Dome of Protection Tactical Q/LB/L1/LB
Dome of Protection
Description Blocks incoming and outgoing attacks.
Cooldown 13 seconds

  • Throws a large disc, which upon landing projects a dome shield around it. The dome has a radius of 6 meters and lasts 12 seconds.
  • The dome shield stops all incoming and outgoing bullets and projectiles while allowing players to move through it.
  • Gibraltar revives allies 33% faster while inside his dome (6 seconds -> 4.5 seconds).

  • If an enemy squad is firing at you and your team, throw the dome down. It will block their bullets allowing you and your squad to escape.
  • Combining the dome with Defensive Bombardment can be very helpful.
    • Example: If you have a downed teammate and are being rushed, throw down your ultimate and then your dome right behind the center of the explosion, so the enemy has to walk through it to get to you.
  • The dome shield is not a complete bubble and depending on the terrain it can have its weak spots.
  • No shots can go through the dome, but you can still be damaged by enemies while inside it.
  • Remember that the dome is not a safe space, but a breathing room from which you can revive teammates, reload and recharge your health and shields.
  • Dome shield dancing can be really useful if done right. Go in and out of the dome shield while being shot to reduce the damage you take, while also making enemies waste their ammo. While they reload, shoot.
  • Due to the size and glow, it easily gives your position away; expect enemy to wait out the timer to snipe your team when the dome is down.
  • It's very common for enemies to throw a grenade at the dome shield and force you out of it. Be aware of that, but be careful with your positioning so you know how to deal with this situation.

  • In the Firing Range, the dome can sometimes go through floors of high places. It is unsure if this also happens on World's Edge or Olympus.
  • The ability’s icon that previously indicated fast healing inside the dome shield is still visible above the healing items slot on the HUD, even though fast healing no longer exists.
  • Caustic's Nox Gas Trap Nox Gas Trap which are deployed on top of shield will stay "floating" at their positions after the shield is gone.

  • Throws a large disc, which upon landing projects a dome shield around it. The dome has a radius of 6 meters and lasts 12 seconds.
  • The dome shield stops all incoming and outgoing bullets and projectiles while allowing players to move through it.
  • Gibraltar revives allies 33% faster while inside his dome (6 seconds -> 4.5 seconds).

  • If an enemy squad is firing at you and your team, throw the dome down. It will block their bullets allowing you and your squad to escape.
  • Combining the dome with Defensive Bombardment can be very helpful.
    • Example: If you have a downed teammate and are being rushed, throw down your ultimate and then your dome right behind the center of the explosion, so the enemy has to walk through it to get to you.
  • The dome shield is not a complete bubble and depending on the terrain it can have its weak spots.
  • No shots can go through the dome, but you can still be damaged by enemies while inside it.
  • Remember that the dome is not a safe space, but a breathing room from which you can revive teammates, reload and recharge your health and shields.
  • Dome shield dancing can be really useful if done right. Go in and out of the dome shield while being shot to reduce the damage you take, while also making enemies waste their ammo. While they reload, shoot.
  • Due to the size and glow, it easily gives your position away; expect enemy to wait out the timer to snipe your team when the dome is down.
  • It's very common for enemies to throw a grenade at the dome shield and force you out of it. Be aware of that, but be careful with your positioning so you know how to deal with this situation.

  • In the Firing Range, the dome can sometimes go through floors of high places. It is unsure if this also happens on World's Edge or Olympus.
  • The ability’s icon that previously indicated fast healing inside the dome shield is still visible above the healing items slot on the HUD, even though fast healing no longer exists.
  • Caustic's Nox Gas Trap Nox Gas Trap which are deployed on top of shield will stay "floating" at their positions after the shield is gone.

  • Throws a large disc, which upon landing projects a dome shield around it. The dome has a radius of 6 meters and lasts 12 seconds.
  • The dome shield stops all incoming and outgoing bullets and projectiles while allowing players to move through it.
  • Gibraltar revives allies 33% faster while inside his dome (6 seconds -> 4.5 seconds).

  • If an enemy squad is firing at you and your team, throw the dome down. It will block their bullets allowing you and your squad to escape.
  • Combining the dome with Defensive Bombardment can be very helpful.
    • Example: If you have a downed teammate and are being rushed, throw down your ultimate and then your dome right behind the center of the explosion, so the enemy has to walk through it to get to you.
  • The dome shield is not a complete bubble and depending on the terrain it can have its weak spots.
  • No shots can go through the dome, but you can still be damaged by enemies while inside it.
  • Remember that the dome is not a safe space, but a breathing room from which you can revive teammates, reload and recharge your health and shields.
  • Dome shield dancing can be really useful if done right. Go in and out of the dome shield while being shot to reduce the damage you take, while also making enemies waste their ammo. While they reload, shoot.
  • Due to the size and glow, it easily gives your position away; expect enemy to wait out the timer to snipe your team when the dome is down.
  • It's very common for enemies to throw a grenade at the dome shield and force you out of it. Be aware of that, but be careful with your positioning so you know how to deal with this situation.

  • In the Firing Range, the dome can sometimes go through floors of high places. It is unsure if this also happens on World's Edge or Olympus.
  • The ability’s icon that previously indicated fast healing inside the dome shield is still visible above the healing items slot on the HUD, even though fast healing no longer exists.
  • Caustic's Nox Gas Trap Nox Gas Trap which are deployed on top of shield will stay "floating" at their positions after the shield is gone.


Gun Shield Passive H/Down/Down to disable
Gun Shield
Description Aiming down sights deploys a gun shield that blocks incoming fire.

  • While aiming, Gibraltar will have an energy shield in front of him with 50 health that protects his upper body from incoming fire while allowing him to shoot out.
  • If broken, it has a 9-second cooldown before regenerating.
  • The health of the energy shield can be seen on both the left and right sides while aiming down sights. The cooldown meter can also be seen refilling the 1-8 bars of energy meter.
  • Any excess damage inflicted when destroying the shield will be transferred over to Gibraltar himself.

  • The shield can sometimes make it easier to spot Gibraltar while he is hiding, so it may be worth disabling temporarily if you're pretty sure you're otherwise hidden.
  • Crouching while using your gun shield makes you a hard target to do damage to from the front.
  • Activating the gun shield during a sniper fight often grants you the upper hand. Thus, Gibraltar is one the best Legends to use snipers.

  • A player who uses Gibraltar’s Gun Shield to aim down sights at an Arc Star Arc Star or a Frag Grenade Frag Grenade will be completely protected from taking any damage. Their Gun Shield will also not take any damage at all.

  • While aiming, Gibraltar will have an energy shield in front of him with 50 health that protects his upper body from incoming fire while allowing him to shoot out.
  • If broken, it has a 9-second cooldown before regenerating.
  • The health of the energy shield can be seen on both the left and right sides while aiming down sights. The cooldown meter can also be seen refilling the 1-8 bars of energy meter.
  • Any excess damage inflicted when destroying the shield will be transferred over to Gibraltar himself.

  • The shield can sometimes make it easier to spot Gibraltar while he is hiding, so it may be worth disabling temporarily if you're pretty sure you're otherwise hidden.
  • Crouching while using your gun shield makes you a hard target to do damage to from the front.
  • Activating the gun shield during a sniper fight often grants you the upper hand. Thus, Gibraltar is one the best Legends to use snipers.

  • A player who uses Gibraltar’s Gun Shield to aim down sights at an Arc Star Arc Star or a Frag Grenade Frag Grenade will be completely protected from taking any damage. Their Gun Shield will also not take any damage at all.

  • While aiming, Gibraltar will have an energy shield in front of him with 50 health that protects his upper body from incoming fire while allowing him to shoot out.
  • If broken, it has a 9-second cooldown before regenerating.
  • The health of the energy shield can be seen on both the left and right sides while aiming down sights. The cooldown meter can also be seen refilling the 1-8 bars of energy meter.
  • Any excess damage inflicted when destroying the shield will be transferred over to Gibraltar himself.

  • The shield can sometimes make it easier to spot Gibraltar while he is hiding, so it may be worth disabling temporarily if you're pretty sure you're otherwise hidden.
  • Crouching while using your gun shield makes you a hard target to do damage to from the front.
  • Activating the gun shield during a sniper fight often grants you the upper hand. Thus, Gibraltar is one the best Legends to use snipers.

  • A player who uses Gibraltar’s Gun Shield to aim down sights at an Arc Star Arc Star or a Frag Grenade Frag Grenade will be completely protected from taking any damage. Their Gun Shield will also not take any damage at all.


Defensive Bombardment Ultimate Z/LB+RB/L1+R1/LB+RB
Defensive Bombardment
Description Call in a concentrated mortar strike on a marked position.
Charge time 3 minutes

  • Throws a smoke grenade that marks a 24-meter radius around it for a mortar strike.
  • For 6 seconds, explosives continuously rain down on the area, dealing 40 damage per hit and shell-shocking players.
  • The area is marked for all players with red circles indicating where mortar shells will hit.

  • This ability also damages you so use it with caution.
  • This ability is nice for support; if enemies are hiding, it can drive them out of cover and into an easier line of fire. It can also be used as an attack or a defensive ability.
  • You can call it inside your shield to temporize and give you few seconds of rest, as enemies will be unable to come inside. Use this time to revive, heal, reload, or run away.
  • Use this ability to finish off enemies you downed from a distance.
  • Wattson's Interception Pylon Interception Pylon can negate a sizable area of the bombardment. Try to use the ability after it's been destroyed.

  • Throws a smoke grenade that marks a 24-meter radius around it for a mortar strike.
  • For 6 seconds, explosives continuously rain down on the area, dealing 40 damage per hit and shell-shocking players.
  • The area is marked for all players with red circles indicating where mortar shells will hit.

  • This ability also damages you so use it with caution.
  • This ability is nice for support; if enemies are hiding, it can drive them out of cover and into an easier line of fire. It can also be used as an attack or a defensive ability.
  • You can call it inside your shield to temporize and give you few seconds of rest, as enemies will be unable to come inside. Use this time to revive, heal, reload, or run away.
  • Use this ability to finish off enemies you downed from a distance.
  • Wattson's Interception Pylon Interception Pylon can negate a sizable area of the bombardment. Try to use the ability after it's been destroyed.

  • Throws a smoke grenade that marks a 24-meter radius around it for a mortar strike.
  • For 6 seconds, explosives continuously rain down on the area, dealing 40 damage per hit and shell-shocking players.
  • The area is marked for all players with red circles indicating where mortar shells will hit.

  • This ability also damages you so use it with caution.
  • This ability is nice for support; if enemies are hiding, it can drive them out of cover and into an easier line of fire. It can also be used as an attack or a defensive ability.
  • You can call it inside your shield to temporize and give you few seconds of rest, as enemies will be unable to come inside. Use this time to revive, heal, reload, or run away.
  • Use this ability to finish off enemies you downed from a distance.
  • Wattson's Interception Pylon Interception Pylon can negate a sizable area of the bombardment. Try to use the ability after it's been destroyed.


Fortified Perk
Description Incoming damage reduced by 15%. Not slowed by bullets.

  • Take 15% less damage from every attack, except headshots.

  • Don't overestimate this ability, 15% less damage generally translates to surviving 1 more shot.
  • The combination of Gibraltar's Gun Shield Gun Shield, a Evo Shield Red Evo Shield, and this perk allows him to tank a lot of damage.

  • For whatever reason, Gibraltar takes more damage from grenades than normal when he has a Body Shield Body Shield or Evo Shield Evo Shield.

  • Take 15% less damage from every attack, except headshots.

  • Don't overestimate this ability, 15% less damage generally translates to surviving 1 more shot.
  • The combination of Gibraltar's Gun Shield Gun Shield, a Evo Shield Red Evo Shield, and this perk allows him to tank a lot of damage.

  • For whatever reason, Gibraltar takes more damage from grenades than normal when he has a Body Shield Body Shield or Evo Shield Evo Shield.

  • Take 15% less damage from every attack, except headshots.

  • Don't overestimate this ability, 15% less damage generally translates to surviving 1 more shot.
  • The combination of Gibraltar's Gun Shield Gun Shield, a Evo Shield Red Evo Shield, and this perk allows him to tank a lot of damage.

  • For whatever reason, Gibraltar takes more damage from grenades than normal when he has a Body Shield Body Shield or Evo Shield Evo Shield.


Main article: Legend Upgrades