Eye of the Allfather Tactical Q/LB/L1/LB
Eye of the Allfather
Description Briefly reveal enemies, traps, and clues through all structures in front of you.
Cooldown 25 seconds

  • In a 125° cone in front of you, all enemies, traps, clues, and Loot Ticks are highlighted and tracked to be seen by you and your allies.
    • The maximum distance it will highlight is 75 meters.
    • It will also tell you how many hostiles were detected. With the maxed number of detected hostiles being 10, any higher will read as "10+ HOSTILES DETECTED".
    • The full-body scan lasts 1 second, while the tracking marker lasts 3 seconds.
    • Enemies caught in the scan will see 'SONAR DETECTED' on their HUD.
  • It takes 1.8s for the ability to activate.

  • As soon as you find yourself in a battle, start scanning. The enemy already knows your general location regardless.

  • While in the Firing Range with friendly-fire on, scanning your teammates and then turning off friendly fire will make them stay scanned for the duration of their stay.
  • In rare cases, the ability can deflect certain items such as grenades or Horizon's Black Hole Black Hole, even though the scan should be a visual effect.

  • In a 125° cone in front of you, all enemies, traps, clues, and Loot Ticks are highlighted and tracked to be seen by you and your allies.
    • The maximum distance it will highlight is 75 meters.
    • It will also tell you how many hostiles were detected. With the maxed number of detected hostiles being 10, any higher will read as "10+ HOSTILES DETECTED".
    • The full-body scan lasts 1 second, while the tracking marker lasts 3 seconds.
    • Enemies caught in the scan will see 'SONAR DETECTED' on their HUD.
  • It takes 1.8s for the ability to activate.

  • As soon as you find yourself in a battle, start scanning. The enemy already knows your general location regardless.

  • While in the Firing Range with friendly-fire on, scanning your teammates and then turning off friendly fire will make them stay scanned for the duration of their stay.
  • In rare cases, the ability can deflect certain items such as grenades or Horizon's Black Hole Black Hole, even though the scan should be a visual effect.

  • In a 125° cone in front of you, all enemies, traps, clues, and Loot Ticks are highlighted and tracked to be seen by you and your allies.
    • The maximum distance it will highlight is 75 meters.
    • It will also tell you how many hostiles were detected. With the maxed number of detected hostiles being 10, any higher will read as "10+ HOSTILES DETECTED".
    • The full-body scan lasts 1 second, while the tracking marker lasts 3 seconds.
    • Enemies caught in the scan will see 'SONAR DETECTED' on their HUD.
  • It takes 1.8s for the ability to activate.

  • As soon as you find yourself in a battle, start scanning. The enemy already knows your general location regardless.

  • While in the Firing Range with friendly-fire on, scanning your teammates and then turning off friendly fire will make them stay scanned for the duration of their stay.
  • In rare cases, the ability can deflect certain items such as grenades or Horizon's Black Hole Black Hole, even though the scan should be a visual effect.


Tracker Passive
Description Foes leave behind clues for you to find. White Ravens may appear to guide you to battle and charge your abilities.

  • Actions performed by enemies leave markers that Bloodhound can see. See below for all actions that leave evidence.
    • Clues will note how long ago they occurred, and vanish after 90 seconds.
    • Bloodhound can ping clues for teammates, either as Ping Someones Been Here Someone's Been Here or Ping Recent Battle Recent Battle Here
  • When no enemies are around, Bloodhound can see White Ravens in the world, which can be interacted with to cause them to fly towards the nearest enemy.
    • Scanning a White Raven will also activate it, and fully refunds the tactical charge.
    • White Ravens spawns 50 meters away from your current position when you are approximately 180 meters away from the closest enemy.
    • When activated, White Ravens will fly toward the enemy (will be about 180m from the origin) and leave a trail behind them; both the trail and new raven marker are visible on the minimap for Bloodhound and their squad.

  • When going near tracks, you can call them out to your squadmates using a ping to share your knowledge with them.
  • Red Tracks are fresh tracks and the enemy is likely nearby.
  • Grey Tracks are old tracks. The enemy hasn't been in that area in about a minute.

  • Actions performed by enemies leave markers that Bloodhound can see. See below for all actions that leave evidence.
    • Clues will note how long ago they occurred, and vanish after 90 seconds.
    • Bloodhound can ping clues for teammates, either as Ping Someones Been Here Someone's Been Here or Ping Recent Battle Recent Battle Here
  • When no enemies are around, Bloodhound can see White Ravens in the world, which can be interacted with to cause them to fly towards the nearest enemy.
    • Scanning a White Raven will also activate it, and fully refunds the tactical charge.
    • White Ravens spawns 50 meters away from your current position when you are approximately 180 meters away from the closest enemy.
    • When activated, White Ravens will fly toward the enemy (will be about 180m from the origin) and leave a trail behind them; both the trail and new raven marker are visible on the minimap for Bloodhound and their squad.

  • When going near tracks, you can call them out to your squadmates using a ping to share your knowledge with them.
  • Red Tracks are fresh tracks and the enemy is likely nearby.
  • Grey Tracks are old tracks. The enemy hasn't been in that area in about a minute.

  • Actions performed by enemies leave markers that Bloodhound can see. See below for all actions that leave evidence.
    • Clues will note how long ago they occurred, and vanish after 90 seconds.
    • Bloodhound can ping clues for teammates, either as Ping Someones Been Here Someone's Been Here or Ping Recent Battle Recent Battle Here
  • When no enemies are around, Bloodhound can see White Ravens in the world, which can be interacted with to cause them to fly towards the nearest enemy.
    • Scanning a White Raven will also activate it, and fully refunds the tactical charge.
    • White Ravens spawns 50 meters away from your current position when you are approximately 180 meters away from the closest enemy.
    • When activated, White Ravens will fly toward the enemy (will be about 180m from the origin) and leave a trail behind them; both the trail and new raven marker are visible on the minimap for Bloodhound and their squad.

  • When going near tracks, you can call them out to your squadmates using a ping to share your knowledge with them.
  • Red Tracks are fresh tracks and the enemy is likely nearby.
  • Grey Tracks are old tracks. The enemy hasn't been in that area in about a minute.


Beast of the Hunt Ultimate Z/LB+RB/L1+R1/LB+RB
Beast of the Hunt
Description Transform into the ultimate hunter. Launches a White Raven and enhances senses to see cold tracks and move faster. Knockdowns extend duration.
Charge time 3 minutes

  • Lasts 30 seconds, and immediately ends when downed.
    • Upon activation, immediately deploys a White Raven which flies toward the nearest enemy. Each enemy downed will cause additional White Ravens to spawn.
      • Scanning a White Raven during your Ultimate will overcharge your Ultimate by 25% per scan and refund the tactical charge.
  • Increases your speed by 30%.
  • Your vision turns black and white, except for enemies, which are highlighted in red.
    • Enemy footprints are also highlighted in red.
    • Certain things will retain a little color, including the edge of The Ring, grenade explosions, and various enemy abilities respectively.
    • Teammates are highlighted in blue.

  • While active, you can see enemies through Bangalore's or Caustic smokes.
  • Since footsteps are tracked, Beast of the Hunt is a great way of finishing off a weakened enemy or finding a hiding foe.
  • Since enemies are highlighted in all red, it's much easier to see them from long to extreme range. This makes Beast of the Hunt a great scouting and sniping skill.
  • Because your vision is in black and white it can be hard to see the level of enemies' shields and loot on the ground.
  • When activated Bloodhound makes a noise that nearby enemies can hear. Don't activate it if you are trying to be sneaky as it can give away the general area you are in.
  • Take advantage of the faster activation speed and cooldown of Eye of the Allfather Eye of the Allfather while this ability is active and scan away.

  • Lasts 30 seconds, and immediately ends when downed.
    • Upon activation, immediately deploys a White Raven which flies toward the nearest enemy. Each enemy downed will cause additional White Ravens to spawn.
      • Scanning a White Raven during your Ultimate will overcharge your Ultimate by 25% per scan and refund the tactical charge.
  • Increases your speed by 30%.
  • Your vision turns black and white, except for enemies, which are highlighted in red.
    • Enemy footprints are also highlighted in red.
    • Certain things will retain a little color, including the edge of The Ring, grenade explosions, and various enemy abilities respectively.
    • Teammates are highlighted in blue.

  • While active, you can see enemies through Bangalore's or Caustic smokes.
  • Since footsteps are tracked, Beast of the Hunt is a great way of finishing off a weakened enemy or finding a hiding foe.
  • Since enemies are highlighted in all red, it's much easier to see them from long to extreme range. This makes Beast of the Hunt a great scouting and sniping skill.
  • Because your vision is in black and white it can be hard to see the level of enemies' shields and loot on the ground.
  • When activated Bloodhound makes a noise that nearby enemies can hear. Don't activate it if you are trying to be sneaky as it can give away the general area you are in.
  • Take advantage of the faster activation speed and cooldown of Eye of the Allfather Eye of the Allfather while this ability is active and scan away.

  • Lasts 30 seconds, and immediately ends when downed.
    • Upon activation, immediately deploys a White Raven which flies toward the nearest enemy. Each enemy downed will cause additional White Ravens to spawn.
      • Scanning a White Raven during your Ultimate will overcharge your Ultimate by 25% per scan and refund the tactical charge.
  • Increases your speed by 30%.
  • Your vision turns black and white, except for enemies, which are highlighted in red.
    • Enemy footprints are also highlighted in red.
    • Certain things will retain a little color, including the edge of The Ring, grenade explosions, and various enemy abilities respectively.
    • Teammates are highlighted in blue.

  • While active, you can see enemies through Bangalore's or Caustic smokes.
  • Since footsteps are tracked, Beast of the Hunt is a great way of finishing off a weakened enemy or finding a hiding foe.
  • Since enemies are highlighted in all red, it's much easier to see them from long to extreme range. This makes Beast of the Hunt a great scouting and sniping skill.
  • Because your vision is in black and white it can be hard to see the level of enemies' shields and loot on the ground.
  • When activated Bloodhound makes a noise that nearby enemies can hear. Don't activate it if you are trying to be sneaky as it can give away the general area you are in.
  • Take advantage of the faster activation speed and cooldown of Eye of the Allfather Eye of the Allfather while this ability is active and scan away.


Main article: Legend Upgrades