The transfer has a range of 50 meters.
- The transfer can go through walls, as long as you are in range.
- You are in range when you see a "shield" icon hover on top of your allies. Shield icon has 4 states:
- White: Allies have full shield
- Green: Allies have full temporary shield
- Yellow: Allies have more than 50% shield, but not full.
- Red: Allies have less than 50% shield.
This ability has three subtle phases:
- Phase 1: Regenerating Shields
- During this phase, damaged and broken shields are reinforced with temporary shields.
- This phase lasts for 10 seconds.
- Each tick, temporary shields are granted so long as the total shield health isn't full.
- While the target's total shield health is full, more temporary shields aren't granted. These wasted hitpoints can't be regained later.
- Over the duration, up to 60 hitpoints to herself worth of temporary shields are granted.
- The temporary shields are granted at a rate roughly equivalent to 7.5 hitpoints worth of shields per second, or 10 hitpoints every 1.35 seconds.
- Phase 2: Temporary Shields Hold
- During this phase, any temporary shields that were granted during phase 1 remain, but no new temporary shields are granted.
- This phase lasts for 20 seconds.
- Phase 3: Temporary Shields Decay
- Any remaining temporary shields begin to decay twice as fast as they are gained in Phase 1 all temporary shields are gone.
- This phase lasts until all temporary shields decay, which could take up to 4 seconds with the maximum amount of temporary shields.
Note that:
- This ability is always applied to Conduit when used, but can also be applied to one of her allies, provided that they are in range and Conduit is hovering over them when the ability is activated.
- The range of this ability is 50 meters.
- The ability has a cooldown of 30 seconds from when the ability is used intially.
- The actual timer doesn't show up until a few seconds after Phase 1 ends.
- Due to the duration of the temporary shields and the cooldown of the ability, the tactical can be used again just as the old temporary shields expire, provided that they have not been destroyed first.
- If recovering shields would cause your total shields to exceed the maximum that your evo shield can provide, excess temporary shields are LOST.
- Temporary shields act like normal shields, except that they ALWAYS take damage first before normal shields - even if they are recovered after gaining temporary shields.