Nox Gas Trap Tactical Q/LB/L1/LB
Nox Gas Trap
Description Place up to 6 canisters that release deadly Nox gas when shot or triggered by enemies.
Cooldown 20 seconds

  • You can hold up to three charges of this ability, and gain one charge every 20 seconds. Up to six traps can be active on the map at once, and you're able to pick up unactivated traps to regain a charge.
  • When an enemy gets close to a trap, it releases a cloud of gas that deals damage per second to enemies caught within, ignoring shields.
    • A triggered trap lasts 11 seconds. After the barrel expires, the gas lingers for 2 additional seconds.
    • Each damage tick deals 5 damage to start, then ramps up by 1 every tick. (e.g. 5, 6, 7, etc.)
      • Each additional source of gas damage will only increase the DPS by 1.
      • On downed enemies, this damage rate stays at a flat 5/sec.
    • Bullets striking the top of a trap will also cause it to go off. However, shooting the base will destroy it without releasing gas.
    • Enemies will be slowed inside the gas after the first damage tick for 2 seconds and are unable to sprint. Squadmates aren't affected by this.
  • After being activated, the barrels have 150 HP, and the gas will linger for 2 seconds after the barrel is destroyed.
  • If a player is standing on top of an uninflated trap, it will not inflate until the player moves off of it.

  • Gas traps are susceptible to friendly damage from both Caustic and his allies.
  • Wattson's Interception Pylon Interception Pylons can shoot down traps in mid-air if they would have landed inside the range of the pylon, but not traps that are already fully inflated on the ground.
  • The gas can damage both Wattson's Interception Pylon Pylons and Perimeter Security Perimeter Security nodes.
  • Mirage's decoys can trigger the traps but wont reveal Caustic's location to his squad anymore instead they are destroyed and dissapear, this is because of a recent nerf to mirage's decoys.
  • Lifeline's D.O.C. Heal Drone D.O.C. Heal Drone will malfunction while inside of the gas and will not be able to heal anyone.
  • Crypto's Surveillance Drone Surveillance Drone can be damaged by the gas.
  • Rampart's Amped Cover Amped barriers can be damaged by the gas.

  • Think of the traps as a short range throwable, and throw it like a short range grenade when needed. In heat of battle, an extra distraction for the enemy can be an extra help for you; they have to either shoot you or the gas trap.
    • This is especially helpful when an enemy squad is inside a building. They can be thrown inside through doorways and be very deadly if they are in a small space.
  • When outnumbered or in a sticky situation, throw multiple traps around you. The enemy's bullets will hit your traps, setting them off, and allowing you to escape or heal to stay in the fight.
  • You can use your traps as smoke bombs, to throw some cover for sniper fire or general confusion.
  • A squad that manages to get their Caustic to end game (such as Round 6 as it is almost done shrinking) will have the advantage over other squads that don't have a Caustic. Caustic's abilities increase in utility as the play area shrinks. Furthermore, Caustic can prevent scenarios of Heal Off Victories from happening as it's harder to heal in the gas and ring damage.
  • It's good to throw a trap in a smokescreen generated by a Bangalore's Smoke Launcher Smoke Launcher, especially if enemies are hiding in it. This will also highlight enemies in green due to Nox Vision Nox Vision, and allow you an unfettered view of the enemies.
  • When going through Wraith's Dimensional Rift Dimensional Rift portals, throw a trap at the end to catch enemies off guard trying to get your squad from behind and reveal their position due to your passive.
  • Throwing a trap in front of a door prevents it from opening to that side. You can use this to block doors and protect yourself, or to trap enemies inside an enclosed room. If they break down the door, the trap will activate and you’ll be informed of their location.
    • When Caustic is throwing a trap, shooting the trap before it activates completely will destroy it.
    • If it's deployed, remember to shoot the base of the trap before it activates will destroy it without releasing the gas.
    • If it's activated, destroying the trap will cause the gas to dissipate within 2 seconds.

  • If you throw the trap underneath you, there will still be a hitbox for the trap even though they do not inflate. This may be because traps used to be able to inflate on players, allowing them to sit inside it.
  • Throwing the trap under Lifeline's Care Package Care Package before it lands will cause the trap to slowly fly away.
  • Occasionally if you or a teammate touch a recently placed trap, It will begin to slide away.
  • Placing a gas trap right next to a closed-door when the player is right next to the door or when a trap is deploying next to a closed-door that is propped open causes the player located where the trap was deployed to be crushed.
  • Gas traps which are deployed on top of Gilbratar's Dome of Protection Dome of Protection will stay "floating" at their positions after the shield is gone.
  • Throwing a trap on the ground from a high height before the player hits the ground and landing on the trap can remove/reduce the fall stun, similar to Horizon's Spacewalk Spacewalk ability.

  • You can hold up to three charges of this ability, and gain one charge every 20 seconds. Up to six traps can be active on the map at once, and you're able to pick up unactivated traps to regain a charge.
  • When an enemy gets close to a trap, it releases a cloud of gas that deals damage per second to enemies caught within, ignoring shields.
    • A triggered trap lasts 11 seconds. After the barrel expires, the gas lingers for 2 additional seconds.
    • Each damage tick deals 5 damage to start, then ramps up by 1 every tick. (e.g. 5, 6, 7, etc.)
      • Each additional source of gas damage will only increase the DPS by 1.
      • On downed enemies, this damage rate stays at a flat 5/sec.
    • Bullets striking the top of a trap will also cause it to go off. However, shooting the base will destroy it without releasing gas.
    • Enemies will be slowed inside the gas after the first damage tick for 2 seconds and are unable to sprint. Squadmates aren't affected by this.
  • After being activated, the barrels have 150 HP, and the gas will linger for 2 seconds after the barrel is destroyed.
  • If a player is standing on top of an uninflated trap, it will not inflate until the player moves off of it.

  • Gas traps are susceptible to friendly damage from both Caustic and his allies.
  • Wattson's Interception Pylon Interception Pylons can shoot down traps in mid-air if they would have landed inside the range of the pylon, but not traps that are already fully inflated on the ground.
  • The gas can damage both Wattson's Interception Pylon Pylons and Perimeter Security Perimeter Security nodes.
  • Mirage's decoys can trigger the traps but wont reveal Caustic's location to his squad anymore instead they are destroyed and dissapear, this is because of a recent nerf to mirage's decoys.
  • Lifeline's D.O.C. Heal Drone D.O.C. Heal Drone will malfunction while inside of the gas and will not be able to heal anyone.
  • Crypto's Surveillance Drone Surveillance Drone can be damaged by the gas.
  • Rampart's Amped Cover Amped barriers can be damaged by the gas.

  • Think of the traps as a short range throwable, and throw it like a short range grenade when needed. In heat of battle, an extra distraction for the enemy can be an extra help for you; they have to either shoot you or the gas trap.
    • This is especially helpful when an enemy squad is inside a building. They can be thrown inside through doorways and be very deadly if they are in a small space.
  • When outnumbered or in a sticky situation, throw multiple traps around you. The enemy's bullets will hit your traps, setting them off, and allowing you to escape or heal to stay in the fight.
  • You can use your traps as smoke bombs, to throw some cover for sniper fire or general confusion.
  • A squad that manages to get their Caustic to end game (such as Round 6 as it is almost done shrinking) will have the advantage over other squads that don't have a Caustic. Caustic's abilities increase in utility as the play area shrinks. Furthermore, Caustic can prevent scenarios of Heal Off Victories from happening as it's harder to heal in the gas and ring damage.
  • It's good to throw a trap in a smokescreen generated by a Bangalore's Smoke Launcher Smoke Launcher, especially if enemies are hiding in it. This will also highlight enemies in green due to Nox Vision Nox Vision, and allow you an unfettered view of the enemies.
  • When going through Wraith's Dimensional Rift Dimensional Rift portals, throw a trap at the end to catch enemies off guard trying to get your squad from behind and reveal their position due to your passive.
  • Throwing a trap in front of a door prevents it from opening to that side. You can use this to block doors and protect yourself, or to trap enemies inside an enclosed room. If they break down the door, the trap will activate and you’ll be informed of their location.
    • When Caustic is throwing a trap, shooting the trap before it activates completely will destroy it.
    • If it's deployed, remember to shoot the base of the trap before it activates will destroy it without releasing the gas.
    • If it's activated, destroying the trap will cause the gas to dissipate within 2 seconds.

  • If you throw the trap underneath you, there will still be a hitbox for the trap even though they do not inflate. This may be because traps used to be able to inflate on players, allowing them to sit inside it.
  • Throwing the trap under Lifeline's Care Package Care Package before it lands will cause the trap to slowly fly away.
  • Occasionally if you or a teammate touch a recently placed trap, It will begin to slide away.
  • Placing a gas trap right next to a closed-door when the player is right next to the door or when a trap is deploying next to a closed-door that is propped open causes the player located where the trap was deployed to be crushed.
  • Gas traps which are deployed on top of Gilbratar's Dome of Protection Dome of Protection will stay "floating" at their positions after the shield is gone.
  • Throwing a trap on the ground from a high height before the player hits the ground and landing on the trap can remove/reduce the fall stun, similar to Horizon's Spacewalk Spacewalk ability.

  • You can hold up to three charges of this ability, and gain one charge every 20 seconds. Up to six traps can be active on the map at once, and you're able to pick up unactivated traps to regain a charge.
  • When an enemy gets close to a trap, it releases a cloud of gas that deals damage per second to enemies caught within, ignoring shields.
    • A triggered trap lasts 11 seconds. After the barrel expires, the gas lingers for 2 additional seconds.
    • Each damage tick deals 5 damage to start, then ramps up by 1 every tick. (e.g. 5, 6, 7, etc.)
      • Each additional source of gas damage will only increase the DPS by 1.
      • On downed enemies, this damage rate stays at a flat 5/sec.
    • Bullets striking the top of a trap will also cause it to go off. However, shooting the base will destroy it without releasing gas.
    • Enemies will be slowed inside the gas after the first damage tick for 2 seconds and are unable to sprint. Squadmates aren't affected by this.
  • After being activated, the barrels have 150 HP, and the gas will linger for 2 seconds after the barrel is destroyed.
  • If a player is standing on top of an uninflated trap, it will not inflate until the player moves off of it.

  • Gas traps are susceptible to friendly damage from both Caustic and his allies.
  • Wattson's Interception Pylon Interception Pylons can shoot down traps in mid-air if they would have landed inside the range of the pylon, but not traps that are already fully inflated on the ground.
  • The gas can damage both Wattson's Interception Pylon Pylons and Perimeter Security Perimeter Security nodes.
  • Mirage's decoys can trigger the traps but wont reveal Caustic's location to his squad anymore instead they are destroyed and dissapear, this is because of a recent nerf to mirage's decoys.
  • Lifeline's D.O.C. Heal Drone D.O.C. Heal Drone will malfunction while inside of the gas and will not be able to heal anyone.
  • Crypto's Surveillance Drone Surveillance Drone can be damaged by the gas.
  • Rampart's Amped Cover Amped barriers can be damaged by the gas.

  • Think of the traps as a short range throwable, and throw it like a short range grenade when needed. In heat of battle, an extra distraction for the enemy can be an extra help for you; they have to either shoot you or the gas trap.
    • This is especially helpful when an enemy squad is inside a building. They can be thrown inside through doorways and be very deadly if they are in a small space.
  • When outnumbered or in a sticky situation, throw multiple traps around you. The enemy's bullets will hit your traps, setting them off, and allowing you to escape or heal to stay in the fight.
  • You can use your traps as smoke bombs, to throw some cover for sniper fire or general confusion.
  • A squad that manages to get their Caustic to end game (such as Round 6 as it is almost done shrinking) will have the advantage over other squads that don't have a Caustic. Caustic's abilities increase in utility as the play area shrinks. Furthermore, Caustic can prevent scenarios of Heal Off Victories from happening as it's harder to heal in the gas and ring damage.
  • It's good to throw a trap in a smokescreen generated by a Bangalore's Smoke Launcher Smoke Launcher, especially if enemies are hiding in it. This will also highlight enemies in green due to Nox Vision Nox Vision, and allow you an unfettered view of the enemies.
  • When going through Wraith's Dimensional Rift Dimensional Rift portals, throw a trap at the end to catch enemies off guard trying to get your squad from behind and reveal their position due to your passive.
  • Throwing a trap in front of a door prevents it from opening to that side. You can use this to block doors and protect yourself, or to trap enemies inside an enclosed room. If they break down the door, the trap will activate and you’ll be informed of their location.
    • When Caustic is throwing a trap, shooting the trap before it activates completely will destroy it.
    • If it's deployed, remember to shoot the base of the trap before it activates will destroy it without releasing the gas.
    • If it's activated, destroying the trap will cause the gas to dissipate within 2 seconds.

  • If you throw the trap underneath you, there will still be a hitbox for the trap even though they do not inflate. This may be because traps used to be able to inflate on players, allowing them to sit inside it.
  • Throwing the trap under Lifeline's Care Package Care Package before it lands will cause the trap to slowly fly away.
  • Occasionally if you or a teammate touch a recently placed trap, It will begin to slide away.
  • Placing a gas trap right next to a closed-door when the player is right next to the door or when a trap is deploying next to a closed-door that is propped open causes the player located where the trap was deployed to be crushed.
  • Gas traps which are deployed on top of Gilbratar's Dome of Protection Dome of Protection will stay "floating" at their positions after the shield is gone.
  • Throwing a trap on the ground from a high height before the player hits the ground and landing on the trap can remove/reduce the fall stun, similar to Horizon's Spacewalk Spacewalk ability.


Nox Vision Passive
Nox Vision
Description You gain threat vision on enemies moving through your gas.

  • Caustic is immune to the effects of Nox Gas whether it belongs to him or an enemy Caustic.
  • Enemies inside the gas created from your Nox Gas Trap Nox Gas Traps and Nox Gas Grenade Nox Gas Grenades abilities are highlighted green, similar to Digital Threat Optics. This vision is obstructed by walls or other obstacles.

  • Your squadmates do not share this vision, so be sure to communicate to them the locations of enemies you can see.
  • Your threat vision doesn't work against other Caustics, forcing you to prioritize them, as they are immune to all Nox Gas effects and they can see your allies even if they are in your gas.

  • Caustic is immune to the effects of Nox Gas whether it belongs to him or an enemy Caustic.
  • Enemies inside the gas created from your Nox Gas Trap Nox Gas Traps and Nox Gas Grenade Nox Gas Grenades abilities are highlighted green, similar to Digital Threat Optics. This vision is obstructed by walls or other obstacles.

  • Your squadmates do not share this vision, so be sure to communicate to them the locations of enemies you can see.
  • Your threat vision doesn't work against other Caustics, forcing you to prioritize them, as they are immune to all Nox Gas effects and they can see your allies even if they are in your gas.

  • Caustic is immune to the effects of Nox Gas whether it belongs to him or an enemy Caustic.
  • Enemies inside the gas created from your Nox Gas Trap Nox Gas Traps and Nox Gas Grenade Nox Gas Grenades abilities are highlighted green, similar to Digital Threat Optics. This vision is obstructed by walls or other obstacles.

  • Your squadmates do not share this vision, so be sure to communicate to them the locations of enemies you can see.
  • Your threat vision doesn't work against other Caustics, forcing you to prioritize them, as they are immune to all Nox Gas effects and they can see your allies even if they are in your gas.


Nox Gas Grenade Ultimate Z/LB+RB/L1+R1/LB+RB
Nox Gas Grenade
Description Blankets a large area in Nox gas.
Charge time 3 minutes

  • Lasts 15 seconds.
  • Other than the wider area of effect, the gas's function is identical to that of Nox Gas Trap Nox Gas Traps.

  • The grenade can be shot down by Wattson's Interception Pylon Interception Pylon. However, if the grenade has already detonated, the pylon can't block any of the gas, and will even take damage from it.

  • Do not use Nox Gas Grenades and expect them to kill an entire squad. Similar to Bangalore's Rolling Thunder Rolling Thunder, its main utility comes in the fact that enemies are forced to either evacuate the area or suffer the consequences of damage, the inability to sprint and being highlighted by Nox Vision Nox Vision.
    • Since gas deals damage and slows enemies, use Nox Vision Nox Vision to hunt down and kill them while they are weakened. If you have Grenades, throw them into your gas when an enemy is caught-- this combo has the capability of wiping out full squads if enough players are caught in your gas.
  • Using this ability in large, open areas is often a waste. Try to save it for when enemies are occupying a building, a small area, or are hiding behind a cover too dangerous to bypass.
    • You can also use this ability to block chokepoints or cover/punish revives.
  • Try saving this for the last few rounds as his abilities increase in utility as the safe area shrinks. Furthermore, he can prevent scenarios of Heal Off Victories from happening as it's harder to heal in the gas and ring damage.

  • Lasts 15 seconds.
  • Other than the wider area of effect, the gas's function is identical to that of Nox Gas Trap Nox Gas Traps.

  • The grenade can be shot down by Wattson's Interception Pylon Interception Pylon. However, if the grenade has already detonated, the pylon can't block any of the gas, and will even take damage from it.

  • Do not use Nox Gas Grenades and expect them to kill an entire squad. Similar to Bangalore's Rolling Thunder Rolling Thunder, its main utility comes in the fact that enemies are forced to either evacuate the area or suffer the consequences of damage, the inability to sprint and being highlighted by Nox Vision Nox Vision.
    • Since gas deals damage and slows enemies, use Nox Vision Nox Vision to hunt down and kill them while they are weakened. If you have Grenades, throw them into your gas when an enemy is caught-- this combo has the capability of wiping out full squads if enough players are caught in your gas.
  • Using this ability in large, open areas is often a waste. Try to save it for when enemies are occupying a building, a small area, or are hiding behind a cover too dangerous to bypass.
    • You can also use this ability to block chokepoints or cover/punish revives.
  • Try saving this for the last few rounds as his abilities increase in utility as the safe area shrinks. Furthermore, he can prevent scenarios of Heal Off Victories from happening as it's harder to heal in the gas and ring damage.

  • Lasts 15 seconds.
  • Other than the wider area of effect, the gas's function is identical to that of Nox Gas Trap Nox Gas Traps.

  • The grenade can be shot down by Wattson's Interception Pylon Interception Pylon. However, if the grenade has already detonated, the pylon can't block any of the gas, and will even take damage from it.

  • Do not use Nox Gas Grenades and expect them to kill an entire squad. Similar to Bangalore's Rolling Thunder Rolling Thunder, its main utility comes in the fact that enemies are forced to either evacuate the area or suffer the consequences of damage, the inability to sprint and being highlighted by Nox Vision Nox Vision.
    • Since gas deals damage and slows enemies, use Nox Vision Nox Vision to hunt down and kill them while they are weakened. If you have Grenades, throw them into your gas when an enemy is caught-- this combo has the capability of wiping out full squads if enough players are caught in your gas.
  • Using this ability in large, open areas is often a waste. Try to save it for when enemies are occupying a building, a small area, or are hiding behind a cover too dangerous to bypass.
    • You can also use this ability to block chokepoints or cover/punish revives.
  • Try saving this for the last few rounds as his abilities increase in utility as the safe area shrinks. Furthermore, he can prevent scenarios of Heal Off Victories from happening as it's harder to heal in the gas and ring damage.


Fortified Perk
Description Incoming damage reduced by 15%. Not slowed by bullets.

  • Take 15% less damage from every attack, except headshots.

  • Don't overestimate this ability, 15% less generally translates to surviving 1 more shot.

  • Take 15% less damage from every attack, except headshots.

  • Don't overestimate this ability, 15% less generally translates to surviving 1 more shot.

  • Take 15% less damage from every attack, except headshots.

  • Don't overestimate this ability, 15% less generally translates to surviving 1 more shot.


Main article: Legend Upgrades