Whistler Tactical Q/LB/L1/LB
Description Shoots a projectile that heats up an enemy's gun as they shoot. Overheating causes damage. Hold the tactical to lock-on.
Cooldown 25 seconds

  • Deals 20 impact damage.
  • Applies the "Overheat" effect.
    • Effect lasts 8 seconds, during which time if the victim fires their weapon for too long, they will receive 30 damage and be unable to fire their weapon for 1 second. The effect is subsequently removed.
      • The impact damage can knock a player, however the overheat damage will not knock a player; if they have 30 HP or less, they will be reduced to 1 HP.
    • A visible heat meter will be displayed above the affected player, showing how close they are to overheating.
    • The heat meter will fill as the player fires their weapon.
    • After not firing for one second, the heat meter will gradually deplete again.
  • If the Whistler does not hit a target directly, it will temporarily stick to surfaces, creating a visible area-of-effect bubble that will cause the dart to hit an enemy if they get too close.
    • The bubble is visible through walls, but a player will only be affected by the dart if they enter the bubble while in line-of-sight of the dart.
    • If a player is hit by the bubble instead of being directly hit, they will receive 10 damage instead of 20. The overheat effect will still apply as normal.
  • Holding the Tactical button will delay the launch while enabling the auto-reticle; if locked on, reticle will turn from blue to yellow. Melee cancels the launch.
    • Autoaim can be acquired until 75m. If line-of-sight is broken, or goes beyond 75m, the lock will be maintained for another 5 seconds.
    • Once launched, the lock will be maintained; the bullet can make one turn in mid-air.
  • If a victim is locked on by Whistler, they will have a warning banner that say "missile locked."
  • Whistler can be used at the same time as other actions: firing, reloading, healing, etc.

  • Whistler can be used as a short-term deterrent for a localized area. Its damage is minimal, but if you fire a whistler dart at a doorframe it will be visible and serve as a moderate short-term deterrent against people going through that door.
  • As it is a left hand cast, as soon as you start some healing process, press and hold tactical to protect yourself in the off chance enemies come by.

  • Deals 20 impact damage.
  • Applies the "Overheat" effect.
    • Effect lasts 8 seconds, during which time if the victim fires their weapon for too long, they will receive 30 damage and be unable to fire their weapon for 1 second. The effect is subsequently removed.
      • The impact damage can knock a player, however the overheat damage will not knock a player; if they have 30 HP or less, they will be reduced to 1 HP.
    • A visible heat meter will be displayed above the affected player, showing how close they are to overheating.
    • The heat meter will fill as the player fires their weapon.
    • After not firing for one second, the heat meter will gradually deplete again.
  • If the Whistler does not hit a target directly, it will temporarily stick to surfaces, creating a visible area-of-effect bubble that will cause the dart to hit an enemy if they get too close.
    • The bubble is visible through walls, but a player will only be affected by the dart if they enter the bubble while in line-of-sight of the dart.
    • If a player is hit by the bubble instead of being directly hit, they will receive 10 damage instead of 20. The overheat effect will still apply as normal.
  • Holding the Tactical button will delay the launch while enabling the auto-reticle; if locked on, reticle will turn from blue to yellow. Melee cancels the launch.
    • Autoaim can be acquired until 75m. If line-of-sight is broken, or goes beyond 75m, the lock will be maintained for another 5 seconds.
    • Once launched, the lock will be maintained; the bullet can make one turn in mid-air.
  • If a victim is locked on by Whistler, they will have a warning banner that say "missile locked."
  • Whistler can be used at the same time as other actions: firing, reloading, healing, etc.

  • Whistler can be used as a short-term deterrent for a localized area. Its damage is minimal, but if you fire a whistler dart at a doorframe it will be visible and serve as a moderate short-term deterrent against people going through that door.
  • As it is a left hand cast, as soon as you start some healing process, press and hold tactical to protect yourself in the off chance enemies come by.

  • Deals 20 impact damage.
  • Applies the "Overheat" effect.
    • Effect lasts 8 seconds, during which time if the victim fires their weapon for too long, they will receive 30 damage and be unable to fire their weapon for 1 second. The effect is subsequently removed.
      • The impact damage can knock a player, however the overheat damage will not knock a player; if they have 30 HP or less, they will be reduced to 1 HP.
    • A visible heat meter will be displayed above the affected player, showing how close they are to overheating.
    • The heat meter will fill as the player fires their weapon.
    • After not firing for one second, the heat meter will gradually deplete again.
  • If the Whistler does not hit a target directly, it will temporarily stick to surfaces, creating a visible area-of-effect bubble that will cause the dart to hit an enemy if they get too close.
    • The bubble is visible through walls, but a player will only be affected by the dart if they enter the bubble while in line-of-sight of the dart.
    • If a player is hit by the bubble instead of being directly hit, they will receive 10 damage instead of 20. The overheat effect will still apply as normal.
  • Holding the Tactical button will delay the launch while enabling the auto-reticle; if locked on, reticle will turn from blue to yellow. Melee cancels the launch.
    • Autoaim can be acquired until 75m. If line-of-sight is broken, or goes beyond 75m, the lock will be maintained for another 5 seconds.
    • Once launched, the lock will be maintained; the bullet can make one turn in mid-air.
  • If a victim is locked on by Whistler, they will have a warning banner that say "missile locked."
  • Whistler can be used at the same time as other actions: firing, reloading, healing, etc.

  • Whistler can be used as a short-term deterrent for a localized area. Its damage is minimal, but if you fire a whistler dart at a doorframe it will be visible and serve as a moderate short-term deterrent against people going through that door.
  • As it is a left hand cast, as soon as you start some healing process, press and hold tactical to protect yourself in the off chance enemies come by.


Sling Passive
Description Store a third weapon in the sling. Access either via inventory or Character Utility Action. The sling weapon cannot take attachments.

  • The weapon in the sling will be automatically equipped with all common atattchments, unless the Sling-Shot perk is taken at Level 2.
  • The weapon in the sling can be swapped out with one of the two primary weapons via the inventory screen.
  • Supply Drop Weapons and any tier Fully Kitted Weapons cannot be stored in the sling in Battle Royale.
  • Only Rare and epic tier Fully Kitted Weapons are temporary stripped as based weapons in Control and Team Deathmatch Mode.

  • You can use the sling to store a weapon for teammate, allowing you to either store a gun for a to-be-respawned teammate, or just be a mule for a teammate who is looking for a particular gun. Store relevant attachments in inventory.
  • Note that you will also have to carry ammo for the sling weapon. Alternatively, pick guns that utilize the same ammo type as your primary-secondary.
  • Decide whether you want to pick the sling weapon for general use (as a backup), or one that will benefit the most from Tempest Tempest.
    • For the former, shotguns are often a good choice, as their damage potential is often substantial without attachments, and all benefit quite strongly from the Shotgun Bolt Shotgun Bolt.
    • For the latter, it's best to carry a weapon that requires hop ups, has charge up mechanics, or generally benefits from being fully kitted, e.g. the Rampage LMG, HAVOC Rifle, EVA-8 Auto or RE-45 Auto.
      • Most automatic weapons are limited without attachments, due to recoil or low magazine sizes. LMGs tend to have a slow ready speed and ADS movement speed.
    • Snipers are considered a bad choice, as it is difficult to utilize them as a back up weapon without attachments (especially Optics, and Tempest is best used when pushing enemies.
  • If you find yourself using Snipers only occasionally but still feel the need to reach that range in the off-chance, Vantage can be better than Ballistic as a "Three-weapon Legend". Aside from ensuring you will have two good kitted guns, Vantage has good movement capability, and her ultimate doesn't require storage of sniper bullets.

  • The weapon in the sling will be automatically equipped with all common atattchments, unless the Sling-Shot perk is taken at Level 2.
  • The weapon in the sling can be swapped out with one of the two primary weapons via the inventory screen.
  • Supply Drop Weapons and any tier Fully Kitted Weapons cannot be stored in the sling in Battle Royale.
  • Only Rare and epic tier Fully Kitted Weapons are temporary stripped as based weapons in Control and Team Deathmatch Mode.

  • You can use the sling to store a weapon for teammate, allowing you to either store a gun for a to-be-respawned teammate, or just be a mule for a teammate who is looking for a particular gun. Store relevant attachments in inventory.
  • Note that you will also have to carry ammo for the sling weapon. Alternatively, pick guns that utilize the same ammo type as your primary-secondary.
  • Decide whether you want to pick the sling weapon for general use (as a backup), or one that will benefit the most from Tempest Tempest.
    • For the former, shotguns are often a good choice, as their damage potential is often substantial without attachments, and all benefit quite strongly from the Shotgun Bolt Shotgun Bolt.
    • For the latter, it's best to carry a weapon that requires hop ups, has charge up mechanics, or generally benefits from being fully kitted, e.g. the Rampage LMG, HAVOC Rifle, EVA-8 Auto or RE-45 Auto.
      • Most automatic weapons are limited without attachments, due to recoil or low magazine sizes. LMGs tend to have a slow ready speed and ADS movement speed.
    • Snipers are considered a bad choice, as it is difficult to utilize them as a back up weapon without attachments (especially Optics, and Tempest is best used when pushing enemies.
  • If you find yourself using Snipers only occasionally but still feel the need to reach that range in the off-chance, Vantage can be better than Ballistic as a "Three-weapon Legend". Aside from ensuring you will have two good kitted guns, Vantage has good movement capability, and her ultimate doesn't require storage of sniper bullets.

  • The weapon in the sling will be automatically equipped with all common atattchments, unless the Sling-Shot perk is taken at Level 2.
  • The weapon in the sling can be swapped out with one of the two primary weapons via the inventory screen.
  • Supply Drop Weapons and any tier Fully Kitted Weapons cannot be stored in the sling in Battle Royale.
  • Only Rare and epic tier Fully Kitted Weapons are temporary stripped as based weapons in Control and Team Deathmatch Mode.

  • You can use the sling to store a weapon for teammate, allowing you to either store a gun for a to-be-respawned teammate, or just be a mule for a teammate who is looking for a particular gun. Store relevant attachments in inventory.
  • Note that you will also have to carry ammo for the sling weapon. Alternatively, pick guns that utilize the same ammo type as your primary-secondary.
  • Decide whether you want to pick the sling weapon for general use (as a backup), or one that will benefit the most from Tempest Tempest.
    • For the former, shotguns are often a good choice, as their damage potential is often substantial without attachments, and all benefit quite strongly from the Shotgun Bolt Shotgun Bolt.
    • For the latter, it's best to carry a weapon that requires hop ups, has charge up mechanics, or generally benefits from being fully kitted, e.g. the Rampage LMG, HAVOC Rifle, EVA-8 Auto or RE-45 Auto.
      • Most automatic weapons are limited without attachments, due to recoil or low magazine sizes. LMGs tend to have a slow ready speed and ADS movement speed.
    • Snipers are considered a bad choice, as it is difficult to utilize them as a back up weapon without attachments (especially Optics, and Tempest is best used when pushing enemies.
  • If you find yourself using Snipers only occasionally but still feel the need to reach that range in the off-chance, Vantage can be better than Ballistic as a "Three-weapon Legend". Aside from ensuring you will have two good kitted guns, Vantage has good movement capability, and her ultimate doesn't require storage of sniper bullets.


Tempest Ultimate Z/LB+RB/L1+R1/LB+RB
Description When activated, nearby teammates get faster reloads, faster armed move speed, and infinite ammo. Ballistic's sling weapon will be equipped and upgraded to legendary.
Charge time 2 minutes

  • Takes 3 seconds to activate and lasts 30 seconds.
    • When Tempest is activated, pressing the "Ultimate" key will bring out the sling weapon
  • Duration is increased by 5 seconds per kill (by anyone affected by Tempest) during the activation period.
  • Affects teammates within a radius of 90 meters. Once they gain the autoloader effect, they can move beyond the radius while retaining the effect.
  • The faster armed move speed is identical to holster speed.
  • The sling weapon cannot be swapped to regular slot, nor disposed of, during the duration of the ultimate.
    • If the sling is empty, equipping a gun to the sling while Tempest is active will upgrade it to Legendary.

  • Sling weapon upgrades when Tempest activate:
    • Snipers will have a 4x-10x Digital Sniper Threat 4x-10x Digital Sniper Threat
    • AR/LMG/Shotguns will have a 2x HCOG Bruiser 2x HCOG "Bruiser"
    • Marksmans will have a 2x-4x Variable AOG 2x-4x Variable AOG
    • Amp/Rev-able guns (Sentinel, Rampage LMG) will cause them to become Sniper Ammo Amped Amped / Heavy Rounds Revved Up Revved Up/Amped.
    • Guns with a hop-up slot will gain the hop-up.
  • The speed boost stacks with other legends' speed boosts.
  • Once activated, not affected by Crypto's Drone EMP Drone EMP

  • Keep in mind it does have a small wind-up time. Activate it before fights.
  • Tempest is best used when pushing with your teammates, especially when paired with agressive legends such as Octane and Pathfinder.

  • Takes 3 seconds to activate and lasts 30 seconds.
    • When Tempest is activated, pressing the "Ultimate" key will bring out the sling weapon
  • Duration is increased by 5 seconds per kill (by anyone affected by Tempest) during the activation period.
  • Affects teammates within a radius of 90 meters. Once they gain the autoloader effect, they can move beyond the radius while retaining the effect.
  • The faster armed move speed is identical to holster speed.
  • The sling weapon cannot be swapped to regular slot, nor disposed of, during the duration of the ultimate.
    • If the sling is empty, equipping a gun to the sling while Tempest is active will upgrade it to Legendary.

  • Sling weapon upgrades when Tempest activate:
    • Snipers will have a 4x-10x Digital Sniper Threat 4x-10x Digital Sniper Threat
    • AR/LMG/Shotguns will have a 2x HCOG Bruiser 2x HCOG "Bruiser"
    • Marksmans will have a 2x-4x Variable AOG 2x-4x Variable AOG
    • Amp/Rev-able guns (Sentinel, Rampage LMG) will cause them to become Sniper Ammo Amped Amped / Heavy Rounds Revved Up Revved Up/Amped.
    • Guns with a hop-up slot will gain the hop-up.
  • The speed boost stacks with other legends' speed boosts.
  • Once activated, not affected by Crypto's Drone EMP Drone EMP

  • Keep in mind it does have a small wind-up time. Activate it before fights.
  • Tempest is best used when pushing with your teammates, especially when paired with agressive legends such as Octane and Pathfinder.

  • Takes 3 seconds to activate and lasts 30 seconds.
    • When Tempest is activated, pressing the "Ultimate" key will bring out the sling weapon
  • Duration is increased by 5 seconds per kill (by anyone affected by Tempest) during the activation period.
  • Affects teammates within a radius of 90 meters. Once they gain the autoloader effect, they can move beyond the radius while retaining the effect.
  • The faster armed move speed is identical to holster speed.
  • The sling weapon cannot be swapped to regular slot, nor disposed of, during the duration of the ultimate.
    • If the sling is empty, equipping a gun to the sling while Tempest is active will upgrade it to Legendary.

  • Sling weapon upgrades when Tempest activate:
    • Snipers will have a 4x-10x Digital Sniper Threat 4x-10x Digital Sniper Threat
    • AR/LMG/Shotguns will have a 2x HCOG Bruiser 2x HCOG "Bruiser"
    • Marksmans will have a 2x-4x Variable AOG 2x-4x Variable AOG
    • Amp/Rev-able guns (Sentinel, Rampage LMG) will cause them to become Sniper Ammo Amped Amped / Heavy Rounds Revved Up Revved Up/Amped.
    • Guns with a hop-up slot will gain the hop-up.
  • The speed boost stacks with other legends' speed boosts.
  • Once activated, not affected by Crypto's Drone EMP Drone EMP

  • Keep in mind it does have a small wind-up time. Activate it before fights.
  • Tempest is best used when pushing with your teammates, especially when paired with agressive legends such as Octane and Pathfinder.


Main article: Legend Upgrades