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The# Sunset - callasoid

View on Mastodon  Favs: 1 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 1 -2024-07-25 17:30:45

Et tu, ?

The flippin me tbh

View on Mastodon  Favs: 1 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 0 -2024-07-25 17:15:53


Akkoma allows it.
Twitter allows locking old posts
Bluesky allows restricting access.

I dont get the fedi.

I found a few issues on github too bemoaning the lack of this feature..

its sad

View on Mastodon  Favs: 1 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 0 -2024-07-25 17:15:24


View on Mastodon  Favs: 0 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 0 -2024-07-25 16:41:31

Time for le shop 😻


View on Mastodon  Favs: 1 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 0 -2024-07-25 16:12:02

I'll be off for a bit.
This is very depressing...

View on Mastodon  Favs: 0 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 0 -2024-07-25 11:25:59

So let me get this straight.


physically, change the status of a post that has been posted previously anymore ?

It is set into stone ?


*looks at all those shiny delete buttons*

I'm btw very annoyed if you can't tell.

I knew actipub had issues.
I knew mastodon can be weird.

But I *never* expected there to be a block even if you tried.

View on Mastodon  Favs: 0 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 1 -2024-07-25 11:24:14

There are days when I and its api.

Why tflip is it returning and runs out of the 500 limit ???

The data is stored in format and it still renders wrong ?

What about and media ?

View on Mastodon  Favs: 0 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 0 -2024-07-25 11:09:25

Wanna hear a ?

It's easier to batch posts with 's than to their state

Pretty funny huh ?

I read that in a fortune cookie called "api documentation"
and "why we are not good at our job"

View on Mastodon  Favs: 0 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 0 -2024-07-25 11:06:02

Do not get concerned if things look rough on this account rn. I'm experimenting with something.
(as I found a @Gargron and team seem to be too lazy to care about - or reason away..)

Current bodycount:
200 posts.

All is ok.
We will get this one. trust me.

View on Mastodon  Favs: 0 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 0 -2024-07-25 10:36:43

Flip. I'm failing at class....

Excues me for a few thousand secs

View on Mastodon  Favs: 0 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 0 -2024-07-25 10:33:45

Weight of the World / Nouveau

View on Mastodon  Favs: 1 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 0 -2024-07-19 08:47:19

"Low Quality Outputs"

Are you.... me ?

Don't make me regret this.. llama kun.

View on Mastodon  Favs: 1 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 0 -2024-07-19 01:02:18

reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International" /v sDecimal /t REG_SZ /d . /f

and we are back to normal..

(But dang..
You could screw with someones head.. like this

ablobcatsweatzipzoom )

View on Mastodon  Favs: 2 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 0 -2024-07-18 22:01:58

Oh how fun.

The cute lil decimal . - , story now permanently broke file transfer display text.

what a weak

View on Mastodon  Favs: 1 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 1 -2024-07-18 21:59:47


I think I can safely say now:
"This is the most I have"

Thank god I like more than flippin
(I hate blender.)


And this video ? Feels straight up like one of these paper doll

View on Mastodon  Favs: 2 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 1 -2024-07-18 21:10:31

I think I'd rather have 2 lessons than dealing with this ...


View on Mastodon  Favs: 1 - Boosts: 2 - Replies: 0 -2024-07-18 20:26:51

  Favs: 0 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 0 -2024-07-18 20:19:43


I love this picture tbh.

View on Mastodon  Favs: 1 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 0 -2024-07-18 20:19:41


Transfering both and from SusatoMikotoba to 2B Kimono

Is kinda looking like it could lead somewhere.
They are still misaligned.

An no textures either.
But it is surprising that this does something only 95% scarring.

View on Mastodon  Favs: 1 - Boosts: 0 - Replies: 1 -2024-07-18 20:09:42
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