Into the Void Tactical Q/LB/L1/LB
Into the Void
Description Reposition quickly through the safety of void space, avoiding all damage.
Cooldown 25 seconds

  • Wraith plays two animations when activating this ability, which takes 1.25 seconds in total. In the first second, she plays a "focusing" animation. In the last 0.25 seconds Wraith "activates" the ability.
  • There is a brief delay when entering and exiting the void during which Wraith is unable to perform any other action. Movement is also slowed by 20% unless Dimensional Rift Dimensional Rift is also active.
  • Upon activation, Wraith enters the void for 4 seconds. While in the void, the screen will turn greyscale, the player become invulnerable and will gain a 30% speed boost. The player will still be able to see enemies.
  • Other players can see a wispy blue trail showing where the player is going while in the void.
  • While in the void, Wraith is unable to interact with some objects in the world, including doors and objects placed by abilities, but can use ziplines.

  • The player can use this ability while using Dimensional Rift Dimensional Rift.
  • While in the void, Wraith leaves no clues for Bloodhound's Tracker Tracker. There are, however, unique clues for entering and exiting phase.
  • The ability will not activate if Wraith is hit by Seer’s Focus of Attention Focus of Attention (before it activates). Wraith will be able to use it again once the silence runs out.
  • While in the void, weapons will still automatically reload if they have a level 4 Extended Mag equipped.
  • Entering a portal immediately before it starts will stop the ability from activating.
  • Climbing a wall will stop the ability from activating.

  • This ability takes 1.25 seconds to activate, so be careful how much health is left when using it as an escape tool; try using it when health is about halfway damaged.
  • Be sure to reach safety when exiting the void since there is a delay before anything else can be done.

  • Currently, Wraith may remain invincible for a few seconds after leaving phase.
  • In rare cases, Wraith can still take damage while using the ability.

  • Wraith plays two animations when activating this ability, which takes 1.25 seconds in total. In the first second, she plays a "focusing" animation. In the last 0.25 seconds Wraith "activates" the ability.
  • There is a brief delay when entering and exiting the void during which Wraith is unable to perform any other action. Movement is also slowed by 20% unless Dimensional Rift Dimensional Rift is also active.
  • Upon activation, Wraith enters the void for 4 seconds. While in the void, the screen will turn greyscale, the player become invulnerable and will gain a 30% speed boost. The player will still be able to see enemies.
  • Other players can see a wispy blue trail showing where the player is going while in the void.
  • While in the void, Wraith is unable to interact with some objects in the world, including doors and objects placed by abilities, but can use ziplines.

  • The player can use this ability while using Dimensional Rift Dimensional Rift.
  • While in the void, Wraith leaves no clues for Bloodhound's Tracker Tracker. There are, however, unique clues for entering and exiting phase.
  • The ability will not activate if Wraith is hit by Seer’s Focus of Attention Focus of Attention (before it activates). Wraith will be able to use it again once the silence runs out.
  • While in the void, weapons will still automatically reload if they have a level 4 Extended Mag equipped.
  • Entering a portal immediately before it starts will stop the ability from activating.
  • Climbing a wall will stop the ability from activating.

  • This ability takes 1.25 seconds to activate, so be careful how much health is left when using it as an escape tool; try using it when health is about halfway damaged.
  • Be sure to reach safety when exiting the void since there is a delay before anything else can be done.

  • Currently, Wraith may remain invincible for a few seconds after leaving phase.
  • In rare cases, Wraith can still take damage while using the ability.

  • Wraith plays two animations when activating this ability, which takes 1.25 seconds in total. In the first second, she plays a "focusing" animation. In the last 0.25 seconds Wraith "activates" the ability.
  • There is a brief delay when entering and exiting the void during which Wraith is unable to perform any other action. Movement is also slowed by 20% unless Dimensional Rift Dimensional Rift is also active.
  • Upon activation, Wraith enters the void for 4 seconds. While in the void, the screen will turn greyscale, the player become invulnerable and will gain a 30% speed boost. The player will still be able to see enemies.
  • Other players can see a wispy blue trail showing where the player is going while in the void.
  • While in the void, Wraith is unable to interact with some objects in the world, including doors and objects placed by abilities, but can use ziplines.

  • The player can use this ability while using Dimensional Rift Dimensional Rift.
  • While in the void, Wraith leaves no clues for Bloodhound's Tracker Tracker. There are, however, unique clues for entering and exiting phase.
  • The ability will not activate if Wraith is hit by Seer’s Focus of Attention Focus of Attention (before it activates). Wraith will be able to use it again once the silence runs out.
  • While in the void, weapons will still automatically reload if they have a level 4 Extended Mag equipped.
  • Entering a portal immediately before it starts will stop the ability from activating.
  • Climbing a wall will stop the ability from activating.

  • This ability takes 1.25 seconds to activate, so be careful how much health is left when using it as an escape tool; try using it when health is about halfway damaged.
  • Be sure to reach safety when exiting the void since there is a delay before anything else can be done.

  • Currently, Wraith may remain invincible for a few seconds after leaving phase.
  • In rare cases, Wraith can still take damage while using the ability.


Voices from the Void Passive
Voices from the Void
Description A voice warns you when danger approaches. As far as you can tell, it's on your side.

  • The player hears a spectral voice audibly warn the player if:
    • An enemy is taking aim
    • An enemy with a sniper rifle is taking aim
    • There are traps nearby
    • There are many enemies nearby
    • Many people have died nearby
  • The player can share the information with their squadmates when the voice warns of danger.

  • As Voices from the Void warns the player when someone is taking aim, the player can easily go out into the open with decreased danger, provided there is nearby cover to retreat to. When combined with the Into the Void Into the Void ability, this passive makes avoiding ambushes very easy.

  • Sometimes the voices do not activate.

  • The player hears a spectral voice audibly warn the player if:
    • An enemy is taking aim
    • An enemy with a sniper rifle is taking aim
    • There are traps nearby
    • There are many enemies nearby
    • Many people have died nearby
  • The player can share the information with their squadmates when the voice warns of danger.

  • As Voices from the Void warns the player when someone is taking aim, the player can easily go out into the open with decreased danger, provided there is nearby cover to retreat to. When combined with the Into the Void Into the Void ability, this passive makes avoiding ambushes very easy.

  • Sometimes the voices do not activate.

  • The player hears a spectral voice audibly warn the player if:
    • An enemy is taking aim
    • An enemy with a sniper rifle is taking aim
    • There are traps nearby
    • There are many enemies nearby
    • Many people have died nearby
  • The player can share the information with their squadmates when the voice warns of danger.

  • As Voices from the Void warns the player when someone is taking aim, the player can easily go out into the open with decreased danger, provided there is nearby cover to retreat to. When combined with the Into the Void Into the Void ability, this passive makes avoiding ambushes very easy.

  • Sometimes the voices do not activate.


Dimensional Rift Ultimate Z/LB+RB/L1+R1/LB+RB
Dimensional Rift
Description Link two locations with portals for 45 seconds, allowing anyone to use them.
Charge time 3 minutes

  • Wraith places one end of a portal where she activates the ability, then runs to another location and places the other end. Players can then pass through the portal to take that same path through the void at 5x the speed they would otherwise. It can be used in either direction.
  • Wraith can run roughly 152 meters before placing the other end of the portal. The Rift Energy is shown on top of the H.U.D. upon activation and does not drain while standing still.
  • Wraith gets ~22% initial speed boost, then as further away wraith goes, speed boost increases to ~39% then upto ~57%.
  • If Wraith uses less than 4.72% of the Rift Energy, then places the other end of a portal, it will be canceled, allowing her to keep her ultimate charge at 100%.
  • While running to place the other end, Wraith cannot use any weapons, items, or map features, but she does receive an accelerating speed bonus and can skip the Into the Void 'Focusing' animation.
  • Wraith cannot use another Dimension Rift while placing hers, that is she only simply goes past the rift without entering it.
  • Players taking the portal are invulnerable and leave a faint blue trail, much like Wraith while using Into the Void.
  • Portals will disappear after four ticks (4.5 to 6 seconds) if both ends are outside The Ring.

  • The speed bonus while placing the portals does not stack with Into the Void Into the Void's speed bonus.
  • Players are the only things able to pass through portals. No projectiles, objects, Crypto drones, or Mirage decoys can use them.
  • Wattson's Perimeter Security Perimeter Security fences can be built intersecting the portal since it is intangible.
  • Can be destroyed by Horizon’s Black Hole Black Hole.

  • This ability is best used to help a squad escape when backed into a corner.
  • The portal can be used to help downed teammates to quickly travel or to bait enemies if done correctly.
  • The player can use their abilities while placing a portal.
  • The portal rift follows the player, and is placed in the direction the player is facing.
  • Multiple players can take the portal at the same time instead of waiting for one to exit.
  • Placing the exit of the portal at the edge of a map and baiting any enemies to take the portal can cause them to fall to their deaths or into a map feature that does environmental damage. Be careful when doing this as the player's teammates can fall victim to this method.
  • If the portal is placed while Into the Void Into the Void is being used, the phase will be canceled and the portal will be placed. This can be used to regain the ability to perform normal actions before the ability would be over if need be.
  • The ability can also be used to "kidnap" an enemy from their squad by placing the portal on top of them, temporarily separating them from their team, allowing the player and/or the team to take them down easier.

  • If the player is knocked down while in the middle of placing the end of the portal, the player is able to shoot the weapon but cannot use Knockdown Shield Knockdown Shield even in knocked down state.
  • Sometimes players cannot enter the portal.
  • Sometimes players may travel through the portal slower than intended.
  • Activating the portal, then activating Into the Void Into the Void, and then closing the portal as soon as the player enters the void allows them to shoot while downed.
  • Entering a portal before using Into the Void Into the Void will reset Into the Void's cooldown.
  • Using a portal and opening an explosive hold at the same time will cause the game to crash.

  • Wraith places one end of a portal where she activates the ability, then runs to another location and places the other end. Players can then pass through the portal to take that same path through the void at 5x the speed they would otherwise. It can be used in either direction.
  • Wraith can run roughly 152 meters before placing the other end of the portal. The Rift Energy is shown on top of the H.U.D. upon activation and does not drain while standing still.
  • Wraith gets ~22% initial speed boost, then as further away wraith goes, speed boost increases to ~39% then upto ~57%.
  • If Wraith uses less than 4.72% of the Rift Energy, then places the other end of a portal, it will be canceled, allowing her to keep her ultimate charge at 100%.
  • While running to place the other end, Wraith cannot use any weapons, items, or map features, but she does receive an accelerating speed bonus and can skip the Into the Void 'Focusing' animation.
  • Wraith cannot use another Dimension Rift while placing hers, that is she only simply goes past the rift without entering it.
  • Players taking the portal are invulnerable and leave a faint blue trail, much like Wraith while using Into the Void.
  • Portals will disappear after four ticks (4.5 to 6 seconds) if both ends are outside The Ring.

  • The speed bonus while placing the portals does not stack with Into the Void Into the Void's speed bonus.
  • Players are the only things able to pass through portals. No projectiles, objects, Crypto drones, or Mirage decoys can use them.
  • Wattson's Perimeter Security Perimeter Security fences can be built intersecting the portal since it is intangible.
  • Can be destroyed by Horizon’s Black Hole Black Hole.

  • This ability is best used to help a squad escape when backed into a corner.
  • The portal can be used to help downed teammates to quickly travel or to bait enemies if done correctly.
  • The player can use their abilities while placing a portal.
  • The portal rift follows the player, and is placed in the direction the player is facing.
  • Multiple players can take the portal at the same time instead of waiting for one to exit.
  • Placing the exit of the portal at the edge of a map and baiting any enemies to take the portal can cause them to fall to their deaths or into a map feature that does environmental damage. Be careful when doing this as the player's teammates can fall victim to this method.
  • If the portal is placed while Into the Void Into the Void is being used, the phase will be canceled and the portal will be placed. This can be used to regain the ability to perform normal actions before the ability would be over if need be.
  • The ability can also be used to "kidnap" an enemy from their squad by placing the portal on top of them, temporarily separating them from their team, allowing the player and/or the team to take them down easier.

  • If the player is knocked down while in the middle of placing the end of the portal, the player is able to shoot the weapon but cannot use Knockdown Shield Knockdown Shield even in knocked down state.
  • Sometimes players cannot enter the portal.
  • Sometimes players may travel through the portal slower than intended.
  • Activating the portal, then activating Into the Void Into the Void, and then closing the portal as soon as the player enters the void allows them to shoot while downed.
  • Entering a portal before using Into the Void Into the Void will reset Into the Void's cooldown.
  • Using a portal and opening an explosive hold at the same time will cause the game to crash.

  • Wraith places one end of a portal where she activates the ability, then runs to another location and places the other end. Players can then pass through the portal to take that same path through the void at 5x the speed they would otherwise. It can be used in either direction.
  • Wraith can run roughly 152 meters before placing the other end of the portal. The Rift Energy is shown on top of the H.U.D. upon activation and does not drain while standing still.
  • Wraith gets ~22% initial speed boost, then as further away wraith goes, speed boost increases to ~39% then upto ~57%.
  • If Wraith uses less than 4.72% of the Rift Energy, then places the other end of a portal, it will be canceled, allowing her to keep her ultimate charge at 100%.
  • While running to place the other end, Wraith cannot use any weapons, items, or map features, but she does receive an accelerating speed bonus and can skip the Into the Void 'Focusing' animation.
  • Wraith cannot use another Dimension Rift while placing hers, that is she only simply goes past the rift without entering it.
  • Players taking the portal are invulnerable and leave a faint blue trail, much like Wraith while using Into the Void.
  • Portals will disappear after four ticks (4.5 to 6 seconds) if both ends are outside The Ring.

  • The speed bonus while placing the portals does not stack with Into the Void Into the Void's speed bonus.
  • Players are the only things able to pass through portals. No projectiles, objects, Crypto drones, or Mirage decoys can use them.
  • Wattson's Perimeter Security Perimeter Security fences can be built intersecting the portal since it is intangible.
  • Can be destroyed by Horizon’s Black Hole Black Hole.

  • This ability is best used to help a squad escape when backed into a corner.
  • The portal can be used to help downed teammates to quickly travel or to bait enemies if done correctly.
  • The player can use their abilities while placing a portal.
  • The portal rift follows the player, and is placed in the direction the player is facing.
  • Multiple players can take the portal at the same time instead of waiting for one to exit.
  • Placing the exit of the portal at the edge of a map and baiting any enemies to take the portal can cause them to fall to their deaths or into a map feature that does environmental damage. Be careful when doing this as the player's teammates can fall victim to this method.
  • If the portal is placed while Into the Void Into the Void is being used, the phase will be canceled and the portal will be placed. This can be used to regain the ability to perform normal actions before the ability would be over if need be.
  • The ability can also be used to "kidnap" an enemy from their squad by placing the portal on top of them, temporarily separating them from their team, allowing the player and/or the team to take them down easier.

  • If the player is knocked down while in the middle of placing the end of the portal, the player is able to shoot the weapon but cannot use Knockdown Shield Knockdown Shield even in knocked down state.
  • Sometimes players cannot enter the portal.
  • Sometimes players may travel through the portal slower than intended.
  • Activating the portal, then activating Into the Void Into the Void, and then closing the portal as soon as the player enters the void allows them to shoot while downed.
  • Entering a portal before using Into the Void Into the Void will reset Into the Void's cooldown.
  • Using a portal and opening an explosive hold at the same time will cause the game to crash.


Main article: Legend Upgrades