30 shirla optokoppler critical (broker dealings)
12:09 Get yt API KEYS + clientid + clientsecret  for @diarykeeper & #repeekyraid => save in "rlyimppasswords" (so can upload. w.o. studio.youtube ?"
6:44 n.a. @ plan / Gertrud didnt expect me ?!
6:19 burning while pee greatly reduced during vacation past weeks !
5:54 65kg (dressed) - 80% airhumidity / 23°C 
20:42 Chris just brought me a hamburger (said he was "full" lol) (why not put the burger into fridge ?)
 (looks like a megaimbiss burger 😊 yum)
40 gb vodafone (freenet): +49174###9873 (@home)
25gb telekom +49170###3037
6:22 Throath middle burrns.. (78%airhumid/22°C. W..T..F)
Save all installed unix packages:
sudo dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package}\n' -W > packages_list.txt
( Reinstall: dpkg -i *deb )
12:34 R.pelvis still hertz.  despite 2weeks vacation
21:34 Mastodon's Preview_cards system: unreliable
19:34 76% Airhumidity @ 21°C ugh
12:45 Removed SIM Pin from Vodafone sim aswell ( Via SGNIII)
11:34 Check telekom datavolume: pass.telekom.de
6:28 63.6 kg (payama) ?!
6:00 => Draw Aoi alone (till I am given myself, which will be.. never)
(But seeing em together in those drawings, still makes me kinda happy ..)
5:21 Nomore draw Yu/Aoi Noone cares anyways.. (Maybe draw em except from e o. )
5:20 Removed "LinkIntoVRAINS" & "AngelWithTearsOfBlue" from Smartphone
21:20 WTF yt-dld germany: pb.todon.de/@alcea/110861423660161117
19:16 Throat burns ugh
19:43 Moni said she "has headaches lately too" huh
19:45 Shipping in BG (Moni was at FH, for chris, so I came along to BG.)

14:56 #dream tonguekiss. but shes far too young (woke up w. drymouth)
9:32 slept till 9am ? Guess new fridge settings help !
9:05 closed hole top right to window
(window was as good as CLOSED !)
9:05 Wakeup with Wasp on left upper arm !???
8:85 Back of head pulls
0:22 diarykeeper.de is now active :)
10:04 I think I'll always be alone.
* cant be with ppl
* cant make ppl pursue me
* cant make myself pursue ppl
* ym content sith self. ppl stress me - unneccessary
10:03 Red beet vs high bp (d.t. sleep loss ?)
10:02 Set "d" (slewing range) of fridge to 2.1 => Works. Cooling down back to 7°C now starts at 9.1°C (=> More time of silence *phew*)
9:45 Fckng ijnterrupted sleep. 2hrs max wtf
9:34 Vocal Pitch chg
magesy.blog/plugins-vst/ircam-tools-1-1-v3-5-29-46238-win-happy-new-year-r2r/?amp beelink.pro/26390/IRCAM-Tools-1.1-v3.7.0.47856-WiN-HAPPY-NEW-YEAR-R2R rapidgator.net/file/a0dcb30a1da23d69198eb4fc5ff540cf audioz.download/software/win/110848-download_flux-ircam-tools-11-v3516-r2r.html

20:34 Poo quite .. thin.. Head still ouchy (asif Flu). R.Pelvis lil bit better
14:34 added ry3yr.github.io/sitemap (via: download.powermapper.com/PowerMapperEval.exe )
11:00 Set fridge cooler value to "9°C"
=> Didn't work.. still cools at 8°C .. meh
6:33 left wing hurts. head back still pulls (high bp)
14:01 PatrickSchmidt quit habemus cause his gf left him (he was always crank when home from work => bye)
13:35 Jasmin has a "boyfriend acc to (talk w. dad  about y danielK got fired) #Huh.. I was #RIGHT
=> the *other* Jasmin .. Oops. Jasm.P.  not the logistic one
7:40 put all bed stuff (xcept sheet into wash) => 2 make sure that moldy apple under bed didnt leave spore residue
7:35 r pelvis still moos.....
7:32 #dream  Error at bluelog place (license popup) Jasmin doing BL alone looking stressee ? (poor thing)
20:08 hope antihumidifier arrives soon. 75% humidity.. forehead brnns
10:23 Great. now @diarykeeper has a sim assigned too. Automatically
quitting youtube sooner than not seems like a great idea ...
10:22 Removed Sim lock from TELEKOM sim
10:00 Telekom (20gb / 9.99€) sim arrived.
9:50 Blond Postgirl (w. pigtsils n purple schieber hat) at Freihalden who brought ms my heating blanket is a cutie
7:55 Every day same boring.. nothing happening inmy life. ever
7:48 #dream "had to exchange my beloved arctis steel seeries 3 whose accu lats DAYS for some trash sennheiser ??!"
31.7.23 1st day of habemus vacation
16:26 Added ry3yr.github.io/OSTR/Diarykeepers_Homepage/php.html as "relay" for all "php" things from now on.
Incase byethost7 goes *poof*, I can quickly repopulate from ry3yr.github.io/php and then update all base links in the relay..
11:03 If I were to quit habemus.. every day'd be like today (1st day of vacation): "F#€%#g boring" *sigh*
7:30 1st day "No wash pesnis after toilet"
---Dont wash pen!5 for next (5 days) after toilet ! -
8:51 hvac-talk.com/vbb/threads/1394961-Indoor-humidity-at-70-can-t-figure-out-how-to-fix-it!
18:45 fckng boring "summerfest"dont like the ppl OR those they brought
=> SKIP nxt year..
(boring bla bla. nothing of value)
16:56 Walter -rightfully said- "I don't look good ...
=> If 2 weeks of vacation won't 
16:06 Jasi s blue Holzfaellerhemd looks cute. Best dressed of all ^^ (she was.. alone ?)
14:20 72% air humidity.. maybe thwt causes my right pelvis pain, headache (Nd lack of sleep ?!)
=> Keep damp towels in bath !!!
00:01 The best thing about JasiSpindlr: I feel asif I kinda "get" her..
.. every facial expression. every word.. it... makes sense to me.
when she is stumped, I immediately notice it. She is happy. I know it. Pissed ? Yep. Know it.
No idea why. But it's nice to have someone like that around.
(Her "Hihi hallo happy  happy fake persona doesn't impress me. Her scruffness I don't fear. But I like everything inbetween)
23:59 #health: nolonger eat chicknmcnuggets and the like ? (new food) ? (Freihalden food = bad ?)
14:27 PatrickSchmid'll be here for another month b4 fully quit
(13:53 Jasi saying sthg acc to "if i (me) were to quit too" heh).
(13:52 said "vacation in august sucks if your childless -> she prefers vacation in july (but can't if jürgen is sick/not here))
13:34 Peeing still kinda burns sometimes at hmbs (bewerage? dirt from work ??)
11:00 app webing draconizescppl 
9:11 Shirla top rest done. only some bluelogs (~80 pcs) left todo today
8:09 sleep at 21:30 again when workin ?
7:55 signed ausbildvertrag "industrielek" @ habemus

15:33 "Fleck weg" Einmalputztuch (Wäsche)?
9:55 daniel came to me and said "Instead of me coming to nanna at 10:30".
- she'll come to me for signing "it is *just a contract" he says
=> if they won't make it till sept 1st, i'll be gone ...
(but 31.7-11.8 is vacation still. yay!)
9:34 men n women made 2 work together
cancle comdirect
5:23 Weird smell in nose (as if puke d?)

still at hbms lol
17:23 hit toes against bed...
15:34 Walter has 1km to work
13:30 andreas wanted (as aron) smpt for mail at acv (warning to see when licenses low).
Patrick chose script + outlook
mantel - m , schuhe 43
12:12 nana is a weirdo (but i feel sorry for how brokenshe looks)
12:00 Def am an infp.. I cant be an asshole to ppl in person...
11:23 DanielK Shoesize: 42
-- 10:30 -vertrag
18.-13.8 vacat
11:20 1.8-13.8 url
11:01 they are.. late !
(10:57 this talk might be harder than I thought.. oh well "The price of freedom is steep"
[besprechraum ohm.. instills awe ?]
10:45 Karlheinz said "Dainel vetod his idea"
5:26 Time to quit this gdm job (side pain, diarrea, sleeping prob)
=> No more fckie, no more daniel "well see about your vacation", nomkre labview.
nomore dependance on whether dad drives. bye habemus
theyll fail
15:17 Bruno has kind of draconic tone to him in regards to cleaning
15:11 Labview andreas:
* Brought kittle himself
* says he disliked labview at 1st too, but.
* ..."chose labview, cause its niche"
(agilent -> was labview competitor, not common anymore today)
* laview compiled most likely still rq's "labviewrunner" (but not Editor - which is free)
* Will be here at hbms for nxt 1/2 year all day
* has trouble with qwertz (more used to qwerty)
5:42 Kinda glad hbms ends tomorrow
(Dad keeps saying "well, if you exit production and goto repair (apprenticeship)...
won't even be possible.
They'll further barr me from 7.8.23-24.8.23 vacation, which will cause me to resign. Stubborn fools)
5:30 Sleep with elec warmer on belly/back => sleepm thru ?
2023-07-25 Fuck Google !
hax0rxy@googlemail: toast !
*repeekyraid_cero (hax0rxy)locked out !
*braig.paslocked out ! (***55 phonenumber is toast)
*diarykeeper (pascal.b): ok, but will only unlock if using realme instead of p.b@pm for auth)

4:56 Another marathon of "max 1hr long" sleep chunks.. with wakeups.. 
can I have a normal sleep pls ?
18:10 Jas's stupid faceand stumped ness is annoying. she has nothing of interest to say.
=> Go back to ignoring her. Do nkt reply if she talks. (She has enough "" friends"" which she treats well at hbms.
I don't connect with lukewarm aholes. Also she talked bad about Juergen behind his back.  Fck her)
14:56 I either #idolize someone, or I #demonize them so far down hell that even S4t4n would be afraid.
And obviously I get disppointed if ppl fail to live up to my (usually #skyhigh expectations)
=> I also havre no "opposing side view". It's all me projected on another..?
"Wut" und "Verhandlung" werden übersprungen.
Bewegen wir uns direkt zu "Akzeptanz" and schreiten voran
•saw her diltd eyes
•avoided n didnt look ather for weeeks
• talked to her recently. Good to talk to. Might be cute
• wishni could talk to her more. Sad if we don't... (get a lil jelly if others can talk to her, she is nice to everyone.. but me)
(Reading her is easy and strsightforwars. Her eyes tell the story, efen if shes mopey. <3 it.)
1:11 Can't seem to sleep more than a few (1 or 2) hours in succession w.o. waking up.. no dreams. no deepsleep
Fck habemus...
7:30 even dad says "he'd have,quit hbms" when I told him how badly productionworkers are treated (no vacation etc)
5:20 #dream 12am .... Overslept for work at habemus. Dad already at work. n now ???
15:45 1st time in my life that I feel actually ... #lonely ? (#cutinevent)
(I cant even visit a doc atm, cause I never get a day off. )
15:23 Now know all ppl in hbms produktion.
=> all hopeless
6:34 Blood in sputum
6:29 dad in a bad work mood too...
* Apprenticesip @ REPARATUR (Almost/No.More.Production.Work!!!)
* FS (Frühschicht ONLY @ 1 st year)
* They will give me all info needed. No latency
(* Future vacations will be booked so they ovdrlap with dad!!!)
(850€ / month means the money I have atm will receed slower...)
=> Else: Termination of work contract, effect immediately.
3:23 * Cant sleep longer than 4 hours #cutinevent
          * bleed frokm pharanyx (stomchacid reflx)
    => need to quit hbmus asap !!
16:21 Mastodon news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28495086
12:11 Jasi asked "if she may ask how old i am"
12:02 "Gutmenge" is the written into the "Laufkarte" by tge LAST PERSON working on the job.
12:34 63.3 kg Burgau (dressed)
6:33 Wohngeld 200€ (+ausbildgeld)
6:30 Dad says "not to quit habemus like that.."
6:15 Aside the pelvis pain & difficulty sleeping,
ppl at habemus! telling me "whether I shouldn't do something more useful, like study etc. bla bla" makes me wonder.
quitting is a option. but then ?
there seems to be nothing I can do...
1:00 habemus not giving me&dad the same vacation for the THIRD time probsbly already broke the csmels back.
em -very likely- insisting on 845€ /1st LJ (despite BAB being a nogo is just extra insurance)
22:34 easy slewpthru if wear no top tshirt
• unclear pain
• less appetite
• rumination & avoidance of person X
• less interest in masturb & smex
14:12 +1 Spiderapp on realme...
14:07 I never have anything to talk with ppl I "fancy" ugh
14:00 i only dig depri girls (and get protective of em in my mind)
05:54Tell nana & daniel:
"find a solution" - or - "find a new worker"
21:30 Waking up swewty (drenched tshirt) after midday nap
16:23 Dad finally ayccepts that Jackie is a lunatic.. took long enough (He said I shall keep max distance.. asif I dont already do that)
8:50 Next shirla auftrag "rahmenvertrag" not clear yet (300pcs)
8:49 Jackie said "ich soll sie n. ankacken" when I pressured for the whereabouts of missing nxt shirla parts
5:42 61.9 kg (nekkd) ( 13.7.23)
20;00 burning gone ? (new esd cushion = helps?!)
8:47 noinet at wrk
2:07 Throath hurts (stress - wakeup)
18:34 Profanity filter list: github.com/roshanrahman/profanity_filter/blob/master/lib/default_list.dart
14:21 Putzfr told me not to "use wc paper for drying hands" (her objektleiterin gets mad else) => christiane can xchange handtowels)
14:15 Sami told me to "not do apprenticeship" study instead (as one learns nothing at habemus)
12:34 Told DanielK that "BAB = nogo"
-> app they'll "think of stgh" and write a mail to my habemus adress in august
(11:23 Azra said she "had a burning sensation" in her body.. [Guess I'm not alone on this ?])
6:25 Weihrauch -> tablet (vs infection)
6:05 A person whose face I could stare for hours on end ? Mhmmm.
5:36 Burning gens gone, r .pelvis still hurting a bit
Maybe water only drinking helps (@ work too!)
We'll see if the ESD cushion can help
17:56 Legs burning, gens burning, lungs too.. w.t.f ?
16:45 babrechner.arbeitsagentur.de/index.php
12:45 Jasi always looks into the production from the glasswindow (4 extended periods of time even)
11:34 Ppl @ habmus were replaced "3 times over" acc to MelanieHaugg..
6:26 Dad says "Physiotherapy to prevent "too much sitting@work sideffs"
(I still slep 3-4 hours in one go max... ugh)
5:23 #dream2 dell pc keeps turning off like it uesed to (b4 i deinstalled therm manager).  UGH !
#dream1 DanielK asking me to finish "that cube thing" - shirla. I say "yeah, just one more, ll be done soon" - then there is a whole STEP I forgot on ALL of them ?!
15:56 not only is it safe to masturbate with a UTI, but evidence suggests that it could be a great way to reduce the pain you are experiencing drhouse.com/can-you-masturbate-with-a-uti
14:33 jasi prevented me from trying tge new "meteoctrl" prog... what r u doing there
(her pupils were dilated- blue eye) small mouth, pissy attitude.(thisIsHowSheReallyIs). talked bout juergen, place for bluelogs.. )
NOMORE Applejuice/COLA/CARROTJUICE @ habemus!
-----------------sitting all day => UTI... ----------
* Stress and apathy also suck at hmbs
=> Driving is also unclear in August
=>> Quit in july ??
12:34 nhs.uk/conditions/urinary-tract-infections-utis
New evidence from the American Journal of Kidney Diseases linked prolonged sitting to kidney problems, including UTIs. According to the study, those who sit less and exercise more has the lowest risk of developing urinary complications cathaydrug.com/8-surprising-causes-of-uti-keeping-urinary-woes-at-bay/#:~:text=SITTING FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME&text=New evidence from the American,risk of developing urinary complications.
5:54 right upper leg/pelvis hurts ngh
5:23 I "decide" to *like ppl*
=> I see em and "imsgine why liking em is right"
(then make up bs,excuses, look for cues n bla and treat em indiff...)
"There's a chance.. This time."

#5 days ago (when I uploaded that Naruto unres Flute song) Pen!2 was still feeling fine...
16:00 Dad said I "was several weeks in incubation at birth w. o. contact to others" => reason why I "wall out others" and "wanna be alone" ?
15:00 Pen!2 issue => heart issue ?
11:16 Kinda bored at hbms ... screw shirla montage, acv test, bluelog software bla ... booring
"Every Day - Zone of the Enders FotM"
5:45 Leave away the 1st bottle carrotjuice @ habemus... (only drink sthg for lunchbreak at 12:00)

16:54 Pen!2 burny a bit lately.. urethra
15:10 "1 od.2" on Jasm's entry 4 summerfest => is given.
(She.. is a bit obese anyways.. kinda annoying maybe)
5:18 62.8 kg nekkid
16:54 mcdonalds w dad
10:04 Avoid longer trips w. dad (left side stomach pain, need 2 pee.. 4 hour drive Freihalden-Erfurt))
5:40 normal consistency poo
5:34 Supposed to "stamp" for break now ?! @ habemus...

4:53 #dream: hanabi "rejects" awaya, but the act as normal, cold but together in school
=> Do I like those two, cause thes are cold etc together but still stay with e.o. ? ~Lovely~!
8:08 Shirla "ne construction instruction"
=> "in planning" by ChrisRuf & Alexandra
6:23 en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Tesla,_Inc.
5:16 Maybe doing tbe same boring job 6:00-15:30 isnthe epitome okf death by boredom ?
not that yI loov forward 2 anything...
12:11 Pee(ing)  burns ?\=> foreskn burn
4:36 put on old belt (on slim jeans.. seems looser kinda)
4:36 Kelloggs n milk (tresor) taste.. odd ?
15:49 63.9kg (dressed) / 62.6 kg (undressed)
22:34 poo kinda consipat-e now (choclate kelloggs ?)
14:42 Maybe the waa I feel about "Longhair Riku vs shorthair riku - Longhair is far better" is the way walter n sami feel about me, bettr keeping my hair long ?
12:05 Ugh just 12am ? I've been awake 4 far too long. 
6:22 Poo lil less diarre-y atm. Right pelvis still sucks when sitting (not when standing & walking thol
4:26 slep from 22:00 till now. Headache better. (24°C, 62% @ room)

22:06 Working iBisPaint Settings web.archive.org/web/20230624200538/https://master.ayra.ch/LOGIN/pub/Applications-Android/Drawing/settings-2023-01-23.ipcfg
14:45 Fuggin head & heat ugh headache. Fu. Summer

23:01 #dream jasmin massaging my forehead hmhmmmm
23:00 can't sleep longer thn 4 hrs in a row w.o. waking up ?!
12:01 Soo tired. ugh
8:10 Talked to DanielK about "heat" and its consequences (SMT standing still snc night (!)) and how rain is blessing then
6:02 "Stress reduces & destroys gut n colon biom" ...
5:44 jeans skips loose ?! (weightloss ?)
20:43 Last drawing I did in Wü: (31 Jan 2023)  pixiv.net/en/artworks/104973986
16:00 Landlord "needed to turn water off, congestion or sthg in pipe"
14:43 Lighter diarr stool summer
-> light red partcle (paprica from baguette)
5:47 left side bottom tooth ouch
5:45 "wanna go home thoughts" gone snc living in freihldn
12:23 August vac: REJECTED .. UFF.. "we dont have enough ppl"
=> Same xcuse as with the bridge day.. wtf
5:54 Aux trains always have somekinda delay...
5:39 Not *quite* diarrea. (Form of end colon I guess)
5:33 THREONINE - 13sentinels
22:34 Keep sleeping in just like that lately... tired
12:03 #57 locker @ habemus!
5:58 lol DB announcing @5:58 to munich that the train at that time "is cancelled" wut
15:01 Being at home, even if drawing, Programming (php/js) or splicing music is kinda boring.
kinda happy Mo-Fr is work...
14:54 Fugging diarrea
9:43 NierAutomata Android Bootanim ftp.hidrive.strato.com/users/pasc91/DRIVE/Smartphone/Bootanimation/NierAutomata/Horizontal/bootanimation.zip
web.archive.org/web/20230618094331/https://master.ayra.ch/LOGIN/pub/Bootanimation/Android/NierAutomata-(Horizontal-Tablet)/bootanimation.zip (p900 ver)
17:03 Headache now too.. Ugh and my fugging stomach..
11:56 medium.com/live-your-life-on-purpose/5-traits-that-screams-youre-insecure-8239209aaeed
11:43 Would be cool if toilets could determin your health, risks and doctor appointment suggestion or food/supplement wuggestion based on findings
9:56 #dream aoi zaizen loosing duel n dying.. cycling thru multiple monstercards, pink hair braided etc.
end is her n yu nxt to e.o. rotating heart symbols for each to the topscreen, then the atk impact offs her
14:11 DEHN Prüfplatz requires ENTIRE SHUTDOWN every so often
12:00 Fabian has asked habemus! for ~10% Raise.. was rejected multiple times over 6 years ...

15:43 EinwohnerMeldeamt woman changed date from 1.4.23 to -11.6.33 ! Good. No latepay
14:53 Forehead burns. Sunburn ? Slept too little ?
14:34 The "name" list in the labview pruefprog is "text only".. no. ids...
11:31 The connectors between the shirla profiles SHOULD BE even..
Now benjamin needs to file em down ?!
(I was filing em and jackie stopped me.
8:13 walter also said "no good idea" to cut hair short xD
6:30 Fr.Do departs at ~6:30 from Jahnstr via EBike
15:56 "If you talk less, you've got more time to think ..."
13:45 Der Allmächtige fragte die Steine: wollt ihr nicht Schwaben sein ? Darauf die Steine: "Dafür sind wir nicht hart genug!" (Jürgen @habemus)
12:22 digital.com/best-website-builders/most-popular-programming-languages
12:01 App Habemus! moved to muensterhausen cause they "only rented" in tannhausen
10:23 Sami disapp I cut my hair xD Says it looks to "obedient/nice" n I should consult w. him b4 cutting again :P
10:14 "Elementary -OPening" earworm sudd
5:27 "Wanna be home" thought - (Is home.. Burgau or Freihalden ?!)
14:36 Summer -> v Waterintake => Constipation => pain ?!
6:45 Have ryoken (o2) inet in: jettschepo, mburgau, muenserhausen...!
5:38  12min foot walk "untereDorfstr28" <-> "Hbf freihalden"
16:50 EPlus Inet (2mbit allnet) has "noservice" in Freihalden wtf...
15:02 Dad cut my hair @ last bg day
10:19 65.8 kg (payamas)
6:59 r.pelvis hurts again.
Poo semi diarrea again.
<===== ByeBye Burgau - Hi Freihalden =====>
6:47 #dream me giving a lectre about school (100 year war), but talking about other topics more
5:58 Back hurst like a mofo
22:04 Belly hurts ouch
21:04 64.4 kg (pajama)
8:20 Fckng diarrea... throat burn annoys 2...
richard david brecht
15:23 left side n bottom belly pain (as with gertruds cake in march)
.. can inly fart nit poo.  AVOID HABEMUS CAKES !!!
5:51 Sleep w.o. blanked => less pharynx burn !!
5:49 Woke up thinking sthg is "misding" ? - But everything appears 2 be there...
5:23 The light burning in pharynx region is there every. morning... pelvis pain right also annoys ...
5:54 Stupid throath n pharynx burning..
Pelvis pain right & diarrea also bite. Ughh.
Prop up cushion again !
8:44 Left bottomcoln hurts snc ystrday evening. But pain gone now
Flashing LineageOS and XPosed on S6Lite was... stressful.
Only DownloadMode and LineageyOS.zip isn't exactly much towork with.
But Root & Xposed8.0.1 run perfectly now !
=== S6Lite== / Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
1) Flash SuperSU.zip with odin
2) Install Magisk.apk on S6Lite
3) Update Magisk.apk if it is out of date
4) Start Magisk and "Install" directly on device
5) Open Magisk. Goto "Settings" -> Enable "Zygisk"
6) Open Magisk again, install "LSPosed-v1.8.6-6712-zygisk-release"
23:32 Reflash "recovery.img" => wipe "cache" & "data" => LINEAGEOS BOOTS ! :)
22:34 Extract "vbmeta.img" and "recovery.img" from lineage-20.0-20230531-nightly-gta4xlwifi-signed.zip
=> repackage as "tar" each one an flash via odin
==> reboot to recovery (volum + up)
-> Enable "adb sideload"
=> flash los via: "adb sideload "lineage-20.0-20230531-nightly-gta4xlwifi-signed.zip" from windows
20:35 Root Samsung Glaxy Tab S6
=> FW: amfrew.com/download/Galaxy__Tab__S6__Lite__-Wi-Fi-__/cObi/DBT/P610XXS3FWD2/P610OXM3FWD2/
=> https://galaxyfirmware.com/model/SM-P610/DBT/P610XXS2EVJ2
6:03 top lip itchy.. food allergy ?
15:12 Poweroutage @ cit=> Cellular network down too !
12:05 Ursberg gone (Too much requests too lil cooks, for midday cook-show...)
6:11 Throat itches + ulping ugh
16:00 4G of Vodafone Sim: No Internet anymore ?!
2l water to work -> vs reflux !
19:56 Codeberg linked images nolonger load...
=> Hosted "random" images on github
& => gotta look for a proper image filehoster now (with ftp/or/webdav)
7.11 compiled ahk (meteoGUI) are blocked on meteoctrl pc by avira
6:34 Tongue Kissing a Galonska Ripoff for 48 minutes.
Mhmmm . Good. Calming

11:34 Fetch Sitepart between delims

5:34 thorax weird
5:34 Strange #dream , onewheel's 'wheels' "wheels" kinda moved back n forward to end of board.. middle bends thru

15:53 m.youtube.com/watch?v=oTWtTklpiEE tomsguide.com/how-to/how-to-use-second-screen-on-samsung-galaxy-phones-and-tablets
8:12 #dream going somewhere w. dad. rooftoo.
dad tries to save a kitten on rwiling. falls.
comes back up

5:34 "Wanna go home" thought.. (wat? bg not my home ?)
(had em in work ystrday 2)

5:41 #dream S.i. asking "why my eyelids are so dark"

5:34 IBS @ Burgau /(habemus ?)
Common causes of pelvic pain It might be caused by an infection or a condition affecting one of the organs in the pelvic area, such as the bowel or bladder. Common causes include: constipation or irritable bowel syndrome. urinary tract infections (UTIs) nhs.uk/conditions/pelvic-pain
mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/irritable-bowel-syndrome/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20360064 nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/stomach-liver-and-gastrointestinal-tract/irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs
•avoid tight jeans and trousers
•stay well hydrated nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/kidneys-bladder-and-prostate/urinary-tract-infection-uti

19:34 DellPrecision7510 -overheat shutdown
15:43 I look rly tired in comp to other ppl @ habemus (datk eyeshadow ...)
5:48 BoxCom REROLLS Access tokens it seems
=> it is now unusable for hotlinking images...
5:47 left pelvis hurts

--BOX.NET-- changed the way it renders image urls.
is the new url.. the php script is now broken...
And I CANNOT fix it :(
(I'll have to manually update "rollingyourpage" from now on ... )
15:43 Jackie had w push back the ACV 003 termin to friday (by two days)
<=> apparantly the logistic/managment has Noooo idea about which orders require simultan pruefplaetze..
=> hampering the timing (they do have lists tho, which they never check)
6:34 Iconwheel / Onewheel: 1.2bar max
6:25 #dream •be "nail" practiconer - fake doc

19:45 Throat still hurts a bit.l (l.side)
Not as bad as last weeks, but still lil constricted

4:45 r.pelvis hurts at times.. (sit less @ work ?)
3:56 Key is still with dad (in his car)
20:41 replaced l joycon (blue) - with hall joystick
14:45 l.nut feels better
22:33;leg burning from time 2 time also sucks
20:07 FactorSynth_Demo anemond.net/?download_file=1689&order=wc_order_TwpGYHgUuT9hy&uid=3ad1408fc6f37fe7d41b62bf5000fa3c6d89c130d7b16442686c22fb2c47d8c2&key=4a4cf0f0-088b-4ff8-97b5-9e3d17a6854f
18:45 pain in throath. ouch.
18:34 l.nut pulls a bit / pressure sensitive
Slight burn in larynx region still,
but less severe now (stopped jumji today)
!! Drink 1.5l -b4- going 2 work => dilute stomach acid /!\ !!
•Ab 18:00 Uhr:
Nichts mehr essen !!!
(vs reflux)
•Nichts trinken beim Essen
• Gut kauen
6:05 Dad says "reflux @ work from sitting 2 much"

<== Backpain & Reflux since 30.4.23...==>
16:38 Closed PayPal, again (Klarna and Ayden/Sofortüberweisung are secure enough !)
5:56 Sleep w.om top
(heat @ work 2 ?)
•Nichts zum Essen Trinken.
• Ordentlich kauen (Gute vorverdauung !!) zentrum-der-gesundheit.de/krankheiten/magen-darm-erkrankungen/weitere-magen-darm-erkrankungen/sodbrennen
•• Abends nichts mehr essen (ab 18:00)
•lieber vier bis fünf kleine Mahlzeiten essen statt zwei, drei große. So wird der Magen nicht überlastet. ndr.de/ratgeber/gesundheit/Ernaehrung-bei-Sodbrennen,sodbrennen130.html
•Max 3 Liter/Tag trinken
•Vier Std vor Schlaf NICHTS MEHR TRINKEN (!)
•Flüssigkeiten wie Wasser oder milde Kräutertees verdünnen die Säure im Magen. Wenn du vergisst zu trinken, kann diese ebenfalls dein Sodbrennen verstärken. 
17:10 lil Blood in sputum 
(reflux + acv @ work stress (lichtleiter)

5:56 r.wing back middle still feels numb like ystrday.
still reflux
5:36 #dream insec guy, goes to blondie cute girl kisses her much
5:23 #dream hollow pnis tp w holes Ml?
21:00 Ignore future "When will you move out" queries by moni&dad...
Worthless q's ..
(The way from Freihalden -to- Münsterhausn (habemus!) isn't clear yet. idijots...
[FU em and their yet still worsening mood !]

12:04 "lack of water, calcium, and magnesium can cause ulcers, gastritis, and acid reflux because the stomach doesn't have enough water to produce digestive acid "digestivehealth.ws/avoid-dehydration
•keine Fahrzeugklasse + keine Möglichkeit eine Fahrerlaubnis zu erlangen = Fahren ohne Fahrerlaubnis electricempire.de/die-polizei-hat-mich-gestoppt
bookinghealth.com/programs/treatment/surgery/reflux-esophagitis-linx-system/german antireflux.info/linx-magnetband
15:34 Fugging back pain
Back (mostly) hurst after standing up from BG matress/bed
=> Cause (?)
•GERD Cause: 
* Delayed Stomach emptying * Eating certain foods (triggers) such as fatty or fried foods  mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gerd/symptoms-causes/syc-20361940#:~:text=Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs,reflux from time to time.
12:31 pee going to right ? => mastur with l.hand more to prvnt p.ns bend ?
•Kannst du dein eBay-Konto nicht löschen, kann das unterschiedliche Gründe haben: Du hast offene Schulden oder Transaktionen auf deinem eBay-Konto futurezone.de/digital-life/article232708843/ebay-konto-loeschen-und-daten-entfernen.html
•Im Allgemeinen dauert es ab dem Eingangsdatum der Anforderung 14 Tage, ein eBay-Konto zu schließen. ebay.de/help/account/changing-account-settings/ihr-ebaykonto-schlieen?id=4199
3:41 web.archive.org/web/20230502014002/https://www.ebay.de/itm/Onewheel-XR-Plus-Only-186-miles-/404259286323?nma=true&si=ZPeTx1ptY%2BhbgPL0bpOvmp7t9ho%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
17:23 White "web" esque in poo.
 mold ?! .. => feta cheese !

18:00 Brought to Freihalden flat:
• Safe (KKJ BLURAY), HDD, 3DS, GBA, SwitchV1, SwitchLite#1, 10" SamsungTablet
• Trolley
• rest carton (other gba stuff, etc)
7:29 Still back pain (lower back) basically every day.. ugh

22:56 AVOID cola (carbonated drinks) @ habemus => reflux !!
21:23 AcidReflx still burning rachen away.. urk
12:23 AdvanceWarsReBootCamp arrived today already (!)
12:21 Lol Dad sleeping on his stomach
10:08 slight heartburn, but new bed on floor helped sleep better
20:52 koyu.notion.site/An-important-announcement-22fa994f376040759dd6b8d40dafd797

=> tell daniel if "ok"
contract in june
- start in sept
(dan says "me as productionworker wasted potential" -> do better)
6:40 Moby-LiftMeUp (via realme5pro on dads car stereo)=> "Zu lasch"
6:25 Sternum burning lil bit, rest ok
16:56 Back hurts, had to ulp all day & lung kinda burns ugh

20:00 Bottom back pain (sitting 2 much @ work)?
6:07 head hurts (front l). L.eye unsharp

20:45 Back hurts ugh
6:23 Dad holiday / vacation ( 7.8.-25.8 )
9:29 Add GRADIENT to bed -> avoid reflux
Die Speiseröhre ist ein Muskelschlauch, der die Nahrung in den Magen transportiert ndr.de/ratgeber/gesundheit/Sodbrennen-Symptome-und-Behandlung,sodbrennen120.html
8:54 Rachen bleeds slightly (reflux going bad.. great)
+)(Orrr. did I forget to brush my teeth ?)
## Life is kinda boring..
- No relevant ninty news
- no music 2 splice (all done)
- nothing 2 draw (no ideas)
- website: DONE
- Laptop: perfect
- Games: Only NierAutomata.. not even playing mmbnlc atm...
- Habemus.. work is nice, but 2 late. Money ? What for ?

11:58 ulping all day while doing meteo ctrl bluelogs (standing job)
-> ate pillow choc kellogs & banana 4 breakfast

21:45 aphten on left topside of tongue...
16:06 GastroReflux => ↑Rachen absliver => ↑sputum
6:36 bck of head pulls & tired

21:08 planetswitch.de gone ... planetswitch.de/news/21120-wir-gehen-in-eine-pause.html
8:30 reflux makes throat hurt after wakeup. ugh
12:06 Wash .. afzer loov visit (@home) with water again
=> Prevent itchiness

8:14-14:34 head back l.side pulls (asif hair pulls) stress ?

5;34 Brownish snot in sputim.. wat ?
5:23 Dad said ytrday that julian weilbach had corona TWICE ? huh !?

15:08 timo asking "what I imported".. told him kkj
=> said he wants to watch it.
(He lost interest after 25 sec)
==>> watched killLaKill BD -EP1- Instead
14:01 poo looks yellowish. bg food 2 blame ?

6:57 #Dream: Find kkj ost uploaded, but.. it's actually rnr in perfect quality !
20:00 left side pulled again - like the time with gertrudes cake - urgh

14:40 mdpi.com/2076-2615/10/5/811 bioaccumulation humans
11:38 Backed up kkj mp3 offic ost to
* sd card with unres ostd
* hdd
* backu hdd (bookshelf psy book at bg cupboard)
(also on my pc's root & monis pcs root)
21:54 PC turned off, just as I was about to initialize UVR5 Ensemble mode
(Just booted it up...)
(Arc-V episode 7 track).. WHY ?
Win11 even *properly* shuts down. Has this to do with the cooling or something, to prevent damage ?
Kkj ost backed up:
* Gdrive (p.b@gmail) & (calabria.psg2)
mega.io (p.b@gmail)
* HiDrive - MUSIC folder
2:36 Deactivated twitter @ryedai1.. (Stupid dog icon. WTF)
2:20 pain in rachen / upper breathing region. Gaumenzaepfchen is reddish.
<=> lil blood in sputum (b4 brudh teeth !
15:56 KKJ BD box is there yesss !
=> Ripped 95 trks with Foobar&Monis laptop
*HappyGuitar *SindbadBurning *MaronThemes *TransformTheme *JeannechasedThemes *DaiFin are all soo good :D
(Rerip disk 2(?) with EAC (Exact audio copy)
=> 5trks are dups.
*Every Living Being
 Foobar did well after all
 pb.todon.de/tags/KamikazeKaitouJeanne vgmdb.net/forums/showthread.php?t=27479
6:25 Paypal for dhl 55,08€ toll (kkj):
- sepa bookoff -> not working
- giropay -> not working (vrdm)
=> - add bank acc AND bank-sepa-transfer 60€ ?
  => ????
4:34 tasting blood in rachen region
Paying back 601€ to jobcenter  (for february) wü ... wtf
15:18 pain resolved (Getruds cake ystrday !!)
13:00 terrible pain bottom & left abdomen
17:49 Gave Moni 75€ for 2 weeks BG food (till 15 april)
--17:45 Told moni ab -75€ toll money- for kkj -
15:03 bottom r. lipside hurts (on pull)
6:58 2 work w.o. dad feels.. off
6:17 rather work @ habemus than be at home..
home is boring
7:05 r nut pulls abit
23:58 #dream suckin on a womans small tits, tong in her mouth - right hand in her pussy.. about to stick d in
19:43 fef.moe/2022/09/11/haircare-tutorial.html
17:18 Sternum/breast hurt
17:15 #dream have a guitar...
 .. (wakeup) but dont 
22:14 ppl (even fam) seem quite irritated lately.. urgg
16:15 OmaInge keeps repeating "Pascal hat sich garnicht verändert" even multiple times when visiting us ...
12:56 2014 samsung 19" tablet cant handle 3500*2600 canvas size eirher w.o. ram crash
6:19 lung hurts after lackier 1020 rtc btc modules yesterday.
This is what smoking'd do to me I bet
19:56 onlinehaendler-news.de/online-handel/haendler/134239-ebay-haendler-zahlung
19:44 275€ Dell Precision 7510 WIN 11 PRO/i7/Nvdia M2000/LTE/256-16 GB
22:23 inside-digital.de/ratgeber/ebay-kleinanzeigen-betrug-per-paypal
16:00 alceawisteria.instatus.com APIKey: 558432e18b27099d8976c9f245c3ff2e
12:18 nullabgleich spannung - poti
<=> Fehler bei kabel bei x %
5:34 *dream* NadjaSchu grinning at me, the kissing me fullon the lips happily
8:11 Dad said his ( / "our ) left ear canal is narrower by birth than the right one
=> ear clog => noise ?

verywellhealth.com/ear-tube-placement-in-adults-1192068 verywellhealth.com/barotrauma-of-the-ear-1191884
16:10 Moni had to toss a sizable portion of my tshirts from wue (tango, wayfinder trio) whatever
14:56 Emras second batch had 502 parts (he finished mine)
2.. Go figure where they belong. lol
14:25 The two defective parts..
 are listed O.K. after the fact...
33 (me) + 70 (suzi) pcs 10.8v=> 103
Jackie claims "2 missing" wat
(2 were sent to othr pck tho)
5:42 Water in left ear dur shower => HARD of hearing next day

12:34 Back pain from:
Sleep on floor in BG Pressure on back ?
6:22 In the Shadows - TheRasmus
stand between some barrels. In a video detailing the cheat, McDonald explained how to input the code on the PS4 version — hold down R2, then press up, down, up, right, left, square [Y], circle (A), triangle (X) and cross (B).
6:18 Sendico: p.b@gm.com Pass: f######1
6:05 zenmarket hax0rxy@gm.com Pass: f#####1

pawobeg schluessabgabe (wohn-verwaltung) 8:00-16:30
(Neuvermietung - Ab April)
Abgabe Schlüssel-> Wenn Wohnung leerräum
16:23 PayPal: hax0rxy@gm.com Pass: F####!
12:03 Ziel 0 Fehler - Gottfried

5:34 1st grey beard hairs...
22:45 Reddish teint in face
20:06 mastodon.social/@ryedai

19:50 Unhealed Wounds quora.com/Ive-been-broken-up-with-my-ex-for-2-years-Why-do-I-still-think-about-her-everyday?redirect_to_mweb=1
block anyone out that shows interest because stupidly I want to be open if the opportunity ever came of her coming back

5:50 #dream won 1.mill euro.
But wanted to get rid

3:41 hardcore diarrea

4:44 ign.com/wikis/nier-automata/Pods
4:34 Rocket pod counter. (After Perfect Evades). gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/168677-nier-automata/75100244

22:34 Dad says my Tinnitus&HighBP might be due to "no sun" / LackOfVitaminD3 ?
16:21 timo eating 2 much lately.. Eggs. protein. BodybuilderBLA . ugh

20:34 Gave moni 250€ for Feb & March "Stay at bg cost"
(150€/month )
14:30 14:45 wine -or- proton => run win app on linux

22:43 right back middle hurts
5:50 thenextweb.com/news/how-to-set-up-your-own-url-shortener

5:40 verywellmind.com/cigarette-additives-2824737
15:23 15-23 databank insert rrror (klauke remo) => reset pcs count

6:34 NimbusNotes displays pages with just Note title and no text ?!
5:34 #cutinevent F.LS LINKSHORTENER DOWN !!
18:43 last.fm/user/Alceawisteria/loved
16:16 66.9 kg (dressed)
2:45 gg.gg mail: p.b@googlemail.com Pass: f####1
13:23 dresden.network/@markus/109884842726288969
=> pb.todon.de had resolving issues ( Weingärtner fixed em)

8:11 App Mira is "Scheintraechtig" atm
00:05 web.archive.org/web/20230217230456/https://alceawisteria.de/custom.css
23:23 Macht den Bock jetzt auch nicht mehr fett, zu etwa 45% gehört Nintendo Banken aus Japan und anderen global agierenden Finanzunternehmen ntower.de/news/84030-nintendo-saudi-arabien-sichert-sich-weitere-aktienanteile nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/stock/information/index.html
19:34 64.9 kg
15:29 66.4 kg
6:01 Oma Beckenbruch...

5:41 Aaand alceawisteria.de is down ( pb.todon.de/@alcea/109872480178797166 )
.. WTF Servbyte ?! 1day and already offline.
pb.todon.de / Weingaertner-it has been running for 2 months now.
That measly relay setup shouldn't be enough to crash the server
@jasonb@koyuspace got some explaining todo...

20:52 #Relays 4 #Mastodon wee
15:23 Riggt ringfinger feels thuck (knocked against somewhere ?) ouchie

3:45 Dream: dancing course.
some girl loves dancing w. me very enthusisticallym is cute.
3:30 sis n some friends of her + julian come n wanna play some game with "marking words on a paper ezc.
I look at js paper a bit and the girl next to me
"strom" "chocolate" as 'neccecity" ? funny girl xD
19:22 #Mastodon #relay s for quicker #federation ...
17:40 RedHotChiliPeppers - Californication
15:18 toby 23y.o.
smokes snc 11
("bad childhoid)
#he kinda pooks like hyden christensen (jumper)

21:56 ------
alceawisteria.de @alceawisteria mail: pascal.braig@protonmail.com Pass: f#####1
Movies have credits a billion miles long where everyone is credited individually because strong union action forced them to do it that way. eurogamer.net/former-retro-studios-engineer-let-down-by-metroid-prime-remasters-lack-of-credit-for-original-team?view=comments
16:11 Weird smoshy poo in bg
Mitarbeiternr 278

16:00 Great. Hearing on left ear worse again aftet 2hrs of inear headphone usage grrr

Wenn du eine Thrombose gehabt hast, können Wochen oder Monate danach noch sogenannte Post-Thrombotische Beschwerden auftreten. Ich hab dasselbe Problem: Im Prinzip sind die Venenklappen verletzt und das Blut sackt dadurch in die Beine. ntower.de/community/thread/54417-zur-turmkneipe/?pageNo=2492
20:29 Lachsbrot+Zwiebelring ntower.de/cms/attachment/18288-20230120-174849-jpg

6:11 Earworm "The Eternal Successors ~ Theme of Zinnia"

14:34 spule schraeg augejleb=> fehler
* funktionsloses dropdown acv-mess getaet=> vorgaenger geproggt
23:21 As NanaNiklas @habemus! has CVD19, I thought about doing a pcr b4 going to work,
but we have none at bg..
12:03 loeten homeoffice ?
6:22 esd aoi & soldering yu
5:55 standup.. head hurt ungh
Pro/Con Mastodon OwnInstance:
+ Own emoji
+ Can force pull-update remote Profiles
+ CSS theming & CSS hacks (mark no-alttext images)
+ Can defed instances
+ custom banner etc.
- Cost per month
- still reliant on hosting provider
(- needs admin & mods if 5+ users)
23:19 mstdn.ai is offline. huh.
Thk god I self host...

22:13 jeep-forum.de/threads/wechsel-der-bremsfluessigkeit-wie.1422
19:33 KaibaHacker ACertainScientificIndexOP1- m.youtube.com/watch?v=qxxVRN8-EAA&t=17s
14:08 Control assigned 2b m.youtube.com/watch?v=v94YEF96beU
1:01 If in BG, I can only wonder: Do I do half the stuff I do (draw/splice/html-website-code),
only cuz I am terribly bored by myself.
Like: No normal person would do that...

5:06 retrospring.net/Alcea Mail: hax0rxy Pass: f####1
1:46 weird noise in right ear also now.. ugh
1:45 Dream about a "changed curseword list" and "locked bankaccount"

probearbeit montag
(mit m)
- mon-mi
*roasted 4 cv
* sie muessen noch eine ausbildung machen ! (nanna)

10:02 Left ol ubuntu'd laptop next to box in bg
9:24 Head ugh.
Everything seems more hostile, even the cats in bg feel "off"..
Moni said it "could be the weather"
I dunno...
2:30 alceawisteria.codeberg.page/Diarykeepers_Homepage/stash/mastodon_latest.tar.gz
0:00 K telling everyone to shaddup in my head...
1:11 Raining.. can't take the ESkateboard to BG :/
[SOLVED] 7:26 changed h39>

to h39> ibb.co/cc4P2dV
6:56 Nicepage.css is responsible for the EXTRAPADDING
on the text downlay: ibb.co/Yp2TB2C
5:56 Dayquotes.html color values falsifie !

1:54 Alt to "javascript load full path https:// path"



Oh joy.
No need in updating ibisPaintX then.
(new version is infested by ads)
I'll stick to
jp.ne.ibis.ibispaintx.app_900010563_apps.evozi.com.apk (8.1.1) then deal with this
Days seem to blend together lately...
22:05 New Android PS2Emu
ABAmt replied.
* Perso copy
* Mietvertr copy
* Reasoning why algii ia rq'd
* 09/2021-12/2021 Bankacc listings
* Proof why not ALGI applicable
* All forms.. again
3:40 stackoverflow.com/questions/70231106/simulate-ctrl-z
22:20 NewOwlscript (integrated): codepen.io/ryedai1/pen/YzryOgv
21:58 vhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/70229312/implement-fallback-incase-original-script-is-not-found
4:47 Searchbar (with link support) that only functions till 11 entries:
# My mistake.. forgot a "["
3:45 Accidentally deleted all the shortcuts on the Windows Desktop..
Oops. I'll keep em at two letters (ff.lnk) and put a rar'd copy into the bottom of rocketdock from now on...
14:56 That's prob why I was reluctant to do KaitouJokers OST all along:
No real fanbase interest... 22 views in14 days.. That's nothing m.youtube.com/watch?v=99K0Ql1ACRw
14:34 Funny. At~5% My tablets performance tanks (in IbisPaintX Strokes ares slower)... Maybe the OS throttles the CPU in order to enlongate leftover battery capacities ?
22:09 The only way box preview images stay (don't break), is to take em from m.box.com/shared_item/https://app.box.com/s/b0t5ib7n3ne5s8x4yavjvf3m9wfikpqg (using the desktop logged-in-ver doesn't work)
16:35 Acc to those on the floor,
the WC's circuitry and the showers boiler are at times causing sparks
=> danger of inflammation...
20:39 ALG Antrag - sent
20:34 https://web.arbeitsagentur.de/sgb2ka/ka-ui/pc/vereinfachter-antrag/antrag
14:56 kinda fixes mobile view  in portrait. I still kept the "gtfo" JS in Startseite.html tho, as it amuses me.
0:19 CodeHunter on twitter mobile.twitter.com/vapeafond
22:38 Interesting..  twitter links suchas
*only* work (embeded in your webpage),
if the current browser has "You-are-logged.in* cookies saved, else it just shows "Broken" image until you open the link in a new browser tab
a) Get Vax'd => Work in person in Wü
b) ❌ Do Zoomcall (applic) => Homeoffice
27.11.21 Homeoffice... (450€ Basis) - ❌ mctrl-marktforschung ❌ SCAM
15:24 Great, they want me to do a "Video call" with some N26 Bank, via some login data they give me, and then I shall "rate the experience"
 => E:\Dropbox\Public\2Diaric\00_Arbeit\mctrl-marktforschung.com\Website\Site_php_ident_error.png
21:26 Anest finally wore off...
19:34 LocalAnesth still hasn't worn off..
Just imagine how shitty you'd feel if that covid vax was not only worse, but longer than this 😲
Zauberzahn filling app
16:05 After loc.anest teethdoc app: perfect termin for lip piercing haha
16:03 putting left hp in w. local anest feels odd
15:02 asked if i am 'vaxd'
tooth nr#36 fixd(payed 60€ for ceramic filling)[amalgam'd have been payed by kraka..]
#wisdom tooth is #38
(beep beep uv light
-> send em xray from gz
(i talked ab kreuzbiss/bruxismus with her too.
She said knirscherschiene'd only be needed if "kiefergelenkschmerzen" exist)
2:43 Sh!t Tweetjs is nomore as of today 😒 tweetjs.com/API.aspx
22:07 Shredded/Deactivated Deviantart (pasc91)
(wayback archive: https://www.deviantart.com/pasc91/gallery/all)
BackupFile: E:\Dropbox\000Online_Accounts\[0bsolete]\Art\Deviantart\DA_(pasc91_&_ryedai1).rar
=> New DA replacement: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/75406576/illustrations
I can't remove pictures from a deactivated DA account (art stays up even on acc deactivation)
=> Delete Art MANUALLY -before- deactivating the account (!) deviantart.com/forum/devart/general/2307510
NEO lp m.youtube.com/watch?v=qgojR9UMFMw&list=PLkjRVltf19GZzvyXXJWdEp_kX-9lRnsWV
All NEO Cutscenes m.youtube.com/watch?v=J6yd5xcFdYU&t=19500s
5:25:00 I'm starting to see why Rin n Shoka is a fan fav xD
.After all....
5:42:00 She always shows up *just* at the most opportune moment
6:38:00 It's like she's flipping the bird to Nomuras riddle-bla-antics 😂
(Which is funny, cause he designed her)
08:04:00 Yup. Rin's always complaining indeed.
8:30:00 Rins goodie goodie side
8:31:00 [Flashbacks] Flashbacks Flashbacks. This game is all Flashbacks 😒
9:57:00 TWEWY did that wayyy better. Even the plot twists are stale
(Aside from.. her being... ufff)

I miss CAT
9:59:00 Soo.. Reapers = Vampires then 😂 ? Gotta call Stoker
#10:23:00 that livestream exists irl too
10:24:00 Shoka n the gang. Now that's neat
11:05:00 Wooo backstory time
-11:08:00 Why they saved on voicelines in such an important scene ? Beyond me.
1:11:09 A haaappy family 🙃
•#11:12:00 TBH.. Rin's 'Timejumps' are common knowledge by now...
Isn't it odd for Shoka not to suspect why Rin pushes the conv. in that direction ?
With all that laid bare, they could talk way more open.
No need for that eggshelling Ugh.
#11:16:50 Now that's new....
11:18:15 Ya. That hoodie. Is superb.
11:19:34 Huh. Never knew she did.
11:20:00 But what happened to 1's "Composer" ? Conductor. Meh
•11:22:00 FINALLY.. i was already becoming disappointed. Shoka caught on
Man. W.o. Shoka n Rin (And perhaps Fret n Nagi) this game'd been a bust
CS by Week NEO m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsvKzct5-R6Km9ybCsjdRYbAdJWkNB5Zi
16:48 Sudd thought "Allison to Lillia" 🤔.. That Soundtrack...
16:32 So tired lately..
Even just washing the laundry and hanging it to dry is areal achievment.
Staying up till 4am. Waking at 9am and then sleeping in again till 2pm is the norm lately.
Worst part: I got.. used to this.
Doodling and Music reconstruction being the only thing keeping me alive.
Haven't even played Switch lately...
15.11.21 Birth of SisNJ's Son [*]
Sis wrote me via WA today.
Her n J's son is called "Raphael Gabriel Weilbach"
#Raph is an extremly cool name !
14.11 Bye Bye gbatemp
20:33 Deleted my gbatemp account...
I don't need it anymore.
I'm too negative right now eitherhow
All interest with hacking ended with the switch also.
-For Banter GFAQs and ntower suffice-
12.11.21 Replaced switch's left analogue
17:07 10 months of the "hotglue&cover analogue stick" had its toll on the left switches analoge stick
=> replaced it with a proper one.
Mind the zif connectors and you're good to go
(left som obnoxious screws out, as it'll make things easier the next time I need to take the switch apart
#The stick never drifted tho!
The midi keyboard is everything I ever wanted.
*Foldable *Has a battery
*Supports USBMidi AND Bluetooth
*has a recording function
11:30 Not waking up before this time. Waste of life.
11:42 12am I keep falling asleep...
6:30 Considering /how/ the people on earth are developing.. greedy, ignorant, possessive
dying might yet be among your best choices...
18:12 gbatemp.net/members/fast6191.32303
           => openlearning.mit.edu/news/mit-opencourseware-marks-10th-anniversary
Rather eat Haribo (cola, cherry, strawberry taste) than any of these palmoil ridden
choclates (duplo, cookies etc)
16:45 Asian neigbor asked me about "shower draining slowly"
Apparantly it kinda clogs every 3 months.
He already tried some chemical cleanser w.o. success
17:07 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69842300/pass-url-from-clipboard-to-iframe-via-js
15:00 Copy curr browser URL to clipboard

23:01 Funny, if you paste html code into NimbusNote, it renders it 😲
22:56 Finally a visitor counter that works :)
https://www.daniel-marschall.de/counter/">https://www.daniel-marschall.de/counter/counter.php?id=1347&format=graphic&theme=digital" alt="Visitors" title="Visitors">
18:45 ApexS11 Update: 20 hrs.. So no digital games for me... too slow
13:36 MB was taken out of Packing station. I hope it arrives at "wirkaufens" soon.. 'anxious'
21:24 These days I just want to doodle/draw (active-stylus&android-tablet 😊), reconstruct anime bgms, browse nintendo news and maybe work on my webpage..
The only things I curr care for
(bgm reconstruct and webpage are getting less tho...)
•Fremdsprachenkorrespondent (can even add Bachelor at FH-SW!)
5:51 gbatemp.net/blogs/palm-oil-and-similar-derivats.18547
31.10.21 Webpage musings
17:44 Great..
I can edit the "hamburger menu" for the desktop (by adding a new entry to the main line menu),
but that immediately breaks the android version.
(Even if I add it there too...)
At least I now have all "hamburger" entries inbound.
They no longer force a new tab
13:33 Added a "musicplayer" to my webpage,
by rendering the whole page into an fullscreen iframe when you click the link...
(Not without issues. Soundcloud has issues opening the link inside the iframe...)
13:50 Sent Macbook to 'wirkaufens' via Packstation
(top right barcode is for packingstation
12:26 DIS @ hs-ansbach.
Seems I can forget about it. Java.
App. if you just miss one lesson, thats it (in ProgrammierenI)
#double # int bla bal.
I don't get any of it
23:45 The older you get the more you realize the world is only about resources. money. What a joke...
17:35 Now that I think ab. it..
BKSW repeat'd have been imposs either how... Asif I'd CVD19 test myself. each. week twice..
I'd have ended up in my curr position/worse eitherhow.
17:34 Take part in "Grundlagen der Informatik"!!
(rq'd for BigData!!)
*R-Crashkurs: https://sebastiansauer.github.io/crashkurs/
10:52 Crazy how your perception changes when you're tired.
"Was that nick in the wood of my bedpost always there?"
"That clothes hangar in the bath and that pipe.. since when?!"
13:21 Change Raiba Cards pass to 9### (as the old one had)
21.10.21 Orcanes, Tornados etc.
Thats what Humans get for their greedy - therefore environmental pollutive attitude...
(People don't care about catastrophes, unless they're emselves affected. assholes)
9:35 Ansbach FH-WLAN (Bayern-WLAN-Landingpage)
19:24 Gave that new Oskar fella "megafon" router and sim.de (11gb)
sim [curr don't need it, it'll stop working after November eitherhow]
13:48 Send 'Studienkredit' Anfrage to Deutsche-Bildung.de
(410€/month - 3yrs ~14.xxx € )
(had to be creative with some fields, as I haven't written a single test yet...)
13:43 Sudd word remember: Ligament
is the fibrous connective tissue that connects bones to other bones. It is also known as articular ligament, articular larua, fibrous ligament, or true ligament. Other ligaments in the body include the: Peritoneal ligament: a fold of peritoneum or other membranes. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ligament
11:23 One thing dad n mom had in common:
Appear nice and social on the outside, but can be F*&%€ annoying when you know them
(remembering small "details", living in the past)
16:40 Producttesting 🤔
16:34 shop.rewe.de
15:32 de.indeed.com/m/jobs?q=Game+,+Spiele+Tester+,qa+Tester
Put "cute" person in charge of -in-open sale- as ppl will subconciously feel they're letting down the person not the product.
=> sales rose
EU makes no laws (no state)
14:55 So.. I have an actual webpage now: pascalbraig.de (0,96€/yr)
9:45 Afaik there live three other ppl here at wu-kbstr32-5thfloor:
- next to me: chi en ??? (philosophy doctorate student dude)
- cross to him: mjd 40 dude (~1,67cm
- next to that one: ??? (dude)
Wü the new aux ?
17:17 19 yr ol jasmin showing me "last wish" book with ppls last wishes infront edeka.
Told her I have no 'online banking'
(good thing my raiba card was gone.. that also proved my point)
21:48 3hrs Zoom video (via Vodaf/realmepro hotspot): ~580 Megabyte data usage.
Thk goodness I got an allnet flat for home..
Troible concentratinc / recalling / remembering stuff lately...
Fern (Zoom) lessons suck
Bafög hasn't told be anything yet.
∅Roomtemp: 18°C
∅Roomhumid: 68%
12:53 1st bringing out BioTrash.
Big Black Trash Container.
21:34 Got Purse back
  #That guy simply left my purse in a restaurant (saporro ringpark)
   How lazy... Could've done that a day ago.
   That'd saved me 40€ and the wait for a new bankcard... Buffoon
12:01 App. I put my ol nr in my purse. Smone found it 😊
9:00 Very good. Raiba reacted instantly.
Ol card is locked now.
I'll get new card n pin the nxt days
16:44 Lost my purse...
[0] VR-DM Bankcard
[x] ComdirectBankcard #won't replace. good riddancw
[?] Personalausweis (get_new_one antrag24.de => rqs photo of front&back of perso)(passfotogen)
[?] FH-Ansbach Studentenkarte
[?] mh-plusversicherten karte
[-] 35€
[-] Cardboardcard with DHL Postnr ()
I did put my adress into it... but I doubt anyone'll return it...
#Now I finally understand why people put their cards etc into their handycase/purse
You can't loose it without loosing your phone(I probably dropped the purse when walking.
  And didn't hear it falling cause of my earphones). *Good thing I have SecureGo for my ol Phone.
That way reordering a new bankcard is easy. I'll probably leave the comdir now..I don't need it anymore
13:34 Bafoeg besch. mh-plus Fi-nally- sent
(only 7 days till 14.10.21..)
6.10.21 ❗ Vodafone/Klarmobil Sim sudd fast again...
That was no throttle... the settings were  /wrong/ 😒
(I had sim.de sim in shortly)
• Network settings got reconfigured
"Sie erhalten in Kürze die richtigen Einstellungen..."-SMS
=> Wrong mobile data Settings can cause slow internet !
Simkarte MobileDaten
13:16 impfzentren.bayern/citizen
11:00 Maybe not being on time at 15 was a mistake ystrday
Einführung IT-Sich
Big Data Analysis
  => https://hs-ansbach-de.zoom.us/j/92303158472?pwd=c1U0dUJlM1BXZEg4bk5sV3RqSXpmZz09
    => https://hs-ansbach-de.zoom.us/j/92181499348?pwd=RHJreStwQi9nMnFUWjdoTVRRSzY1QT09

04.10.21 Study... Yeah. not really working.
Oh great... Was at FH Ansbach today.. Now I look into my online course manager...
And. Only 4 times I need to visit Ansbach./month (Thats 25€*4 = 100€/month)
The rest is "Fernlehre". (Why did I then bother buying a 228€ DB Ticket ???)
https://www3.primuss.de/stpl/login.php  (help/src) (Need to be logged in first)
#Studying in Corona time SuCks. Especially if you don't even know /how/ to access the courses...
17:50 1. Wash at wue:
Done. Maybe get a clothes-hanger for the dry room
Why. does. that. neighbor AlWaYs leave their door open..
Don't want to walk past that. Don't want to see em.
Now both "Artstation" and "DA" use my new handle "ryedai1"
16:31 Sent off bafoeg docs (kraka still missing as they haven't replied yet...)
22:14 I. hate. ppl. who leave their door. open... Why not close it ? I don't want to see into your room....
12:23 Fetched 'Abi' from bksw
11:12 Ufff.. "voluntary mhplus is 203€" (!)..
                         Student one 111€ W-T-F
11:10 Can't remove the sim-pin...
10:32 Fi-nally MD sim is in my postbox :)
17:05 Wait... What the RoWrite does...
Could've been achieved with a 'nolcd' graphictablet aswell..
(Just put a A4 over it and trace it)
- RW: Saves notes to internal memory away from PC
- works with Android
- Has video playback function for notes 'builtin"
15:43 Traced 'Caught a birdy' via rowrite
19:50 got a 15€ / 2MBIt freenet contract..
(64kbit throttel suuucks)
16:14 Adobe Audit CS5 that works on x32 (Acer Switch)
20:04 unlocking locked acer bios via biosbug.com/acer
19:45 Legendary! Use "LetsView" on android/pc to "borrow" androids screen => unclouded acer screen usage !
15:34 neigbor
- know existential comics
=> philosophy master student
#app. "my postbox " is for multiple ppl (including my neigbor.. yps)
--> Nomore rip those nametags off !!!
(They are for all ppl)
13.9 # @ Wü- first day
19:35 Nailclipper/File Set and Interdental brushes seem to be lost amids the move from SW -> Wü. Man.
   #Nevermind, I had it all put in a box labeled 'keyboard' ugh stupid
18:34 It's a lil bit creepy, here at KBStr.32...
16:35 Still no further Info from FH Ansbach...
20:08 No wonder it didn't work at FH Wü:
2,1 MedianMark... 10% only get in via Wartesemester.. (8Wartesem)Huh.
(My MedianMark 3,3. Wartesem ~10)
=> Ansbach "Datenschutz/IT ~really is~ my *only chance*... hasn't got an NC
15:56 Dad being like "I can pay for your "train drive" till Semeser 2" bla...
"But afterwards you are on your own.."
=> Dropbox/Public/2Diaric/01_Studium/Cost/Income_Cost.pdf
(He also keeps saying I "should study asap,
so I'm not older than 33 before finishing the bachelor, as noone wants an 'old man'")
8.9.21 Grrreat..
Got a study place in Ansbach, but...
Presence lessons start again...
Meaning Wü <-> Ansbach Trains would be neccessary:
228€ ! o_O... More than all my other costs combined...
How shall I pay for that ?
BAfög, Kfw are among the only ways...
(Überbrückungskredit, not sure...)
7.9.21 GDrive => Hi-Drive
After google-login fiasco:
Switched from (free) GDRive 3*15GB to (3€/mnth) 250GB Hidrive.
ftp.hidrive.strato.com for direct access.
or my.hidrive.com
     User: xxxxxxxx
     Pass: see ps-notes
17:32 Can't login to hax0rxy Gmail anymore..
(keeps wanting to "confirm my identity", when I do - via lyca +31 SMS,
it wants me to change the password. every. single. time) => can't login AnYmOrE...
(No SMS OR Email confirmation is possible anmyore...)
"Nova7-Prime-v7.0.45_build_70045-Mod_R.apk" was classified as virus...
*bought 5.25€ Nova Launcher Prme from Playstore (&uninstalled that one)
*Cleaned Firefox Cache
=> login to hax0rxy works again via realme_5_pro
16:05 Delete ApexLegends from the Switch...
(Timo got "Valk"... so I don't want to play anymore... I warned him...
He only does this to take her away from other players.. same as octane, nothx)
14.8.21 A2 (2-cycle) license ? hmm...
*Price: ~1200€
*Speed: max 200km/h
bis 35 kW Leistung, bei denen das Leistung/ Leergewicht-Verhältnis 0,2 kW/kg nicht übersteigt, die nicht von einem Kraftrad mit einer Leistung von über 70 kW Motorleistung abgeleitet sind.
Darmstadt ? information-science-bsc (269€ Semestergebühr...)
Fresenius [Priv] 200525_BRO_Gebühren_Übersicht.pdf (500€/Semeser o_O'?)
Grreat, latest update to TotallyReliableDeliveryService makes local game only poss in spliscreen (while rq'ing one wireless controller aswell): WTF
First time ever I got my "safety deposit" / Kaution (200€) back..
Bayernkolleg WH...
17:55 Maybe try...: Datenschutz-und-IT-Sicherheit/hs-ansbach-30454/ ?
13:11 How odd... NOW:
[11GB/11€mnth] O2              (Sim.de)      -> works in smartphone ONLY
[15GB/24€mnth] Vodafone (Klarmobil) -> works in Router & Smartphone
 So.. I'll keep O2 for my smartphone (emergency),
and Klarmobile for home usage ?

6.8.21  FHWS "Fachübersetzen" = Zulassungsfrei
#13:45 Hochschulstart shows "enrollment curr not poss"... Maybe I'll enroll next semester and just work for my cash.
F-ck Bafög anyways... ## Applied today, justincase... last date for no-nc applics, it seems, is the 15.8... soo.. maybe it'll work
=> Forget it:
Der Studiengang ist Parallelstudium zu einer Ausbildung an einer Fachakademie für Fremdsprachenberufe
oder knüpft an eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung zum staatlich geprüften Übersetzer an einer Fachakademie
für Fremdsprachenberufe oder einen adäquaten anderen Abschluss an.
5.8.21 Sim.de (O2)
Realme:                Works
LGV10:                  Works (after enabling data)
Swissstone:         Edge...
MegaFonRouter: NoSim (suddenly...)
... Huh.
14:02 Suddenly SimRouter displays "Insert SIM"... Wat ? It worked just now...
13:20 Sim from "sim.de" arrived, put it into mobile Router => Works (even 4G !)
4.8.21 Dad cut my hair
(rather short, but everything is better than paying 30€ to a hairdresser
for a haircut in CoronaTimes)
1.8.21 "Mobile Internet" F##k Klarmobil. F##k Vodafone (as always) especially..
Cancelled "15GB" mobile inet contract
-- the SimCard always shows "2G" in Burgau, and never connects... albeit already "being activated"
F--k this.
*14,99€ Anschlussgebühr, "5months "free" Deezer (whichw will cost 9,99€ if you don't specifically cancle it).
=> Used aboalarm and payed 4,99€ to cancle it the next thing.
I don't need internet if thats how it works..
~~~~Bye SW~~~
30.7.21 Last day @ SW - Bayernkolleg
12:34 Mr. Pennekendorf gave me vinegar to clean away those persistant stains => Dang, cleans really well !!
12:00 Mr. PK thought I'd 'object' to the WH Cancle and repeat the year (KIII) ?
(He didn,t know how I failed... his first guees was math. 🤔).
Poor chap.
# I'll give him the key tomorrow at 9 (at my door)
15:34 Package #2 (Sockets, unimp switch stuff): Sent ☑
13:35 22.7-(Label_printed)===26.7-(SeDruckPrintLabelArrived)==27.7-(Package_brought_toPackingStation)
br.de/nachrichten/wissen/universitaeten-sind-die-hoersaele-bald-wieder-voll,SZSPdM4 hrk.de/themen/hochschulsystem/covid-19-pandemie-und-die-hochschulen
15:00 @Wü:
Payed 270€ Safety Deposit
#Note by Mrs.Landlord:
There are *no* emergency/general-keys (keep.that.key.safe!!!!_Don't_loose_it)
25.7.21 #last week in SW: (26.7-31.7.21)
14:25 The Washingmachine didn't wash.. 1€ gone...
#All sockets in and around the washing room are set /powerless-0Volt/
The next (aside the payed counter ones) to have electricity is the one in the laundry dry room...
#About time to get outta this WH
24.7.21 (New flat: Wü - Königsbergerstr 32 - 97072 Würzburg)
# I got the keys in advance, and shall pay 250€ for the furniture...
[Take w u]
[ ] portable matress !!
## 23:00 This is the first time I'm not entirely sure about a flat... It's cheap, sure and the only drawback are the - once agaij - shared WC & Shower..
Something irks me...
Haha .. Yesterday Fr.Zink asks me to via mail to "Hand in soon, my repetition KIII request,
today I have a letter in my mailbox a telling me "WH Living contract ends 31.7" Ha.Ha.Ha. Wat
(The Other writing said I could stay till end August...)
2:00 YES! Was able to /edit/ and not break the homepage via BlueGriffon
(added artstation_button.png)[it may not be as sophisticated as Nicepage.com, but it suffices]
1:01 Great... nicepage.com no longer allows to export html (after the 7day trial),
the Desktop app doesn't carry my online pages over... what now ?
(NVU and KompoZer can't edit my nicepage html's without breaking them...)
23:05 Hello artstation.com/pasc91  ( deviantart.com/pasc91 )
20:45 Ugh Ep24-26 of dnangel were pure. BS... oergh
(Niwas Seiyuu, made this a chore to watch, sim to his role in Tetsuwan Birdy, thankfully there, Birdy is the MC...)
#Why do so many shojo anime turn girls into passive bystander charas ?!?
Mad props to kkj, for being unique
17:05 All "rebrand.ly" links of mine are now also interchangable with "f.ls"
(rebrandly is still superior, it allows editing links afterwards and its loadtimes aren't so horrible as with that highly overused f.ls service...)
4:32 Wahahha E:/Dropbox/Photo/Anime_&_TV_Shows/Anime/Tetsuwan Birdy Decode/[Mine]/(Ava)_Sleepy_Birdy/sbd.gif
1:15 DNAngelEp18 "Ryuusei"
=> Prob the first time /ever/ where in a show, two ppl I rooted for actually got together *yes!*
17:13 No that I think bout it.. In Anime Series.. why are there somfew grandparents ? Only BeyBlade and DNAngel kinda feature em.. why ? (They can't all be dead...)
12:45 All the sadness in the world is meaningless... when you have a rent to pay
#I don't know what to do with today'
My thoughts lately...
3:51 When you're to stupid to "rotate" a comic cat (Tango.exe) around his axis in your head,
and use a 3d model(you made days earlier)  instead, rotate it
then trace it.
=> (MF-Tango_rotate_link)
E:\Dropbox\Public\Texte + Bilder\Pictures_(Mine)\My Animated gif's\[[MINE]]\Anime_&_Game\Game\Rockman_EXE\Tango_exe\Tango_rotate_sketch.rar
3:40 On /temp going to BG/: Not finding a rpl. flat...
If it was a general landlord chazzing you (Eigenbedarf), a fire destroys your stuff, you can't pay the rent: Noone is immune to this situation (they arent either...) So...
2:02 Legendary, finding a deleted twitter picture status message by utilizing the wayback machine buhitter.com/search?q=響ミソラ&offset=160&order=2 web.archive.org/web/20200801230248/https://twitter.com/mihane0vl/status/1289697940974342144
16:53 Huh. YT calls foul , when you have a "mature" marked Deviantart URL in your YT vid
and /YT removes it "for you"/.
<=> youtube.com/watch?v=Al4pfpKrIH8
# I bet... me being home from 18.6 to now #17.07
~a month, is pretty much how it'd have been, hadn't I gone to BG every holidayseason:
*Boring *Repetetive *Weakness&Headache-inducing
(+ stay up till 4 am and sleep till 1pm)
Seems this is the original to 'Escarla - CharmDuo'
スカーレット - Taisuke Sawachika
15:49 About.html's twitter-widget-feed renders: [fine]  Firefox(Android) [fine] OperaPortable(Windows) [not] Firefox(Windows)
So I guess it is browser problem... The code is fine.
5:06 Cool, KompoZer: NVU_Editors successor !
21:45 I'll use "Adblock Browser" over AndroidFirefox from now on.
That one also supports local html documends /and/ I can update it
19:20 Guess I have a website now.. rebrand.ly/diarykeeper
21:51 #Fck looking for flats...
all weeeell beyond 300€... And I don't even have an inscription confirmation yet...
15:45 Time is just a concept atm... blur
22:59 It's 23:00 now, bit it feels like 17:00 somehow (sun has set already tho)
10:23 Hmm not bad, using "vectary" online service, I was able to create a rough first 3d sketch of "tango" (needs more work) E:\Dropbox\Public\2Diaric\TODO\Plushy\Tango_1staid\Tango_(vectary-com).stl 
8:32 Was able to install an old version (2014) of Sketchup and run it. (So now I can use "Blender" and "Sketchup", not bad)
20:10 Why do all Landlords want your nr. to 'phone you' ?
Why not just meet in person ?!
15:33 When you look at the time after waking up and it reads '15:33'
5.7.21 Nevermore Soundripping / OST Ripping.. not worth it
Since realizing yesterday... that all RnR and KKJ songs are 0:30 or less...
Usual songs are 1:30 or more... Extending em sounds trashy...*man*
(I'm kind of disgusted with them. As if I did a shoddy job *sigh)
3.7.21 SC
This sucks... w.o. pro membership,
I have to delete and reupload tracks with 'exact' matching names... grrr.
Man. (So I better be 100% sure I'm done ripping b4 going for soundcloud 😒)
00:00 Or... just use github pages to host it.
22:22 When all the common file hosting services (Gdrive, DB, Box.net) no longer allow html-inline rendering and you are forced to use a weird service suchas "htmlsave" to get your file to be up... #Aaand the file is off already... thank goodness for GithubPages.
3:45 When sleeping b4 5am isn't apparantly your thing anymore and you rather dwindle your time with this...
12:18 Maybe... last bk bafoeg payment ?
Kinda crazy how ppl are ready to splice n salvage vocal-songs (misora songs rnr)
but for instrumentals, noone cares...
Ironically these 'spliced' vocal songs - that never got an official release,
get then claimed and copyright striked. W.TF?
28.6.21 watching rnr raw wo subs.
makes you pay attention to things you usually wouldn't :)
erupiiraws.wordpress.com/2020/11/20/ryuusei-no-rockman-tribe-web-rip-released rebrand.ly/rnrraws
23:57 ☑ Guess I'm finished with RnR ripping... Got all I wanted... [30RnR & 14 Tribe Tracks.] Fin
26.6.21 Shoka from TWEWY.NEO/ShinSubarashikiKonoSekai
combines everything cool
*hoodie+cat(style) *gloomy *snarky
9:56 Abi: I've tried so hard.. and got so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter...(Never has this song been more fitting)
13:24 Oh well.... It had to happen
"obligatory" 'did you pass abi' question (ali):
And after I say "no"
-> Obligatory "what are you gonna do now ?
(why even ask ? You don't wanna near the answer...)(followed by "I wish you luck bla bla)
#I managed to avoid ppl for 6 days...
There is a limit to how long you can avoid em
(even followed me geh. annoying)
## It's funny how ppl take this more to heart than me...
21.6.21 Hahahahha WTF (regist for mündl. Nachprüf is today).
The mündlNachP emselvs right after (22.6-25.6)
How on earth'd anyone be supposed to make 12p in that short timespan (4days max)?
# had I had D: 0 M4: E:5+, it'd have been easy to get 1p, as that'd only rq 3p in the mündl.Prüf...
15:32 The days go by quickly lately...
12:35 Maybe humans should consider doing a 'summerbreak' only working spring autum winter...
The ClimateChange and heat is a bit too much.
Leave it to AI, Automation and Robots
-16:11~20.6.21- bbc.com/news/science-environment-53415298
18.06.21 Abi = FAILURE
12:00 Abi: DONE (Failed)
D:0 M:1 E: 13  [EthColloq: 10, BioColloq: 6]
=> Not enough to make it (despite jahresfortg. being D:5 )
--> Mrs.Zink suggested "making 12p in german and getting it done that way, but that. won't. happen
# Soo many ppl have to go into mündl.Nachprüf...
[FlorianB, in 2 subjects(D&M)], [MarcoB. in D] ridiculous...
## At least I don't need to become a teacher now 😂 *phew*
   [Fix]So w. either:
   [Fix]•[D: mündl-12p => 4p D-Zeugn]
    -or-  [Fix] •[D:mü-3p => 1p D-Zg] + [M: m-10 => 4p M-Zg]
# Schlechtmöglichst. Abi: 300p
## "Erreichte Punkte in den Fächern: 306p (≈3,9)∅
 #Though the "1-4-5" rule and "0Punkte-Hürde " invalidate the Abi
   ☒ 1) D/M/Fremdsprache: mind 1 Punkt => 1*1p, 1*4p, 1*5p (M:1 D:0 E: 13)
   ☑ 2) Alle 5 Abifächer*4 ≈ ≥ 100p (0+1+13+6+10*4= 120)
Es gibt drei Kriterien, die man überprüfen sollte.
•Wurden 100 Punkte erreicht? (5-Abiprüfungen*4)
•Wurden in den LKs mindestens 25 Punkte erreicht?
•Wurden in keinem Fach 0 Punkte erreicht?
15:00 Great.. my laptops dock is busted... (keeps on doing only right clicks)
Times I feel relieved:
*Making confessions (asking s.o. out)
  *Telling s.o. something very important (quit job etc.)
   * After holding a speech
     *Getting results (f.e. finals)
17:04 Kinda giddy for that Nintendo E3 Direct (18:00) ^^
Most of the E3 was Gar-Bage apparantly. So Ninty has to save us again xD.
I dunno what they could present ...
(Def not a "real hardware revision" though, but games ? No. idea!)
14.6.21 Lately all I wanna do is rip Anime OSTs with the new "implement all cues into one base one" method.
I like the results.
I only wanted to do YGOS0 ones, but that 'Precureguy's "kkj tracks" are so abysmal
(super obvious loops, lazy editing, that I now switched to kkj again....
=> Action Theme 01 - Checkmate
13:45 BioColloqDone. Ref: Weissbienenfresser <-> stör-vogel
Qs: Altruism, cell, photosynthesis, darwin
*It's "Erregung" /not/ elek Impulse
11:23The whole photoalbum in the huawai tab is gone and I now have 1.5gb extra space...
(Gotta disable that tablet manager.. I bet it 'decided' to 'free up some space' grrr)
2.6 grrreat.. edeka nolonger has 'da burgerz'...
2.6.21 I think it's better to play online games far. away. from Timo (f.e. Apex Legends)...
Next to him is annoying, he curses too much
28.05.21 📦_Switch_Games_at_carton_in_BG (in_OG_V1_Switch_case):
"Learning @ BG"
A factor not to be underestimated...
No need to shop etc there + Boredom
=> More learning
(also, walking the dog and chilling w. cats 😊)
21.5.21 Engl Abi
9:00 PlaceNr: 3 - cafeteria
Funny how... now that I've WA running again, I check it now and again..
Also I wouldn't have played Apex nearly as mich if I couldn't write with T at the same time...
Makes the game much more enjoyable
18.5.21 MAbi - PlaceNr: 9
Welp.. def lost prob all 25 BE in Stochastikpflichtteil "Erwartungswert ? Varianz ? Gummibaerchen zufaellig ?" wat
Stayed till fin of abi time
(Mike handed in waaay early...)
7:53 Funny how in the Math Abi, only the 3D KOSys is required, same goes for Geometrie: All 3D...
Only 2D is Analysis....
21:04 'Paralysing stress' ? Rather do nothing than try/calc more ?
20:05 Wonder if I calced some more exercises day before fachabi math 2014... I'm done for now...
14:24 cant seem to lock the switch away permanently.. ApexAddiction 😂
12:43 keep one use leather gloves in all backpacks to carry roadhit animals (birds etc to grasside)
TBH... Everything is better than being in SW(WH)
This school forces schedules on you left and right.
Be there every time, or get owned. Do this. Do that.
* Better go to Wü, work pasttime and study (FH or Uni, doesn't matter)
12.5.21 0p ? DAbi Placenr 6
12:33 Handed DAbi in..
Weirdest Abi ever....
Felt worse about the Text I wrote  the more often I reread it.
(Theme IV: Discrimination 'Gespräch ist Risiko Fr. K. Beck / Uni München)
-- Some ppl wrote in the Cafeteria, I in the Kolleg saal, n some in the floor o_O
13:37 Mentally I keep calling the 'abi' "Schulaufgabe".. huh odd
10.5.21 D-Abi the-day-after-tomorrow..
I only learned rhet devices and read thru som prag-text-analyses.. I seem to have stopped caring...
Sent BA Applics:
03.5.21 FH SW-Wü (Medienmanagement)
01.5.21 FH Ansbach (Wirtschafts und MedienPsychologie)
29.4.21 FH Esslingen (Soziale Arbeit)
8.5.21 WTH
ApexLegends 'Valkyrie' Switch Update rq's 4 Gigabyte..
Wow.. Why so much ?
7.5.21 "Abi" huh
5-4-1p rule in written abi exams to pass...
German Math English huh... Am I sure I'm gonna make it ?
•Also having to do a cvd test each time/a day prior. UgH
#SuperDemotivated lately... after the 'quarantine' last week...
I have 0 drive to exrcs math anymore f.e. ... (the abi book just lays on the table waiting...)
5.5.21 Patreon
3.5.21 Need not to know 07' - Detective Conan Unreleased OST
21:03 A 'perfect' rip by all means o_O after 11 years...
1.5.21 Alles neu..
14:56 VR-SW has coin counting machine aswell now
13:12 (letter in postbox by wh leitung)
And suddenly everything is supposed to go quickly.. mai already...
and by end of august we're supposed to move out of the wh...wow.
(also have to inform em 1/2 month b4 moving...)
=> -Moving out makes sense only after the last Bafoeg Payment went through tbh...--
[Furthermore abis are handed out on the 29.7.21... That leaves one month to pack up. wtf]
10:20 Quarantine over. Finally.
30.4..21 ~Finally some breakthroughs in AnimeMP3 Ripping~
Got "TribeKing-RnR" and "CalmingTheme04-KKJ" done.
New method:
1.) Take samples from all cues
2.) and implement them into one base one.
(no more "leaving multiple tracks", put them into one DIRECTLY via copy*n*paste)
=> Seems to be somewhat fruitful....Soundeffects are left in, as I don't know of a non destructive way to get rid of em
(This is so much better than either IzotopRX /or/ puzzling via multitrack in AdobeAudition)
30.4.21 Hideki Taniuchi out of prison !!
Hideki is very talented! In my opinion....a musical genius! I accidentally met him in Tokyo in 2019. He is very nice, very polite and an extremely intelligent person. I don't think he writes music for the brain intentionally. I think it's just a natural thing for him because he is a thinker and very intelligent. I also showed him this video ( because he speaks English)....he was flattered. 😀 Check out the band he was in.... shocking lemon.... they're good. youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=DuaxukpypZk
13:54 Wait... wat ? "Notenschluss" was yesterday,
but the last SchA (English) will be on the 4.5.21... How ? o_O'
7:34 Made it back in one piece
#great to finally be able to walk outside again a bit 😊
7:01 Operation Secret shopping
-early in the morning, cashiers/vendor s are talkative
28.4.21 Bah Quarantine snc last Wednsday... Makes your head hurt,
joints too. Ugh, wanna go out a bit
Can't seem to be /bothered/ anymore lately.
Things that usually annoy me... are unimportant.
Complete apathy
Gotta connect DingoQ78 wired first to switch (pairs wired immediately).
THEN connect via BT (Y + Home)
13:37 So is pcr /negative/ once again...
Acc. to Mr Pk, 14 days since now till quarantine is fin... (till 5.5)
Quarantine 22.4.21 -5.5.21: Have to stay home.... ugh. cant buy food as normally
In keinem anderen Bereich der Medizin gehören molekularbiologische Testungen inzwischen so sehr zum diagnostischen Standardrepertoire wie im Bereich der Infektionsdiagnostik. Für den direkten Erregernachweis haben sich hauptsächlich zwei Methoden durchgesetzt, die Polymerasekettenreaktion und die Immunchromatographie, die häufig in Form von Teststreifen oder Testkarten angeboten wird link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-662-54196-8_10
11:00 Seems TM-01-Nano has issues copying files from hdd with [ or ] in the filename (might be also FX_FileExplorer's fault) #Tried to copy Touhou's OST
12.4 21
Have to do cv-pcr Mo,Di&Fr b4 school AAND a person always needs to be near ?! (w.t.f)
How to COVID-19 Self test
To determine whether a nasopharyngeal sample is positive for the coronavirus, biotechnicians use a technique known as reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, or RT-PCR.
Sie weisen bestimmte Eiweiße des Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in den Schleimhäuten der Atemwege infizierter Personen nach
apex.tracker.gg/apex/profile/origin/Julle1515/legends (switch)
*ApexMusic: m.youtube.com/watch?v=2JX5LInugdM&list=PLyLszHr2jpr7nnYt5Xff_LlweH2joDAgS&index=2
Apex Cinematic Stories
All " Stories From the Outlands "
*Meet the Legends
respawn explains
*Apex all Interaction lines m.youtube.com/watch?v=h_GLAWlwBqw&t=2325s
Respawn Answers Apex Legends Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED m.youtube.com/watch?v=7a5uoeSs_W8
tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/ApexLegends tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/ApexLegends
[CausticFacei-cdn.embed.ly/1/display?key=fd92ebbc52fc43fb98f69e50e7893c13&url=https://i.redd.it/f5apqo91xye51.png -[Bloodhound] n/A
[]*MaStiff (close range )
*VoltSMG (all range) m.youtube.com/watch?v=f6mwJtUWXkM
*A headshot with a Kraber is an instant down regardless of armor and/or helmets.
*Wingman revolver starts with a paltry 5 round magazine and has terrible visual recoil. However, it also has great damage per shot, negligible movement penalty when aiming, and a fantastic headshot multiplier that only gets better with the Skullpiercer Rifling hop-up. With good aim, a player with a Wingman can be easily down any foes at any range without getting shot.
*BFG: Kraber and Devotion
*Golden Knockdown Shield => selfrevive
*gold backpack was given the arguably more useful Guardian Angel perk, which grants allies 50 armor and 70 health upon being revived
*If an arc star hits you, it will disable your shields immediately on impact and there's nothing you can do in order to stop it from annihilating you
*Trident: any damage dealt to the vehicle is distributed across anyone riding
*Finisher: some incentive to use it if your own shields are low since Finishers fully recharge them
~Aim Assist (console only) only works in close combat
I’m sorry friend I pulled a bamboozle. There is no aim assist. reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/anf8v8/is_there_aim_assist_in_apex_legends
[DLD] origin-a.akamaihd.net/Origin-Client-Download/origin/live/194908/ApexLegendsInstaller.exe
[DLD] store.steampowered.com/app/1172470?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=franchise_web&utm_content=navlink
[updts] ea.com/de-de/games/apex-legends/news#game-updates
[ApexBugs] trello.com/b/ZVrHV38P/apex-tracker
[MyPL] m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbwODi-d6K5LUy7cXdYR7aKaoPdfmsFoH
••ApexLegends supported -till 2027https://www.gamestar.de/artikel/apex-legends-soll-10-jahre-laufen,3340188.html
**ApexMobile (iOS/Android) This is entirely separate from Apex Legends. So, don't expect to play with people on consoles or PC.
*Movement Tips: m.youtube.com/watch?v=ekCU37DMa3I

*[Sniper] Sentinel (4ammo,70dmg(bd),140(hd)
*[ShotG] EVA-8 Auto (8ammo,auto,63dmg{near})
*[EnerG] Deviotion(36ammo,16dmg)
[*Bloodhound = Transgender/nonbinary *Gibraltar = Gay *Loba = Bi *Valkyrie = Lesbian]
•Octane 3/2019 *Wattson 7/2019 *Crypto 10/2019
•Revenant 02/2020 *Loba 5/2020 *Rampart 8/2020 *Horizon 11/2020
•Fuse 02/2021 *Valkyrie 05/2021
9.3.21 Clear. your. search suggestion cache !! (having your search suggestions shown on a webpage during a presentation SUCKS)
11:21 Fck this day.. locked in my Keys INSIDE the trolley (switch case) when using it yesterday WTF (had toncut open trolley w. side cutter)
00:06 olli, nick and sam asked about left4dead for "pc" (they want to play multiplayer)...
(is 10 bucks on steam)
17.2.21 Medienmanagm at FHWü
10.2.21 Start pushup training beginning tomorrow. VS Backpain, to strngthen upper muscle mass play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.northpark.pushups
Superb. VR Bank near city center= unusable till 31.3 
6.2.21 Great... Now Kaufland (in addition to aldi) requiure those stupid ffp2 masks... [got one for 2.80€ at kauflands apothec]
Study in sweden ?
*Hamburg studis-online.de/Hochschulen/HAW-Hamburg
medienstudienfuehrer.de/studiengaenge/game-design studis-online.de/Studiengaenge/Gamedesign
10:56 *sigh* Dad got laid off during the first 4 weeks of his job - again...
acc to dad oma broke her arm
"Die Oma ist am Freitag auf einer Glatteisfläche vor dem Haus so unglücklich gestürzt, dass sie sich eine komplizierte Splitter-Oberarmfraktur unterhalb des Schultergelenks zugezogen hat.
> Wurde gestern operiert und so wie es aussieht befindet sie sich auf dem Weg der Besserung.
> Die Ausheilung wird wahrscheinlich mit Ergo und Physio schon einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen."

24.01.21 Thats whats up with my V1 Switches microSD reader...
**Instable Connection of MicroSD Reader / Solder joints:
FIXED!!! So stupid... a pin or 2 didn't have a good solder connection to the board.... Fluxed it, then used my chizel tip and made a few passes and both sides re-flowing all pins. Works like a champ now.
11.1.21 9:45 "Distancelessons"
what a joke... Teacher asks questions like in school and pupils reply.. via micro that my pc doesn't support. Wish I could reply via keyboard or something. I. hate. this.
8.1.21 Finally, thats what I wanted in 2015:
A tool to simulate real world constructions prior to building em: Solidworks 2020 Education solidworks.com/de/product/solidworks-education
1:34 Was able to fix the formatting towards FAT32 via "AcronisTrueImage2016" iso stick (interesting...)
0:56 Seems "connecting" my MP3-Player to the HuaweiTablet caused its internal memory to be corrupted...
=> unusable, even if the microSD is fine... Grrreat
15:00 Weeee :) The switch lite is super adorable :p
# The Switch Lite DOES have gyro support built in ! Neat.
6.1.21 F#ck that buyer. Buys my et-2500printer,
then wants "to break off" the purchas
(probably due to realizing it is cheaper elsewhere, or because it is bank transfer).
I won't budge. He. Will. Pay (I already printed the label, f#ck him)
5.1 putting a cushion between back and bed ->
allows for better sleep (sleeping on the floor in bg maybe gave me hardcore backpain?)
#room temp in sw is always 19°C snc 1.1.21
4.1.20 Fenyx immortals rising
11:05 Here at sw, and 'diarrea be gone'. Seems moni n dads bothering me and the dogs (mira) avoidance of me take its toll... fck burgau...
1.1.21 Xchange switch sdcardreader
The real problem with the switches micro sd reader is,
the flex that pushes on the connector on the board
(replacement parts are too ridgid too..)
=> squished the sponge that usually sits atop the connector 'between reader and metal'
-> lets see if that helps...
9:00 Left Swisstone phone at Burgau...
=> Stops me from using paypal.
31.12.20 Detrimental existance
15:23 The 30y.o. burden ?
* D'd keeps rambling on about "we can't pay you" if you study.
 # Nor could the bafg. bureau...
* 30 years, noone needs such a person, no certificates.
#I never really asked....
-- if you can't decide for a job, don't fit the sytem...
maybe... it'd be best to...
30.12.20 ---SaintsRow_IV_Switch_bugs...---
21:59 save of fin'd game: new-switch-save-site
20:34 Forever loading screen at final mission
Same issue here, even with airplane mode it still stays stuck after I escape the starship... has anyone else tried contacting the game makers? I believe this one? dsvolition.com/contact https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintsRow/comments/gc491z/saints_row_iv_switch_stuck_on_loading_screen/
14:23 Skip Cutscene after 'Streets of Rage' minigame to prevent crash
during the
"...the Very Next Day " mission
(redownload saints-row-iv) noskip cutscene + reenable wifi
=> "stilwater"-mission works
13:01 Dad is coughing quite a bit...
(He says something about "hearthburn"... hmmm...
Hope it is nothing bad)
16:05 Gamecardreader/GBA/DS/3DS/Switch Gamecards (wear&tear)
# Minimize your "card" swap by deciding which game "to play"
=> Reduces wear on gamecards !!
Gabi Weilbach.. dead.... [†]
22;23 Talked w. Semih a bit about WSemSpeeches. He did Rockefeller (Economy) and apparantly talked for 45min.
11.12.20 Adding "ini" for booting fusee-primary via hekate (HOS direct fails on multinand SD) /bootloader/ini
[Fusee Primary]
10.12.20 Could play FIR no problem today w.o. crashes...
(->Hekate -> fusee-primary payload #crashes back to hekate -> boot fusee-primary again)
9.10.20 New MicroSD + New"Emunandonly" => still crashes
19:26 Even a completly brand new 128 gb from meddiamarkt with *only emummc*
still crashes in the lame way on the switch
-> card reader must be the problem
0:00 Could play IFR for ~ 3 hours no problem in docked mode (21:00 - 0:00)
(Maybe, cause the microSD is not being moved asmuch as in handheld mode ?)
[so it might be the cardreader afterall]
# Seems you can easily extract the EmuNand from a MicroSD via Hekate
=> Go to "EmuMMC" -> click "SD emuMMC Raw Parition: OFF (so it now sys: ON) -> Backup EmuNand via "SD emuMMC..." Muttons E:\Dropbox\Public\Useful_Handy_Winprogs\NDS_GB_STuff\Switch\[Hack]\HEKATE\Backup_EmuNand_via_Hekate.jpg
8.12.20 "Buying eShop Card at eBay" @ online-gold*de
wie Sie sicher in unserem Angebot gelesen haben, führen wir Stichprobenartige Transaktionsprüfungen durch. Leider sind wir dazu gezwungen da immaterielle Güter, wie in Ihrem Fall, nicht vom Paypal Käuferschutz abgesichert sind. Um diese abschließen zu können, müssen wir Sie aufgrund zahlreicher Betrugsfälle zuvor als rechtmäßigen Besitzer der gewählten Zahlungsmethode verifizieren.
Hierzu benötigen wir bitte folgende Dokumente:
(1) ein Foto eines gültigen Ausweisdokuments (Ausweis, Reisepass, Führerschein) des Kontoinhabers
(2) ein Foto des Kontoinhabers zusammen mit dem Ausweis neben dem Gesicht (Person + Ausweis auf einem Foto)
(3) Ihren Ebay Namen und die Ebay Email Adresse
=> WTF, need id for lame eShop card ?
Then i'd rather use paypal...
7.12.20 Cool ! "Winmount" allows for *zip *rar *iso mounting under windows
=> can compress stuff heavily on extHDD, then just mount it with it !
6.12.20 Atmosphere crashes during games, annoying
#At least now I know, that  a "hdd raw copy tool" cloned microSD works perfectly :-)
19:43 Seems "removing Tesla Menu" and getting new "sigpatches fixes crashes
18:44 Redo "/atmosphere" folder "remove everything from /atmosphere/contets" except for "ffvii mod ~..6000"
 => Bye Bye Tesla Menu
14:55 Nope. happens with ALL joycons
14:50 Wait... does this have something to do with the knockof joycons ?
(Using the original Nintendo j/cs and I could play through a mission in AoC no problem...)
13:34 Atmosphere throwing errors left and right since new FW11 and new sigpatches...
(Fenyx crashes mid game, AoC during loading)
4.12.20 Grrr.. updating Switch's Emunand FW  A NIGHTMARE.
-using "BiggestDump" FW files from my own FW11 sysnand:
[no ]a) use ChoiDuJour -> crashes b4 update
[no] b) Daybreak -> doesn't ackowledge update files
  -> E:\Dropbox\Public\Useful_Handy_Winprogs\NDS_GB_STuff\Switch\[OFW]\Daybreak NCA Converter
 => won't convert properly (lockpic_rcm's prod.keys won't work cause they are for fw 10...)
[ok] c) Forced. to. use.  "Hekates"  emuMMC ->  ... New - > -> Part 1
(wiping the entire emundand... once again.. ugh, have to reinstall everything)
3.12.20 Atmosphere gamecard error after updating sysnand 2002-2634 
The (temporary) solution to this is to just take out the game cartridge every time you boot up CFW (and dont reinsert it!)
[You need to update your emunand to match your curr sysnand fw via choidujour/daybreak in order to permanently fix this issue]
2.12.20 If (mostly a girl)/s.o. is sudd. super friendly with you,
when she was prior to this -not ever communicating w. you-:
She is prob *inquiring* you for a friend that has da hots for you
(Especially if she seldom talks to you)

NO WONDER DeadlyPremonitions2's OST reminds me so. much. of "Another Code R"'s:
SATOSHI OKUBO worked on both !!
23.11.20 The wireless present works with moonreader
(pdf render). Not with the standart pdf viewer however
(that works with the button remapped gamepad only)
19.11.20 Buttonremwp w.o. root
NICE! Using this to "remap" my gamepads/"presenter" a/b keys to scroll up/scroll down
18.11 Srsly.. Finally managed to get HWAoC dld in working state using Realme5 pro`s 128gb and the 1fichir.
(dld to 2tb ext hdd failed twice with 1fichir and thrice with romsforever.co link due to hash sum extraction error) -> Downloading with phone is waaay faster than to ext USB
(Strange, ssince mhg worked fine yesterday)
13.11.20 Idea
-> Adress Schulaufgabe "mentally to yv"
 => more comprehensible?
30.10.20 ozipflash VIA TWRP
1.) wipe, System, dalvic, cache
2.) Flash the *.zip
3.) Reboot (despite NOS Warning)
  => Will reboot to TWRP
4.) OZIP: After flash => [WIPE Data] -> yes (otherwise OS wont boot!)
/Data partition gets encrypted during ozip flash, so it will only boot if you wipe it)
29.10.20  TWRP , extracttarfork() process ended with error=255, How to Fix.. ?
Restoring TWRP Backup
=> Use USB Stick, and untick "Data" Section
"Easy" realmi 5 pro TWRP (re) install, incase it gets booted:
28.10.20 Guess that is why
- the realme 5 pro was "only" 178€:
* Fastboot bricked (just reboots phone on 'adb reboot-bootloader)
* Download mode bricked (just reboots phone on 'adb reboot download')
=> Updating with latest FW (RMX1971EX_11_OTA_1070_all_nNL7sTII5ht7.ozip) via builtin recovery: NO change...
#I *cooould* try to use any kind of temproot app with "Flash Gordon.apk" to flash TWRP.. maybe ?
AAAND MORE (need to "verity disable" twrp checks. w.t... f.)
fastboot --disable-verity --disable-verification flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
twrp.img xxx
[[Software Drift "fix"]]
Use "Joycon Toolkit" to change Deadzone from "AE" to higher (f.e. "BF")
All a analog inputs that rely on contacts will eventually develop some form of Drift. Its usually kept in check with overdone deadzones, but more recent devices have reduced down from 30% to less than 10% deadzone, making them more susceptible to it. The biggest offender is the Joycons with ~8% deadzone paired with very tiny resistor pads, that wear down and dump conductive particulate that interferes.
Kurzgesagt Adress:
Landwehrstrasse 39 - München
10:23 XPosed Edge failing to load on switchroot again... (is citra-alpha-build at fault ? Keeping it deinstalled [just in case])... also added "toast" notification after keyguard unlock to quickly see whether xedge is loaded... #annoying (only just started to occur after restoring the /data twrp partion, which improved boot-times, but sometimes KiLLs xedge load (other xpose dtweaks suchas customtext just keep working normally...)
26.09.20 KHII done (rebrand.ly/kh2damon)
25.9.20 Swap KHIIFM+ x and o button:
=> Remap Buttons for jap. KHIIFM+ release
E:\Dropbox\Public\Texte + Bilder\Cheats&GameSaves\PS2\Kingdom_Hearts\KHIIFM\Mods_4_KHIIFM\KHIIFM_(x)-(o)_swap.pnach
24.9.20 OMAD (One Meal a day)?
Stop eating every day after 14:00
(instead of *actual* omad including breakfast skip)
KH II  Pretty much done.
Xemans beat the second time. Clear Save ok Terra unlocked.
Only remains to get Moogle to LVL8 to get the last material for UltimaWeap.
#29.9.20 -> Found Manifest Illusion in Cavern of Remembrance => Got UltimaWeap NOICE :p)
19.9.20 PS2 bug (prob the dang jap iso..) #Damon PS2
1st Orichalcum+ from BrinkOfDespair didn't get placed in pocket.. (but the chest is open in TWTNW)
=> Replay game from roxas fight...
You have to: Get [Sunset terrace] one first, THEN [Brink of despair one.] Then the rest #WTF
' Meh, kicking Roxa's a$$ was simple enough, now to force the Final Form out of the Xigbar fight and then collect all Oricalcum + (except for the one in SpaceParanoids, thats for later)
#At least - with XionMod - I get to kick the org with her :p
##Did you visit the Moogle workshop at all after picking it up? Because synthesis material is automatically handed over when you do. It's not kept in your inventory.
23:38 YES! Using 1.2.1 ver of DamonPS2 and the UNPATCHED KHIIFM+ ISO (Japanese)
=> I was able to get my game clear data :) YESSS :D Soo happy :-)
15.09.20 "Theoretically" *beat* khII fm on switch
KHIIFM+ hangs after beating xemnas... and finishing creditroll
To test:
[NOPE]  turn off all speed-hacks etc. in damon ps2
[NOPE] run Savestate from credits on LGV10
[n/A]  try "unpatched" khIIfm+ iso
[WORKS]  try "unpatched" khIIfm+ iso
[inprogr] Ask the temp: https://gbatemp.net/threads/looking-for-memcard-damonps2-khiifm.573808/#post-9200701# Beating xemnas as possbile, so was watching the credits.
The old kh would be through now, as it accredits no crown, even if you beat xemn.
Sephiroth only requires all worlds done [can do that w.o. saving new-game+]
Cavern of Remembrance, leveling all forms. [can do that w.o. saving new-game+]
19:50 KHII final boss, [v1.2.1 Adrienstein] didn't load the enemy properly at the onlrailshooter
-> can't fill gauge and use the "Triangle"-Laser
=> Had to use [Damon ps2 pro 2.0_RisTechy.com.apk] to get around this..
Finally... that Xemnas fight seemed to last FoReVeR..
20:00 Grrreat... hangs after the credits... so much for clear data... and lingeringwill, and dataXII-battles... *sigh*
Finished KHIIFM+ on Switch (via Switchroot&DamonePS2) until TWTNW.
Amazing stuff.
(Playing KHII in /your hands/ like this is a.m.a.z.i.n.g.
# 13.9.20 23:56 Xigbar will blackscreen when you use a reaction cmd while snipes from above, run around w.o. using triangle till he comes down by himself.
??.09.20 DamonPS2 vs Xigbar
VS. Xigbar - DON'T use the "Reaction command" to "Break",just wait till he comes down "by himself"
(Otherwise the game will blackscreen)
??.08.20 DamonPS2
vs barbossaBlackscreen bug with using thunder vs barbossa (pirates of the carribean)
6.9.20 Access microSD from Android:
su - mm
mkdir /mnt/extsd
chmod 777 /mnt/extsd
mount -o bind /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/extsd
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/extsd
#[Make sure global namespaces is ON in magisk!!!]
Noice https://techbigs.com/download?pid=9494&n=GTA+San+Andreas
=>Cleo mod that works with gta sa 2.00 ! (GTA-San-Andreas-2.00-Mod-TechBigs.Com.apk)

0:23Reinstalled Multiplayer GBA aaand... Joystick (left) works ?!?!
(Reinstalled it after applying joyconfix... did that.... fix it ?)
0:14 (play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.panda.gamepad&hl=de)
(cracked: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7oon6mbg7i7ms7w)/Panda_Gamepad%255BMOD%255Dby_SpongMash.apk/file)
--Finally a way to *somewhat* use the left joycon analogue with multiplayer-gba
Somewhat works for GTA:SA (but eats Keyboard events, so, no cheats...)
[Deinstalled Octopus, as Panda is preeetty much the same thing.]
01.09.20 YEEESSS ! Intents via shell, FINALLY !!!
WORKING EXAMPLE (01.09.20) (src - used krow.dev.scheme to fetch intent)
sudo "am broadcast 'intent:#Intent;action=com.maxmpz.audioplayer.API_COMMAND;package=com.maxmpz.audioplayer;i.cmd=1;end'"
(Make Poweramp play/pause)
Is it just me, or does KHIIFM (PS2-DamonPS2) run /even better/ on Switch, with
flashed and enabled in Magisk ?

10:00 Perso:
**I need to awayit |2| Letters (one confirm to fetch & one PIN) => THEN fetch new perso)
- pic needs to bee 35x45mm (smaller than that actually)
=> fit the submittal form they put into the copy machine
* added fingerprints to my perso this time, also chg'd height to 1,83cm
11.22 Waeschekorb gone.. again stolen, oh my god stolen

31.8.20 Pizzaboy GBA...
*stupid black bar on bottom (switchroot only)
*crashes on each "replay logo" on Fifa06
*emu crashes randomly.
Multiplayer works better than MyBoy!, but still worse thatn hdnetworkgba
(Also, according to his blog, the dev ceased further development..)
30.08.30 DamonPS2
13:44 -PiratesOfTheCaibbean-Casting "Thundaga" in Wisdom Form vs Barbossa
=> Entire screen suddenly black (aside from hud)
[not chameleon heartless's doing.. much blacker than its "artificial

29.8.20 Ship much stuff [carton] to burgau
 ..........for attic storage (don't need it here w. me)
57x29x33cm carton w.
*GBA stuff (+tv-adapter etc) *Burnt bluray movies
*Bluray&wii games *Stepmania dancepad*diary
#new(20.12)-added: *CSL-PS4&Switch Controller *ygo-cards_(box)
Seems the shards from the broken bottle (b4 summer vacation) keep cuttingin my feet...=> Twice alrdy (I only notice it after going on the table to fetch stghtough...)(Put Stepmania DanceMat on floor to prevent firther cutting)
#29.8 NOpe. The wound keeps reopening... also it might've just been a screw I stepped in to that caused it.
26.08.20 Swapping Joycon x&y button in android (for DamonPS2) "Joycon-x-y-swap-nofix-(damonp2).zip"
Vendor_057e_Product_2006_Version_0001.kl and Vendor_057e_Product_2007_Version_0001.kl
=> changed X & Y values (won't affect much aside drastic and octopus (gtasa touch mode)
[PS4 relevant things are unaffected by it]

25.8.20 KHII DamonPS2 way more playable (w. overclock on Switch!)
9:30 Setting the cpu to"performance" (com.performancetweaker.app) does WonDeRs todamonPS2-KHII -> 30fps :D YESSSS
(Via "performance tweaker")

16:34 Seems DamonPS2 is stuck on V2.00
All the others, right up to 3.20 will bitch about "magisk" or "xposed" being installed...
No "VirtualXposed & JasiPatcher" "Parallel Space" or "Shelter" will fix this... Oh well
(It seems DamonPS2 3.2 runs quite good on a NVIDIA Shield... shame I can't test it, as I'm rooted...)
10:55 Photos I took are *apparantly* all too big
(Those ppl never heard of "digital image processing" ?)
As for the "temp. perso": why do a few extra mm matter ?)
Shitty fotofix produced propper sized picture, but cut off my hair...
(sucks, as I couldn't really go farther back into the cabin. doesn't even give change money..)

23.08.20 KHII playable on Android / Switch (via cracked DamonPS2)
D:\Ndsroms&Gbaroms&N64roms&Gbamp&M3&PS2\Android\1_[Apks]\Apps\Emulators\PS2\Damon PS2 Pro.apk
(YT: https:youtube.com/watch?v=ezc1iOPx85s&list=PLbwODi-d6K5K9fardhsuVtQikBrBUGd2y&index=97&t=0s )
( Pass: FandyYT mediafire.com/file/vta52qdni945f02/Damon_PS2_Pro_By_Fandy_Herawansyah.7z/file)
Works well enough (via PS4/Switch CSL controller for input)
=> Beat Twilight Thorn with Roxas
12:32 Play! (Purei) Emu working on Android (switchroot) after "magiskhide" on both ps2 and octopus (for keymapping)
[otherwise: endless "loop" of loading]
=> works jsut as good as the lakka one

22.08.20 multiboot microSD switch
0:34 NO screenshots on lineage/android ? reboot-payload-bin (with vendor mounted during flash) => fixes taking screenshots
18:45 Can't use Tesla menu..
=> L+R+Y is the keycombo if using amsPLUS (make sure to execute /scripts/extras_aktivator.te prior using tesla, also copy the files to the content folder!)
15:00 Don't. use. supersu. with. lineageos. Just use magisk (titanium backup won't work otherwise)
13:55 Use the provided sd card structure (else atmosphere will not boot correctly..)
13:40 Flahshed multi-image to new 128 switch microsd

@BG -snc.20.8.20-  [timo room, bottom left compartment]
[Print] Zero Fin (T-Shirt)
[Print] Melody EXE (T-Shirt)
[Print]  Ghosttrick (T-Shirt)
2x Longsleeve Shirt
1x Socks
1x Underwear
1x Nightgown/Underwear (new/rd)
1x Nightgown Underwear (new/grn)

"Multigba S" Android
=> *just* streams the game OVER to the other android device, if it doesn't
have the GBA game ahhaha, AWESOME.

Spell checked, finalized and printed W-Sem Work. DONE.
Left "fiio x3" and "SNES Powerpak" at Timos room /(cupboard, left down,
together with both A4 Handscanners)

... surprise Bafoeg payment ?!?! .... Where did that come from ? (So that
was for August after all ?)

15.8.20 GTA San Andreas Fullspeed on Switch
GTA:SA running on "Switch" via 'switch_android"
=> Used TWRP (+Vol after Hekate) to copy GTA.apk & obb folder
+ PS4 Controller [works NATIVELY on Switch if paired via Share+PSButton!
=> Perfect GTASA on Switch
17:23 Q702 (new) Dock's left button is starting to have its grey/silver color rub off aswell.. *sigh*
15:33 still no bafoeg... (gotta go to SW tomorrow and fetch the letter...)
1.8.20 Bafoeg where are you ?
Still no Bafoeg.. (despite having confirmation for KIII in postobox in SW...)
If this keeps up => Forced to quit bk...
(Already had to up the Raiba Dispo 160 -> 320 to make sure the rent is payed... bah)
=> Chlorhexidine Digluconate -> Interdental bristles & Floss
(cheaper, and can clean parts not reachable with toothbursh or mouthwash)
(Chlorhex causes yellow toothstaining eiterhow...)
29.7.20 PZR @ Dr. Schmidt (GZ) Zahnartzt (12:00 Uhr)
-> PZR => Teeth fully white again !
did XRAY...
 #36 = Caries in progress. Wrap up next time
#38 => wisdom tooth
New rules:
*use soft oral-b toothbrush head (!)
*use Elmex Gelee in evening
* use interdental for bottom brace part & floss the other teeths!
(prevent buildup of plaque like these were...)
So... no Tooth doc in NU...
They once again.. dismissed the app. I had remade for thursday.
Forget em.
Only leaves Dr. Schmidt in Günzburg, and maaaaybe Dr. Forstner in Burgau...
27.7.20 Great. just. great. (2 days prior, canceling the appointment...) (Appointment was given snc 18.6....)
Liebe(r) Patient(in),Wir mussten den folgenden Termin leider absagen. Bitte entschuldigen Sie die Unannehmlichkeiten! Bitte buchen Sie einen neuen Termin in unserer Praxis.Klicken Sie bitte auf folgenden Button, um einen neuen Termin zu buchen
P. B. 29/07/2020Uhrzeit     10:00 Dr. Manfred Zimmermann Petrusplatz 11 Neu-Ulm
Funny. for "Fambra" Wifi (at Burgau) to work on Windows, I had to disable Tinywall...
(Else the DNS wouldn't resolve and the yellow Exclamation mark on the wifi symbol wouldn't disappear...)

24.07.20 KHII (somewhat) on SWITCH !!
Holy Sh!t... KHII actually somewhate (10 fps) playable on SWITCH
via Lakka !!!
Gawd, *Rin (@Catherine: Full Body, scizo)
Way too adorable :D.
Gender, who cares. Dat adorab. voice.

18.07.20 SW - BG Comparison
+ alone
+ can wash laundry as I see fit
-- need to shop (stupid cart n mask)
+ no need to shop
+ arnd acceptable ppl
0 Internet off at 23:00
- BOORING (only bare neccessities. MP3Player, Switch)
- can't do what I want (run arnd naked at home f.e.)
-- Timos (all night antics.., ugh) [young children not being able to sleep in b4 11:00 pm...]
- laundry dependant on /wash-dark-white/ cycle... need to plan ahead
Going to BG... one of the few things that can "bring my mind off things".
Thanks goodness time works different at theirs.
I'd be lost w.o. that option...
No matter how annoyed I sometimes get...
5.7.20 Bye old friend.. mp3 player... *sigh*
13:45 Great... Renkforce-HP-Mp3 Player.. vol down button now finally broke *sob*
#Fck Amzn.. Thats the third time now.. grrrrrrrrrr JJD000390007181667704 Rücksendung an den Absender Mi, 24.06.2020, 13:37 Leider ist eine Zustellung der Sendung nicht möglich, da sie nicht unseren Versandbedingungen entspricht. Die Sendung wird an den Absender zurückgeschickt.
Cool dude on reddit (pesona):
2.7.20 veggy start
dude at chkout at edk to his friend: "yeah some bananas would rock now"
start: vegan/vegetarian anti g diet=

7:53 Snc 4 weeks ago.. food keeps kinda getting stuck near
=> all that time.. I 'felt my adams apple pulling together'
-> GERD/Reflux xausing my epi. and surr. getting more and more broken,
===> closed down more and more prohibiting food intake w.o. stuck to
(nit being able to "talk" to her.. => physically developped symptoms of
constricted throath ?)
OR... like "her": become vegitarian vs acidic gut ?

I'd rather have s.o. I get along with than "her"..
I never really git along w. her either.
Security. Availability. Safety. Snuggles. Thats it.

30.06.20 THANK GOODNESS. Bafoeg payed.
AFTER ALL THAT WORRY, that bafeog this month would be a noshow ..it showed :)
(as they thought I was "now" in the final KIII class")
29.04.20 Sending pakets via Packstation.
Still cannot believe how fast the package (PS4&WiiU) I sent to BG was sent from the Packstation.
Put it in on [So] and they had it on [Tue], just two days later. WTF.
#All  because that PS4Mainboard seller also sent that to me via packstation.
Good advice. Nomore dealing with people just to send a package :)
Just make sure to print your DHL-Online-lables via their site
20.05.20 "PS4 - Mainboard replacement"
yeah... like NOT... PS4-Slim-"banned" rev: SAD-001(1-981-279-21)(B-SAD-001)(1-736-320-21)
PS4-Slim "new" rev: SAD-003
=>Capacitors on the new rev that don't align with the old hardware case.
And worse a |Harddrive power outlet form change|+| can't connect power towards hdd properly.
Even *if* it'd had magically worked..I couldn't even guarantee the harddrive would snuggly "transfer" the data over to the new hdd
*sigh* Oh well. No PS4 Remoteplay -> Switch then I guess..
==>> PSN Error: NW-31453-6 (PS4 IP:
--------(good to know... wtf, better off getting an entirely new ps4 gah)------
Replacing a motherboard and the paired optical bluray drive in a PS4. The optical drive board MUST be replaced on these units when the motherboard is replaced.
==>> Send PS4 and WiiU to Burgau. Timo has more from them as of right now then I do..
Swtich suffices for now (KH358 & BBS are ok)

Hey, not bad - Switch still outputs headphone jack audio while connecte to dock
=> sim to PS4s (DS4) Controllr and Wii U: Play on TV and have Headphone sound w.o. beamer audio.
Change Windows Sounds
*Windows Bootup Sound:
Folgender Pfad: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\BootAnimation
=> Klicken Sie rechts doppelt auf den Eintrag "DisableStartupSound" und ändern Sie den Wert von "1" auf "0".
*WindowsUnlock Sound (and other UI Sounds)
 => in my case: "C:\Windows\Media\Windows-logon-sound.wav"
5.5.20 Posterscan with Renkforce w4s handscanner Dang!
* Renkforce Mobiler Dokumentenscanner A4 W4S  * Autostitch
=> E:\Dropbox\Public\2Diaric\TODO\Posters\Kurzgesagt\Kurzgesagt_[v2019].png

3.5.20 Fuze 4 switch => looks COOL !
Gotta update my Switch's sysnand after all...
FUZE for switch looks AMAZING
And it's just 14.99€
(Gotta buy it, as it requires network featurees to dld content !)
11:05 Yup. These are masks alright (shopping @Kaufland).
And a security dude at the entrance.
Take Shoppingcart and put on my selfmade mask..
11:02 Grreat forgot to backup "com.sull.bid"..
can't reinstall mby old deviant etc. semiguis's to my iPad
(gotta extract them fom my ol' iPad 2 I guess...)
=> had a backup on BD and in
Lection from nomeal: Wait till "really hungry" and *only* eat then ?
Finally, iOS 10, ipad4 jb, via ipawind (and exchanged hosts file via filza immediately)

23.04 iPad 4 ipa sign n install again. yeah... sadly they crash shortly after launch... (and h3lix jb is incompat.)
C:\Program Files (x86)\AltSigner\Laucher => installs ipas to iPad 4.YES.
iPad 4 -iOS10.x  UDID e37d735902c90f45b8795f1f834c83a04be9eaa8
=> new appspec pass: yrok-vbcc-ihhz-cxyh (ipad4)
=> iTunes new pass: F#####!
helix patched github.com/pixelomer/AltDeploy/issues/30#issuecomment-603323058 workupload.com/start/etd9TYxN
(iTunes backups stored at C:\Users\Q702\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup)

21.04.20 Kind of weird, how written communication (mail, textmessage),
is so INcapable of transmitting what is really said.
No intonation, no mimic etc.

Put 3DS in coffre,
DSLite to GBA box inside trolley
11.4 19:00 bought food at esso
(2x pizza risorante à 4.19€, 2x pickuphazlenut à 0,89€)
#looks like esso has ing diba terminal...
*--10.04 - 12.4.20 One meal a day...
OMAD (mostly fast food "noodles" "pizza")
And kellogs (1-2 bowls for breakfast)
[Forced, but once you get used to it, not too bad...
But couldn't do this dur. school, as feels waaay too weak]
DANG. Finally got that ***-rating in AC:NH:
(Good Lord Isabella "you need more trees and flowers W-T-F,
already got em everywhere)
=> got Island Designer after K.K.Emoboy's concert is finally ove.r
E:\Dropbox\Public\Emulatorstuff\Switch\SAVES\JKSV\Animal Crossing  New Horizons\0Milestone_saves\0988_final_(got_ile_designer)_[Updt_1.1.3].rar
10.4.20 Atmosphère ... working perfectly now
It's as if the days of "having to reboot atmosphere twice, as it blacks screens after Nintendo logo"
are now just a memory.. long gone
=> SanDisk SD now works PERFECT 100% Bootrate
(So much for a cheap microSD... )

9.4 Shopping w. a shopping cart. meh.
11:20 "Shopping cart req"
Edeka: YES
Norma/Aldi: YES
Kaufland NO(T) yet ?
Thats one way of enforcing the "1.5-2m minimum distance rule ag. covid..)
Me.. using a shopping cart..
At least the 1€ in my Keychain finally had it's time to shine..
(I spend 13€ for food.. thats 3€ more than usual when I'm w.o. Shoppingcart..)
Lately having trouble distincting between whether I woke up in BG or SW...
(mixing em up)
7.4.20 18:10 WiiU n PS4 ready to ship to BG... won't need em here anymore d.t. Switch
PS4 (+Controller)
WiiU(+2USBSticks +WiiUGamepad + (1)Wiimote+Nunchuck9
ready to ship to bg at next poss. time.
I don't need it here anymore.
Switch does:
*MK8, Smash Ultimate (+Wii via Lakka)
Ipad does movies.
[SizeOfCarton: 47(l)x34(w)x16(h)]

Covid "buy elect. parts
- Kaufland: MicroUSB: Max32GB | USB: Max 32GB (open dur COVID)
- Mediamarkt: MicroUSB: Max128GB | USB: Max 512GB (closed dur COVID)
- Müller: MicroUSB: Max?GB | USB: Max ?GB (only non-elec depart = open)
3.4.20 Got Searchbar working (on 3DS, PC, and prob Android iPad   )
Search bar (works on: PC, iPad, Android, 3DS, WiiU)

Search Box Example 1





(Source: textfixer.com/tutorials/html-search-box.php)

4.4.20 Nomore BG ?
Can't ever ret. to BG for longer than 1 day...
staying at T's room: nogo
(no escape points)
Don't take anything ever again to BG.
(Should you ever go again...)
No GBA, No 3DS and by god no switch

2.4.20 IrItAtED
Growing increasingly irritated.
Timo talks too much. is a blabla man.
way too loud switch fan noise. constant smartph usage
Moni is hard to fathom, way. too. toxic.
Gotta go.
Screw the joycons arrival.
Sunday it is

Worst thing about thaz Corona thing:
Those in real need won't get any help from any doctor...
21.03.20 Switch Game CFW
Atmosphere requires Sigpatches, to make Awoo Installer/GoldLeaf work!
19.3.20 18:43
AAAAND Timo updates another of my devices, w.o. THINKING...:
my new switch  (9.1.0 -> 9.2.0)... (switch-burnt fuses count: 12)
Did the same sh#t with my 3ds back in 2016.. WTF
(Only this time around Atmosphere will still useable. phew)

asking mediamarkt dude
lightning - usb (ios) non existe pas en mediamarkt
bd 50 gb, nomore

2.3.20 Things > Humans
* Dealing with humans => Uncertainty, makes me die a lil inside,
feel they're unpredictable
*Thinking about, working with IT/Programs, Tinkering with systems (ygo/exe etc)
music, or watching cool music about them => calms me
Websites look like this (style wise):
just really calm me... funny.
17.02.20 YEAH ! Mod Cards on MMBN 4
 1. Used VBA-M to import raw data to save file with e-reader
   2. Load e-reader and the data you want to transfer (best with ez-omega)
    3. access data on gba 1 (e-reader rom)
     4. access mmbn menu on snd gba
     => Data transfer
    (works on both EU and USA ver)
E:\Dropbox\Public\Texte + Bilder\Cheats&GameSaves\gbagamecheats\Megamanbattlenetwork Spieltipps\Megaman Battlenetwork 4\[E-Reader]\[[E-Reader_USA_SAVE]].rar

Hmm seems the Wireless HP Connect HDMI Kit
a) doesn't work with my (640x480 px) beamer
 b) interferes with the Wii U Pads Wifi...
11.2.20 -stop listening to 🎵-  Whats the point anyways ?-
18:00 Hmm.. play piano instead ?
10:20 (renkforce2000s loneport is too loud.. i only have inear hps left. smartphone for music.. nothx) *sigh* [put hp and mp3 player into music accesory box atop shelf)
20:41 NOPE... Acronis dislikes "[" "]" inside the filename... as soon as they are gone from the filename, it works no problem...
20:34 Seems changing the name back from "Q702_[revamped]_2020_02_10_19_45_35_861D" to "Acronis(1)_2020_02_10_19_45_35_861D"
magically makes the backup mount again... WEIRD!
19:56 Snd Backup, now it works...
19:43 Acronis Backup that... shows "nothing" (despite being 32 gib..) wtf?
(cuz I left tinywall off ?)[it *was* uncharacteristically listed as Archive (3)... at the time of backup instead of the usual (1)]
9:45 Trying "only" to save "Win 7" and "MBR"-Partiton (leaving "linux" and "ext4" out
=> 33gb down to 29 gb (still not enough for the 23,3gb of a single blu ray. geh)
7:54 An unexpected day off..
See only Fr. Joachim and the Housekeeper on way to Aula.
=> She Tells me "no lessons for today d.t.storm"
Ugh ? I'm the only one who didn't get it...
4.2.2020 Fixed 3DS via Sysnand Backup.. *phew*
=> only SuperSmash, FBI and Themetool are back..
everything else. GONE wow.

3.2.2020 multiAVCHD bluescreens (LESS_THAN_EQUAL) when authoring 244 files
10.28. Huh, so it bluescreens when trying to multiAVCHD author
the 224 (480*360) ygodm mp4s (handbrake'd) files...
(Avisynth also reports crashes. K. then no YGODM (Jap)
4.38 pc crashed.. mid multiAVCHD encoding... rebooted...

"Super"Small dumb phone
=> put 017-3566xxxx55 sim in for "banking sim" and "login sim" ??
17:34 REstored yesterdays acronis backup... stupid sh## gone..
 17:00 W-T-F Start up pc => 100 popups, some
`16:45 GRRREAT... fkckg browser popups. (host file and firewall is disabled...)
WTF (is that ankis fault ?)
16:11 Aaand the Q702's dock is blinking red once again..
27.01.2020.. "Chaotic Neutral"..
Chaotic Neutral is freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal. Chaotic neutral characters follow their whims. They are individualists first and last. They value their own liberty but do not strive to protect the freedom of othersThey avoid authority, resent restrictions, and challenge traditions. Chaotic neutral characters don't intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, they would have to be motivated either by good (a desire to help people) or by evil (a desire to hurt people). https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Chaotic%20Neutral
Sounds a bit like me ?
(Was mentioned in "Ready player one" by Art3mis"...)
Sweet ! 358/2 Days in WIDESCREEN on the 3DS :)
[Thanks to TwilightMenu]

22:05 For some reason..
KH358 is really immersive right now.
I like following the OrgMembers stories and think about their personalities.
Some treat Roxas like cr#p, Vexen (at least he is somewhat smart), Zexion, Xigbar f.e...
Others are kind of neat: Axel, Xalding (even heals me dur battle!)
20:34 Huh. Ebay Resellers can send watchers best offers ?
"Der Verkäufer hat Ihnen einen Preisvorschlag in Höhe von EUR 53,00 gesendet. Der Preisvorschlag läuft in 47 Stunden und 55 Minuten ab. | Preisvorschlag prüfen"
If a buyer watches your item or adds it to their cart, you can send them special offers https://www.ebay.com/help/selling/listings/adding-best-offer-listing-using-reply-offer?id=4144
13:12 358/2 runs way smoother on the actual (DSLite) Hardware.
11:12  playing KH 358/2 Days on the Wii U Gamepad is the most fun thing right now..
Great looking, enlarged, even after all that KH II and BBS, still an amazing game.
Basic combat, tactical due to panels. And the story is immersive even tough /(due to ?) voice acting lack
11.01.2010 Ugh
22:50 False alarm... seems it was just "overworked Q702" + "long harddrive cable"
=> harddrive not detected, still works (after rebooting q702) *phew*
22:29 Dropped Old Icybox dropped from snd shelf height to bottom shelf
=> HDD now only turns on quickly then off... great
(I keep breakin things lately... feel like dying..)
12:10 Dropped Renkforce2000 ... sadly..
Now the Vol Down works very badly..
Dang. poor MP3 Player. Getting more dinged up by the month(s)
Grreat.... ICY BOX IB-256WP's "Read/Write" Switch is functionless..
(Jamming the new 3TB drive in my previous "IB-241" is working
(So GPT Table instead of MBR is not the issue here...)
4:35 Aaan Renkforce's regular hp jack has trouble on the left side (too low sound)
=> set "line port" to 'volume synchronize' and hotglue sealed hp one...
(strange.. since when is the line one so less in terms of volume ? Used to be way louder ?!)
4:10 Gah.. new touch based mp3 player..
Display broken.. FROM LYING IN THE TRUNK

"wanting to be found"
(because I like to "hide" ?)
- singled out
 - specifically chosen
   - taking their time to "see" *me*

- hearing voices, seeing non existant things
=> problems:
Reacting to things which are not there OR Not reacting to actual stimuli..
23.12.19 Drive SW-Burgau (via Dads Ioniq Hiundai)
15:45 Dad mentioned a Berufsakademie (he thought) I'd (supposedly) do...
 never said that.. but.. interesting nonetheless...
16.12.19 Back online...
Aaand suddenly the WH Internet works again ???
(Login mask "firewall authentication" is back.
15:45 W-T-F Sis???
Hi Pascal,
ja, du hast schon richtig gelesen.
23. geht, sollten nur noch Uhrzeit festlegen.
Dann kann ich das mit dem Ralf (Technik-Kumpel aus Schweinfurt) für einen kurzen Besuch bei ihm noch abstimmen.
Kostenpflichtige SMSen schreibe ich keine mehr, 2 über längeren Zeitraum unbeantwortete reichen.
Dazu unbeantwortete Mails und WhatsApp Nachrichten.
Lt. Tatjanas Whatsapp Onlineprotokoll warst du in letzter Zeit oft genug "on" - das letzte Mal gestern.
Wir können das für die Zukunft auch so vereinbaren, nachdem es dir anschinend unangenehm zu seien schient mit mir/uns
- wenn auch nur weitläufigen Kontakt zu halten (ungeachtet der Sorgen die wir uns evlt. machen) -, dass wir einfach deine
Reaktion abwarten.
Also, schreib mir einfach wann und wo ich dich abholen soll.
# What is she ? Some kind of lame watchdog ? Using "on" notifications as some kind of *control*.
Pft. Haven't seen here since probably 6 months and she manages to p*** me off.
#Turned /off/ WA 'online notification'

Powerbank w. Solarpanel ?

12.12.19 I was right... Luis is gone...
Acc to Simon Hochrein, Luis (Bill) left the BK cause "it was torture for him to get through the lessons [boredom]"
-> Luis went to Scotland for some "social year"
>> after shortly googling it
7.11.19 Wonder if Sato (Ajin) wanting to play /SpeedRunner/
*soo* much... is the same as me wanting to play KH sooo much right now..?
17:52 Watching "The Ment S02 - Bleeding Heart"..
... And once again (or rather "still, after all these years"),
It manages to take me away from my daily thoughts... into its own world.
:D (Even got the OST I app. missed back then for the "Bleeding Heart" season part..)
Chicory. AMAZING (Dang Lena Raine, can't wait for the full album)
AAAnd: Lazerhawk... KEWL.
Nice day for music
2.11.19 I. HATE. PRINTERs
19.34 Printers ARE. SENT. FROM. HELL
"Oh you got yourself an ink-only printer ?"
Yeah.. right: "Waste counter is full"
... Pay 8 € to reset waste counter
=> printing continually deteriorates..
8.45 Thank goodness Dad fixed the Renkforce 2000
(removed reset button, and put it inplace of the faulty power button.
(> all my other mp3 players)
- allows track skip and vol +/- while screen off <3
- Packstation refuses to give packages and even LOCKSED my account after 3 times.. fck that.
*046310812577 => ???
*00340434264882213914 => ---
==>>> NO WONDER it locked by card !!! (Those shipments were both INVALID!!!)
(why do they send me InVaLiD codes ?? ARGH)
Like. A. CURSE:
JWD-J16GB-MP3 Player dOeSn'T read TF CARDS.
 #23.10.19: Curse fixed...: Format TF with Players intialize function:
  Now WORKS !
20.10.2019 WTF...
Renkforce player I got, that is "supposedly" *new*:
BROKEN. Boots up to white screen. *grrrr*
 Hr.Goller mentioned "Haus des Geldes" as "epic, must watch TV-Show *best there is* (pft.. he never watched the ment)
10:00 I don't... like to look ppl in the eyes for too long directly... it's.. exhausting
"Cutting swine eyes" in BioPhysics... nothx.... Exit asap => I think.. forensiks w. dead.. would probably not be for me either..
8.10.19 Dang MAudio Keystation... wtf
16:12  Aaaand another one down: Midi (din 5 -> 3.5mm) cable won't output sound to headphones EITHER..
15:43 Dang... MAudio KB... 6.25mm "Volume Out" ≠ "Line Out"
Gah. Got myself a MidiOut Adapter.. pft.
2.10.19 *Roy app in bad shape...   :/ *
0:04 I can see now... why Dr.House required a Vicudin when visiting Cuddy when she was ill (her "deadly" diagnosis)
  => Seeing someone in such a bad shape... is something I cannot do.... (unless they'd explicitly request it...)
22:32 Sis contacted me via Mail.. To look at my WA..
# => She never does this...
==>> App. Roy is in bad shape (worse than dad described... not *merly* a degen joint disease..
Sounds like a harsh thing.. he even got a blood transfusion...
23.23 In a way... Roys impending death..
... is probably a realease for him.
(and partly for them aswell... they viewed him as burden)
 - a habitat, where he wasn't acknowledged much
 - noone wanted to "walk him" (at least not voluntarily)
 - his symptoms (bloody urine, 25% lung cap left) were *brushed off*
   => they didn't even care nough till sis urged em...
*sigh* poor chap. At least I got to walk him in the Summerholidays... I'm grateful for that much.
Regrettable that I probably won't be able to see him off (if he'd die before Friday 14:00 pm...)
[I already missed Kokos death while I was at NU/2015]
However... it strikes me as odd. Why did his symptoms occur so suddenly ?
When I left at (20.8.19) he had no perceivable joint problems, or was otherwise alied
... or...did I miss something ?
9:10 Sudd. *urge* to retry "Francaise" from anew.. Assimil, Rosetta etc.
=> This years french course could allow for freedom (I can go through lessons w.o. being asked q's too much... CHANCE)
26.6 I (mel/chlor) need another just as miserable (*not* uncontent) person MelChlor or ChlorMel.. to get along and be semihappy with ... only chance

26.09.19 Blockuniverse (hr.mayer told me...)
22.9.19  Nuendo Audio Align  (helpcenter.steinberg.de/hc/de/requests/223139)
Audio => Open Audio Alignment Panel
 20:28 YES. Finally figured it out.. Now to get some completly voiceless RnR tracks to try it more.

UNREAL ! My violet laundry basket is /back/ !? (someone put it back in the bassment !)
10.9.19 1st day - KIIc 2nd try2nd try -
11:12 Sitting next to Findus *yay* ^^ (in PseudoClass 008 - Fr. Hocheisen = my classteacher)
  - He showed me his "anti-adhd" keychain cube (with buttons,
dials, clickers etc. Cool!)
-term- no Weigand, Günther in Fr, Mayer in M, PK in G, Eth.
10:13 Sitting in first row b4 pult
8:14 Only people I recognized while skimming the list "Marco Blüm" "Christian Weber"
8:13 Got it... KIIc (again.)
 KIIa ------KIIb
   \              /
     \          /
(Who hangs a plan like this ? Left to right is for loosers ?)
8:03 https://bayernkolleg-sw.de/schulanfang-di-11-09/
[Vk 9:00-13:00] [KI 8:00 - 13:00] [KII 9:45 - 13:00]  [KIII  11:30-13:00]
7:54  Can't find my name... wait.. are there only two KIIs ? (too many ppl... standing around)
20:30 Drats... mega.co.nz account "b@googlemail"... can't access it..
20:11 Created 2nd NintendoID "calabriapsg" with same pass as 1st one
(Incase I *ever* need to rely on my spare Wii U...)

Hahah, cute. Megman Powered UP works perfectly via the WiiU's PSP Emu (PPSSPP).
Kinda feels like holding a PSP in your hand (again?)
Shame KHBBS didn't work.
18.16 "Eclipse Crossword" Nifty Crossword generator tool !
20:04.. Works again ? (Seems it only was the electronic temp check..)
(After cooling off, the lamp was allowed to turn on again...)
19:12 Excelvan Beamer: BROKEN
Grrreat.. Cleansed beamer, put it back together AND:
Lamp fizzled.... (sudd. black)(maybe would've happened anyhow ?)
#I def put in the ventilator the right way. It even sounded less strained, buuut nope.
9.55 Huh.. wtf. copying a wii-u game-updates "content" and "code"
folder straight over the game itself.... actually works (loadiine) ?! (Zelda BOTW)
(Just don't the updates meta folder aswell.. that'll break the game...)
Havent drunken milk snc 9 days.. neither kellogs...

Is.. .Pat's depature from BK what depresses me really ?
20.10 Closing gbatemp.net account... it.. no longer brings me joy... GBA is over

19:07 The GC-WiiU Adaper seems to work after all with Smash
(turn off "hidpad" in loadiine),
however my GBA with analog-controller.gba file loaded) is *not* recognized...
the GBros ripoff is therefore *still* preferred (even works over usb on
pc and even switch, but not on wiiu)
12:43 Got a 3rd Party "GC-Controller--WiiU Adapter"
(from a SoftwarePyramid Company)
=> not. working with WiiU at. all.
(not with SmashBros, not with Loadiine, not with Mariokart)
Well.. at least I figured out that I can have both USB sticks (WiiU-Format / & / WBFS Wii Format)
at the back of my Wii.. not bad..

23.08 Gba Games played w. Timo at most @BG in desc order:
- Payback (as of 08/19)
- Fifa06 (he always hurts players)
- Smashing Drive
- Sonic Battle
22:23 Using "Crap" (storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-downloads/v2/code.google.com/crapwii/CrapV2.7b.rar
) to install forwarder channels on vWii for WBFS games
=> Now even a toddler could use the Wii...
17:30 Fixing effed up WupHax'd Mii Channel on Vwii..
1.) Install "IOS36-64-v3864.wad"
2.) Install "IOS36-64-v3864.wad" with Multi Mod manager
  IOS36 => Freezes SD Selection
  IO236 => Freezes SD Selection (no wads...)
  IOS248 =>  WiiMote won't reconnect
  IOS249 => Exception Error
3.) Pimp my Wii => Wad => (preselected IOS58)
   => installed mii channel again

21.08.19 Setting up WiiU at SW
21:02 Mhmm a Forwarder Channel for USBGXLoader for the WiiU Menu aswell. noiiice!
20:34 FinallY ! Metroid Prime Triology Works !! So nice (had to format drive to wbfs to make it work)
19:45 Mhmmm HomebrewChannel Wii.. nice. soothing. *humm along*
15.23 Dear gawd, still. no. 50gb. blu.rays. @ Mediamarkt SW... gah (and that stupid dude... "Do I look like INFOPoint ?!?")
20.08.19 [BG] -> [SW]
Driving back to SW first thing in the morning.
Coffre and Backpack ready (won't take coffre to bg anymore... wwaaayy too much of a hassle)
19:42 Had to install Mariokart8+Update+DLC to USB to make it all work... meh (seems to NOT. WORK. with. LOADIINE...)
15:42 Smash EUR = aoc000500101000400A
15:41 Alt Loadiine ver: Not booting on my WiiU...
 => no dlc with loadiine ?
00:01 After some mucking around with smash4wiiu dlc, Loadiine fwd channel fckd up (blue screen endless boot)
=> copied loadiine_gx from my backup to /wiiu/apps/loadiine_gx2  aaand: works again...
19.8.19 Sis called @BG:
19:19 Melina Eggsteins Dad died /dead yesterday (Muffelgere) [†]

17:56 *Seems* asif the "ftpiiu everywhere (Dimok Fix94)" did the trick..
Haxchi no gamepad mod meeeeh
15:25 Dear. GOD. that shitty ftpiiu everywhere... even DELETING files is. not. reliable....
Works when it wants. mostly "appears to work", then does. nothing.
13:03 Successfully destroyed the neat trick I had... messing with the config.txt now made it ask me again... for da GAMEPAD
11:34 •Changing
a=../apps/loadiine_gx.elf => asks for gamepad
  => -3 error
#put wifi router ontop wiiu .. else "ftpiiu everywhere" bitches...
16.32 Moni & Dad new Car lookout
- 7l auf 100 km
- Benziner
- ahk
- 1999 (their ex berlingo car)

7.8.19 Injected Homebrew channel into "DS Kawashima Game"
23:12 Huh... Even Games work... (Mighty no9)
22:36 NOICE GXLoadiine => VC NDS Inject. NFSU2 and Castlevania Order of Ecclesia WORK
(use /wiiu/games  "CastleStorm [WCSP01]" syntax for loader to recognize it)
15:34 Hacked WiiU via fake "Ubuntu-Gamepad" (loadine.ovh) (Spacebar = A button)
  + Created WiiU Nand backup.
   [will not be able to installe wiiu-vc for now... [requires wii-u cfw... too dangerous..]]
6.08.19 Wii U Setup Prep: Done (Next step: hack vWii via bathaxxx)
21.03 Huh... (3DS)LumaInputRedirection + GBA(Nswitch-GC-GBACable)
=> Control 3DS via GBA (good for Smash gaming)
19:19  Ry3-47 (nintendoID) => Already HAD Dr.Kawashimas Brainjoggin (VC-DS) game... [I... already... had my old wii hacked ?)]
19:12 Using drc-sim (ubuntu) to mimick a gamepad for my switch... Works => could configure WiiU
19:20 Fin'd hacking (installed him OOT, mariomaker, SSB)
17:45 Hacking Timos 2DS
17:20 *yawn* bored... can't hack Wii U w.o. Wiimote...
Hahah, would you look at the broken english I used to have:
3.8.19 GBA as controller for PC/GC/NSwitch!
Nice ! Can use GBA + GBA-GC-LinkCable + GBros/WirelessGCSwitchAdapter
(+ gba rom for controller (gc analog) )
  => GBA as Controller on Switch (USB or Wireless via BT)
     => GBA as Controller on PC (USB)

6.33 Seems the Q702's keyboad-dock took struct. dmg dur transport (SW->BG)
(Coffre toppled over two times ...)
=> replaced "old" Q702's dock from Burgau with the "new" broken one...
17.30 ChangeEbay Pass for good => nomore (use &) waste money !
(if need book for school: use iPad E-books !)
27.7.19 Drive to BG [] -> []
19:12 Tunaauflauf mit Schraubennudeln
18:23 Acc to Dad: Karlheinz Klein = died/ dead (death) [†]
19.45 It's been 15 years, and ONLY NOW have I found out that:
- Bomberman Jetters Densetsu
- Bomberman Jetters Collection
are a (japan only) thing for the gba.
.... waiting fro friday to FINALLY arrive...
6 weeks away from BK:.. finally..
(thought: getting involved w. AnYoNe from BK: waste of time: 20 months max. why bother ?)

18.7.19 @ Trier
PPL... never. act. w.o. selfinterest... (they always expect sthg...) *sigh*

17.7 @Trier
15:12 Dialogue im Dunkln
- ppl who don't talk -> don't exist for blinds
- voice of ppl as guidepost
- order in vegetable (no mixed bag!)
08:45 That cristn... Blabbers out "inside jokes" terms other ppl. Wtf fool

16.7.19 @ Trier
- trust no one (or: trust indicator?
[Do I *wish* to trust s.o. in an unprecedented manner ?]
- gladiator guide (Tim stoehneberg) - "musiker -> me"
(Cute) Wolfhound. appenzelleresque round tail. fluffy.
16:24 Lol. wat ? SD Phone "doesn't find" DLink 5Ghz "TripMate-6D2E" network ?
WATTTT ? 2.4Ghz Networks only... cheapos...
(Sim to ps4... but q702 and lgv10 still find it no problem... *sigh*)

Bagged "Multi-Viewer" into trolley..., as using it with only one device is a waste (and only uselessly tears it)
(Also, I only got it for "Beamer-GBA-TV-out-Multiplayer" something I'll probably never do, as I have no 2nd player... *sigh*)
=> Use passive 3-HDMI switch for now...

27.6.19 NO RAIBA CARD (broken) => SUUUUCKS
  #What are you supposed to do ? Can't even access your bank account gahhh)
18:45 Whhhhaaaat:
Lost VR-Card on road. Found it again, but cars already drove over it.
=> ATM won't read it anymore. TAN-Gen neither.
(Wrote to VR for replacement, but as I can't use the "Contact formular" from inside my account they'll probably ask me to come by... grrr)
[Is this some kind of divine punishment ? Or was I just stupid for not finally getting my purse replaced]
13:45Myspexx Phototrop Vitra-C8 Glasses:
--=>> Friggin glasses go over my eyebrows.. but shipback is useless as I still have to pay 30 of 99 Euros...
*sigh*... keep em I guess...
(Can one sand them down somehow ?)
"R∃/MEMBER" - Hiroyuki Sawano special character causes Renkforce-2000 to lock up if track with this metadata is played...
18:00 Wake up.. disoriented.. Wondering "where the case for my Renforce mp3 player is"
-... looking for it everywhere... Just to realize:
"I don't even have a case for it"
... #GoingCrazy?
23.6.19 Bye EGO-2
14:56 Ego-2 drives very slow ... broken ? (fck e-skats agin...)
14:34 Personenkontrolle Police near Rottendorf hbf
13:45 Schaffner @ aux scolded me for skate @ hbf (fck em.. they got no stairs!)
19.06.19 Remove device smelly plastic (DEHP) casing...
1:00 removed RetroTrio Plastic (DEHP) shell ENTIRLY. Embeddet it into a cardboard one. (replace w. wood soon)
(CARcinogenic plastic rly retrobit ? rrrrrllly ???) How did I not notice this smell.. ? Didn't I want to ?
=> Seems when I like/trust a device due to prev exp (GBA), I'll leave behind all caution... *phew*
Juni 13, 2019 New MP3 Player:
❗ HFP-C2/Renkforce RF-MP3-2000 High-Resolution Audio Player
Juni 08,2019 
6:41 nachm. 
Juni 08,2019
"Cure aging" ?
Nothx.. w. a certain personality it is really better just to die... When other beings arent your thing and you dont get along with them
12:20 Wisdom tooth at l.side bottom teethline finally decided to completly show itself
 => rearranging teeth order slightly & increasing pressure...
Juni 07,2019 GBA TX Cart
7:19 nachm. 
-orig gba: works
-ds phat: no conn to receiver
-ds lite: works
- revo k101 +: works
- revo gba sp: noconn to receiver
5:39 nachm. Hot damn that GBA TX Cart with SuperRetroTrio and SuperRetroAdvance:
AMAZING Controls!
(Managed Cold Factory Level in MMZ2 from START to FINISH. yes!)
[But feels asif I'm playing GBA *trying to adjust volume via GBA dial wahaha)
7:29 vorm. Hugging that Jo person.. mhmm.. warm thought.
(Funny thought: Have her 'fetch a hug' from me e. morning b4 I set out from room :p)
13:36 Transition glasses..
meh. too big and CLOSED FRAMES + wird shape
11:12 *daq said sthg ab French ppl prefering "pax" over marriage
10:12 Ugh.. Hr.Anschuetz popquizzed me ab. last lessons content.. Somehow winged it (charismat fuehrer. devices uwed. god destiny term. Lena Reifenstein)
#doesent he know ill repeat ?
Using the Motorola X1025 as replacement musicplayer for now
(macrodroid allows for prev,nxt,albumskip usage via volume keys)
, sadly the phones measly capacity won't allow for my 20gb music library at once.
(Better than having to use BT HPs though.... both LGV10s and MP3Players HP-jack are busted...

3.6.19LOL- WTF. LG V10 Audiojack broken now ASWELL...
(how cheap are those things made ?)
(purchased 8$ replacement part)
(Now I can just go ahead and use the Pearl MP3 (via BT) with the reroute BT receiver..
#Note: The mp3players bt-audio is perfect if used with CowinE7s own bt
=> The reroute receivers cheap quality produces the crackling noise... *sigh*
01.06.2019 MP3 Player 3.5mm jack busted
Aaand the "Pearl MP3 Player"s headphone port is already broken.
busted and mostly outputting only incoherent audio *sigh*
(Bluetooth makes no sense.. will only last 3 hrs...)
[I already got used to it...]
25.05.2019 MP3 Player values
*mp3player [wired7h -8.15-15.00
*mp3player [bt3h - 17.00-20.00
10:35 Temp use LGV10 for 🎶 (till mp3 player arrives.. geh)
7:45 Handed in "KII-Repetition-request"
17:02 Huh, the "magnetic tape" I had originally bought for the "X2T" hps..
Is now coming in handy for the blinds: Keeps them stuck to the window frame,
without having to permanently glue em on

9.30 kinda happy... is that the pos. eff. that "no smartphone use" has on me ?
 (Maybe a Smartphone is actually "entrapment" ?)
7:40 "Amae" (to be sweet to s.o) => Is that what I mean when I think of "ppl being cut to e.o. in a relationship"
7:25 Wake up, and the first thing in the morning is "I want to not sthg. ON MY. SMARTPHONE"
--note writen w. PC--
Mai 15,2019 No. More. Smartphone.
Tech detox (no smartphone: START)
Mai 14,2019 
3:04 as I thought.. BT HPs... sound muuch worse.. Stay w. wired hps...
LOL... use bt hls n wired at same time xD
(lear: K2- rear: wired)
=> not synchron (bt is ~1sek slower)
Mai 14,2019 
LOL... use bt hls n wired at same time xD
(lear: K2- rear: wired)
=> not synchron (bt is ~1sek slower)
Mai 11,2019 
9:53 Slowly starting getting used to wired HPs again.
11:53 Further RnR Search terms:
- 流星のロックマン BGM
- 流星のロックマン トライブ BGM
Mai 10,2019 Ryuusei no Rockman Anime BGM
2:34 (Looked for 流星のロックマン BGM
,found FC音源 _ アニメ 流星のロックマン - 戦闘BGM )
YEEEEEEEEEES, Someone did some RnR tracks already: (8bit, but still!)
Mai 05,2019 
Talking a walk to get away from math scha learning (kurvendisk. efnkt. newtonverfahren. vektorberech)
Mai 03,2019 
11:09 nachm. Trying to press the "Tag-Action" Button in SA1... sigh
3:24 wiredhps:
- restrict smartphone movement
- crackling if jack moves
14.33 Retrobit bla
sn80: 1.30 (w) rreceiver: 1.34--  [resync works]
sn80: 1.29 (w)  rreceiver: 1.27   [resync works]
sn801.30 ( wrreceiver1.2.7 [resync NOT WORKING]
sn801.29 ( wrreceiver1.2.1 [resync NOT WORKING]
9:39 Hearing the animals. birds in bushes etc. No headphones isn't so bad ...
Mai 02,2019 Sar Values => nomore wireless bt hps!!!
* Tie Wireless =@=> elec box
* Cowin E7 => rm battery (& use ap-cable)
Mai 02,2019 
16:50:2-hr midday nap after hotdog n milk ^_^
•*Wie gefährlich ist Elektrosmog
Mai 01,2019 
15:40 Cool... DLinkRouters USB works flawlessly for streaming video via VLC (DLNA) from USB Stick
Apr. 29,2019 F**k german schools.
9:10 Apr. 29,2019
Lame jokes. brittle facades and ignorant status quo. 
The people here...
There isn't a single one I can (truly) stand.
I act false towards em all.. to get em of my case.
*Sigh*. Why. am. I. still. at. this. school ?
8:54    Forgot tws hps in grey trouser as I swapped it for blk one in the morning...
Apr. 28,2019 
19:23 nachm. unbearable heat in sw app... and it's LIGHT outside at. this. hour. ugh.
18:03 ego bag
- nice icognito
- improves back posture
- bag OBSTRUCTS Backview...
Apr. 27,2019 
Feel like rewatching "golden time"
(Had a dream about they nymphbird koko...)
Apr. 26,2019 
*Justiz...jfa... apply again in ulm ?
Apr. 26,2019 
*tie truly r earpiece...
will tuen on/off but no confirmat snd
.. no audio either
=> dropping killed the sound channel ?
(dont care for abi much more. n sws ppl are boring... unappreciated)
Apr. 25,2019 
6:14 nachm. ipad2 is off w.o. reason...
11:58 vorm.  The moment when a utube vid of cowin e7 reveals:
They have a  replacable battery @(left earpiece)  o_O
Apr. 24,2019 🚄→[bg -> sw]
❗ Set small digit clock
-10:45 nachm.  honestly.. when at burgau for some time
 → super happy when alone at my flat again
(however I sleep way better at bg...)
4:39 nachm. Alright. 2TB HDD works fine w. split USb & Tripmate Nano
- walking sucks.. I want my sk8
10:47 couples paddywagon not fitting thru floor of db train
9:23 cruise away waitingtime in gz w. yuneec. not bad 
Apr. 22,2019 
- gulasch w. spaetzle. rice n salad
6:06 nachm. Aaand dad STILL tells the story of how "Pascal let Lucky the rabbit fall"..
... when in the end it didn't suffer any damages from that fall...
Apr. 21,2019 
12:55 nachm. gradient twrds hindenburgplatz no prob
Apr. 20,2019 
1:25 nachm. Skate down burgau schmidberg: off skate.. skate on road
  → car luckily evaded the board
**dont get off board! -it wont brake w.o. ur weigh!
12:50 nachm.  Ghostrick FIN (w. Timo watching)
Apr. 19,2019 
fish sticks n rice
8:34 nachm. drove some yuneec eskate w. dad. and roy (near bg hbf)
Apr. 17,2018
- sausages w. potatoe puree
*23:20 Played "AdvancedGuardianHeros" w. Timo (coop) from start to finish ! (~2 hrs)
*Played chpt. 10 - 16 Ghosttrick on iPad w. Timo watching
*14:20 Ask'd Chris if he wanted me to lend him a ps4 game:  - "No"
*Eskate at BG -> only poss. w. Backpack.
Can't at next neigborhood (other than sw the pplnhere know me)
Apr. 16,2019
Spinach w. potato n eggs
Apr. 16,2019 
This really IS the flu..
- head hurts - light irritates
- joint n back pain - can't sleep
Apr. 15,2019 
Noodle gratin
Apr. 15,2019 🚄→[sw -> bg]
2:45 nachm. vr bg has a cash counter (!)
1:15 nachm.  aux hbf... wtf..
  stairs gone ! .. had to go around.. to get to other track fck u aux...
9:58 -9 min {sw fgstr13 - sw hbf} w. y.ego2
8:36 😊 Timo asking me to "bring the gameboy" xD
[For all the switch n 3DS, GBA still rocks more :D]
Apr. 14,2019 
20:08 Y-ego2 feels absolutely safe. even w. a few kg rucksack on back.
Lets hope it won't rain tomorrow
Apr. 13,2019 [yuneec ego2]
19:43 This is kind of FUN :D
--w. e-go cruiser app--
*works fine for acceleration
*leaving smartphone: Instant brake(!)
*have to be VERY cautious w. braking..
-w.ego remote-
14:49 wow! drove thru much of sw.. hbf included. multiple gradients. ego2 be like "noprob"
(remote is level-less however. takes practice)
14:40 cops near church.. take route around
Whenever see bicycles.. think:
eboards are so much better
Apr. 07,2019 
2:16 nachm.  Accidental midday nap. The best
Apr. 05,2019 archos s8
*1:22h chrgtime
[runtime at hi setting: 20min]
[rt at lspd: 45min]
(weird: upon turn on sk8board: reverse mode. need to press shift button to readj. correct direction)
- made it to hbf fine (& back)
- uphill a bit slow
(shutoff shortly at 2 bars)
- more ridgid axis than yuneec
## beeping at arnd two bars...
*Lange mit Vollgas zu fahren quittiert das Board auch mit einem Dauerpiepen.
Apr. 03,2019 
patrick g. said i look motivated (bord white hoodie ?)
März 30,2019 
5:23 nachm.  WTF Fifa2016 PS4.. disc read error. Had to clean it b4 using..
März 27,2019 
2nd time miscalc. This time at rewe
(minick 0.99 + mandeleis 1.99)
 => BUT minicake now 1 09€…
März 27,2019 NEAT
Yu Gi Oh Vrains Sound Duel - Yu Gi Oh Vrains Sound Duel 2 - Conflict of the Inner Mind
März 19,2019 
Vitamin C.. in Bio..
Where.. do I get mine from ?
März 16,2019 
9:00 -14:34
Adapting red/swz hoodie XL->L
*Sewing machine for back party (nice lil machine)
*hand sewn hoodie part
März 09,2019 
einwurfeinschreiben for (half red/black) hoodie wtf
März 07,2019 
14:52 Gah.. I keep looking for the "back" button in iOS... AnNoYiNg
(Android... you spoiled me... 3 keys instead of iOS' singular one... 
1:10 nachm. Checking out some cydia tweaks... good ol times
(like xposed tweaks.. only waaay less reliable)
10:20 März 07,2019 
Haha Restart Springboard..
How often it disrupted my iOS musicplayback back in the iPhone 5 days..
Nomore. Play music via LGV10
#Hah. tweaks n apps that 'just crash out of nowhere' the true iOS feeling xD
7:34 Huh.. wadayaknow.. jb ipad2 9.3.5 worked after all
Jb iPad via online:
März 06,2019 [iPad2 - for eBooks]
#Seems those ios hackers nowadays hand exploits to apple for cold hard cash...
  ... good thing android exists.. screw apple
#was there ever a book I felt like 'rereading' sim to the series I love to rewatch ? (f.e. rnr. ygo s4 etc)
März 06,2019 6:26 iPad2
- uhhh... all the jailbreak BS
--> 9.3.5 Semithethered only... (and requires Apple credentials.. ughhhhh)
①Need a SIM to activate darn iPad2 ehhg
②Feels a bit sluggish the ol iPad
(Thank goodness I only'll use it for books mostly.. iOS is a burden to use.. Good think Android is so agreeable...)
③ Payback has vAnIsHeD from the Appstore grrrrreat...
- no ssh server w.o. jb. no ifile. no pwntunes grrrr
*3.5mm audio ext...
Sthg like exe4s electown d be great
Effing Schweinfurt
März 06,2019 
12:20 nachm. IMpressive.
reverse audiosplitter => join 2 audiosources in 1 channel
12:20 nachm.  cute bordercollie near sw kaufland
März 03,2019 [Books I could write ?]
Write a book(?):
• " jetzt wirds meta ? / going meta"
      "intro": definition of meta
view of world w less bias
+  "born an original - died a copy"
Y copying makes little sense 
1) You’re not them. 2) They’re not you. forbes.com/sites/timmaurer/2013/12/05/2-reasons-why-copying-successful-people-wont-make-you-successful/amp
 => why you are who you are and how to reinforce your best traits
 => individual personality dimension. a short overview
 (big5 - addendum: personality can fall into between scales. - as always in life not everything is neatly sortable)
 - understanding genderbias and how to avoid it
 - - Ψ vs physis. or why logic has limits especial for the homo sapiens
• " einfach weitermachen / just keep going"
- "anti suizid buch / inkl depression overview"
how suzidal thoughts work
 "intro quote: They who have a why can almost bear any how"
 *wish to keep control 'by choosing own p.o.death' => fallacy -> debunk
y live ?
 *music as sanctuary (even if only listen)
  - mood alterin tendencies of tracks
   * identify music and how cerzain tracks affectyour mood 
  => stray away from just mainstream music. go for your "composers"
 ** influence on others lifes by merly existence (passive )
+depression "the black dog"
 *id why depression ails you
 - childhood trauma ↑ prob of depr
  *a) concentrate on self 
 - comparison is the thief of joy
  *b) non judgingly observe surroundings
  - everyone fights a hard battle- plato
 +( quotes section)
Nothing is worth dying for if you enjoy living.
>Es lässt sich gut leben mit dem
Gedanken, dass man, 
 wenn nötig,  jederzeit den Notausgang
wählen kann. < - endegut.info  
 && Ripple Effect of suizid
  ~~ focus on own skills
- loneliness a mechanic to keep individuals to act in tribes interest (see also: fear of rejection)
- Nowadays "loneliness as health epidemic"
- moving into cities caused people to get more individual and in turn .. lonely
März 02,2019 
*Legocity (ps4) uses hollywood scream xD.
Still the same effing humor xD
**PS4 - Actually being *able* to buy vgamrs in a SHOP (f.e. Mediamarkt)
**gamestop @ sw citygall had lego city (ps4)
[kh 1.5&2.5 aswell huh..]
mediamarkt didnt have it
"glückscent my a$$.."
Feb. 26,2019 
Exe4 'll never be boring :D.
Them random encounters. The strategies. The timelessness.
Feb. 26,2019 
8:26 vorm.  wth.. act smiling at ppl...
Feb. 12,2019 Q702 Replacemen
16:56 Ordered q702 rep for 135€ *sigh*
(maybe hdmi n 3.5mm audio work w it..)
11:23 Fujitstu Stylistc Q702
.. nomore turn on... ... busted
Feb. 11,2019 
2:52 nachm. 
Sudd womdering if my tshirt ( mu glyph f.e. isnt weird... ?
(it's 26cm x 22cm.. maybe 6000 x 6000 was too much ?
=> reprint v2 w. 3000x3000?))... Actually.. it wasn't fully round, so I scattered the runes..
12:23 Seems the postman pushed my postpetze inside the mailbox...
Gonna leave it of for now...
Feb. 10,2019 
The Beamer. NOT the PS4 makes the weird loud fan noises...
Feb. 07,2019 
Wondering why I can't cast Curaga in MMZ2 on GBA.. xD
#Def played toooo much KH III the last days...
Feb. 06,2019 
13:42 KH III .. sure pulls one away from boring ol daily life..
And gives sthg to think about.
wtf .. after olymp colos.
- riku mickey cutscene
- enemy 1 twilight town
- enemy 2 twil town
-- cant play in 45 min school recesses... The save points in this game...
... Are way too far apart from each other....
Feb. 05,2019 [Kingdom Hearts III]
 22:58 Weird.. PS4 doesn't see Tripmate WPA network... had to use WEP ltdwifi network (Just as DS lit couldn't see it... odd
Dang KH III...
Unreal engine..
wayyy too realistic.. Makes you feel nauseous ugh
•Been only 5 days snc I bought KHIII n mueller sells khiii at 60€ alrdy.. huh
and 65€ at kaufland
Jan. 31,2019 
Great thing about KH.. partially logical.. however a mess all in all
=> not really sure what'll happen next.
Keeps things fresh
Jan. 29,2019 
2:13 nachm.  Feeling as you doze off whn listening to music while lying in bed z.Z.z
Jan. 28,2019 
9:16 Utada Hikaru - HEART STATION - Beautiful World
~warm ^_^ ~
Jan 22.19 sim... no more preactivated ????!
- kaufland: rq postident activat
- mediam. abo only
[Im Juli trat das Aus für anonyme SIM-Karten durch die Änderung des § 111 Absatz 1 Sätze 3-7 des TKG vom 27.06.2017 (BGBl. I S. 1963) in Kraft.https://www.datenschutzbeauftragter-info.de/verfassungsbeschwerde-wegen-ausweiszwang-fuer-sim-karte/]
Jan. 18,2019 ..
.. Dad and his usual Bday phone call... eh..
I dislike phoning... skippd... told him to postpone. Luckily he forgot it.
huh.. gba tv inverters ntsc signal...
works not with my hdmi converters.
However DOES work with Beamer AV in directly
EDIT: works w. hdmi av scaler aswell. prob just not fully connected inverter at that time
Jan. 16,2019 10:15 nachm. 
Sad End.. sim to MMZ..
Albus dies. Shanoa remains. (She used Dominus to vanquish Dracula. Albus stood in to fullfil Dominus 'soul take requirement')
Left: Albus mode
Jan. 13,2019 Ecclesias plot
Wait a minut...
Shanoa running after Albus.. who wants [Dominus] power...
*ring a bell?*
- MMZ2 - Zero after Elpizio... who wants darkelfs power
... hug
Jan. 12,2019 Castlevania Order of Ecclesia "Save Game corrupted.."
good thing I keep backups.. back to first dominus glyph..
[Seems ooe has cheat protection check sum
*Bypass Save Check code
2202D060 00000001
Jan. 10,2019 6:14 nachm. 
Ahaha searching "Exempt from gravity" and boom:
Dez. 31,2018 
Dad said that "only autistic persons world 'd work like that" upon me mentioning that there *are ppl who only care ab. one person*
[conv. stemmed from film 'hachiko']
#While @ BG:
"I want to go home thoughts" gone
#Time goes by quicker here in Burgau (esp in comp. to being by myself in SW)
Dez. 30,2018 
Always playing gba w him (Smash drive. fifa. bomberman) is getting stale over time aswell...
Timo and his SmashUltimate n Pkmn LetsGoEvoli.. yawn.. Boring Switch
Dez. 29,2018 
13:06 Rooted and TWRP flashed dads "CUBOT max" [TWRP backup on his ext sd]
26.12.2018 🚄→[SW->BG]
2 Burgau
Dez. 22,2018 
This is like a codependency..
Had to use PayPal again to buy (online) ticket for 26.12.. as I couldn't muster the 25€...
(no GEZ cheque payback yet...)
Dez. 14,2018 Neat.. 64Gb -> 32Gb
4:22 nachm. 
Fake Flashdrive/Memorycard scam:
hackers change a log file that makes the flash drive think it has more memory than it does. When you receive the drive, if you right click and go to properties it will display a larger amount of memory than it really has- so when you put data on it that exceeds it's actual memory, old data will be deleted.
Fake Chinese SD Card Scam!
(been arnd snc 2006)
Dez. 12,2018 10:00 nachm. 
Playing some Super Mario World 2 
.. had alrdy forgotten the feeling.
For some reason riding on Yoshi was the most fun.
Just like chasing it down if it runs away.. happy if it is back :)
Dez. 07,2018 
Postpetze not out.. and STILL a dhl notif in postbox..
stealth postman wtf ?
Dez. 06,2018 
ace mention: 2nd time in bk stay: (1st time was PK in Ethik KIa)
  - "Hr.Anschütz" mentioning Asexuality dur class.
Calling pre tragedy Faust so...
And as always.. that word... calms me.
Dez. 04,2018 7:09 nachm. 
beggar infront aldi... 
never hated myself as much as now.Shitty world
Dez. 02,2018 
10:51 nachm.   tg re ep 7 - akira n juuzo define ep
6:56 slept 2 hrs more till 6.
Stayed awake.
[made thru. type anki. watch ytbe vids. listen music]
=>> Feel good (not sluggish. ↓ depression
Woke up at 4
Nov. 29,2018 
15:10 nachm.   clean fin
11:30 start p sem cook help
Nov. 28,2018 
"Big Rucksack" -bye- after haul food to bk kitchen to prep for wseminar:
*zipper broken
*handle at top ripped
Nov. 28,2018 Incomplete VRAINS OST..
*Turn* missing..
Well... Blue Angel. Champion of Smiles. 
Into the VRAI NS rock still
Nov. 27,2018 
Ugh.. all that talk about cells. denaturizing etc..
Suddenly I start thinking "How my cells are" when I eat sthg.
Nov. 27,2018 
send cheque to institute you have dir bankcard with
Nov. 26, 2018
•Genius Party OST - Genius Party OST - Schäum
Weeeird Soundtrack...
• https://www.kleiderkreisel.de/foren/off-topic/4020559-gez-verrechnungsscheck
Nov. 25,2018 
Dies irae OST - Dies irae Animation Original Sound Track - Jugend
... This is a ns soundtrack.... those japanese ppl dont seem to know
Nov. 23,2018 NSWITCH, PS4 XBONE... meh
Nov. 21,2018 
Lately I'm *really* happy I don't have a car...
W. all the costs n bullshit surrounding one
Nov. 19,2018 
Ha!.. 13:55
And fr joachim tells me: no nachmitturrcht...
Now I feel like an idiot (didn't check plan last day, as I didn't expect...)
Nov. 17,2018 
Rather be at an Fh.. which is complete seclusion w. low cntct to ppl..
Be at a class w. so many ppl but knowing noone really ?
Nov. 16,2018 
Amazing how school manages to make you feel stupid. Just cause your disinterest in a subject causes bad marks. (Chemistry, French)
.. lately. dont feel like saying anything in class anymore.. doesnt seem to be worth it..
Nov. 15,2018
ajin s3.. I'd sooo want that...
Nov. 11,2018
0:04  Wait.... what.
Went to toilet.. came back and.
My key is in the keyhole from outside ?
(What did I try here ? Was I thinking of sthg that rqs locking the door. then went to the toiled mid tought train and forgot the key ?!?!) #am i loosing it?
- wait.. that whole 'salvage shampoo bottle after showering.. thats it! It broke my "lock door routine"
Wat. Telos n physis zero tracks.. where 80kbps on my smartphone/ext-SD-ver WTF
=> got 320kpbs ones
(Did I never hear the difference ?! pft.)
Nov. 10,2018 Un be lievable...
Yasuharu Takanashi what've you done...
"Sailor Moon Crystal OST I&II:
F###ing AWESOME...
*mega confused.. how can sailor moon.. have such a good ost?!*
[#It's like a shiki #2...]
Nov. 09,2018 
Weird... lately... saving pngs in Paint.NET.
=> Saves the images with some "paint-save-to-gif-esque" grain on solid colors, falsifying the result / making  it UgLy...
(tried to remove a grain from [Printed]_DC_Shiho shirt, and then after saving noticed her brown hair features had grizzle in them...
(Had to restore from Raster.rar) M-E-H
*Sweet. josh put journals in my postbox
Nov. 08,2018 19:47
Twice this hour.. the q702 'just turned off' w.o. rhyme or reason..
*battery shows: 3;30h
(*not conn to wallplug... )
wtf connection issue w. battery ?
Nov. 07,2018 4:38 nachm. -empty touchy feely-
infat => touchy feely.. w. to touch "s.o."...
caress..... them... 😭
The Mentalist - The Mentalist Season 6 Score - Go Away (Bluebird)
[emptiness d.t. hormones ?]
Nov. 05,2018 
saltapocalypse... every food contains salt..
Nov. 05,2018 Salt
3:27 nachm. yassine asked me "where i "was today" ? wat ? (I was there all day... didn't he... ?)
1:26 nachm. 
•[Milk]1l milk = 1.3g salt
=> alrdy ≈ 40% of daily need in 1l !
•[Kaba] 0.25g/glas
Nov. 03,2018  Yes "Tie truly pro"  > x2t
1x play pause
 2x nxt trck
  3x prev trk
 (Haptic feedback (click) and abilityto ff and bw => best poss true wireless w. 3h playback time)
Nov. 02,2018 
Login to Tripmate / sw wwh wifi
Only works on:
- Android: Loader Droid Browser
- Windows: Inet Explorer
(Other browsers won't show tripmate inteface)
Okt. 30,2018 12:48 nachm. 
guy at rewe sw..
tries pay par carte..
not accepted by sys.
=> leaves stuff "to fetch money" & come bck n pay later.. huh
Okt. 28,2018  Art Attack bgms.. YES asif i'm dreaming...
Soundtracks/musica instrumental de Art Attack
Okt. 20,2018 11:58 vorm. 
a middle age guy spitting on the street b4 getting in his car
Okt. 14,2018 
11:40 vorm. nearly driven over by a car while crossing a road.. right on way home to flor-g-str-13
.. headohones -> didn't hear it.
... didn't see it
and... wasnt scared by it..
[walking in thought.. sim to kei nagai in 1st ep of ajin...]
(a silver small pkw.. swerved to left as they braked.. I scared them more than they did me... crazy)
Oct. 7, 2018 . 21.28
Downloading Qualidea Code OST...
When suddenly... you realize TAKU IWASAKIIIIII YEAH "Take - QC"
"Take my Hand *boom bamp* dance"
Sep. 29,2018 
Lately I only feel like *watching TheMent *playing gba (mostly mmbn) *listening to music
Sep. 27,2018 
1:12 nachm. Philipps R04-000 bd rs... write Error w. img burn...
(6€ for 10 bds... so tgey suuuuck ? get verbatim again...)
Sep. 26,2018 
1:29 nachm. Being in Wü for HIT...
kind makes me feel like "Even if fail... KII... just try again.. to be able to stay here ?"
Sep 24,2018 
1st time doing morning-get-ready-for-school routine and... wanting to grab a hairband to bind my hair together. Only to realize:
"Right... my hair isn't long anymore..."
Sep 16,2018 
Funny Windows [7] and Android [7] (lgv10)
One more... and.. jackpot ?

[26.09 Mandatory visit: UNI-WÜRZBURG... (oh.. my...]
12.23 Hr. Anschütz = my class teacher
12.14 ATTESTPFLICHT... guess I'll have to visit school more often in the future...
12:03 And hellow Daq, Alessio and... Eva
12:00 Ah-HA, I was in the wrong class.. bye bye Sabrina, Bacak, Tiffany, Luis, Simon...
10:47 Luis said "Pascal. R u it... ? U look 10 yrs younger..."
10:47 Dt class.. Ugh...
10:45 26.9 mandatory uni wü visit... Nightmare
[Back in old class from old kia: Patrick.Dominik.Jenny.Christian]
9:36 All those ppl.. Ngh.. Don't really. want. to. go...
8:24 No matter what.. Never forget:
*BK Aux (ESP) < (Franz) BK SW
And. Day!
KII only at 10:00 at Kollegsaal,,, k
7:54 Jenny is back @ KI (2nd try) alongside Patrick. Huh
Sep. 08,2018 
14:33 my day n n8 cycle is completly botched...
13:05Washing tshirst w. formil
-> makes em all wrinkly n stuff (use it less often ?)
Sep. 07,2018
14:01 Once agn... so odd how sws ways became so common day to me...
13:34 Stanislav on bike. too fast... cant catch up on foot...
18:45 Whaaat.?
Searching my gdrive for tiles... shows EVERY file link ive ever dld... wow...
9:32 qudrat tile at busstop near wh: ~10cm depth
9:30 vorm.  Patrick w cigrt n coffe .. home fromrewe
"Wat happnd 2 ur hair?"
9:20 vorm.  Wü-rg xx haha
Sep. 05,2018 22:20 
Turning LGG3 on for 30 seconds... seeing the homescreen.. the device you've *sooo* gotten used to and thinking: 
dang... my beloved device *sob*
(I shall get you back... this chibi mito e doesnt satisfy my tastes lije you did..
(Dreaded lgg3 bluescreen, demi god crash handler.. this phone is nearing its end...)
Sep. 02,2018 
numbers.. 2014.. the nu tickets where arnd 147€… The wage for mfa 530€(+150 4ticket also)
Sep. 01,2018 
XT1025.  kind of like an iPhone.. w Jailbreak:
Limited compared to Android n barely works (Marcodroid&CreateShortCut=Activator f.e.)
Aug. 27,2018 
13:26 •RetroBitSNES Receiver + WiiMote: Ok.. but no L&R
•RB SNES + WM + Nunchuck: Nope... random dpad inputs
=> There goes the dream of using it like this w. gba link at wiimote ...
11:45 Still recutting hair... stupid 'antennas on left head backside'
(never had to recut this often after the official haircut *sigh*)
Aug. 25,2018 
22.56 YGO S04 .. Raphael ... always a joy to watch ;D
22:51 pft... vs raf. atem summoned timeaos 2x and hermos 1x ...
=> also.. has atem gOt BiNoCuLaR eyez ???
seing a card (shishasosei) sent to the gy from THAT DISTANCE ?!?!
22:27 amulett dragons runes.. enochian ?
22:01 Raph could've actually won the snd fight against Atem.. Merly would've had to withhold it b4 the duel..
But hes just cool like that.
Aug. 22,2018 
23.08 cable problem.. loos cntct.. heh
10:20 RetroTrio ctrller dropout... y ???
Aug. 16,2018 
13:21 .ass subtitles > embeded ones for the beamer
12:45 Hr Pnkndorf had so many Abiturclasses this year..
=> (8 hr loss)
=>>> Has to make up time by working a bit now (wh watch. trash pick)
Aug. 15,2018 
18:38 WOW! Beamer supports Playing back avi. mp4 and even displaying embedded softsubs :D
Aug. 15,2018
7:00 HDD Beeps and disconn if conn to usb 2.0 of laptop...
|dieses Beepen oder hochfrequente viepen kenne ich und kommt mir sehr bekannt vor da ich ein Baugleiches Board nutze wie Du .Meist tauchte es direkt nach Festplattenzugriffen auf ,wenn der Rechern richtig was zu schaffen hatte war stille , das beste daran war aber das wenn Windows lief war mal kein beepen oder viepen zu hören
Feeling dissatisf. w. my music library...
Looking for a "cherish n hold s.o." "calm chanting" song..
... not there..
Aug. 14,2018 
23:04 GBa-Majesco-Wireless-Adapter works w. RetroTrio&Advncadapter AND Other (real)GBA :D
(*yay* sonic adv 3 coop)
16:32 hr pnkndorf @ wohnheim... y? 
  Doesn't he want to enjoy his holiday.. at home ? Doesn't need a summer vacation
(App. he had enough "free time" due to handling a KIII dur the year => needs to "make up time")
Aug. 11,2018 
unscannble apples at kmart
|gba batt pack → ~ 1:41 h playtime
|22:20 - 0:11 => [1:41h]
|23:53 red -> 0:15 red
An Anime about N.Tesla.. w. Taku Iwasaki as Composer... that'd rock...
#App moni uses shaving cream for cleaning aswell...
9.8 🚄→[SW]
0:52 Aand the "iz da door lockd?"ocd is back xD
23:26 Yay for playing gba (ez omega rocks!)
  Also: Yay for that new GBA accu pack
 (GDBye batteries :D)
4:59 Nachm. back at sw.... feels like an eternity has passed
12:30 SW is my home now.. for better or worse...
#meeting festgefahr ol ppl and feel bored by this trait... but actually am the same
# better not take this much stuff to BG anymore.. too heavy..
 #damn that mksquito at BG
10:12 Dad drove me to the trainstat..
(gave me 100€… "for living expenses")
10:09 Timo remains grumpy...
  ... good thing I don't have to be arnd him anymore...
 && Chris's "behaviour" is abysmal aswell
- Time I went back to sw...
  Sleeping alone > Sleep @ Timos room
(annoying brat...) [Sleeping too long @ BG: NAH]
#moni said (about my sleepnessness rings): Thats how she looks after having night shift...
... oh joy.. BG kills my sleep...
Aug. 08,2018 
14:23 Can't close PayPal Account.. yet (IngDiBa Bank Acc can't be removed...)
11:23 Gotta admit... all those "horror stories" on the tv news @ BG... wtf
.. draught. death.. control.. terror. urk
Aug. 07,2018 
These days @ BG gave me a glimpse of "what if I had to go back"
=> I *need* to be completly. alone...
(too noisy...)
6.8.18 Pilz @ sternum be gone thanks to das antifung. cream). Missing Long Hair...
19:16 See metal festival at TV.. wish my hair grew that well whn long *sigh*
("wanting long hair.. but not being able to.. due to terminal limited hair growth... *sigh*")
10:00 Seems the fungi on my breast is one.
 (Clotrimazol AL 1% Creme 2,99 €)
Aug. 05,2018 
9:56 Do I have... a stiff neck ?
9:48 It's been 7 yrs snc I last used hair gel..
22:12 Dad called Sis "more accommodating ystrday"
20:00 Sis "re-cut" my hair.. → Kpop look...
(she said I 'complain too much' 'am negative')
17:23 For all the long hair bashing.. SisnJ showed no reaction to the (short) hair cut...
# J was annoying as F### ystrday... w. his generalized statementscand such ugh
("Timo is curr a pubertier... wat ?")
17:22 Sis n J always come to complain...
errand for oma inge. h-milch. tv brochure
3.8.18 Creditcard > Paypal
•Close PP Account
.. to thwart further infoscore BS ???
ALSO: To stop further buy-frenzies
(due to paypals ease of use ?)
•Adblock pp site
10:12 Told Dad that I thinkb J 'thinks of me as idiot'
[Since he said that "You can still do BOS 2016..."]
he said that "maybe J is jealous 'of me being rather duty free / doing what I want to do'"
Jealous huh... ingenious (and one of the emotions I don't understand...)
19:24 Showed dad some alexibexi vids (ebay. verträge. akkus[achso])
→ he wasn't impressed/amused
[spastic w. tourett ? recherchenspasti]
13:54 Acc to Timos RS Jahresbericht Hr. (Robert) Genau died (2018?)
 #5.8.18 Sis:: He got Leukemia
13:45 Mostly playing GBA
* Fifa 06 & 07
* Mario Power Tennis
Kirby Amazing mirror
* Sonic Advc 3
(Need 4 speed ugrnd title theme riles timo up xD)
•Dad and his new sworn enemy... "Palmöl"...
•# Dad called Michia Kako a 'Blabbermouth' and Neil Tyson de grasse a 'horrid bla bla man'
12:08 Nachm.  vmarkt bg no bdr 50 gb
21:14 "Want to go home" thoughts @ BG too... ugh
20:43 @BG
[×] DS Lite -> Fix Fuse N. broken.. chrg cbnle dfct 
☑ EZ V GBA(2x) rpl battery
[x] 4th pin magnet adapter (not poss acc 2 dad)
[/storage/external_SD/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20180728_121419_.jpg‪ ]
11:32 Acc to dad "I have bad teeth"
 (# it's merly stain.. but w.e.)
29.7 🚄→[Burgau]
15:57 Their reaction to my haircut was far too lacklust for how long they bugged me w. it...
14:12 Hair nolonger getting stuxk if put on backpack yay
9:05 60€ for no signature on db ticket..
   ... thats new.. but let off w. a warning.
(cool personal ?)
20:30 Touch back of head.. and.. long hair gone.. uh.. habits..n
11:01 At least I can sleep now w.o. having my hair bothering me...
10.00 A haircut ... like a girl... 13.50€
  #alt interpret: a brown haired snape from hp...
{{ Consider self cutting hair in future...}}
##b4 cutting asked him ab. splissyness.. he rated it 5/10.
 ##Asked him.. he said he was *happy* w that cut.. huh
#app hairdressers can't see when ones last hair cut was
#seemingly lefthanded hairdressers are rare
#azubis try same haircut 20 times
#At least I've got 6 weeks now to grow it out
 9:40.. this.. is rather... odd
(Shouldn't have said I'd like to keep the back long)
9:11 Time 2 cut that wool 
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei  OST - Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Original Soundtrack Vol.1 - Miyuki @ Hairdresser.. young small guy
20:06 |9:30@Edeka Hairdr. tmrrow|
 => Time to get rid of that dull. tired looking hair... Chinlong is emough.. (My hair isn't suired to grow beyond the neck... damn genes...)
{Also funny enough.. the last one that complained wasn't Dad.. but.. surprisingly Timo}
11:23 KIa ok it seems... huh... meh.
... All from my (rest-) class: ✅ KI...
8:19 Give apes a microphone..
And they'll produce stupid noise...
And don't get me started on those cliche annoying EX-Radiosongs they're featuring...
Juli 26,2018 
phys extert when hungry n dehydr = ugh
Guess I mixed up Fairy  Tale (awesome bgm[bagpipes. Irish&MeTaL]. mainstream show) wirh Elfenlied (Gory BS...)
Have said it multiple times alrdy.. but.
For as long as the music I listen to is this awesome ( Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei OST - Miyuki ) can the rest really be *that* bad ? 
7.99€ Shoes from Kaufland... and a week later: hole in left shoe... god...
0:44 LGG3: Completly fried... didn't manage to complete TitaniumBackup...
=> setback to last month...
Somehow... I don't feel like getting a phone ever again... This sucks...
Maybe a mp3 player... but no more phone... fck it.

4.7Too much noragami:
Seeing s.o. w. sunburn and thinking: "blight "
I can go back to BG temp now....
Cause I have a plan...
(10x 400€ à 4000€ is too less)
@2016 (sudden remembrance @ EP-Augsburg work (via coste personal))
Kinderbuch (collagen, zwei Kinder)
~~~~29.6.18 A brand new life~~~