Mobile Shield Tactical Q/LB/L1/LB
Mobile Shield
Description Throw a drone that projects a moveable energy shield.
Cooldown 15 seconds

  • Throws a drone that projects a large shield in front of it.
    • Maximum throw distance is 25m; it will then travel to the reticle
    • If the drone hits an enemy, it will deal 20 damage.
  • Lasts 20 seconds unless destroyed. A loud hum can be heard when the drone is about to fade out.
  • Press the tactical button again to target a new location for it to float to, without changing shield's orientation
    • Mobile Shield's movement speed is equivalent to double the crouch speed with weapons out (or walk ADS with a shotgun). When it falls off an edge, it falls slowly at the rate of 1 m/s
    • Doing so within 5m radius of the drone, and turning up to 90 degrees (oriented relative to the drone), will also reorients the front toward the marker on the ground, in addition to move the drone to the marker
  • The shield consists of an upper half and lower half. Each half has 500 health, and can be destroyed separately.

  • Newcastle and his squadmates cannot damage a friendly shield, nor shoot through it.
  • Cuts off line of sight for Wattson's Perimeter Security Perimeter Security fences, deactivating them.

  • Due to the fact that the shield is slow in movement, consider the general vincinity of where you will fight.
  • Due to above, consider its overall cooldown time as 35 seconds instead.
  • The Mobile shield's effective range is anywhere you have line of sight.
    • Deployment provide users a safe space to confirm enemy's precise location
  • If your fighting area is small, consider throwing the shield close to you (so it will deploy soon), then redirect it to your destination.
  • As the shield works from either faces, when escaping from a fight with enemies firing from behind, throw it in front of you close to your feet, and then redirect toward your running direction.

  • Throws a drone that projects a large shield in front of it.
    • Maximum throw distance is 25m; it will then travel to the reticle
    • If the drone hits an enemy, it will deal 20 damage.
  • Lasts 20 seconds unless destroyed. A loud hum can be heard when the drone is about to fade out.
  • Press the tactical button again to target a new location for it to float to, without changing shield's orientation
    • Mobile Shield's movement speed is equivalent to double the crouch speed with weapons out (or walk ADS with a shotgun). When it falls off an edge, it falls slowly at the rate of 1 m/s
    • Doing so within 5m radius of the drone, and turning up to 90 degrees (oriented relative to the drone), will also reorients the front toward the marker on the ground, in addition to move the drone to the marker
  • The shield consists of an upper half and lower half. Each half has 500 health, and can be destroyed separately.

  • Newcastle and his squadmates cannot damage a friendly shield, nor shoot through it.
  • Cuts off line of sight for Wattson's Perimeter Security Perimeter Security fences, deactivating them.

  • Due to the fact that the shield is slow in movement, consider the general vincinity of where you will fight.
  • Due to above, consider its overall cooldown time as 35 seconds instead.
  • The Mobile shield's effective range is anywhere you have line of sight.
    • Deployment provide users a safe space to confirm enemy's precise location
  • If your fighting area is small, consider throwing the shield close to you (so it will deploy soon), then redirect it to your destination.
  • As the shield works from either faces, when escaping from a fight with enemies firing from behind, throw it in front of you close to your feet, and then redirect toward your running direction.

  • Throws a drone that projects a large shield in front of it.
    • Maximum throw distance is 25m; it will then travel to the reticle
    • If the drone hits an enemy, it will deal 20 damage.
  • Lasts 20 seconds unless destroyed. A loud hum can be heard when the drone is about to fade out.
  • Press the tactical button again to target a new location for it to float to, without changing shield's orientation
    • Mobile Shield's movement speed is equivalent to double the crouch speed with weapons out (or walk ADS with a shotgun). When it falls off an edge, it falls slowly at the rate of 1 m/s
    • Doing so within 5m radius of the drone, and turning up to 90 degrees (oriented relative to the drone), will also reorients the front toward the marker on the ground, in addition to move the drone to the marker
  • The shield consists of an upper half and lower half. Each half has 500 health, and can be destroyed separately.

  • Newcastle and his squadmates cannot damage a friendly shield, nor shoot through it.
  • Cuts off line of sight for Wattson's Perimeter Security Perimeter Security fences, deactivating them.

  • Due to the fact that the shield is slow in movement, consider the general vincinity of where you will fight.
  • Due to above, consider its overall cooldown time as 35 seconds instead.
  • The Mobile shield's effective range is anywhere you have line of sight.
    • Deployment provide users a safe space to confirm enemy's precise location
  • If your fighting area is small, consider throwing the shield close to you (so it will deploy soon), then redirect it to your destination.
  • As the shield works from either faces, when escaping from a fight with enemies firing from behind, throw it in front of you close to your feet, and then redirect toward your running direction.


Retrieve the Wounded Passive
Retrieve the Wounded
Description Drag downed allies as you revive and protect them with your Revive Shield.

  • Player does not have to hold down the "use" button to perform the revive.
    • Pressing "use" once will start the revive process and pressing "use" again will cancel it.
  • The health of the Revive Shield is dependent on the level of Newcastle's Knockdown Shield Knockdown Shield:
    • Level 1: 200
    • Level 2: 300
    • Level 3/Level 4: 500
  • The Knockdown Shield starts to regenerate after 1 second
    • Generate 1HP of shield every ~0.25 seconds. (1 HP per tick)

  • When Seer's Focus of Attention Focus of Attention hits the reviving player, it cancels the revive.
  • If Newcastle is silenced by Focus of Attention Focus of Attention, then he can no longer shield-and-drag teammates, and instead will manually revive teammates.
  • Cannot utilize Wraith's portal while reviving
  • Conducting the following actions while reviving will automatically disengage the revive:

  • Even with the Gold Knockdown Shield purchased, the durability of the Revive Shield remains at 200.

  • Since you do not need to hold down the "use" button, you have extra finger dexterity to move around, and even redirect your mobile shield if you had it out.
    • That being said, you do not need to move while reviving.
  • Always look at the surronding, and reorient your shield as needed - both of them, as you can also use and move your mobile shield.
  • Note that using the passive to revive has a loud audio cue, in addition to being visible
    • A way to stealth the revive is to drop the knockdown shield before using it; however, the sound of revive still remain.
  • While you cannot use Wraith's portal while reviving, you can still drag your teammate. Thus it is still viable to drag and "revive" your teammate to a wraith's portal for safety.

  • Player does not have to hold down the "use" button to perform the revive.
    • Pressing "use" once will start the revive process and pressing "use" again will cancel it.
  • The health of the Revive Shield is dependent on the level of Newcastle's Knockdown Shield Knockdown Shield:
    • Level 1: 200
    • Level 2: 300
    • Level 3/Level 4: 500
  • The Knockdown Shield starts to regenerate after 1 second
    • Generate 1HP of shield every ~0.25 seconds. (1 HP per tick)

  • When Seer's Focus of Attention Focus of Attention hits the reviving player, it cancels the revive.
  • If Newcastle is silenced by Focus of Attention Focus of Attention, then he can no longer shield-and-drag teammates, and instead will manually revive teammates.
  • Cannot utilize Wraith's portal while reviving
  • Conducting the following actions while reviving will automatically disengage the revive:

  • Even with the Gold Knockdown Shield purchased, the durability of the Revive Shield remains at 200.

  • Since you do not need to hold down the "use" button, you have extra finger dexterity to move around, and even redirect your mobile shield if you had it out.
    • That being said, you do not need to move while reviving.
  • Always look at the surronding, and reorient your shield as needed - both of them, as you can also use and move your mobile shield.
  • Note that using the passive to revive has a loud audio cue, in addition to being visible
    • A way to stealth the revive is to drop the knockdown shield before using it; however, the sound of revive still remain.
  • While you cannot use Wraith's portal while reviving, you can still drag your teammate. Thus it is still viable to drag and "revive" your teammate to a wraith's portal for safety.

  • Player does not have to hold down the "use" button to perform the revive.
    • Pressing "use" once will start the revive process and pressing "use" again will cancel it.
  • The health of the Revive Shield is dependent on the level of Newcastle's Knockdown Shield Knockdown Shield:
    • Level 1: 200
    • Level 2: 300
    • Level 3/Level 4: 500
  • The Knockdown Shield starts to regenerate after 1 second
    • Generate 1HP of shield every ~0.25 seconds. (1 HP per tick)

  • When Seer's Focus of Attention Focus of Attention hits the reviving player, it cancels the revive.
  • If Newcastle is silenced by Focus of Attention Focus of Attention, then he can no longer shield-and-drag teammates, and instead will manually revive teammates.
  • Cannot utilize Wraith's portal while reviving
  • Conducting the following actions while reviving will automatically disengage the revive:

  • Even with the Gold Knockdown Shield purchased, the durability of the Revive Shield remains at 200.

  • Since you do not need to hold down the "use" button, you have extra finger dexterity to move around, and even redirect your mobile shield if you had it out.
    • That being said, you do not need to move while reviving.
  • Always look at the surronding, and reorient your shield as needed - both of them, as you can also use and move your mobile shield.
  • Note that using the passive to revive has a loud audio cue, in addition to being visible
    • A way to stealth the revive is to drop the knockdown shield before using it; however, the sound of revive still remain.
  • While you cannot use Wraith's portal while reviving, you can still drag your teammate. Thus it is still viable to drag and "revive" your teammate to a wraith's portal for safety.


Castle Wall Ultimate Z/LB+RB/L1+R1/LB+RB
Castle Wall
Description Leap to an ally or target area and slam down, creating a fortified stronghold.
Charge time 2 minutes

  • Target an area, which Newcastle will leap to. Upon landing, a large wall will be constructed facing the direction Newcastle is looking.
    • Leaping has a maximum range of 35 meters.
    • Can choose to target a squadmate or squadmate's Death Box to land on, which extends the range to 75 meters.
    • You can turn around mid-leap to orient the wall differently.
    • Knockback will occur when landed near the enemy.
  • Maximum 1 wall; the old wall is taken down when Newcastle lands and makes a wall.
  • The wall is made of 9 segments, each with 750 health.
    • The segments in the middle and the ends are much larger than the other six.
    • Newcastle can take down segments of his wall by pressing H/Down/Down.
    • Each part of the wall can be destroyed with 2 melee attacks.
    • The short segments, when destroyed by attacks, will also bring down the other short segments near them
  • The outward facing side is electrified for 30 seconds, stunning and dealing 20 damage to enemies who attempt to climb over it.
  • If Newcastle uses the ultimate, but for some reason does not land and make the wall (including being downed), 70% of the charge is refunded.
    • As of Season 21, When the wall is electrified, projectiles coming in from the front of the wall will be intercepted like a Wattson Pylon. Ordinance used by team from behind the wall will not be intercepted and will work as intended.

  • Castle Wall is susceptible to friendly damage from both Newcastle and his allies.
  • If Newcastle targets a squadmate to land on, the flight path will adjust to account for their movement, even if they use an ability like Burglar's Best Friend Burglar's Best Friend which teleports them. However, if the squadmate teleports more than 75 meters away, the jump is simply canceled.
  • The Castle Wall can destroy Conduit's File:Energy Barricade Mines.svg Energy Barricade Mines if constructed on top.

  • You don't need direct line of sight to target a squadmate to land on. As long as there's a viable flight path, you can jump to them.
    • You can also target squadmates who are far above you.

  • Target an area, which Newcastle will leap to. Upon landing, a large wall will be constructed facing the direction Newcastle is looking.
    • Leaping has a maximum range of 35 meters.
    • Can choose to target a squadmate or squadmate's Death Box to land on, which extends the range to 75 meters.
    • You can turn around mid-leap to orient the wall differently.
    • Knockback will occur when landed near the enemy.
  • Maximum 1 wall; the old wall is taken down when Newcastle lands and makes a wall.
  • The wall is made of 9 segments, each with 750 health.
    • The segments in the middle and the ends are much larger than the other six.
    • Newcastle can take down segments of his wall by pressing H/Down/Down.
    • Each part of the wall can be destroyed with 2 melee attacks.
    • The short segments, when destroyed by attacks, will also bring down the other short segments near them
  • The outward facing side is electrified for 30 seconds, stunning and dealing 20 damage to enemies who attempt to climb over it.
  • If Newcastle uses the ultimate, but for some reason does not land and make the wall (including being downed), 70% of the charge is refunded.
    • As of Season 21, When the wall is electrified, projectiles coming in from the front of the wall will be intercepted like a Wattson Pylon. Ordinance used by team from behind the wall will not be intercepted and will work as intended.

  • Castle Wall is susceptible to friendly damage from both Newcastle and his allies.
  • If Newcastle targets a squadmate to land on, the flight path will adjust to account for their movement, even if they use an ability like Burglar's Best Friend Burglar's Best Friend which teleports them. However, if the squadmate teleports more than 75 meters away, the jump is simply canceled.
  • The Castle Wall can destroy Conduit's File:Energy Barricade Mines.svg Energy Barricade Mines if constructed on top.

  • You don't need direct line of sight to target a squadmate to land on. As long as there's a viable flight path, you can jump to them.
    • You can also target squadmates who are far above you.

  • Target an area, which Newcastle will leap to. Upon landing, a large wall will be constructed facing the direction Newcastle is looking.
    • Leaping has a maximum range of 35 meters.
    • Can choose to target a squadmate or squadmate's Death Box to land on, which extends the range to 75 meters.
    • You can turn around mid-leap to orient the wall differently.
    • Knockback will occur when landed near the enemy.
  • Maximum 1 wall; the old wall is taken down when Newcastle lands and makes a wall.
  • The wall is made of 9 segments, each with 750 health.
    • The segments in the middle and the ends are much larger than the other six.
    • Newcastle can take down segments of his wall by pressing H/Down/Down.
    • Each part of the wall can be destroyed with 2 melee attacks.
    • The short segments, when destroyed by attacks, will also bring down the other short segments near them
  • The outward facing side is electrified for 30 seconds, stunning and dealing 20 damage to enemies who attempt to climb over it.
  • If Newcastle uses the ultimate, but for some reason does not land and make the wall (including being downed), 70% of the charge is refunded.
    • As of Season 21, When the wall is electrified, projectiles coming in from the front of the wall will be intercepted like a Wattson Pylon. Ordinance used by team from behind the wall will not be intercepted and will work as intended.

  • Castle Wall is susceptible to friendly damage from both Newcastle and his allies.
  • If Newcastle targets a squadmate to land on, the flight path will adjust to account for their movement, even if they use an ability like Burglar's Best Friend Burglar's Best Friend which teleports them. However, if the squadmate teleports more than 75 meters away, the jump is simply canceled.
  • The Castle Wall can destroy Conduit's File:Energy Barricade Mines.svg Energy Barricade Mines if constructed on top.

  • You don't need direct line of sight to target a squadmate to land on. As long as there's a viable flight path, you can jump to them.
    • You can also target squadmates who are far above you.


Fortified Perk
Description Incoming damage reduced by 15%. Not slowed by bullets.

  • Take 15% less damage from every attack, except headshots.

  • Don't overestimate this ability, 15% less generally translates to surviving 1 more shot.

  • Take 15% less damage from every attack, except headshots.

  • Don't overestimate this ability, 15% less generally translates to surviving 1 more shot.

  • Take 15% less damage from every attack, except headshots.

  • Don't overestimate this ability, 15% less generally translates to surviving 1 more shot.


Main article: Legend Upgrades