TDA Lavender Cherry Miku by Fujiwara-no-Moko (FujiwaraP) Credit TDA and Fujiwara-no-Moko, while using this model. Do not re-distribute this model, only original link to DeviantART page. Please use this model at your own risk. I can not be held liable or responsible for any damages caused by using this data. This model may not be used for any works which contain negative content toward the original product, individual, &/or group. You are allowed to edit this model, but contact me, Fujiwara-no-Moko for permission to redistribute it. Recoloring this model to "OC" is not allowed. Do not use this model for works which include obscene, grotesque, &/or violent content. This model data may only be used for non-profit purposes. Do not use this model for commercial purposes. e-mail: